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1. Research is defined as
a) Searching again and again
b) Finding solution to any problem
c) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
d) Searching sources of information to locate problem.
2. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
a) Searching sources of information to locate problem.
b) Survey of related literature
c) Identification of problem
d) Searching for solutions to the problem
3. Action research means
a) A longitudinal research
b) An applied research
c) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem
d) A research with socioeconomic objective.
5. What is a research design?
a) A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory.
b) The choice between using qualitative or quantitative methods.
c) The style in which you present your research findings, e.g. a graph.
d) A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data.
6. In order to pursue the research, which of the following is priorly required?
a) Developing a research design
b) Formulating a research question
c) Deciding about the data analysis procedure
d) Formulating a research hypothesis
7. What is the name of the conceptual framework in which the research is carried out?
a) Research hypothesis
b) Synopsis of Research
c) Research paradigm
d) Research design
8. Which research deals with practical problems
a) basic
b) exploratory
c) applied
d) experimental
9. Which research leads to discovery of new theories and development of existing theories.
a) Pure
b) exploratory
d) experimental
10. “A systematic step-by-step Procedure following logical process of reasoning” called
a) Experiment
b) Observation
c) Deduction
d) Scientific method

11. Research is

(A) Searching again and again

(B) Finding solution to any problem

(C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem

12. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?

(A) Searching sources of information to locate problem.

(B) Survey of related literature

(C) Identification of problem

(D) Searching for solutions to the problem

13. Action research means

(A) A longitudinal research

(B) An applied research

(C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem

(D) A research with socioeconomic objective

14. Fundamental Research is otherwise called

a) Action Research
b) Survey
c) Pilot study
d) Pure Research
15. Social Science Research ……………. Problems
a) Explain
b) Diagnosis
c) Recommend
d) Formulate
16. Social research aims at ……………….
a) Integration
b) Social Harmony
c) National Integration
d) Social Equality

17. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by

(A) Statement of Objectives

(B) Analysis of Data

(C) Selection of Research Tools

(D) Collection of Data

18. ………….. is a source of Hypothesis?

a) Intuition

b) Knowledge

c) Energy

d) Survey

19. Hypothesis ……………… Research

a) Guide

b) Misguide

c) Alter

d) Change

20. A Hypothesis contributes to the development of ………….

a) Theory

b) Generalization

c) Evolution

d) Concept

21. Example for fact finding study is

a) Pure Research
b) Survey
d) Long term Research
c) Action Research
22. Research conducted to find solution for an immediate problem is ………….
a) Fundamental Research
c) Survey
b) Analytical Research
d) Action Research
23. Research through experiment and observation is called
a) Clinical Research
b) Experimental Research
c) Laboratory Research
d) Empirical Research
24. Good Research is always ……………
a) Slow
b) Fast
c) Narrow
d) Systematic
25. Research problem is selected from the standpoint of
a) Social relevance
b) Financial support
c) Researcher's interest
d) Availability of relevant literature
26. What are those conditions where a research problem is NOT viable?
a) It is new and adds something to knowledge
b) It can be researched
c) It has utility and relevance
d) It contains dependent and independent variables
27. The first step in formulating a problem is
a) Statement of the problem
b) Gathering of Data
c) Measurement
28. Hypothesis which explain relationship between two variables is
a) Causal
b) Relational
c) Descriptive
29. The problem selected must have
a) Speed
b) Facts
c) Values
d) Novelty
30. A Hypothesis which develops while planning the research is
a) Null Hypothesis
b) Working Hypothesis
c) Relational Hypothesis
d)Descriptive Hypothesis.
31. A Hypothesis contributes to the development of ………….
a) Theory
b) Generalization
c) Evolution
d) Concept
32. …………. Is a quality of Good Hypothesis
a) Small in size
b) Conceptual Clarity
c) durability
d) applicability
33. In testing of hypothesis, if the null hypothesis is rejected ………. Hypothesis is accepted
(a) Alternative
(b) relational
(c) new
(d) none of these

34. …………. Is a quality of Good Hypothesis?

a) Small in size

b) Conceptual Clarity

c) Durability

d) Applicability

35. A Hypothesis must be …………….

a) Diffuse

b) Specific

c) Slow

d) Speedy

36. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on

(A) Primary Data only

(B) Secondary Data only

(C) Both Primary and Secondary Data

37. Questionnaire is a:

(A) Research method

(B) Measurement technique

(C) Tool for data collection

(D) Data analysis technique

38. Schedule is used as a ………………..

a) Questionnaire
b) Tool
c) Method
d) Technique
39. A methods of collecting primary data in which a number of individuals with a common
interest interact is called

a) Telephone Interview
b) Clinical Interview
c) Focused Interview
d) Group Interview
40. Interview with a detailed standardized schedule is called
a) Clinical Interview
b) Structural Interview
c) Group Interview
d) Direct Interview
41. An Interview in which interviewer encourage the respondent to talk freely about a given
topic is
a) Focused Interview
b) Structural Interview
c) Un Structured Interview
d) Clinical Interview
42. Which among the following is non-probability sampling?

