Fall 2018 - Manting Xiongs End of Semester Si Student Survey

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End-of-Semester SI Student Survey (Fall 2018)

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Date Created: 11/26/2018 8:14:04 PM
Date Range: 12/3/2018 12:00:00 AM - 12/29/2018 11:59:00 PM
Total Respondents: 303

Q1. What is your current class level?

Count Percent

29 100.00% Freshman

0 0.00% Sophomore

0 0.00% Junior

0 0.00% Senior

0 0.00% Graduate student

29 Respondents

Q2. Have you ever attended an SI (Supplemental Instruction) session?

Count Percent

29 100.00% Yes

0 0.00% No

29 Respondents

Q3. Select the subject you have SI for: (If attending SI for multiple courses, please fill out this survey once for each course)

Count Percent

0 0.00% ANTH

0 0.00% BIOL

0 0.00% CHEM

29 100.00% CMST

0 0.00% PHYS

0 0.00% POLS

29 Respondents

Q4. Select your ANTH SI leader:

Count Percent

0 0.00% ANTH 111 01, Milligan - Vanessa Reeves

0 0.00% ANTH 111 06, Shook - Vanessa Reeves

0 Respondents

Q5. Select your BIOL SI leader:

Count Percent

0 0.00% BIOL 103 01, Arnet - Alexis Garate

0 0.00% BIOL 103 01, Arnet - Jennifer LeFort

0 0.00% BIOL 104 01, Araujo Sarinana - Angela Diaz

0 0.00% BIOL 104 01, Araujo Sarinana - Hailey Leonard

0 0.00% BIOL 151 01, Blee - Rowan Wilson

0 0.00% BIOL 151 08, Blee - Leann Skallerud

0 0.00% BIOL 211 01, Edelmann - Samantha Gaboury

0 Respondents
Q6. Select your CHEM SI leader:

Count Percent

0 0.00% CHEM 107 01, Gray - Joelle (Jackie) Kalinowski

0 0.00% CHEM 107 01, Gray - Joshua Elmore

0 0.00% CHEM 107 09, Postma - Sydney Starke

0 0.00% CHEM 107 09, Postma - Shruti Aggarwal

0 0.00% CHEM 108 01, Anderson - Emilee Hansen

0 0.00% CHEM 108 01, Anderson - Tiffani Lamas

0 0.00% CHEM 111 01, Hillyard - Andrea Coria

0 0.00% CHEM 111 01, Hillyard - Kasey Renard

0 0.00% CHEM 111 09, Wasinger - Stephen Proctor

0 0.00% CHEM 111 09, Wasinger - Nicole Mackie

0 0.00% CHEM 111 17, So - Sophia Balme

0 0.00% CHEM 111 17, So - Sydney Angel

0 0.00% CHEM 112 01, Arpin - Lauren Gorman

0 0.00% CHEM 112 06, kendhammer - Minjoo Kim

0 0.00% CHEM 270 01, Zhang - Eliona Kola

0 0.00% CHEM 270 07, Everson - Samer Shenouda

0 0.00% CHEM 370 01, Nichols - Joshua Crane

0 Respondents

Q7. Select your CMST SI leader:

Count Percent

0 0.00% CMST 132 40 & 41, Abouzeid - Diego Fuentes

29 100.00% CMST 132 42 & 43, Lance - Manting Xiong

0 0.00% CMST 132 44 & 45, Newby - Mai Kue Her

0 0.00% CMST 132 46 & 47, Hull - Yesenia Vazquez-Jimenez

29 Respondents

Q8. Select your PHYS SI leader:

Count Percent

0 0.00% PHYS 202A 06, Brookes - Ryan Espinosa

0 0.00% PHYS 204A 01, Zou - Yoana Guzman

0 Respondents

Q9. Select your POLS SI leader:

Count Percent

0 0.00% POLS 155 01, Thomas - Kendall Anderson

0 0.00% POLS 155 01, Thomas - Jimmy Sanders

0 Respondents

Q10. Why did you not participate in SI? (Check all that apply)

Count Percent

0 0.00% I did not need additional help.

