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Institute of


Institute of


J4ay 8
1 94

Dear Muriel,

Gett ing letters answere

during the last six months I have
B.O.T.A., whioh is getting a fine
carnation, that letters have been
By this time, I hope. y
destinies is in print. I f not, d
off the presa.
The Tarot tradition w
in the book. It is part of the t
Sohool with Whioh I had made cont
Dawn. Regardie has nothing abou
material ia from the revamped )(s
followed the usual method of ooo
whatever it could not understand
magic squares of the planets, hav
Stella Matutina texts.·

Our Chapter out here is

an average of 98% attendance at m
holding them back a little. it lo
real Second Order in about a yea
Chapter membership to 30, and beg
Chapter reaohes the limit, seven
nucleus of another, whioh then w
no group get. big enough to be un
The correspondence work
on evil www.CosmoEc
days, thanks partly to th
well-meant but ill-advised
under her direction to keep the t
all save those she regarded &8 "o

Yes, Saturn is m:t most

10th house, it acoount. for most
But the Neptune aspect did me no
restricted in some wayS) but the
the central idea. And the home
children--girla, respeotively 23





ed is by no means m:t forte. And

ute of
e had suoh a pressure of work for
e start to a satisfactory rein-
n harder than ever to write.
your book about bi r thdates and
do send me one as soon as it'.

was never published until I put it

tradition of a section of the Western
t aot before entering the Golden
ut it. beoause most of his G. D.
ss. of the Stella Uatut1na. whioh
oultist. (ao-oalled), and out out
d. Gematria, for example, and the
ve almost no referenoes in the

s growing and working. We have

meetings, and though I have been
ooks now as if we should have a
ar-and-a-half. We are limiting
ginning with 7. As soon as a
of its members must gather the
ute of
works out it. own destiny. Thus
nwieldy and develop clique ••
k is grOwing, too. It had fallen
he depression, and partly to the
of the one who had it for awhile
teaching. out Zk of the hands of
ohemically pure,-

important planet. Elevated in the

of m:t adventure. and misadventure ••
particular dirt. Things have been
re has been ateady development of
life (which now inolude. two grand-
months and 9 months) is happy as

Your Brother in L.V.X.,

/LL l-," ..
Deur Paull

It 1. a long t ime betwecr. l e

g$t it.clf buil t in u day . • ••
you w1ll reoeive troll the E.P
PUP.Bcrrr (I x.8TDY, _lch 1 hepe w
of Tl ew. It r opresonto the of
first "tep (I hope) of further 1fO
worla would only b. p!1bUlhed in th
tab1e publ1sbUg houae, b IIIlch a
the eatabllabed cbamaal.. It. took
but here I t is - and I think yOel
product. CosmoEc
You 11'1www.CosmoE
11 fi nd your nue in t
o! tbe three names was reell¥
given to Charl •• La.enby in colleg
tor pulchritude, an4 his friends L
neTar seemed to hi.. I hopa
over thc re-appe arance of the ten

110 llt ae know what yOll think

It wa. good to s ense the happiness
ago, IlIlCI I hope tbat eYerl'thi ng co
am" a bit of happinesl and peac

1 ILde eODa rather iapo

springing out of the Ten U&1' "'ycle
lished - 1 do not think tbe)' will
t iM I .ee you. I have found a 10
• e. . to al s.ed entirely, and
It all hlUlgs on the TRD, of cOllr
UDderstaDding ot the tund.eaental c
stand. t1raly on the ded1clition pa
you oat lie doTa and aade lie l earn
th- Tree, www.CosmoE
to me ere JQs

Loui., who 18 well end activ

poe.t.1lIj!s to 1011, 8DIl 11,1 own go al
or )'011 as a gr andtather, Paul l

etters, but the Toaple did not
Shortly a t ter t his one reaches
P.DuttoD Co p&IIJ' a book, tltl"
wUl pleas. YOl& trea ......ral point.
f & long and hurd tight, and the
Orlt. 1 made up lIlY aind t hat thi.
he orthodox chanDels, by & r epa-
ute of
wa;y that it. would be aold through
k _ e tiM, aDd a bout .ix re-wri tina.,
will agree that i t 1e a good-loold.DI
the dodication. The alliteratioD
tortun&te t aPulch W.3 the naae
ge becauee he was 10 ugly - mort
Lll \lBcd .l t r ather than hi s which
he'. chuckling i n heaTeD 80aewhere
day c}cl e •• ••

k of it, and how thing:; go with you.

