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Improving the Design of

Subsea Riser Systems

A Cray-Altair Solution
for Improved Oil & Gas Component Engineering

With Cray and Altair, engineers have the computational systems they need to perform advanced subsea
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis with better speed, scalability and accuracy. With Altair’s
AcuSolve CFD solver running on Cray® XC30™ supercomputer systems, operators and engineers responsible
for riser system design and analysis can increase component life, reduce uncertainty and improve the
overall safety of their ultra-deep-water systems while still meeting their demanding development schedule.

Why Cray and Altair for Riser Challenge: Predicting with replacement and repair are very
Simulation? Riser Behavior to Improve high. The reliability and fatigue life of
Performance and Lifespan the riser system is largely dependent
• Speed up simulations significantly, Subsea riser systems are conduits that on subsea currents and the risers’
even at 4000+ cores safely transport hydrocarbon products response to them; this response is
• Achieve a 20x L/D ratio increase from subsea wells and equipment up to primarily driven by vortex-induced
on a single Cray XC30 cabinet fixed and floating structures operating vibration (VIV) and vortex-induced
• Design longer-lasting riser on the ocean surface, such as semi- motion (VIM).
systems with better performance submersibles, spars, and floating
and integrity production, storage and offloading Though CFD simulations have been
(FPSO) vessels. successfully employed by top tier global
Oil & Gas companies to conduct small-
In this document: As the oil and gas industry has made scale analyses of risers and their VIV
advances in topside performance, countermeasures, large scale numerical
• Solution features
drilling techniques, and subsea simulations of VIV and VIM have proven
• Benchmark results
equipment, riser systems have to be a challenge for most general
• Configuration recommendations
continued to increase in complexity. purpose CFD codes. In particular, due
on Cray hardware
In the harsh environment of the ultra- to the riser system’s very large ratio of
deep-water play, the safety, reliability length to diameter (L/D), the number
and performance of the riser system is of nodes required for a full-scale
of great importance. Furthermore, the simulation has historically challenged
longevity of the riser system has a direct the capacity of many computational
impact on overall field performance, facilities and were thus not feasible for
since cost and downtime associated real product development cycles.
Improving the Design of Subsea Riser Systems
To address these challenges, simulation Coupled FSI (DC-FSI) predicts large
software vendors like Altair and high- deformation and non-linear solid/
performance computing (HPC) hardware structural responses. The linear
providers like Cray have continued to model is solved within AcuSolve
advance their technology for scalable as part of the FSI solution.
and realistic simulations. As a result,
engineers now have the ability to ◦ Via linear superposition, AcuSolve can
conduct these simulations successfully predict the response of riser structural
and still stay well within their system components from a sweep of structural
development schedule. modes. The coupled methodology
is superior for transient applications
Altair’s Solution for Riser Analysis that exhibit nonlinear response due
The HyperWorks suite includes all the to large deformations, material
software applications required for full- nonlinearities, or complex contact.
scale riser VIV simulations: • The structural modes can be
calculated quickly and easily using
• AcuSolve, a leading general-purpose Altair’s OptiStruct finite element Full-Scale Riser VIV Motion [L/D:10,000]
CFD solver, is the most validated CFD analysis (FEA) solver, the market-
solution for the offshore industry. leading solution for structural design
AcuSolve’s robust and scalable and optimization. Key Features & Benefits:
technology is capable of solving • In addition to the AcuSolve and
the most demanding industrial and • Fastest solver-neutral CAE
OptiStruct solvers, the HyperWorks
scientific applications, and provides environment for high fidelity
suite also includes pre- and post-
unparalleled accuracy on fully modeling
processors HyperMesh, AcuConsole
unstructured meshes. Applications and AcuFieldView, which provide state- • Powerful CFD solver with
ranging from steady RANS simulations leading FSI technology and
of-the-art meshing, model definition,
to complex, transient, multiphysics unparalleled accuracy on fully
and flow visualization capabilities that
unstructured meshes
simulations are handled with ease are ideal for riser FSI design.
and accuracy. AcuSolve uses its • Market-leading structural design
 ltair is also a leader in high- and optimization solver for rapidly
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE)
performance computing (HPC) workload developing more lightweight and
mesh motion and free-surface, Fluid/
management; HyperWorks simulation structurally efficient designs
Structure Interaction (FSI), Detached-
products integrate with Altair’s • Interconnect architecture designed
Eddy Simulation (DES), and transient
PBS Works HPC products to optimize for maximum scalability and
turbulence model capabilities to
resource utilization on Cray hardware. performance
analyze the effects of wave motion,
multiple structures, riser shapes and • Available HPC workload
other motions (including nonlinear In addition to its software offerings, Altair management software
response, interaction with the sea is a leader in CAE consulting services. • ROI from a consolidated HPC
bottom, transient turbulence with The Altair ProductDesign (APD) division platform for both seismic
boundary layer, flow separation, employs 700+ engineers in over 40 processing and subsea CFD
wake-free shear and other complex offices worldwide, providing engineering • Unparalleled expertise and support
problems found offshore). consulting and custom software from the leaders in HPC and CAE
solutions in a variety of verticals such as
◦ AcuSolve provides two powerful automotive, energy, aerospace, consumer
capabilities for simulating FSI and goods and more. APD excels in delivering with mechanical responses in FSI.
response to fluid forces: 1) Practical game-changing engineering support for In particular, simulations of risers and
FSI (P-FSI) predicts linear solid/ advanced CFD, especially when coupled other offshore equipment have become a
structural responses; and 2) Direct- cornerstone of this team's capability.