0 0.00% I don't like to study in a group.

0 0.00% The times offered were inconvenient.

0 0.00% The location was inconvenient.

0 0.00% I did not know about it.

0 0.00% Other (please specify)

Count Percent

0 Respondents

Q11. Which times would be most convenient for SI next semester? (Check all that apply)

Count Percent

0 0.00% More weekday mornings.

0 0.00% More weekday evenings.

0 0.00% More weekend mornings

0 0.00% More weekend evenings

0 0.00% Other (please specify)

Count Percent

0 Respondents

Q12. What suggestions do you have for how the SI program or the Student Learning Center can better facilitate your learning? Please explain how
these will help your learning.

Count Percent

0 0.00%

Count Percent

0 Respondents

Q13. Approximately how many times did you attended SI this semester?

Count Percent

0 0.00% 1 - 3 times

2 7.14% 4 - 6 times

9 32.14% 7 - 9 times

13 46.43% 10 - 12 times

4 14.29% More than 12 times

28 Respondents

Q14. What is the most important thing you have learned from participating in SI? Please explain.

Count Percent

28 100.00%

Count Percent

1 3.57% Communication

1 3.57% Communication is key

1 3.57% How to be more social. Fun lessons Very informational

1 3.57% How to become a better student.

1 3.57% How to efficiently study, and destress.

1 3.57% How to find Scholarly articles.

1 3.57% How to review well

1 3.57% How to study for exams

1 3.57% How to study for my exams

1 3.57% I got a better understanding of the communications class and I understood the concept

1 3.57% I have learned better study habits and how to engage more in things

1 3.57% I have learned effective study skills that can be used for any of my classes, not just for my
communications class.

1 3.57% I have learned how to communicate more with people and have learned tips on how to study
and prepare for an exam more effectively.

1 3.57% I have learned that team work can be very helpful

1 3.57% I learned how important it is to adapt the environment around you to be able to communicate
well with and without small groups

1 3.57% I learned that doing thing on my own doesn't do much good to me. I need to get things
explain better or a second time.

1 3.57% I learned to let loose. When I went in there I was shy & didn’t like participating in the games,
now I don’t mind.

1 3.57% I’ve learned how to prioritize my time

1 3.57% Not be afraid to talk

1 3.57% SI has taught me study habits, and has strengthened my knowledge of the class I am in.

1 3.57% Study Skills

1 3.57% team working and presentations

1 3.57% The most important thing I have learned is how important it is to develop studying skills.With
studying skills, comes success in any class.

1 3.57% The most important thing I learned was different study habits. I actually enjoyed studying
instead just reading a boring book. My SI leader would make us jeopardy games and
different activities to help us study for upcoming quizzes or class discussions.

1 3.57% The most important thing I’ve learned in SI is how to have fun while getting things done.

1 3.57% The most important thing that I have learned was to pay learn quickly and do things quick
because we would have activities of saying something from a random topic for 30 seconds.

1 3.57% The most important thing you have learned from participating SI was that we must have
methods to study for our classes and be able to manage our time wisely.

1 3.57% You learn more about the info

28 Respondents

Q15. Which of the following areas or skills were enhanced by your participation in SI this semester? (Check all that apply)

Count Respondent % Response %

26 92.86% 8.47% Better Understanding of Course Material

19 67.86% 6.19% Better Overall Study Habits

24 85.71% 7.82% Preparing for Exams

18 64.29% 5.86% Test Taking Skills

6 21.43% 1.95% Reading Skills

11 39.29% 3.58% Memory Techniques

13 46.43% 4.23% Time Management (keeping up with assignments/studying)