s in the l etter 1 had froll you a year
ontinues to denlop :lIIOothl;y. You ha4
ce, It seells t o lIa .

ortent discoveries in tl . • cycle work,

e 'oraula, which or IIBj' not be pub-
l - bllt which d ll i nterellt you naxt
0D{. range cllc period which the •
which correlates with hiator.y perfectly.
ute of
rse, "lth01l\ that, there 11 no po.elh1e
cyclic pc.t tern - which i8 wl'.y your _
age of PURSUIT 0)1' DESmy . I ....aab.r_.
that Uebrew alphabet and the clrcl •• OIl
st so much gi bberi 9h1

ve and enthusiastic, Join::! ae In WU'Il

lso to your Dorothy. I do lUte the piotur.

y and affec t ionately your.,




Muriel Bruoe Hasbrouok

184 East End Avenue
NeW' York, N. Y.

Dear !fur iel ,

Your good letter oame Frida
post brought the book. Everythin
itl Dot is spending the week-end
Newton, and has taken the book a
She and Dot IrAy have some diffic
numbers--Gspeoially with "initiat
is so good that you may be sure i
lar letter to our B.O.T.A. membe

Your letter has been pasted

oation page. That dedioation in
son of Will !.evington Comfort, b
were friends.

Your artiole in
astrologeer. (that double ee H is
all :miased the main point, whioh
of a ooDfession--that prediotion
hearti4r agree with your oonclus
the ordinary oonsultant by astrol
in your moral releotions a
against soothsaying, but that see
you oonoealed the pill ooncernin

I use the same CosmoE

basio princip
that work was intended for publio
the modern www.CosmoE
rulerships of the dec
But one of our Working Builders
Probably beoause, having been fo
threshold. Whatever the reason,
tion. and the thing he amazes ev
hi. time-plaoings. both past and
suooeeds so well is that he is tr
fortune-tell. He divines--makin
the all-knowing Wisdom. Two or
purposes in the baok of their mi
repentance and amendment I

The B.O.T.A. work grows, b

ated with me are experienoed in
of oopy in the ocoult magazines.


July 1941

itute of
ay, in the morning. and the afternoon
ng stopped then. and I promptly devoured
d on the desert with her friend. Kiss
long. Probably Kiss N. will buy a oOW.
ulties with your interpretations ot the
tive" tor 2. But the whole performanoe
it will be reoommended in 1fI¥' next oirou-

d into the book, right next to the dedi-

terested a friend of ours, John Comfort.
eoause it seems that W.L.C. and Puloh

stirred up quite a tempest amongst the

s intentional) out here. Of oourse they
h you slipped over so nioely in the guise
n i8 possible. ADd both Dot and I oan
sions as to the futility of trying to help
logy. I thought I deteoted a trace at
nd reference. to Soriptural injunotiODa
itute of
emed to be flavoring for the jam in whioh
g prognostioation.

ples in 1fI¥' ORACLE OF THE TAROT, but a.
o reading, I slipped in a blind, by using
canates instead of the traditional ones.
out here happens to be a natural diviner.
or years a pulp-fiotioneer, he has a ' low
he is a positive wizard at Tarot divina-
verybody with is the unoanny aoouraoy of
d future. Of oourse, the real reason he
ruly religious about it. Be doesn't
g h1maelf intentionally an instrument for
three people who oame to him with evil
inds have been frightened into aotual

but rather slowly. Two men who are assooi-

advertismg. and they tried various type.
But we got suoh a lot of replies
If there's anything in you
on ooming world-events, and wou
olearer for us, won't you tell m
I write suoh a length¥' epistle,
this morning.
Once a month, I write a pe
may write as orten as they like
make any oOIlDllents or suggestion
fram me go out in alphabetioal
have raised during the precedin
keeps live oontact with every m
voluminous letter-writers from
they'll get just one Pauline Ep
they don't get impatient. ADd u
replies into a very tew paragra
My best to Louis. You two
as I work with Doroth¥'. We have
Yet we do about as good a job o
I know. www.Cosmo
The kids are all well. Th
of their agels Sylvia Louise (3
and Sharon Ruth (Februar,y 12, 1
that this workshop isn't where
street fram 6018. at 6023 Sprin
ldth a sand-pile in which Sylvi