a. Quota Sampling
b. Stratified Sampling
c. Systematic Sampling
d. Simple random Sampling
43. In which type of sampling does all items in the population has equal chance inclusion in
the sample?

a. Stratified Sampling

b. Systematic Sampling

c. Simple random Sampling

d. Sequential Sampling

44. . ……. Which is a specific statement of prediction?

(a) Concept
(b) construct
(c) proposition
(d) hypothesis
45. A hypothesis which defines the population distribution is called?
a) Null Hypothesis
b) Statistical Hypothesis
c) Simple Hypothesis
d) Composite Hypothesis
46. If you have a specific idea about what is to be researched you should__________
a) Follow the twelve steps of selecting a research problem.
b) Write a research proposal.
c) Talk to your supervisor.
d) Formulate research objectives
47. The research problem determines
a) How good your research skills are?
b) How long the report will be.
c) What methodology will be used.
d) The amount of support you get from your supervisor.
48. The formulation of a research problem is the most _________ part of the research journey
because the quality and relevance of the project entirely depends upon it.
a) Motivating.
b) Important.
c) Repetitive.
d) Trivial
49. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a research?
a) Research is systematic
b) Research is not passive
c) Research is not a process
d) Research is problem oriented
50. The data collected from published reports is known as:
a. Discrete data
b. Arrayed data
c. Secondary data
d. Primary data
51. A survey in which information is collected from each and every individual of the
population is known as:
a. Sample survey
b. Pilot survey
c. Biased survey
d. Census survey
52. The data obtained by conducting a survey is called:
a. Primary data
b. Secondary data
c. Continuous data
d. Qualitative data
53. Which form of data below can usually be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost than
the others?
a. Primary
b. Survey research
c. Experimental research
d. Secondary
54. Secondary data consists of information ________.
a. That already exists somewhere and was collected for another purpose
b. Used by competitors
c. That does not currently exist in an organised form
d. That already exists somewhere and is outdated
55. Survey research, though used to obtain many kinds of information in a variety of
situations, is best suited for gathering ________ information.
a. Attitudinal
b. Personal
c. Preference
d. Descriptive
56. Sample value is called………………

a) Parameter

b) Core Value

c) Statistic

d) Variable

57. Probability sampling is otherwise called

a) Multiple choices
b) Uni-variate Analysis
c) Random Sampling
d) Bi-variate Analysis
58. Sampling which provides for a known non-zero chance of selection is
a) Probability sampling
b) Non probability sampling
c) Multiple Choices
d) Analysis
59. An example of probability sampling is
a) Quota Sampling
b) Snow-ball sampling
c) Purposive sampling
d) Lottery method
60. Technical Report is otherwise called
a) Interim Report
b) Popular Report
c) Thesis
d) Summary
61. A short summary of Technical Report is called
a) Article
b) Research Abstract
c) Publication
d) Guide
62. ………………. is called publication in a Research journal
a) Guide
b) Popular report
c) Research article
d) Format
63. Ph.D stands for
a) Doctor of Philosophy
b) Degree in Philosophy
c) Doctor of Psychology
64. Bibliography means
a) Foot Note
b) Quotations
c) List of Books referred
d) Biography
65. The first page of the research report is
a) Appendix
b) Bibliography
c) Index
d) Title Page
66. Survey research is least likely to be conducted through which of the following?
a. Observation
b. Person-to-person interactions
c. The telephone
d. The Web
67. What are three popular methods for obtaining primary data?
a. Experimentation; personal interview; Delphi technique.
b. Survey; interviews; experimentation.
c. Interviews and surveys; observation; experimentation.
d. Interviews and surveys; observation; Harrison methodology.
68. For primary data to be useful to marketers, it must be relevant, current, unbiased, and
a. Complete
b. Accurate
c. Inexpensive
d. Collected before secondary data.
69. Information collected from online databases is an example of ________ data.
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Observational
d. Experimental
70 . If flexibility is the most important criterion for a research project, the preferred contact
method is:
a. Intercept interview
b. Telephone
c. Focus group
d. Personal interview
71. A two-way systematic conversation between an investigator and respondent is called
a) Observation
b) Schedule
c) Interview
d) Simulation
72. Interview with a detailed standardized schedule is called
a) Clinical Interview
b) Structural Interview
c) Group Interview
d) Direct Interview
73. Questions which allow only a few alternative way of answering is called ………..
a) Open ended questions
b) Unstructured questions
c) Structural questions
d) Dichotomous questions
74. Questions in which only two alternatives are possible is called
a) Multiple choice questions
b) Dichotomous questions
c) Open ended questions
d) Structured questions
75. In a survey there is an enumerator and a ………………….
a) Guide
b) Respondent
c) Supervisor
d) Messenger
76 Of the following sampling methods, which is a probability method?
a) Judgement
b) Quota
c) Simple random
d) Convenience.
77. Which among the following is the benefit of using simple random sampling?
a) The results are always representative.
b) Interviewers can choose respondents freely.
c) Informants can refuse to participate.
d) We can calculate the accuracy of the results.
78. Which of the following is NOT a type of non-probability sampling?
a) Quota sampling
b) Convenience sampling
c) Snowball sampling
d) Stratified random sampling
79. The difference between the expected value of a statistic and the value of the parameter
being estimated is called a:
(a) Standard error
(b) Bias
(c) Sampling error
(d) Non-sampling error
80. The difference between a statistic and the parameter is called:
(a) Non-random
(b) Probability
(c) Sampling error
(d) Random
81. The distribution that is formed by all possible values of a statistics is known as:
(a) Hypergeometric distribution
(b) Normal distribution
(c) Sampling distribution
(d) Binomial distribution
82. The scale which categorize the events in collectively exhaustive manner and mutually
exclusive manner is classified as
a) discrete scale
b) continuous scale
c) valid scale
d) nominal scale
83. In doing action research what is the usual sequence of steps?
(1) Reflect, observe, plan, act