A Cray-Altair Solution for Oil & Gas Component Engineering

Cray Supercomputers for Riser
The Cray XC30 supercomputer is
a node interconnect architecture
designed for maximum scalability and
performance. It incorporates the latest
Intel® processors and is based on the
Cray proprietary high speed “Aries”
interconnect. The Aries interconnect
and associated system software
delivers industry-leading scalability
and performance.

Proof Point: HyperWorks Riser

Solution on Cray Systems
To study the scalability of HyperWorks
riser simulation software at varying core
counts, Cray and Altair utilized a real-world Running AcuSolve for riser simulation on a Cray XC30 system yields dramatic
model with the following characteristics: performance improvements, as shown in the chart above.

• L/D ratio of 10,000, which is

processors (2 processors per compute
roughly 10-20x the typical size used Key Benchmark Results:
node), and processing frequencies in
in current industrial applications.
(Generally, industrial applications are the range of 2.7 GHz – 3.0 GHz. • Near-perfect (linear scaling) speedup
limited to looking at a local region at 2000 cores – 94% of ideal
of the riser section since computing • Scalability (as compared against the • Very good speedup even at 4000
resources are limited.) 400 solver core run) at 2,000 solver cores
cores is excellent: Elapsed time per • Results obtained in ~5.5 hours –
• The fluid volume used for the model solver step is in the 17.5-18s range, for less than a day!
contains a scale model of a riser with a speedup of 4.68 out of a perfect 5.
a diameter measuring 12 in and height
measuring 10,000 ft. • Even at 4,000 solver cores, elapsed engineering problems. For oil companies,
times per step are in the 10-11 as the focus shifts from exploration to
• The fluid-structure analysis included second range, for a very good production, the XC30 can effortlessly
20 structural modes. speedup of 7.9 out of a possible 10. take on the expanded workload.
• The model contains 43M nodes and
193M elements. The Cray XC30 has established itself
as the premier capability system in
The HyperWorks application chosen the industry for oil exploration and
for this study was AcuSolve, a leading production companies pursuing
general-purpose CFD solver with rich important processing techniques such
multiphysics capabilities, including as Reverse Time Migration (RTM) and
leading FSI solutions. Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) in their
ultra-deep-water exploration activities.
The Cray system used for testing was As demonstrated here, however, the
a Cray XC30 with up to 400 Intel® XC30 is equally capable when applied
Xeon® E5-2600-v2 “IvyBridge” 10-core to challenging upstream production

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Configuration Recommendations
The Cray XC30 is a modularly configured
platform for capability computing, where
compute nodes are densely packaged
and tightly interconnected in a chassis
of 128 Intel® Xeon® processor E5 family
processors (with up to 64 GB of memory
per processor, 10 or 12 cores per
processor) and up to 3 chassis per physical
cabinet for over 4,000 solver cores in the
liquid-cooled version (LC). A single cabinet
XC30-LC provides the processing power Cray XC30 LC for simulations scaling above 4000 cores; AC for scaling to 2400+
required to take oil and gas component Configuration cores
engineering to a 20X L/D ratio, better than Hardware Cray XC30; Cray “Aries” interconnect
current industry practice within current
product development life cycles. Compute Two Intel® Xeon® E5 family processors per node (10 or 12
Nodes cores/processor)
Alternatively, the Cray XC30-AC air Memory 64 GB per node
cooled member of the XC30 family
Storage Starting at 80 TB of storage; high performance parallel Lustre file system
provides slightly smaller and less dense
supercomputing cabinets without the
requirement for liquid coolants or extra “The volatile nature of deep sea installations presents a difficult challenge for
blower cabinets, but otherwise leveraging engineers to create products which can withstand extremely high pressures in
the same advanced processor and a variety of weather conditions. Duco selected HyperWorks to model subsea
interconnect technology as in the liquid- umbilicals, resulting in improvements to their analysis productivity allowing
cooled version. In this option, a self- models to be constructed faster than before.”
contained two cabinet XC30-AC system,
Duco (Altair customer)
including storage and network, continues
to demonstrate substantial engineering
capabilities and excellent application “Inadequate riser design and/or lax monitoring may cause excessive pressure
scalability at over 2,400 solver cores. that along with the high flow of gas and/or oil may result in an explosion,
outbreak of fire and/or possible crew fatalities, all of which occurred on BP's
drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico.”
Peter Stern,

Getting Started
Visit the Altair library of • Read about HyperWorks at: www.altairhyperworks.com

Technical Papers
• Request a demo: www.altairhyperworks.com/schedule-demo
• Learn more about Cray’s offerings for Energy:
• Contact us:
◦ Altair: www.altairhyperworks.com/ContactUsFormHW.aspx
◦ Cray: www.cray.com/About/ContactUs.aspx

Altair Engineering, Inc., World Headquarters: 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083-2031 USA
Phone: +1.248.614.2400 • Fax: +1.248.614.2411 • www.altair.com • info@altair.com

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