ur long-range method which has a bearing
uld be helpful in getting the pattern
me about it? Not in a blue moon do
but something seemed to pl"OJIlpt it

ersonal letter to every Affiliate. They

e. ask whatever questions they have. and
s that oocur to theIJ.. Their letters
order, and touch on every point they
g month. This is a lot of work. but it
member, and prevents the few who are
absorbing too muoh time. When they know
pistle. no matter how orten they write.
titute of
usually it is possible to boil down the
seem to be working toge-ther just as _11
e sharply divergent viellB on 80me things.
of basi. oo-operation as &n¥ two people
hree grandohildren now, named, in the order
in June), Charlotte Loui8e (2 this month).
941). The,y make me rather glad, 8ometimes.
I Our home is just aorOS8 the
ngvale. Plenty of room. and a big baokyard,
a and Sharon have a good time.

Your Brother in

titute of

Dear Paull
r.. waG delightful to recol
of Loui s ' unfailing Wl
I r.av o been ,;orking very much ul
guve lAC , us it "ore , an
the inner one that \Adonai be pr
en joyed in your l etter
f eeling that I t gave oe , 111l.S the
IJr:STIlIY as just wl.a t h 10 . I s
ls that I Cosmo
ed "hat .OU dldn'

D1d yon, or would you, s en
t l!ll.t ;rou are, i n opinioD
the I(a ala in &orlca. . Do , ot c
am neithcl' asking nor ::uggest1ng
Il.J\d evcI'J'bod;, wlll ue lIov ed to d

I ou a re the f i rst aud ouly

got the poi nt . I t so intere
nUI.t·ly blo . ehrs be f o!"e i t 'l'c.a p
out Just as D tt·on I7I1.S hedbtiog
hll:;el! I hope . OU S I1' the. c1x-p
I:lC 1n "1.IlerichD A, trolo!,.y . He
failed entir ely} the only thing
"hie!:. I ,-, ent j cOl' rl,cted f or hi ' 1
are evidently abo
hJ opt1ng your word, incIdentally

Your e"parlenc e Ilith B.O. T

l a tion bet ween

One ofInst blg.,est p
it livinG a

the " selling" of the R1sdom i t s e
cl.l or them have pr oved that
,,'ork, in tiIQ' br!Ulch , be develope
studonts through already evtebll
' Iho can usa - !lJlo. Pilii' for - ou
indl vi chu ls who have bee.n i n tou
lill clif:nt e of aine. Lo
e trorts t hat tas ever baen lIllde
t o prove the ftillacy, ;lr
froJII 1t has been ,.orth far !lOre
, . / Det reBul til lU'e JlUlt touched apo
V i t 1a tha t they wlll ev
hro tar private cir culation only
rorllUla - II¥ fe eling is that RT
aa trying to obey tll1ll order 10
..Illy W, 1941

l ve yo ong letter I l:i th tho Bole
lderetlllldiug of Iilld loy ulty to Ii4Y Job ,
lone, thls lust f ew. oara::, 814d your letter
of compunioDshlp "Hell ll\atched
raieed!) is elwqs there. 'FlIat I par-
r, next to the big-brother-ontha-job WIU'II
titute of
e ... i n .,h1ch you accepted PURSUIT OF
suppose tl1&1. what J. &c tr)'11l6 to tell you
t N,Y even mox'c tbaA whl. t you 1i1iJ'.
nd a v:ord direct to Dutton' I have told
D, .!.!a €.uthority on liorllotio philosophy eJld
courso, 11.0 you like about thls, I
g. I think that HRU hL S ch&rg e of th e job,
do whatever i s best f or it.

y reuder of my m-ticle 1n COS1!OPCIITAN "'ho

es ting that I wrote , and sold, tha t a rticl e
publ1sbea. The timing perfect, i t cue
g be:ore the final plunge . HRll is .. good
pa£ e pul.>U that the ..ood IoIr • Olancy gave
tried 8..:f ully h»rd to disai;ree witt ac, and
he did ';8.S to cdl 118 a liar on h o points,
1 i ,. 8. ,,·hi.3h he didn't pubUsh . lhe
ove BUch th1n65 as editor l&! ethlc t; . I all
y, it'. a