(2) Plan, act, observe, reflect

(3) Plan, reflect, observe, act

(4) Act, observe, plan, reflect

84. Which sequence of research steps is logical in the list given below?

(1) Problem formulation, Analysis, Development of Research design, Hypothesis

making, Collection of data, Arriving at generalizations and conclusions.

(2) Development of Research design, Hypothesis making, Problem formulation, Data

analysis, arriving at conclusions and data collection.

(3) Problem formulation, Hypothesis making, Development of a Research design,

Collection of data, Data analysis and formulation of generalizations and
(4) Problem formulation, Deciding about the sample and data collection tools,
Formulation of hypothesis, Collection and interpretation of research evidence.

85. There are two sets given below. Set - I specifies the types of research, while Set - II indicates
their characteristics. Match the two and give your answer by selecting the appropriate code.
Set - I Set - II
(Research types) (Characteristics)
(i) Finding out the extent of perceived impact of an
(a) Fundamental (ii) Developing an effective explanation through theory
research building
(b) Applied research (iii) Improving an existing situation through use of
(c) Action research interventions
(d) Evaluative research (iv) Exploring the possibility of a theory for use in various
(v) Enriching technological resources
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)

(2) (v) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(4) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

86. Research can be classified as:

A. Basic, Applied and Action Research

B. Quantitative and Qualitative Research

C. Philosophical, Historical, Survey and Experimental Research

D. All the above

87 ----------------is the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of the data.
a. Research Design
b. Research Process
c. Research Hypothesis

88. Which of the following features are considered as critical in qualitative research?

a. Collecting data with the help of standardized research tools.

b. Design sampling with probability sample techniques.
c. Collecting data with bottom-up empirical evidence.
d. Gathering data with top-down schematic evidence.

89. Which one among the following statements is correct in context to research?

a) Research refers to a series of systematic activity or activities undertaken to find out

the solution to a problem.
b) It is a systematic, logical and unbiased process wherein verification of hypotheses,
data analysis, interpretation and formation of principles can be done.
c) It is an intellectual inquiry or quest towards truth,
d) It enhances knowledge.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

1. a), b), c) and d)

2. a), b) and c)
3. b), c) and d)
4. a), c) and d)

90. The problem of ‘research ethics’ is concerned with which aspect of research

(1) Following the prescribed format of a thesis

(2) Data analysis through qualitative or quantitative techniques

(3) Defining the population of research

(4) Evidence based research reporting

91. The purpose of __________________ research is to help in the process of developing a

clear and precise statement of the -------------------- rather than in providing a definitive answer.

a. Marketing, Research process

b. Causal, Research Process
c. Exploratory, Research Process
d. Descriptive, Research process

92. Which of the following steps of the scientific method is exemplified by the researcher
reviewing the literature and focusing on a specific problem that has yet to be resolved?
(A) Describe the procedures to collect information

(B) Identify a topic.

