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Annexure-V- Cover Page for Academic Tasks

Course Code: ECO611 Course Title: Seminar on Public Policy

Course Instructor: Dr. Tawheed Naabi

Academic Task No.: CA3 Academic Task Title: Policy Analysis

Date of Allotment: Feb 2021 Date of submission: 08 Feb 2021

Student’s Roll no: A31 Student’s Reg. no: 11711442

Evaluation Parameters: (Parameters on which student is to be evaluated- To be mentioned by students as

specified at the time of assigning the task by the instructor)


I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other student‟s work
or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any
part been written for me by any other person.


Evaluator’s comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best part of assignment

Evaluator‟s Signature and Date:

Marks Obtained: Max. Marks: …………………………


The aim of formulating the National Education Policy is based on the importance of education in
bringing about full human potential till it contributes to the promotion of national development. India is
expected to have the highest population of young people in the world in the next decade and the ability of
the country to provide quality education will determine the future of the nation. It is so because the key
to advancing and developing a nation solely depends on maximizing the talent and resources of the
country and this is brought about by the opportunities of being able to make available and accessible to
universal high-quality education. 

This is the first education policy of the 21 century that replaces the thirty-four year old National Policy
on Education (NPE),1986.

Built on the foundational pillars of :

 Access
 Equity
 Quality
 Affordability
 Accountability

This policy is aligned to 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development and aims to transform India
Into a vibrant knowledge society and global knowledge superpower by making both school and
College education more holistic, flexible, multidisciplinary, suited to 21 century needs and aimed
bringing out the unique capabilities of each students.

The world is undergoing rapid changes in every sphere of life and the knowledge domain is one of the
important aspects where many dramatic, scientific and technological advancement are made every
day such as in the field of big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence. This calls for a more skilled
workforce in greater demand while the low skilled jobs may be taken over by machines in the days to

come. Hence, this need for a high skilled workforce specialized in various fields heightens the need for
multidisciplinary learning as India continues to rapidly grow and emerge as one of the largest economies
in the world. 

The swiftly changing employment landscape and global ecosystem calls for a more evolved way of
teaching with less content but with more focus on critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
The pedagogy and the curriculum both will be more aligned towards making the learner build
character, ethics, rationale, compassion while at the same time preparing the
for gainful, fulfilling employment in their future.
The NEP 2020 is the first education policy of the 21 st century and aims to address, reform, and revamp
the current education structure, regulation, and governance to bridge the gap between the current learning
outcomes and what will be expected and required in the near future. This will be achieved by undertaking
major reforms in pedagogy and curriculum such as switching to a more holistic, experiential, enquiry-
driven, discovery oriented and the likes while making all of it enjoyable at the same time. On the other
hand, the curriculum will be required to include language, fitness, culture, humanities, literature, and
values in addition to science and mathematics thus enabling a more useful, fulfilling, and well-
rounded education to the learner.  
The new policy will incorporate the local and global needs of the country and so education works as a
great tool to level economic and social mobility, inclusion, and equality. It will also help recruit the best
candidates to enter the teaching profession as they are the very center to of the fundamental reforms in
the education system. 


1. Recognizing, identifying and fostering unique capabilities in each individual. 
2. Setting highest priority to achieving foundational literacy and numbers by all students by Grade
3.  Flexibility to choose own programs according to talents and interests. 
4. No hard distinctions between sciences and arts, between curricular and extra curriculars
to eliminate the hierarchies and silos between different areas of learning. 

5. Multidisciplinary across various streams of studies to ensure unity and integrity of all knowledge. 
6. Importance of conceptual learning and development on creativity and critical thinking rather than
7. Focus on importance of ethics and human and constitutional values. 
8. Promoting multilingualism in teaching and learning. 
9. Emphasis on life skills such as teamwork, resilience, cooperation. 
10. Teachers and faculty at the heart of learning process- recruitment of the best, continuous
professional development, etc. 

PROs and CONs of this policy:-


 The government aims to make the school accessible to all with the help of NEP 2020.
 Probably students from two schools will be able to return to institutions in this new way.

 According to the 2020 national education policy, 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 will replace the existing 10 + 2
building. This 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 structure is suitable for ages ranging from 3 to 8, 8 to 11, 11 to 14
and 14 to 18. 12 years of study, three years if Anganwadi and pre-school study are included in
this structure.

 For 8-year-olds, the National Early Childhood Education and Training Program will be
designed and developed by NCERT.

 In line with the 2020 national education policy, the Department of Education must establish a
National Mission on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy. Responsible for the successful
implementation of basic literacy and numeracy for all students until the third grade falls into
the Indian subcontinent. The launch is scheduled to take place in 2025.

 One of the merits of NEP 2020 is the development of a National Literacy Policy in India.

 The relevant authorities will conduct the school examinations for grades 3, 5 and 8. Grade 10
and 12 board exams will continue but NEP 2020 aims to rebuild the structure with full

 The new program focuses on establishing a Gender Fund. Special education districts for
districts and disadvantaged groups are also on the focus list.