T.A. and ordiJUlr,Y e.dTerti a1ng i nt erests .e

titute of
pr otleIUI has beeD to find a polnt of corre-
and obey1n{,; the tlmdeaental uu which forbid
elf. I huv e tri ed numer ous 0xperiaents, and
through P<>l'£OD-to-porson met!1ods cu the
ed. 'Ihat 18, your decision to attrE-ct Dew
ehed lIembers ls correct. We flnd people
ur work i n broad tr ends only through t hose
uch , '1th us, either as personal fri ends or
oui s wade, I year , CAO of be v:il.ia.'lt
t o prove the falla cy of thl. law, he failed
roYing t he le.. , and wha t a f ew of lUI learned
thlill else could eYer beeD: The
on in chapter "'IHIl 07 TIJIEftbut
ver be developed or r ecorded. !hey
y, but - - l1lte the individual Ten Vay
The Boss- Wlillt s the. to be OD record, and I
an i ntelligent iIIIlDner.

Th ere Is a c ertain ssrle!; o

to be directly associated with t h
wh1c.h JlAlte .hat we call hlstoq.
beeD able to d 1s ca9'or , has never
Th is 1::; I t lIurprls 1n£ , a s i t Y:ou
of the O(;ma8 l ....;ll:h
1 ;; shed J , on .it t ,f! Ten IJl V · Cy
s tudy nud Int It , t :.b.nks to
Do r n('·lfro L <;·011 pO . lOO .1111' -l'.c
,1.. CEl in thoir indie" t u or d
,.. e 'lin lur ,

ch azked
Dot cod u 8i 1= c: c lic
a f ew 0" the.:;.:} , only t
a t 1;)1', CosmoE to tho> '"iFld o'
O!3J1l1 d IA> ·R l'k, r. d
r es;.tit t.."Ja t I b!l.Vil £.n or<:hrly ti-
a 3L.'ur'ld off ito 'l.!o.S"lS , e ll f
l .l.r:nUCi - a..,. Js "ed ':'8 to t
a a ,,5 payc;• .)].0 ";:'· 1\11'1:1;:: e"ch p, .' se
.. the T"'!l Ik C:'c t A ' ()rnn.tla ( li
int o the 'lkel eton of i t 10 lIlY boo
a;th° M!it cal. aCC:I:!'ac , fit i .1

f.n \ it 1:3 to e .... ld ':1t to

Cj '" 1! .r1!!Ula about th9 on..;
tho c clio P dod hieh is now dr
f .lc:.ors ( pl une t s ) in tn(l cJ cle wh
b e.:.intn.:: in 1958, start t'llt.'l th
R .3'1' ,J' TiU.rn. Yo:, will not ..
:.l S'IRIPn 1s e Four .
indicati ons h ave JllClll'cd r i ght Illon
t f.r buck as A. hav . ooun a bl e to t
h i s tory, it d"fl 1ta o.u i ty 1 n th
l 1nked "!it!) th<3 old n OJa", at th3 C
I'll aho\< YOI.l t.'le wh ole t.!lln,.. ouc
l''l4.11y tJr t si Gn! C ,,-,1C9 '..h e c:rc
b ve. I lllU,:" publish a r Oc"Ilootic
to !:et 1f1J orderll ole= on t':lL;:, a
)'OU l oan B www.CosmoE
p _3.ce , ..nd that all the
th.1t the

tul c.nulysed end r a t on I s b

o r thIo, aad I have boon oo
b ave we ( recor d",dJ h a e \70rk

Thie cyclla el' iod r "ea13

1Iad. J. t happzns with tlL uUlo3t
e1"h t y"urs, and t.: e re i s 8.1w1l7S
roUf,h. Thi s t1,:Ie , the CHAOTIC
1 ts attempt a t eq1li11brl
1940. Th l'l ne xt ,?-'l.ClSO cha
wa s tilll(ld for .July, 1941. These
I July SO

1. )f3(

of ftplun c tary· r elatiODshlps whlch se • •

he tunduental chr.nges of mllll S pSl' chology
Thia parti cular seri e •• 1.13 far as .. have
been Cltudled &11 a lIerien L)' a strologers .
uld "boot as l i ttle 8<Ju se as . ,lIt
h i sn ' t or..tch) ex(!ept for the 11Eht thbt
ycle Jl'or oula. As I hll"JO ('on t.blo to
o th e r orz:r.u.a, 1 t - the r eri c o - C vso
whi ch lIUlor c· . e"c li B puyc holaa
der, :l.I!c;uclng \ '.Jr ld avcut!$ ' ld condl t1ono
(lllch rl!lg phas c ,