(C) Analyze the collected information

(D) State the results of the data analysis

93. The purpose of a literature review is to: (A) Use the literature to identify present knowledge
and what is unknown (B) Assist in defining the problem and operational definition (C) Identify
strengths and weaknesses of previous studies.

a. a, b, c
b. b, c
c. C only

94. A literature review requires: (A) Planning (B) Clear writing (C) Good writing
1. a, c
2. b, c
3. a, b
4. a, b, c

95. A systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of natural phenomena

guided by theory and ------------------------ is called _____________
a.) Hypothesis, Applied Research
b.) Hypothesis, Basic Research
c.) Hypothesis, Scientific Research
96. A statement whose validity is tested on the basis of a sample is called?

a. Null Hypothesis
b. Statistical Hypothesis
c. Simple Hypothesis
d. Composite Hypothesis
97. Below are given two sets – research methods (Set-I) and data collection tools (Set-II).

a. Experimental method i. Using primary and secondary sources

b. Ex post-facto method ii. Questionnaire
c. Descriptive survey method iii. Standardized tests
d. Historical method iv. Typical characteristic tests
a b c d

(1) ii i iii iv
(2) iii iv ii i
(3) ii iii i iv
(4) ii iv iii i

98. The data of research is ______

A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative Only
C. Both A) and B)
D. Neither a) nor b)
99. In an experiment the researcher manipulates the ________ variable and measure
the________ variable.

a. independent, dependent
b. dependent, independent
c. causal, spurious
d. spurious, causal

100. Three commonly used measures of central tendency are:

a. range, standard deviation, median,
b. median, mode, dispersion
c. mode, median, standard deviation
d. median, mode, mean

101. Survey study aims at (i) knowing facts about the existing situation (ii) comparing the
present status with the standard norms (iii) criticising the existing situation (iv) identifying the
means of improving the existing situation

a. (i) and (ii) only

b. (i),(ii),(iii)and(iv)
c. (ii) and (iii) only
d. (i),(ii)and(iii)

102. Secondary data can almost always be obtained --------------- and at a lower cost than

a. Easy, Collective
b. More Difficulties, Research
c. More quickly, Primary
103. The type of rating scale which represents response of respondents by marking at
appropriate point is classified as
a) graphic rating scale
b) responsive scale
c) pointed scale
d) marking scale
104. The measurement scale in which the values are categorized to represent qualitative
differences and ranked in meaningful manner is classified as
a) valid scale
b) discrete scale
c) ordinal scale
d) continuous scale
105. Which of the following terms is related to the idea of validity of a test?
a) Errors of measurement
b) True score variance
c) Common factor variance
d) Random errors
106. Which one of the following is the stable measure of dispersion?
a) Range
b) Quartile Deviation
c) Average Deviation
d) Standard Deviation
107. Which of the following is a Non parametric test ?
a) Z test
b) F test
d) Chi-square
108. Which of the following is not a comparative scaling technique?
a. Paired comparison
b. Rank order
c. Constant sum
d. Itemized rating
109. A Blue print of Research work is called
a. Research Problem
b. Research design
c. Research tools
d. Research methods
110. Interview which require “Probing” is called
a. Clinical Interview
b. Depth Interview
c. Group Interview
d. Telephone Interview.
111.The process of examining the collected raw data to detect errors and omissions and to
correct these when possible _____________
a. Editing
b. Coding
c. Tabulation
d. Classification
112. Before starting to write a report it is advisable to develop ____________.
a) An outline.
b) A model.
c) A chapter.
d) A theme
113. The first chapter of the report should be entitled ____________.
a) Conclusion.
b) Results.
c) Methodology.
114. Technical Report is otherwise called
a) Interim Report
b) Popular Report
c) Thesis
d) Summary
115. Final stage in the Research Process is
a) Problem formulation
b) Data collection
c) Data Analysis
d) Report Writing
116. Bibliography means
a) Foot Note
b) Quotations
c) List of Books referred
d) Biography.
117. ……… is a report prepared for a layman.
(a) Technical
(b) popular
(c) general
(d) specific
118. …………is a list of references cited in the text.
(a) Appendix
(b) glossary
(c) literature cited
(d) bibliography.
119. _____________ research is the gathering of --------------------- by watching people.