5 17.86% 1.63% Problem Solving Skills

17 60.71% 5.54% Speaking/Presentation Skills

15 53.57% 4.89% Asking Questions

8 28.57% 2.61% Predicting Test Questions

16 57.14% 5.21% Being Prepared for Class

11 39.29% 3.58% Note Taking Strategies

17 60.71% 5.54% Listening Skills

13 46.43% 4.23% Concentration

14 50.00% 4.56% Confidence

18 64.29% 5.86% Staying Motivated/Persistence

7 25.00% 2.28% Improving Study Environment

17 60.71% 5.54% Group Study Skills

14 50.00% 4.56% Patience

3 10.71% 0.98% Writing Skills

15 53.57% 4.89% Reviewing Class Notes

0 0.00% 0.00% Other (please specify)

Count Percent

28 Respondents

307 Responses

Q16. To what extent has SI contributed to your success in this course?

Count Percent

14 50.00% A great deal

9 32.14% Considerably

4 14.29% Moderately

1 3.57% Not very much

0 0.00% Not at all

28 Respondents

Q17. Which of the following teaching strategies or activities did you find helpful? (Check all that apply)

Count Respondent % Response %

27 96.43% 16.98% Games (Jeopardy, Swat a Word, Password, Kahoot, etc)

15 53.57% 9.43% Group and pair work (worksheets, posters, Jigsaw, timelines, redacted
outlines, Think-Pair-Share, etc)

4 14.29% 2.52% Individual work (freewrites, Fuzzy/Clear cards, quiz/test, etc)

8 28.57% 5.03% Prezi or PowerPoint

4 14.29% 2.52% Graphic organizers (Thinking Maps, KWL+ charts, Reading Charts, etc)

8 28.57% 5.03% Other study skills (songs for remembering, study strategies, note-taking
skills, etc)

18 64.29% 11.32% Whole class discussions

7 25.00% 4.40% Clear and understandable mini lectures

3 10.71% 1.89% Use of repetition during lecture

7 25.00% 4.40% Use of drawings/diagrams/examples

11 39.29% 6.92% Frequently asking questions to check student understanding

8 28.57% 5.03% Use of open-ended questions to engage students and foster critical thinking

18 64.29% 11.32% Creating a welcoming environment through icebreakers, humor, and/or

casual conversation

10 35.71% 6.29% Being available to students before and after session - in person, via email,
and/or phone

11 39.29% 6.92% Sharing personal stories and experiences in course/school

0 0.00% 0.00% Other (please specify)

Count Percent

28 Respondents

159 Responses

Q18. How would you describe your SI leader? (Check all that apply)
Count Respondent % Response %

24 85.71% 12.83% Knowledgeable

25 89.29% 13.37% Engaging

22 78.57% 11.76% Motivating

21 75.00% 11.23% Organized

21 75.00% 11.23% Professional

25 89.29% 13.37% Helpful

22 78.57% 11.76% Caring

15 53.57% 8.02% Available

12 42.86% 6.42% Passionate about the subject

0 0.00% 0.00% Unprepared

0 0.00% 0.00% Unclear

0 0.00% 0.00% Not engaging/Uninteresting

0 0.00% 0.00% Other (please specify)

Count Percent

28 Respondents

187 Responses

Q19. Please give an example of a time when the SI leader exhibited the characteristics selected above:

Count Percent

28 100.00%

Count Percent

1 3.57% Always had presentations ready

1 3.57% An example of a time when the SI leader exhibited motivation was during exams,mid terms,
and finals. My SI leader is very motivational and encoaurges our class to attend these
sessions or even tutoring.

1 3.57% Anytime we ever needed him he never hesitated to help or reach out

1 3.57% During turtle, which is an activity it is always competitive because ManTing steers up the

1 3.57% Every SI meeting I attended, Manting showed all of these skills considerably.

1 3.57% He always goes over the quizzes and asks if we need help on anything.

1 3.57% He always makes sure that we like the activity that we are doing and that we are

1 3.57% He always reasureed us all to not hesitate to contact him with any help. During SI he has an
agenda to keep it organized for us all and goes over with us all what is to he expected. He
allows us all to voice our opinions and share information without the fear of being judged
and encourages discussion between us all.