o rl:1C
od T:Orl:in<:
or .... t
in I ndi;-1<\tw.l li"" s , ' d
\{'r.,;!'t..n Gridr:nt
' rhse cholo " I foun d that t ' "''' e
tho tecJm1'.•u., 1' , veale!! It(!elf. ·ith the
ttcrn af
'vhl ch
11 hni;
l'aot. '" <:;'c11<' pGrlod ,
b" tlmGd and - - y vi.rtue of the
or dir e ction tru:.t .,1.11 l ,e talc b;' the
e, As i 3 t he CB _e cd th ever";thing conr,£cted
io : '0'-' -.rill notic ed if you hevs looked
ok) the w ole thine i:01'ke out tli th b. utmost
1 ',:1 th the uni v Grcal ordor on cvnry . und o

t ha ':109ver !'irRt orka d out t ho T"n Uay

; r un.::, e CJ cli c perIod . .rust for exuJ:1ple r
ru .. to u close Oecian t h t he i ndlca tor-
hich i c"U ed BTHIl"E . The ne xt eycl !),
he I ndi cators In the cycl o !!hleh Is called
t:lltt S1'1liF , 10 II ? t-mtic.l.;
Tb9 or the s ", l-l::1pOrUnt oy cl.s
ng dO"fln the pn ttern, in r !>t .l 'ogressicn, as
trl..ce thea, and 1nvD.riahl¥ therc is, In
he rtI,,,SS psychology ot tll1l!l tbl<t can be
itute of
C'jcle ,Ii thallt s' e tch1nJ cv ou
c UIl:' - bat i n tIlp meen t18e, you Bee "hilt

clic lndi cJ t i on of the i n o:nilli: period cc.n

ca tlon a l>out It -- liB .I. 51 0, I can" t SCGm
and until 1 do, A. ehtUl. not 1II0ve. But to
e \/orl.d S n for an entir elY uS" t v!?" of
s cycle i ., question ftUnt bp.
bafor e h. s aue Ju.!gment clln b e lIIIi.Ca . laue
oi ne , and s o f , r ogno eticatl ous t hat wo
ked out nth bO.810, an.l s e M accuracy.

that ev ax-;' :!'O orten the !!orld goes quite

regular ity . Thede phases uet for atout
breathing apa ce or 3Wl!.ty c.bout h!U.i'
pbtlt.e'" s tilled in early IUld., with
l., I II ted until ita fiDal s1C;twl. caae 18
ange - f r . . chaos to "mL'lor prosperity"
phas e:! , we havo ouod , deal Hlth BASIC
y urI) syn chronisti c , and tuudalllentally
The point about these pos si
is that the actual , wcr
connl;; ct ion with the cyclica l cha
this and ot her countries has ten
evidence (I nev er, of course, ue
connection) that t he basic ten- d
ucourate than ot her basis fo
human psychologic",l c. a nges that
taken fundamental ly co rrect -
You said to me , y ears
of ... na.lysing the stock market, o
the use of "astrologic ...l" ml;;asur
your statement correct . 110
i n do i ng h we le.J.rned (the
go in tru st i ng =",n Judgment ev
po ttern 0 1 t he t en-day cyc l e str
I -- wbat addition 1 reali
use in oorr elation lith the t imin
It has www.CosmoE
been a terrific job.
but we ' bave certain
I WD a...pvy to aay , are not only
a "ord . they do biv ... reGults . A
ob stinate enough to stick to the
at times , to be diff
only how t o use the t ime
basic laws of what i
the great Laws, i f aaid ne ophyte
(or his and ner) nose i nt o affai
All of hich lonG-Winded re
up my statement t hat Jupicr. bei
. are to do with the La y and
In _ '.•ord, if you ca n Iilake :coney
to ic.
in it -- a s the sa • W.AA

and w,mt ot her

l et me kno f . f aot ,
taero i s
u s both, CosmoE
in relutio
As I said , we may be in Cal
on of our www.CosmoE for c oci
• " e \lere hoping s o IIlUch t oot you
th" •. 1lderness, whic h it no ... see
yeare i n t he u ilderness should b
If one \,orks like t e devil ...11
of us . I hope you h!l.d a .. ond(;rf
th...t i t \, 111 not be long before
flesh us well as in the upi r it o
booa \,iohcs t o y ou t.n u to t
are looking f orW'cl.rd to l,g oO

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