Matrix Algebra - Class Notes

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Matrix Algebra: * Matrices: Elementary row transformations, Echelon form and rank of a matrix. ‘System of linear equations: Consistency, Solution by Gauss elimination, Gauss Jordon, Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel methods. Eigen values and Eigen vectors: Elementary properties, Computation of largest eigen value by power method. ‘Higher Engineering Mathematics’ by B.S.Grewal ‘Introductory methods of Numerical analysis’ by Sastry SS ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ by Kreyzig E References: Elementary Matrix Theory Definition A matrix A of order (or size) mx nis a rectangular array of mnelements arranged in m rows and n columns. The element in the i row and j column is called the (i,j) centry of ~—the~— matrix = and_—sis-— denoted =stby Sa, yy oy A=[aj=|“ oy Gn Int Gn An nxn matrix is called a square matrix of order n. A matrix of order mx1 is called a column vector, and one of order 1x7 is called a row vector. The Identity Matrix ‘The identity matrix I of order n is defined as the square matrix of order n with (i, j)-entry 1 if fy and 0 if f47 for all t7=12.0n eee 0 00 1 Transpose of a matrix ‘The transpose of an mx n matrix 4 = [4 Inn is defined as 47 = [4 Jan Example 10 9 _ 2. | oe IfA=|0 -3 1 7 11°55 92 5 -1 transpose ‘The conjugate transpose of (also called the Hermitian transpose or transjugate) ismatrix 4* obtained by replacing every element of 4” by its complex conjugate. Thus, if 4=[4)],,..then «7 ] Example 2+i 4 3421 2-1 lei -64 fa=|i-i 1+3i -S |,then at=] 4 1-37 asi]. 6 4-7 1-28 “Bedi S$ 142i Symmetric, Skew-symmetric, Hermitian matrices A square matrix A is said to be @ Symmetric if 4= 47 ‘Skew-symmetric if A= —A™ ii) Hermitian of A= 4* Trace of a matrix ‘The trace of a square matrix is the sum of all the elements on the main diagonal, and is denoted by trace(4)or w= Say. Example 9-11 If A=| 3-2: 1), then tr(A) =a); +ay, +455 =9+(-2)+5=12- 475 Inverse of a Matrix For a square matrix A of order 7, another matrix B of the same order is said to be an inverse of 4 if 4B = BA=1, the identity matrix of order A square matrix that has no inverse is said to be singular, and one that has an inverse is said to be non-singular or invertible. Note: Every invertible matrix has a unique inverse. Elementary row operations: 1, Interchange: Interchange any two rows. R, <> R denotes interchanging of the i and j* rows 2. Scaling: Multiply every entry of a row by the same non-zero scalar. R, > kR, denotes multiplying the i" row by the scalar k . 