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Garcia, Nehemiah B.
BSN 3Y1 – 2

CHN 312

Week 10 Community Organizing

1. What is the usual reaction of people in community organizing ?

- The most common reaction of the people when it comes to community organizing is
confusion. Not everyone in the community is used to unity, they are not used working
things out with other members of the community. But some people understands how
community organizing changes the quality of the relationship that organizations have
with the communities they work with. Sometimes people lack of belief from these
programs, because sometimes the promise of a better life quality in ther community is
not true.

2. What are the problems identified by Mang Philip after the typhoon?
- Mang Philip expressed his feelings on the difficulty of getting relief goods, of how hard it
is for the survivors of the the Typhoon Yolanda, to get hold of the relief goods, and as
we all remember the number of donation in money and kind that time was overflowing,
for example Mang Philip said that the blanket kits donated by the Australians was not
given to them immedietly and when it was given to them it was only blankets. Mang
Philip said that what they needed was houses, there are also no basic services like
electricity and clean water. And when they were able to get ahold of temporay shelter,
which is a tent, it doenst last long . And the problem that they faced the most , is the
policy of the local government in which the places they used to live was declared “No
Build Zone” and if ever they violated this policy, they won’t get any help from the
government. Another problem is that the relocation site for the new housing project
was far from where they used to live.

3. What can you say about the policy being implemented to the victims of the
typhoon in this story?
- Several weeks after Typhoon Haiyan happened, a No-Build Zone was implemented
within the coastal's 40-meter area was implemented by the government, preventing
former coastal residents from reconstructing their former houses and if every they

violated this policy, they would not get assistance or help from the government. The
government offered its newly-built bunkhouses to the survivors. For me this Policy
seems inconsiderate, considering the fact that these people were typhoon survivors and
not just any typhoon but the strongest typhoon that ever landed in mankind history, so
for their local government to implement this policy , they don’t think abou the people at
all. They didn’t consider the fact that any help they could give to these survivors , just to
make it easier for them to get up and go on with their lives. But it seems like, based on
the video that their local government is making things hard for them. There’s a man in
the video that said that the people there, their real enemy was the local govt, he said ,
these people lost their loved ones, their houses, their source of income and yet their
local govt keeps on making things hard for them.

4. How does the community people acted upon to the identified problem.?
- Simply by being united. Together they slowly rebuilded their community. They did
community organizing, they learned to help each other and at the same time stand on
their own feet, because they said that the help they get won’t last forever. The proudest
thing they did was that they presented the issue with their mayor about the No Build
Zone and they proposed solutions to it, and the policy was abolished, all because they
united as a community. Because they all desire the same thing , and that is to bring their
lives back to normal. The woman said in the video , that the most effective way of
helping the people in the community , is with the help and support of those people in
the community. The people had trainings and seminars like the Community Based Risk
Reduction Management. And once the community was organized, they now started
with the programs related to their livelihoods. They had DRR training , they have
committee for different aspects, health, communication, evacuation and transportation
committees. That why when another typhoom came, they were immensely prepared as
a community.

5. Based on the story, is community organizing the answer to meet the needs of the
community? Why?
- With community organizing successful health promotion and disease prevention
programs rely on involvement from the community. When individual community
members come together to identify problems and strategies to address them, it
increases the ability of the program to affect change. Other benefits of community
organization include empowerment of community members, increased ownership
among community members for their health, and improved social support for achieving

healthy changes. An effective community organizing involves understanding the context

and root causes of health issues. Collaborative decision making and problem solving.
Focusing efforts on specific issues. Actively engaging participation from various groups
and organizations within the community. Developing and maintaining capacity and
power to produce lasting change.Providing feedback to the community. Like what the
people did in the coast of Mahusay Beach, they slowly rebuilded their community with a
carefully laid out plan, the people had trainings and seminars like the Community Based
Risk Reduction Management. And once the community was organized, they now started
with the programs related to their livelihoods. They had DRR training , they have
committee for different aspects, health, communication, evacuation and transportation
committees. That why when another typhoom came, they were immensely prepared as
a community. And together with the permanent housing comes with their re-
established livelihood.

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