Immigration Feedback

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Everyone is aware of the economy crisis we are in.

  Many American jobs are being taken

from illegal citizens.  Should we compromise jobs and lifestyles of U.S. citizens for someone

else’s goal of achieving the American Dream?  Arizona has set up their own immigration policy

allowing officers to question/retain immigrants or suspicious people.  I propose that the rest of

America stand behind Arizona and put this policy in action for the country as a whole. 

                Everyone always speaks of The American Dream and everyone also has their own

views on what the American Dream really stands for.   Illegal immigrants come to America for

better work and to try and find their way.  So many people view America as “The Land of the

Free/Possible.”  So many foreigners come to America to obtain their own American Dream. 

This raises the question, are we willing to sacrifice American jobs so immigrants can reach their

dream?  We cannot accept everyone whom wishes to become a U.S. citizen.  U.S. citizen’s can

barely afford to support the American Dream.

                In Arizona, Immigrants are forced to carry around their “green card,” or any other form

of idea that stated they were legal U.S citizens.  If police were suspicious they were entitled to

pull them over and detain them.  I think that this is a perfect way to get out of this unruly issue. 

We are all well aware of how awful the economy has been over the past few years.  Jobs

are becoming scarcer than ever.  A friend from back home was on my soccer team.  She told me

how she was not a U.S. citizen and I asked her, I said, “Do you have a job?”

She replied, “yes.”

I was always so curious on how she pulled off getting a job without a social security

number.   She looked straight in my eyes, as nothing was wrong, and said that she just picked

random social security number and used it as her own.  If she would have been caught by the

Arizona police she would have faced harsh penalties such as;

More families have to depend on welfare because of the lack of work that is provided.  If

we are letting these illegal immigrants take our jobs, we only have ourselves to blame for the

fall in economy and the debt that is racking up.  The more illegal immigrants you take out of the

workplace means the more job openings for actual U.S. citizens.  By the time I am an elderly old

woman, social security will have disappeared and we will be forced to support ourselves in our

elderly years.    

                U.S. dollars are being spent every day on these illegal immigrants.  The families, who

are not from our country, a lot of times, have children.  When these kids are put into public

school our money is going to them.  We are paying for children, whose parents do not pay for

neither state nor federal taxes and American children are paying the price of poorer education.

54.6% of Hispanic homes have uneducated parents, 90% of those households speak only

Spanish and 14.6% of the illegal immigration population will drop out of high school while only

17% of them will graduate high school and only 10% of that 17% will attend college but not

graduate (15% of that 10% will get a college diploma

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