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Joel L. Campillanos PROF.

Comprehending the Text c. religious freedom has
A. Fill in the blanks to best complete developed religious tolerance
the idea of each statement. Give the d. the public school system was
letter that corresponds to your choice. established as a safeguard
against the dangers of
1. Based on the first two sentences, democracy
the essay was most probably written in
the 6. The author gives the roost
. importance to the Filipino as a .
a. 1920s c. 1940s a. thinker c. doer
b. 1960s d. 1980s b. citizen d. gentleman
2. The essay directly states that 7. The purpose of the author is to .
education is for the good of both a. give a profile of an
the individual and . educated Filipino
a. his parent c. his b. define democracy
community c. explain the benefits of
b. the school d. good education
his country d. compare the old and the
new concept of education
3. According to the selection, the growth
of public schools and the establishment 8. The essay states that the core of our
of democratic institutions have developed national life consists of our character,
our culture, and our
a. national pride a. values c. education
b. religious freedom b. national history d. ideals
c. national consciousness
d. religious tolerance 9. The writer believes that the
4. This power in the statement in Westerner is a doer while the Oriental is
Number 3 refers to the power a -
a. to translate c. of growth a. worker c. manager
b. to do d. to know b. lover d. thinker
5. The essay implies that .
a. the educated Filipino has the 10. The educated Filipino is not ignorant
power to do of his country's .
b. there are built-in dangers a. future c. debts
to democracy b. destiny d. history

B. Put a check before the word or phrase that characterizes the educated Filipino.

 1. a man of action  8. knows his country and his people

 2. a reflective thinker  9. has refined manners and speech
3. productive 10. prepares wholesome meals
 4. efficient 11. has good moral character
5. merciful 12. can support himself
 6. serve his country 13. powerful
7. ignorant 14. loves truths and ideals
The essay is a brief, expository prose composition, usually devoted to reflection on life and
man's ideas about human existence. The word essay comes from an Anglo-French word,
assayer, meaning "to try or test." In 1580, the French writer Michel de Montaigne published
his first collection of wise sayings, each dealing with a single topic, he called it Essais. Since
then, the word essay has been used to indicate any short prose discussion. Later, An
Englishman, Francis Bacon borrowed the form calling his composition as essays. He is called
as the "Father of English Essays."
Joel L. Campillanos PROF. RAMIRO MADULA
Essays are formal or informal.
A formal essay is a composition written in a conventionally restrained, thoughtful, and
objective style- According to Genoveva Edroza-Matute, it is discussed with appropriate
seriousness based on research and a thorough analysis of data on which the writer's
conclusions are founded.
An informal essay, with its chatty, colloquial style, its friendly air, suggests confidential talk,
even confession; suggests relaxation and entertainment. It is often spoken of as the
personal essay.

Other than formal and informal essays, other classification includes:

1. narrative or story essay (incidents or events are narrated to present the ideas of
the writer, though the essay is expository in nature);
2. descriptive essay or nature essays (about flowers, rivers, fields, mountains, and
birds and other animals);
3. speculative essays (theorizes or poses questions on a wide variety of subjects);
4. biographical essay (an informal essay which may portray character or sketch a
life instead of simply narrating it; it is analytical and interpretative in tone);
5. critical essay (includes literary criticisms, book reviews, and other prose
compositions which aim to analyze and judge);
6. didactic essay (it is similar to a sermon which explains, persuades and concentrates
on giving valuable lesson in life);

7. periodical essay (also called a journalistic essay, it appears in newspapers,

magazines and journals and discusses current issues).
Joel L. Campillanos PROF. RAMIRO MADULA

Note: Sir pasensya na po wala po kasi akong internet for a few days.

Activity 3

Form a new sentence out of the two or three given sentences. Don't forget to change the singular form of the verb
to plural whenever it is necessary.

1.Joyce is good at computers.

Jun is good at computers.
Your sentence: Joyce and June are both good at computers.

