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This chapter contains the conclusion of the study conducted and suggestions

for future potential readers.

5.1 Conclusion

The conclusion of the study conducted is delivered as following:

1 The study finds that the exposure English department students experience is

still in middle category or average level.

2 Based on the study, commonly English department students have good writing

skill which means that their writing skill is slightly above average.

3 There is a significant correlation between exposure to English in social

networking sites and writing skill. The correlation is r=0.726; R2=0.527;

significance=0.001; N=40 people. It means that the correlation between the

two variables is in middle category and positive.

4 Actively using a language in social networking affects the ability to use the

language, including English.

5.2 Suggestions

The suggestion from the researcher for teachers is to always explore

alternative ways to increase students’ English ability, including writing skill.

Increasing students’ English ability is not only by reading textbooks, listening to

lectures, and other in-class activities but also by making the habit of actively


communicating in English everywhere like in social networking sites. This study

proves that the use of social networking sites among the students is very high. As

an educator, the teacher can also help the process of communicating in the social

networking sites and also actively participates in the communication of the

students. This will make the teaching and learning process become more fun and


Next, the suggestion for the students is to always explore alternative ways to

learn English. Language learning is about making a habit of using particular

language. Expressing ideas in social networking sites using English is also another

way to form a habit of using the language. There are many other alternative ways

to increase English ability like watching movies, listening to music, and many

others, that the researcher suggests students to explore by themselves.

For future researchers with the same theme, the researcher suggests upgrading

the scale of exposure level, so more precise score can be attained. Future

researchers should also asses the students’ writing more accurately. There are

other aspects can be studied like listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill,and

exposure to English in other media like movies and musics. Thus, future

researchers are suggested to explore other aspects like mentioned above.

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