 According to the 2020 national education policy, private school students will be
introduced in English at a much younger age than public school students. The curriculum
will be offered in the appropriate regional languages for public school students. This is
one of the major problems of education policy as this will increase the number of students
who are not comfortable speaking English and thus widen the gap between sections of
 In the 2020 National Education Policy, language is a negative factor as there is a problem
with teacher-to-student ratio in India, so introducing home languages for each subject in
educational institutions is a challenge. Sometimes, finding a qualified teacher becomes a
challenge and now another challenge comes with the introduction of NEP 2020, which
brings learning materials in mother tongues.

 According to the 2020 national education policy, graduates must study for four years and a
person can easily complete his or her diploma in two years. This may encourage the
student to drop out of school


 The curriculum and pedagogy must inculcate among students a deep sense of respect and regards
for the Fundamental Duties and Constitutional Values such that they are aware of their roles and
 To instill among learners a deep-seated pride in being Indian to reflect a truly global citizen
equipped with knowledge, skills, values and dispositions. 
 To envision an education system that will make India a global knowledge superpower. 

This policy envisages a re-structuring of the current structure and modification of both the pedagogy and
curriculum of 5+3+3+4 for ages 3-18 years as shown below:

1. Inflexible separation of disciplines very early into narrow streams of study. 
2. Less importance given to research works at most colleges and universities. 
3. Limited autonomy for teachers and institutions. 
4. Severe lack of emphasis on cognitive skills and learning outcomes. 
5. Low standards of undergraduate programs. 

 Student should have increased flexibility and choice of subjects.

1. NCERT will develop a National Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood
Care and Education (NCPFECCE) for children up to the age of 8.
2. ECCE will be delivered through a significantly expanded and strengthened system of Institutions
including Anganwadis and preschools that will have teachers and Aganvadis worker trained in ECCE
pedagogy and curriculum.
3. The planning and implementation of ECCE will be carried out jointly by the Ministries of HRD,
Women and Child Development (WCD), Health and Family welfare (HFW), and tribal affairs.
4. States will prepare an implementation plan for attaining universal foundational literacy and
numeracy in all primary schools for all learners by grade 3 by 2025.
5. The policy has emphasized mother language as the medium of instruction at least till grade 5, but
preferably till 8 and beyond. No language will be imposed on the student.
6. NEP 2020 envisages a shift from summative assessment to regular and formative assessment,
which is
 More competency based
 Promotes learning and development
 Tests higher-order skills, such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity.

7. Special emphasis will be given on Socially and Economically Disadvantage Groups (SEDGs)
which include gender, socio-cultural, and geographical identities and disabilities. This include setting
up of Gender Inclusion Fund and also special Education Zones for disadvantages regions and groups.
8. Children with disability will be enabled to fully participate in the regular schooling process from
the foundational stage to higher education, with support of
 Educators with across disability training
 Resource centres
 Accommodations

 Assistive devices
 Appropriate technology-based tools

9. Robust teacher recruitment and career teachers:

 Robust Teacher recruitment and career path teachers will be recruited through robust,
transparent processes.
 Promotions will be merit-based, with a mechanism of multi-source periodic performance
appraisals and available progression paths to become educational administrators or teachers
 A common National professional Standards for Teachers(NPST) will be developed by the
National Council for Teacher education by 2022, in consultation with NCERT,SCERTs,
teachers and expert organization from across levels and regions.

10. The new NEP system will allow students to study the subject of their choice after 10th standard
from different stream which will help them in studying the subject of their choice rather than studying
subjects which was forced on them because of selection of particular stream this will help students in
becoming more specialized in few subjects rather than becoming Jack of all trades, I think it’s a good
11. Under this system more practical exposure will be given to students by allowing them to do
vocational job trainings from 6th standard onwards in the field of gardening carpentry and
plumbing, etc. this period will be for 10 days and student will be bag-less during this duration this
will help students in getting more practical exposure, I think it’s correct step forward.  
12. The government has also decided that under new education policy less priority will be given to
memorization of topics and more focus will be given on practical learning of things and exams will
be designed in that way only which I think is a good step.  
13. For 12 plus students who are in colleges government has started multiple entry exit program
under which students who want to change their fields such as changing from B tech. after one year to
B pharma. student will get the credit of all the subjects that he or she completed in the first year of
BTech and will be able to successfully switch degrees, a option which was not available earlier so
this is also a good step as student will now be able to switch degrees if he or she feels that the current
degree that they are pursuing is not appropriate for them without losing any year in the process. 

14. Now coming to negative points .one major negative point in this new education policy is that of a
guideline where it is mentioned that all students should study in their local language only till 5th class
now this might result in students having weaker communication skills in internationally accepted
language that is English which could be fatal for their future so, I don’t think it’s a good step. 

 Chopra, R. (2021, January 19). India’s National Education Policy, 2020 explained. The Indian
 Kumar, R. P. (2020, July 31). New Education Policy: Five big changes in school, higher
education explained. Mint.
 Gulati, A. (2020, August 17). 5 Key things regarding National Education Policy 2020. Mindler
 Jebaraj, P. (2020, September 19). National Education Policy 2020 | New curriculum, assessment
system to roll out from academic year 2021-22. The
 M. (2020, December 19). National Education Policy 2020: What is in it for a student, a parent, a
teacher, or us, as a Higher Education Institution/University? Adesh University Journal of Medical
Sciences & Research.
 National Education Policy 2020, Ministry of Human Resources Department, Government of

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