3. Row Addition: Add a multiple of one row of the matrix to another row. R, >R,+kR, denotes adding k times the j* row, to the i* row. Row Equivalence: Two matrices A and B are said to be row-equivalent if A can be reduced to B by a sequence of elementary row transformation or vice versa. . ’ =u v ‘ya & oxen Sub Matrix: Let A be a matrix of order mxn then a matrix obtained by deleting some rows or columns from A is called a submatrix of A. Submednx B= oy CW rs We Rank of a Matrix The rank of a matrix is the order of its largest non-singular square submatrix. 14) #0 It is also possible to define and compute the rank in a different ae Definition The row rank of a matrix is the number of non-zero rows in the echelon form of that matrix [aes 4 JIA) =2 +O. RankCA) = 3 ortrw (az Consihan B= a3 , 1B) =0 c-['n3] cl =-1 #0 Rank (B) = ay By means of a elementary row operations any m x n matrix A of rank ‘k" can be reduced to a so called Echelon form which has the following structure 4) The first k rows contain at least one nonzero element each: % remaining m — k rows are zero (all rows consisting of only zeroes are at the bottom). 2) The first non-zero entry (called the leading entry/pivot) should bel. 3) The leading entry of a nonzero row is always strictly to the right of the leading coefficient of the row above it. 4) All entries in a column below a leading coefficient are zeros oO Qa -l lm nm-xyro Rew oO i 4 nm -3° Rew o°o Note’ The hank dh xm mahix in Echelm fom eznal to the numba dy nm-yro Aeows in that mahi @® Find the hank mahix {| a -% 3 A= |2 5 -h © -| -3 22 a # 1 G Ra—> R-AK, , RZD RAR, 5 R, > R-AK, ! Qe 3 2 o L O 0 ~ o -- Oo 3 o> & 2 = 1 Ce i °o ! Oo oO Oo -O oo. | o 0 1 Oo R,<> Ry = 1 a -2 SB 3 Oo Oo >]/O o Lt Oo ‘0 fo) ° 1 Rank CA = 4 2 Find the Rank A mb 5 6 1 8 Az jlo 7 8 49 ff y2 13 dy 16 IT 8 014 Ra Ra- RK, Rg PR-AR, RD R,—3R, 5 6 7 8 a: ipa pa ) ! \ RoR |S Cee ee ~)y Oo -| -& x 1 O -! -2 / eel -3 -5. »o-t ~-3 -§5] R,—> Ry —5R, ; R29 Re-R, Ry? RyRy 1 ! 1 ) ~ lo 1 a 4 o - -A 3 0 -% -4 -6 Re PR Ry RS Ry FAR I O°CoO - OOrL OOr- Ooy- RankCA) = Qy xh a Aank A mabixn Ars @, fynd abkb. 3 0 2 ®& oa —6 42 ay 54) — ap -aj a & Ry > Rata, Ra > R-7R, 2 0 a x = O 42 as 58 O° -2y a-'4 B-NY R. R, DR Rae TZ Ri Rg + Ba re a yz 7 a ! 0 *w%® % -_— 1 $% ay, eZ Oo oO Qa bis Sin@ Rank CA) = S+is =O =O) b--15 a = 32 -!1 7! DFind the Rank A Lr x 3 1 > -2 : cit YA 6 3 ° System Linear num ~ Hrmogentond Eapahons ~ A Syptem fC tynakms in’! Unknmns Hy Ag, yn 1S a Seb 4 eqns 4 te fer ayy FAs +7 + AAAg = by ay Ay + gre Fo - + Anan = bn ® in = by Foy Hy Anna Me + a,,,% ger every! T{ b;=0 ) fat a,--,m G6), syrm © , Sytem O fs called non— hamugt neous Mobix Represonbohm A system O) is es On Anz ~-"7 Ain U b Ay Ian Arn ae br ' = |: : b Am Ame - - -- Amn || %n as ie, AX = B Augmented modnx Cale] 4 system © fs obtained