1 3.57% He gave us his phone number if we needed any type of help in class or out of class.

1 3.57% He helped prepare us for our test and quizzes

1 3.57% He is always here on time. He tells us stories of when he was a freshmen. He also like to
make everyone feel included and just seems really down to earth. Gets along well with
everyone and cares about us. Like to put music we like to relax is at the hugging of SI

1 3.57% He is always open to any question students may have. He is understanding and helps
students better understand the material. He makes sure students understand the material
through engagement.

1 3.57% He is very patient with every one and has a positive attitude all the time.

1 3.57% He is willing to answer any off topic question we may ask about our course.

1 3.57% He would take his time out to make sure we know the material and never told us the answer,
gave us a chance to figure it out.

1 3.57% Helping us understand the info with games

1 3.57% In the sessions, he gets everyone to engage in the activity that we are doing. He is a very
professional person inside of class.

1 3.57% Maintaining has helped me personally outside of Si. He gave me a bio lab book when I had
no idea where to get one

1 3.57% Manting always knew what he was talking about, and cared so much about how we were
doing, not only in school but outside of school. When I think of someone being a leader,
someone such as Manting is who I think of.

1 3.57% Manting has always kept us on track and help with distressing games, especially during

1 3.57% Manting helps us and makes sure all of our questions get answered effectively to the point
where we understand more of what we are being asked to do.

1 3.57% My SI leader is always available to help us out for class and is concerned for our success in
the course.

1 3.57% My SI leader was never in a bad mood. He seemed excited to teach us every time we went
in. He was very understanding and listened to what we needed or wanted to learn about that

1 3.57% Our SI leader always engages with us by asking us how our day has been going and willing
to talk. He also helps us understand certain topics we are unsure about in the classroom in
the SI session.

1 3.57% Presentation

1 3.57% The SI leader would help us understand things and we would do games to understand it

1 3.57% When I was confused on my attendance Manting helped me out to clarify how many times I
have attended.

1 3.57% When we are getting ready to take an exam he uses humor to make us feel a bit more at
ease and confident.

28 Respondents

Q20. What feedback or comments do you have for your SI leader?

Count Percent

28 100.00%

Count Percent

1 3.57% Awesome

1 3.57% Good job

1 3.57% He is a great role model.

1 3.57% He is a very thoughtful person. I think he should continue doing what he's doing because it
works really good.

1 3.57% He was really helpful and made my first semester more enjoyable

1 3.57% He's a cool person, really knows how to work with a diverse group

1 3.57% He’s a great SI leader. I wish I was able to have him again as my leader next semester.

1 3.57% I appreciate all the help you've given me Manting! Best SI Leader out here.

1 3.57% I have none.

1 3.57% I would encourage my SI leader to keep caring about his students because we do feel like
he genuinely cares about us.

1 3.57% Just keep doing you

1 3.57% Keep doing what you are doing. You’re doing great!:)

1 3.57% Keep doing what you’re doing. I like how you play music in the background

1 3.57% Keep it up

1 3.57% Keep up the great work !

1 3.57% Like I said earlier, very nice and approachable. Easy going and patient when you need help.

1 3.57% manting is a great SI leader. I don't have much feedback to give.

1 3.57% Nothing
1 3.57% Send the study guide for Amy’s quizzes

1 3.57% Thank you for being a great SI leader throughout the semester. You have helped me
improve my knowledge for the class.

1 3.57% Thank you for being an SI leader, even though you are not my SI leader for my class. You
were more helpful than my own SI leader.

1 3.57% Thank you for everything you’ve taught us

1 3.57% Very respectful, knew what he was doing. Thanks for always being prepared!

1 3.57% You did amazing, so sad I will not have you as a leader next semester.

1 3.57% You did good.

1 3.57% You were a great SI leader I enjoyed coming to SI

1 3.57% Your a great leader and I appreciate you for being here for us knowing we are first
Generation students and freshman's.