a. Experimental, Primary Data

b. Causal, Secondary data
c. Informative & Primary and Secondary data
d. Observational, Primary Data
120. Researcher uses ---------------- sampling method when the sample for the study is very
rare or limited.
a. Convenient
b. Judgment
c. Snowball
121. Reliability in qualitative research refers to
a. The consistency of any measure
b. The consistency of the methods used to collect data
c. The suitability of the measure used
123. In an --------------------- research study, the primary goal is to isolate and identify the effect
produced by the ____.
a. Exploratory, Dependent variable
b. Descriptive, Extraneous variable
c. Experimental, Independent variable
d. Confounding variable
124. Which among the following is the benefit of using simple random sampling?
a) The results are always representative.
b) Interviewers can choose respondents freely.
c) Informants can refuse to participate.
d) We can calculate the accuracy of the results.
125. Increasing the sample size has the following effect upon the sampling error?
a) It increases the sampling error
b) It reduces the sampling error
c) It has no effect on the sampling error
d) All of the above
126. The difference between the expected value of a statistic and the value of the parameter
being estimated is called a:

(a) Standard error

(b) Bias
(c) Sampling error
(d) Non-sampling error
127. The following sampling methods, which is a probability method?
a) Judgment
b) Quota
c) Simple random
d) Convenience
128. Bibliography is included in the ------------------of the report.
a. Preliminary contents,
b. Main body,
c. Concluding part
129. What does a good thesis involve?
a) Reducing punctuations as well as grammatical errors to minimalist
b) Correct reference citations
c) Consistency in the way of thesis writing
d) Well defined abstract

Select the answers from the codes given below:

1. b), c) and d)
2. a), b), c) and d)
3. a), b) and c)
4. a), b) and d)

130. What are the core elements of a dissertation?

a. Introduction; Data Collection; Data Analysis; Conclusions and Recommendations

b. Executive Summary; Literature Review; Data Gathered; Conclusions; Bibliography
c. Research Plan; Research Data; Analysis; References
d. Introduction; Literature Review; Research Methodology; Results; Discussions
and Conclusions

131. Every research proposal, regardless of length should include two basic sections. They

a. Research question and research methodology

b. Research proposal and bibliography
c. Research method and schedule
d. Research question and bibliography
132. Shorter report is considered to be as.

a. One to five pages

b. Three to five page
c. Four to five pages
d. Two paragraph

133. In a technical report which of these must be avoided.

a. Facts
b. Logical conclusion
c. Objective evaluation
d. Subjective evaluation
134. A list of illustrations, included; figures and tables, placed on;
a. Abstract vision
b. Title page
c. Table of contents
d. Bottom line

135. Which one is used for the Shortest document among technical written documents?
a) report
b) website
c) summary
d) paragraph
136. The first page of the research report is
a) Appendix
b) Bibliography
c) Index
d) Title Page
137. Office Editing and ……….. are two types of Editing in Research
a) Lab editing
b) Field Editing
c) Class Roam Editing
d) Book Editing.
138. Rejecting a true null hypothesis is committing a…………..
(a) type- I error
(b) type-II error
(c) type- III error
(d) sampling error.
139. The second variable is called …………
a) Independent
b) Dependent
c) Independent
d) Separate
140. Null means
a) One
b) Many
c) Zero
d) Minus one
141. In Research Report ……………. is used to acknowledge indebtness
a) Bibliography
b) Index
c) Appendix
d) Foot note
142. The rejection probability of Null Hypothesis when it is true is called as

a) Level of Confidence

b) Level Significance

c) Level of Margin

d) Level of Rejection

143. The original data which are collected for the first time for a specific purpose.

a) Primary Data

b) Secondary data

c) Tertiary Data

144. Which questions allow the informants to give any related answer in their own words.

a) Open Ended

b) Close Ended

c) Multiple choice

d) Staple

145. A …………………… is a subset of a statistical population whose characteristics are

studied to know the information about the whole population.

a) Sample

b) Census

c) Survey

d) Parameter
146. The process of selecting a number of participants for a study in such a way that they
represent the larger group from which they were selected is known

a) Random assignment

b) Data Collection

c) Research design

d) Sampling

147. Which among the following is the benefit of using simple random sampling?

a) The results are always representative

b) Interviewers can choose respondents freely.

c) Informants can refuse to participate.

d) We can calculate the accuracy of the results.

148. In …………... sampling we divide the population into groups having heterogeneous
characteristics called clusters and then select a sample of clusters using simple random

a) Cluster

b) Stratified

c) Quota

d) Random

149. Scale that indicates the relative position of two or more objects or some characteristics is

a) Ranking Scale

b) Ordinal Scale

c) Nominal Scale

d) Ratio Scale

150. Paired comparison scale is useful when

a) The number of brands is too much high

b) the number of brands is limited

c) there is no other competitive brand

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