by nz A by tha column B- a reals] = aa, Azar --- Asn ‘ bz Ap, 4 Consistent ‘= System fs sath f be consisten’ if O hos atlearl me Solum. Tneansistence if System hes no Solutim Fundamental Theorem * O Ih rank 4 & = Aank J CAl6) Men the Septem fs consistent. © Ih RCA) = nCAIBD =n , the number df, Un knowns then unaut Solum exists. @ Th MAD= AankCAlB) Ry Ry-2R, 1 2 0 4 RoR2 J & oOo |\F _ -w ans 7 ~ fo ® See ee O10 SIM) pk fo 1% |-% Om aim las ey -> Es eae R3 PR-RL y Ry Ru Rey Po fy) 2 0 \& Oo 2 te eal s @ |, i -»,\)u5 w~ |O Ft 3 \ ys | — 3s = ° ° 24x | -56/_] Ryo Ft o Dp 1 [-4 o 0 Ny | HE, 2) lo o 1 f-4 5 +oZ= | a eS ate ! v3, rf ots KZN [2 ° to} -4 °° oO oO a | Rank (A) = 3 Rank (ale) = 3 2 + Rank( A) = Rank CA\s) = 3 unknowns = (ovate) "The system 1S cmsistent amd boo unique Solus © =—-4 —— WB = ', = 4-2 oy git Weay tone Gq Ae aur =\ > X22 @ Test fr comsistencyy and Solve & Gauss Elimination ruthed An —ay +62 =8 X+-y ~32 ==!) 15% ~34 +42 =al CL falas = Sa fy 2] q al is ~-3 9 \al Ra Ri-4R, > Rag PRs—I5R, 1 ' a -! o -6 18 1h ° —/18 54 36 R, 2? Ss Ry > Ra 2Ra, 1 | eo cll f 2 —2y O° O° oO Oo 4 B Rank CA) = Q ) Rank CA(B) = & v's RankA) = Rank(AlB) =A << numba r=3) <1 Sopher ie consistent and Whos infinitely rary Solahins- + Variable dee 2ak Nop Oh Vowichhes aA y-aza-h B ~2 =D)~> Porat 3D Test fur Conshistency @ solve by Gauss -Elininakin metd m+ ytzal aH rey +12 =f m-2=D > | | ) [ais] — 8 if Oo -| v | -1 3 /-5 RA Ra SR, 3 fy PRR, Re PR Ry 1 1 I I ~ lo: 3 Qe ! 9 -2 a -6 R3> Ra Ry » Ry Ry + ARY 1 ! | I eS oO I 2a 3 Oo Oo oO 4 oo 6 ° Ra gs Re z << z I ! I I NV 0 ( 2 = Oo Oo O 0 ° oO I Rank (A) = 3 5; Rank (AB) = 4 Rie) oe RCAlBD > The givin System is snomsétent & hos No Solukm, YD enalie Conabsteney ond Solve by Grows - Eliminotron » 7 wm way+2=3 aX +3y +azeS 3x ~ +52 =2 Bm ray 2 c) Find the — valuen » ond Wor the Atosng System howe % i fe “ © Anigue Solution @ ingen many Solution @ re se hoy x~ +Z2=6 m+ ay + eae see Hw aye ATS Mh hee 1 L 6 = /!) 7 fais) ~ Ly Soe a UO 1 oon r Rk, Ra- Ry > Rae RR toot 1 6 o 2 a 4 oO Oo NS | p10 Rr > Py | 1 6 ~ o } % | M3 ° © Th A¥3 anh fee omy pa, the Syotem has Ga angprr Solutrm © Tf A=3 and p=lO System dos inprnately many Solum FIO, the System has no Solubon. © th A=3 ond ha @ Fred He volun 4 A & fur whsch fra. fottewing System have © Unique Solubtr) © inginbtely many Selvin © re souden ax ¢34+52=4 4% +*3y—-az =8 ak + ay AZ ET Spier 4 Hamodeneon Eqpahons — Fy%, #4 %Q tome a =o gy 1, Fag Le #7 FAD AQ =O Sim hy + ona 2 * co tA he =O yen Homogeneous — system mo ts always eos istent- CSinct Rank ClO) = RankCA >) Note: A Lous ore always Sas a trivial solubm if Aankcald)= dank(A) =n. Ci-e e, IAL +0) Note : Lf er ———C= Sgstem has ——=2 infinitely many — Solukms- Note. A hom has trivial — solukon if dnd mb ob po =O. “nee (roy) OSlwe xn+y-az+3w = 0 wm-ay +2 —-—Ww =0 atl er +8w =0 +az —w =0 by G Gauss -Elimiadkon ie [ale] = ! J a 3 I ma I al 4 ! -S 3 5B 7 a -il Ry PRR, , Ra PRe-4Ry , Ry RFR, too-a 3] —3 3 -+ 4 a. hD [2 oo0- o y Ra > Re, RP Rs-Ra Ry Ry —4 Ra ! Il o | -| 4% ia aaa aa ° ° © Oo No. Unknowns — Rank f Mobx det wk, zak, fo, 4 4 d y-z+iw =O> ys le = bey tg aZtawso > x= k,~ Ek mek “Zk, yrk-bk z-k w=k, d Solve ar -3Z+aw=0 Ax-Y +az-3Zw=0 2. =ay +2 —4w=0 —4x+y 32 +w=O 2 Grau Elinanadin mew - fof -3 2 fale] =x Aztfa -i ears 3B -a 1 -4 -} 1 -3 1 Ry, > R-AR, , RAP Rz-3R, Bee Ry t AR, I 1 -3 2 a |o -3 3s -7 o -5 10-10 oO SF 5 4 R R, ee , J -3 a& Pa ee %, Ones oe to gs -is 9 R,> Ra+R, RO R- SR ' ' a. a ~ ° 1 -3 Vs 7 oo -s HI ° -T, -% J ee Ry Ry 58s 1 ' -3 a o ' -3 y = 4, Slo o | Yr o OO Oo -% > -3 Ry sRy 1) -3 a al o 1 “Hs He _ 8 ° ' YS Rank (Alo) = hank (A) = 4 en = ne 4 unknowns “Trivial solu enish - jee, ASG eZ aws0 = @ Solve ax -sy—-4Z+W =O we xy +2 +aw=o bx +z4+7w =O TH + BY IZ +5w=0 by Gow» Eliminakon mathe . Geuss -Jovdan Method : Consik a wwebix A whose inverse is asqwred te be found. 4 elo the mahias A and IL side by side. Ther Sequence clemenhs Row transformehin whith “reduce A to L , whin Vesa ve ges the inverse 4 A- oO Usérg Gauss - Jordan mathod , frd the inverse of He s 3 mox A= |g e 1 , 2 I pe A [Alt] -~ fe %4 3]! 2° 9° a t t]o 1 0 f a 1/0 oO fF R, <> Rs I aed o Oo 4 nx al a ’ J ° 1 oO & 4 3 ! 0° R, > R,-2R, y Rg? Re hde. ' a J ° ° ‘ 2 Oo -3 -! ° Fry oO oOo -I 1! ~-4 oO > Ra & >» Rig P-Re 1 2 ) °° (Oot iad o Uf Yr, o Vs *% Oo °o I -l 4 oO —& Rg > RR 2 Ia o oO |} = o ! O|% -%, ¥%, B 7, ¥3 Oo! -I 4 0 Siler lad) 2 ©. : © Yy Ty 4, ° ° \ -1 i ° _ Ye “Ye Ys “A= eg ee al 4 ° @ Find the inverse dh” the mabin using Grass Jordan mathed and Solve th" System A, +A, +A, FAY =0 Ay + Hy +%z— Hy = Y Ax =8B = =! A, +A, — Mz + Ay = 4 x= AB = H, —Hg Az Xy Ans’ \ J 1 ,{' 9 9 O a oo = t fai] =|! 1 J 1|o0 1 ) -) Vlg 0° t O° 1 =| a -—rséi“——sNesO_ Rxto o md sto fe a ato 0 6 act aol = T S00 - oo - 0 0-9 0 - 2°00 —__] U =\ <\ ® Using A solve - Ciena AD using Grows Jordan mutrod_) ar, +X, +54, FHS Ay +A, = 3%, — 4% E71 Bx, + 6%, 2% F AW =D AX, Fat, FA%g —34%L =D =\ <\ ® Using A solve - Ciena AD using Grows Jordan mutrod_) ar, +X, +54, FHS Ay +A, = 3%, — 4% E71 Bx, + 6%, 2% F AW =D AX, Fat, FA%g —34%L =D l I o -l a 2, Be oe % -"s yy, “hy ’s Ne Ms OSo Selve by Gauss- Jorclan metred a+eytZ =A an Say t4z =13 Bx way +52 =40 id AX=B 1 I 1{\(% 4 a2 -3 4 gf =]3 3 4 F Il2z 4o R=? R, pop FL YT® - zlo sally f=]® — oe Rz 2 RztSRy Hot ot ifn q ef 3 2) ~ [o o | £2 R, > Ray 12 Cod @ Solve the Sqstem *y GrausS Jordan maettrod Bx + +az-3 oA -—z2=-3 H+ By tz ey Numesical Methods to Solve Linear System 4 Eypabioy ©D Gauss Jacobi method @® Gauss Seidel metrod . D Grauss Jacobi method — Given , LLL FAyXn = b, Ag X, + FaaXat -- + 4an Xn = b, © a, ay Angers + 3 Onn%n = bn my To Solve the System , We Rewrite the ens ay = ch [by mate = ayny= = Ant] an aod [b.