2. Ferdinand Magellan sailed across the Pacific.

Miguel Lopez de Legaspi sailed across the Pacific.
Your sentence: Both Ferdinand Magellan and Miguel Lopez de Legaspi were able to sail across the Pacific..

3. People Power I put an end to the dictatorship.

It did not bring prosperity.
Your sentence: People Power I has put an end to the dictatorship yet, it did not bring prosperioty.

4. Bonifacio fought for freedom. Mabini fought for freedom.

Your sentence: Bonifacio and Mabini fought for freedom.

5. Emily has to pass the test- She will not get a scholarship.

Your sentence: Emily has to pass the test or else she will not get a scholarship.

6. Aimee tried very hard- Aimee succeeded.

Your sentence: Aimee tried very hard and as a result, she succeeded.

7. M'lst people value courage. M'»st people value loyalty. M'^st people value honesty.
Your sentence: Most people would value courage, loyalty or honesty.

8. P;iul preached love and forgiveness.

The people did not believe him.
Your sentence: Paul preached love and forgiveness but the people did not believe him.

9. Freddie sold his farm.

Freddie bought a sailboat.
Freddie set out to see the world.
Your sentence:Freddie sold his farm and bought a sailboat so he could set out to see the world.

10. Astronomers have discovered new planets- Artronomers have discovered new galaxies.
Your sentence: Astronomers have discovered new planets and galaxies.

Activity 4 '.

Instead of the comma and the coordinator, use a semicolon (;) to connect
the two clauses. Use the semicolon without the coordinator.

For example:

Leo has collected enough data, but he does not want to write his paper.

It can be written this way:

Leo has collected enough data; he does not want to write his paper.

Notice that the contradictory meaning is not directly stated with the
removal of but.

Now, rewrite the following sentences using the semicolon.

1- Leo will write his research paper; he has enough data.
Joel L. Campillanos PROF. RAMIRO MADULA
2. Sara finished writing her report; she submitted it on time.

3. Mia interviews students for her paper; she goes to the library for more data.

4- Janet is supposed to submit her report; she has not finished it.

5. Lea needs help to finish her project; nobody is helping her.

6. My sister wants to be a ballet dancer; I want to be a lawyer.

7. Students need scholarships; the cost of higher education is high.

8. Jascn can work part-time in a bookstore; he can concentrate on his studies.

9. Our history teacher likes to lecture; our English teacher wants to have class discussions.

10. College provides chances for intellectual growth and enrichment; many students look at it as a road to a high-
paying job.

When you use a semicolon in compound sentences, you can use words called conjunctive adverbs or connectors.
They replace the coordinators in many compound sentence and they are usually used in written English. They are
found after the semicolon. They are followed by a comma.

Here is a list of the most commonly used connectors; next to them are the coordinators to which they are closest
in meaning.

Connectors Coordinators
in addition, besides, furthermore, moreover and
so, hence, thus, therefore, consequently, as a result for
however, nevertheless, on the other hand but

Turn the following simple sentences into compound sentences, using a semicolon (;) and the appropriate
connector. Refer to the list of connectors.

Remember -hat the connector is followed by a comma (,).

1. Aileen got 95 in all her subjects.

She should graduate valedictorian.

Your sentence: Aileen go 95 in all her subjects thus, she should graduate valedictorian.

2. Emil submitted his lab reports on

time. He got high in all his quizzes.
Your sentence; Emil submitted his lab reports on time in addition, he got high in all his quizzes.

3. Linda passed all her quizzes.

She failed the final exam.
Your sentence: Linda passed all her quizzes on the other hand, she failed

4. Miss Ledesma is the best teacher in math.

She is a brilliant writer.
Your sentence: Miss Ledesma is the best teacher in math moreover, she is a brilliant writer.

5. The people long for freedom and

democracy- They are not ready for democracy.
Your sentence: The people long for freedom and democracy however, they are not ready for democracy.

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