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December 13-31, 2021 (Good for 3 weeks)

Submission will be on January 7, 2021/F

Grade 11-21 Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Semester: FIRST
Theme: Understanding World Literature
Sub-Theme: Appreciating 21st century World Literature

Content Standard: Performance Standard:

The learner will be able to understand The learner will be able to

and appreciate literary texts in various demonstrate understanding and
genres across national literature and appreciation of 21st century literature of
cultures. the world through critical paper that
analyzes literary texts in relation to
the context of the reader and the
writer or a critical paper that interprets
literary texts using any of the critical

EN12Lit-IIc-33: Appreciate the cultural and aesthetic diversity of literature of the world.
EN12Lit-IId-25: Compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their
elements, structures, and traditions from across the globe
After the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Distinguish the culture and aesthetic diversity depicted in the texts;
b. Recognize the literary genres and meaning of the text used by the world
known authors based from their literary writings;
c. Explain the cultural diversity of literature of the world; and
d. Perform evaluation about authors’ literary works through historical and
biographical criticisms
Values: Appreciation of the value and meaning of life through
different literary works.

Lesson: Basic textual and contextual reading approach in the study
and appreciation of literature

a. “I am Diversity, Please Include Me” poem of Charles Bennafield
b. “The Little Prince” by Antonette Exupery

a. “I am Diversity, Please Include Me” poem of Charles Bennafield
b. “The Little Prince” by Antonette Exupery
c. Cultural Diversity presentation in prezi
December 13-31, 2021 (Good for 3 weeks)
Submission will be on January 7, 2021/F


Routine Activities
Students will be group into 5. Each group will be given a picture collection about cultures
and traditions of the world. Students will brainstorm in order to answer the following question;
1. What specific cultures are being depicted in the pictures?
2. What is the picture all about?
(Cultural diversity)

Students will watch a video clip about cultural and aesthetic diversity in
the world using this link
The teacher will lead the students in sharing their answers for the
following questions:
1. What is the video all about?
2. What are the messages conveyed in the video?
3. What is/are your realization/s after watching?
Corollary to this, the students read (in advance) and identify the cultural and
aesthetic diversity depicted in the texts in the poem “I Am Diversity, Please Include Me”
by Charles Bennafield.

At the end of the activity, the teacher will ask the students to relate the poem “I Am
Diversity, Please Include Me” of Charles Bennafield to the short story “The Little Prince” by
Antonette Exupery.

Analyze these two reading texts by comparing and contrasting the following:
f. genre
a. elements
b. structures
c. traditions

The teacher will ask the students
By pair:
To make a critique paper regarding the literary texts in a piece of paper.
December 13-31, 2021 (Good for 3 weeks)
Submission will be on January 7, 2021/F

The teacher will ask the students by group to make a propaganda or an infomercial
campaign about equality amidst cultural indifference.

The teacher will require the students to write an academic paper about cultural diversity;
how it is respected and observed in the 21st century world.

Rubrics for the enhancement activity

Organization of thought 5 points
Content of the presentation 5 points
Grammar 5 points
Total 15 points

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