SQQM1023 - Managerial Mathematics Tutorial 1 - Introduction To Function

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SQQM1023 – Managerial Mathematics

Tutorial 1 – Introduction to Function

1. Which of the following equations define y as a function of x?

a) y = 3x + 1 b) y = 2x2 c) y = 5 d) y = 2x e) x = 3

f) y = x g) y = x 3
h) y = x i) y = x j) y =
{ 4 ¿ ¿¿¿
2. Determine types of function for the following equations:
3 x +1
a) f(x) = 2 b) g(x) = 2−x c) f(x) = 4 – x d) f(x) = 2x e) g(x) = x2 + 3x

f) h(x) = 2x g) h(x) = ex h) g(x) = x2 i) h(x) =

{ 3 ¿¿¿¿
j) h(x) = 2

3. Find the values for each function based on the inputs given:

a) f(x) = 3x – 5, f(-1) and f(0) b) g(x) = x2 – 3x, g(4) and g(-2) + g(0)

t 2 −t
c) f(t) = 4 , f(2) and f(0) d) g(t) = 2t , g(3) and g(0) – g(1)

e) h(x) = √ 2x+3 , h(-1) and h(3) f) h(x) =

{ 4 ¿ ¿¿¿ ,
h(-3) and h(1) + h(0)

3 x +3 9
g) g(x) = 2+x , g(1) and g(-1) h) f(x) = x , f(1) and f(9) – f(-1)
i) g(x) = 2 , g(2) and g(0) + g(-2) j) f(x) = 5 , f(0) and f(-1) – f(5)

4. Find the domain of each function. (First, recall the different representation of a function and decide which one is the best for
you to understand the idea of the domain. Then try to determine the domain algebraically)
7 x 4
a) f(x) = x b) h(x) = 4 x+3 √ c) g(x) = 5
d) g(x) = x −x
x +1 1 2
e) h(x) = √ x−3 f) f(x) =
x + 6 x +5 g) f(x) = √ x h) h(x) =
x +1
i) f(t) = 4t2 – 5 j) f(x) = 4 k) g(x) = x +8

l) f(x) =
{ 4 ¿ ¿¿¿ m) f(x) =
3 x−1
2 x +5 n) h(x) =
{ 3 ¿¿¿¿
5. Based on the graphs, determine the domain and range of graphed functions. (Note: Recall the different representation of a
function and decide which one is the best for you to understand the idea of the domain and range)
Then, name each of the graphed functions using the list of functions given in the table below.

a) b) c) d)

e) f) g) h)

y = x2
y = x2 - 9
y = x
y = 4 – x2

f(x) =
{ x ¿ ¿¿ ¿ y = 2

6. If a RM 30,000 machine depreciates 2% from its original value each year, find a function V(t) that expresses the machine’s
value after t years have elapsed. What is the value of the machine after 4 years? How much is V(7) – V(5)? Calculate V(0)?
Explain what those values mean.

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