1 3.57% Your very understanding

28 Respondents

Q21. Was your leader respectful of different ideas, learning abilities, and backgrounds?

Count Percent

27 96.43% Yes, definitely (please explain)

Count Percent

1 3.70% All of the time

1 3.70% Always allowed us all to share so we can all share the different perspectives we have on

1 3.70% He always helped us with any questions we had and planned a variation of activities

1 3.70% He always made sure everyone was on the same page before moving on.

1 3.70% He always wanted to hear everyone’s idea.

1 3.70% He definitely made everyone feel welcome and respected everyone as well.

1 3.70% He keeps everyone's thoughts or perspectives in mind.

1 3.70% He never criticized our ideas, he might elaborate but never judge them.

1 3.70% He never judges

1 3.70% He never made anyone feel unappreciated of their ideas, even if they weren't the best.

1 3.70% He never shot down anyone’s ideas or thoughts

1 3.70% He treated us all the same and wasn’t rude

1 3.70% He would let everyone give their opinion and if someone said something that didn’t make
sense he would have them try again. He wouldn’t just ignore them

1 3.70% He’s nice to people

1 3.70% Manting is very open-minded and respectful especially if a student is unsure of the answer.
He is very encouraging and enthusiastic as well as understanding.

1 3.70% Manting made sure to memorize all of our names and pronounce them how they are
supposed to be pronounced.

1 3.70% My SI leader was always open for trying different games or study methods.

1 3.70% My SI leader was very patient with everyone talking and raising their hand to ask questions.
He never turned people any with an "I don't know.' He always did his best to have answers
for us and if her didn't he made sure to find out as soon as possible to let us know. He was
understanding that some learn faster than others so he was always willing to repeat or
elaborate more on something he said or something mentioned during our CMST class.

1 3.70% Our SI leader always asked for input from us. If he was incorrect about something, he wasn't
afriad to take another student's idea as the right idea.

1 3.70% Respectful

1 3.70% Very open to different ideas

1 3.70% We talked about different cultures during SI

1 3.70% Yea he never yelled or complains, he always keeps a cool head and helps us to the best of
his ability.

1 3.70% Yes because we all come from different places and he enhanced that.

1 3.70% Yes he always gave us options on what to do when it come to activities

1 3.57% Yes, somewhat (please explain)

Count Percent

1 100.00% Manting is understanding but he doesn't tolerate people being late or anything. He is
respectful of others and tries to understand all his student's back ground

0 0.00% No, not very much (please explain)

Count Percent

0 0.00% No, not at all (please explain)

Count Percent

0 0.00% Not applicable to my tutoring experience

28 Respondents

Q22. Would you recommend SI to a classmate/friend?

Count Percent

27 96.43% Yes

1 3.57% No

28 Respondents

Q23. What would you tell an incoming student to expect during SI? What do you wish somebody had told you about SI prior to your experience?

Count Percent

28 100.00%

Count Percent

1 3.57% Always go to SI and never miss it only if it’s an emergency because you’ll miss important
information that the CMST didn’t mentio

1 3.57% Be ready to participate and take notes and worksheets from class.

1 3.57% Expect to learn and participate

1 3.57% Fun games

1 3.57% GO TO IT. It helps

1 3.57% I don't really think I needed any particular guidance/feedback hen coming to SI.

1 3.57% I honestly would tell a new student to make the time and actually go to the SI sessions
because they help you understand the course materials a lot better. Some of the questions
that you have could be answered there.

1 3.57% I thought it was pointless a first and a waste of time, but after like the 2nd SI, I loved going.
So I would tell incoming freshman to give it a chance. It’s a fun place & you may make new

1 3.57% I wish someone told me not to be so close minded about it. I came into it with a bad attitude
because I thought it was a waste of my time, but it turned out to be fun.

1 3.57% I would tell an incoming student that SI is very helpful and lots of helpful tips. I wish
someone would have told me that I can come another day besides Thursday.

1 3.57% I would tell incoming student to go to all Si meetings they are very helpful and its a reason
you can skip class and then come to Si and think you're good

1 3.57% I would tell them that SI is a great way to get extra support and create connections with
people in the same shoes as they are.

1 3.57% I would tell them to attend as is beneficial and it does in fact help.

1 3.57% I would tell them to attend every single session because even when you feel like your just
playing around it really is helping either de stress yourself or it’s learning what u did in class
in a fun way.
1 3.57% Incoming students should be prepared to work in group settings.

1 3.57% Not all SI meetings are boring so make sure to go even if you think it’s going to be boring
and don’t miss any of your meetings.

1 3.57% SI is a helpful program that helps you outside of your class and it is free.

1 3.57% SI is helpful for class and distressing. There are times where I stress from class, but don't
show it. Coming to SI and playing some distress game help me very much.

1 3.57% SI is worth it as it will help for your course attached to it. Also there is some benefits at the

1 3.57% SI isn't as boring as you may think it might be. You are just not sitting in like you would in a
regular class. You are actually engaging with your intructor and it helps a lot.

1 3.57% Si should be put in your schedule as another class. Don’t treat it as optional treat it as you
need to be there. It is only 50 minutes and it used going over valuable information

1 3.57% Sometimes it annoying to stay extra hours of school for it but it worth it at the end

1 3.57% Take advantage of the sessions and come as often as you can.

1 3.57% That person should definitely go to SI because they would meet people and learn things that
would benefit

1 3.57% There’s a lot of activities

1 3.57% To ask questions about the times and to attend no matter what on mondays.

1 3.57% To make time for SI because it is very important and to be open minded. I wish someone
would of told me it was other people from other classes as well as tour own.

1 3.57% You won’t like it at first but it’s helpful so keep going.

28 Respondents

Q24. What suggestions do you have for how the SI program or the Student Learning Center can better facilitate your learning? Please explain how
these will help your learning.

Count Percent

25 100.00%

Count Percent

1 4.00% At this moment everything seems to be running smoothly.

1 4.00% Focus more on getting work done for the courses. Maybe even have a study hall some SI

1 4.00% Good

1 4.00% Have more availability.

1 4.00% Have more learning games

1 4.00% Have more times available for students

1 4.00% Having a tutorial section where we can get help in curtain questions we have

1 4.00% I don't have any suggestions

1 4.00% I love SI the way that it is.

1 4.00% I think that the SI I attend is very good and organized. Coming to SI has helped me
understand and improve myself in my class.

1 4.00% NA

1 4.00% I would suggest to keep having engaging learning games like Jeopardy to help us learn the

1 4.00% Make it more fun

1 4.00% Make it more fun with activities like turtle and jeopardy and stuff like that instead of just
powerpoints with lectures
1 4.00% Maybe it would help if SI meetings didn’t interfere with my classes because the only other
time was at 5 and i commute so I would get home really late and my homework time would
be lessened.

1 4.00% Maybe more times a week.

1 4.00% My suggestion is to have more times available. I don't like having to stay on campus so late
for SI.

1 4.00% N/A

1 4.00% NA

1 4.00% None for now....

1 4.00% Nothing

1 4.00% Nothing, you guys are already doing a great job.

1 4.00% Offer multiple times so we are able to be flexible because there are other things we do
outside of class

1 4.00% provide food.

1 4.00% Tips to be successful during finals.

25 Respondents

Q25. If healthy snacks were provided daily in the Student Learning Center, would you be more likely to attend an SI Session?

Count Percent

16 57.14% Highly likely

8 28.57% Likely

3 10.71% Neither likely or unlikely

0 0.00% Unlikely

1 3.57% Highly unlikely

28 Respondents

Q26. How satisfied have you been with SI this semester?

Count Percent

22 78.57% Very satisfied

6 21.43% Moderately satisfied

0 0.00% Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

0 0.00% Moderately dissatisfied

0 0.00% Very dissatisfied

28 Respondents

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