- Fay % ~ Aag%g~ a, Aan = I _ _ eee a7 3 (+, Any % — Anata Anema | an ° > o Suppose. &, x a Fy ene ange inhal : \ =. opproumah ms fo thea unknowns %, , XQ, ---) An SubsK hb in RUS AH@, we tnd the firsk approximate. Oseltion : %©, ¥ f 7%, by — 2%, — Ay % — 77 — Aine tt ier 2G) i rf @) © © ay w = oo @> =aas <> = gy Hy — AA, — — Sankn a i ® ) wo 2 dt Lb- aK 7 = Orne] pool Koo @ % Similan, if & : a Ay Ry ae the Kk” itenation values, then the next apprmimatim is given by Jett) Ke « a“) x ae Le, — A2%q — As — 7-7 T Mink an Cen) Ww wo 7 aa = ae be at TK, 7 Aan ‘Ad ent ) ee ee ee ee ann Note’, Gauss Jacobi method cove Lor om Initial apprommahin — ih and only i} the co 2b hiccenk oe G a the follewing system using Canss- Jorsbs's ¥ 83x 4+Ny —42=495 TR +Say +132 =104 Bu +8) ta92 <1) 7 Carmonk 3 jterahns - saz uty 5a > 1ttl3 3+ Syptem s di age nally dominant 2 SI 7 uz 1 a, lL iy + i ge a bee ~ 1% = 132] er 2 L289) ° ° y Wee y SS o 2 = 1-1446 oo S o-o0 =a {a > face =X Sz ae 4,(11-0-8] = a-44sa @ _ & (a- Bus. = 0.4995 x = 45 N@) + @ 483) > : = 18338 = =7 (iby) —13@ 4uas] = 1233) ¥ S2 _ ») @ 1 = Y{ =1.77 = 41 -30)-446)—- F@ 1.778) . = ; J Co : Pe [a5-1C-a338) + uG-7781) = 1-0 668 32 @ a CrrCts—C—SsS ~13G-778)] = 4ar 5a SEs ai ~ 360.4915) — 8 G-2338)] = 9.0047. e\ aww ® Solve the aps using FEIT 10H, ~AX, — Az— My = 3 —(@) —X) — Hy —AAz HOR, =F Ge) = at +104, gm = 15 —D canny bron: Hy — Ag FIA, —AAy =2) —& je) The given Syftem (8 nek dcogenalty o> 2+ So, —wa_Mvinike Ha. giver Syptrtin an _folleurs 10%, — AXy—A—AQ =F Ar, * 10%, Hy Ay EIS Ay “Ay we \O%, arty =a TA) ~ Ag —AX%zyHIOMy = —-9 a = [perme as+ty| Hae te LIS amy + Aa 4% ] —— +H +H x mg ets att 41+ 4a + BR] =~. Mu = fra +x, 4% + 255] Lp 2 © _. Sn a x ee ~ A, 0-3 5 ae =r 0-78 th 27 ears oad 1-408 2-96 — 0-108 0-96ay 1+ 960% 2°9SID =5708er @® Selve the System eqns AA, +X, 4%, =2 my + 5%, +21, = 6 A, tates 43%, =—-4 usin the aus — Jacobs i ‘ a 3 bod. = Take the inthel approumahin a = fs, ~0-S,-0-5J xaos X= 5S x a0 Ss £ , a / 3 Cony ouf 2B ttoaothon- a” x* & L Se\-U Grauss- Seidel Method ¢ NAUSS= Deidel Methot This method {S$ — modifrcaton 4 Tacobis method - An Tocobi's method , te compute He Solution ot- ead jrenaton only the valor oh ae In tes method, while compuking the Solan al- th th Cen) frerahin alma with Kk ttenotion valor, My Available (kt) iteration values owe abso mad. — IP Gauss- Secdel method &S Ai as for as in Tocobi meted - i ae & ie BP La an a, 8> ante] an BL [Loan a a Aan ' OD) ket) Cee eo L Lb a ant 4 Ona’ See ~ ~Aneqatnr | Note’ Gauss- Sedel method comvewes fur og oe ——appromimahin if and th the co-efpr mabik “ot domuinanl, 1 [al Z 5 lag! holds in at bem om eqy- Grauss- Seidel Method ¢ NAUSS= Deidel Methot This method {S$ — modifrcaton 4 Tacobis method - An Tocobi's method , te compute He Solution ot- ead jrenaton only the valor oh ae In tes method, while compuking the Solan al- th th Cen) frerahin alma with Kk ttenotion valor, My Available (kt) iteration values owe abso mad. — IP Gauss- Secdel method &S Ai as for as in Tocobi meted - i ae & ie BP La an a, 8> ante] an BL [Loan a a Aan ' OD) ket) Cee eo L Lb a ant 4 Ona’ See ~ ~Aneqatnr | Note’ Gauss- Sedel method comvewes fur og oe ——appromimahin if and th the co-efpr mabik “ot domuinanl, 1 [al Z 5 lag! holds in at bem om eqy- DO Solve the following sostem 4 eqns by Crass Seide| meted BA, HIN, +Az —HAL SIS — 0 BA, Ag 410%, + A, = AI EC IDX, + SA, —BAZ+ Ay = 18 wo AX +A, —BA, +1X, =3\ €w) Carryout 3B Srerakens. > we °) fms! ket A eM eG = = =o Ew. e ; The given " system SS nor densely dominant, So Mews! ISA, #5x,-3A, + Ay = 1g ne gan ents. AX, + 1Qkyg HAZ 4X, = 13 Bx,- 4A, HOA, +A, =2q Ax, +4, —3%A R490, = 3) Ls Now Acagenally dominant. x, =iLs — SA, +32, -Xu] Ay = i L138 ar %s + 4% | x = £[31—a7,-1, +3%] x, Ay Ks Ry 4 +3846 0- 8526 28257 3-9 834 aD Ie 4043 1-94al 28578 3-8696 2B 099495, 1968S 30006 4 +0038 A. wen, oe sg Bo CoMemoi) 4 1-384 6 150833 a9 YOY am SZ Te pind aM iternhm velar we mie oly St dhendhin iHemston her. D Sve ax-y =! —% +ag -2 =O e _ +az—-w =O uv e Coryout 3 ihnokion) be Gauss Sevdel matwod - -Z+aw co eff mabrx is Acogenally dominant. me ¢ =m Ww at os 0.25 o-IAsS 0. 5625 LT 0-625" 0-375 0-4 688 0- 1344 w 0-687 o- 5782 o- 6563 o-$asr W a @® Solve Boe 2a 90s axw+sy —-2 =10-5 aay -IOZ= Bog, by Grauss- Secdel meted, Stost with Soluhon C1,2,3)- Carryout 4 ‘terabmg. 0? eo) @ N=, Q e2 , 2-23 Eigen Values and Exgen Veders — HA fs any squme mahix d, ovdee n with elements ay we can find a column mahix X ond a coytornt \ Such thal” AX =AX% AX —AX =O fa-at] x =O x Au aa ain ie ete : Oo 1 0--d az - au Mag fan \— Ale i iad Bm Amn Ann (Oecee, ol | an Ay= N43 -= an ny an wd pcm | |. © an, Aang - 7 ee Ang ® An > CGy-A) A, + Aig%at -- + +AN%n = O Aa, xr +@a-A) AL + ee nai © Ap %) + Ana%y 7-7 + OYCA)An =O which will have ~ nm-tiwel solubon bh determinant A) coeff mahix vanishes - pe jan-A 427 77 In wr ws \ 6 —@ am = 7 7 nw [a-at] =o —@ Eqp@ gives wl dagree ey in A, ts called the characteristic equation dp mahix A. Ik rots A; , $21,2,--,N oe called Eigen vals oO lotent Roots and corres pinata te eash eigen valu, [A-M]X =O will have a nen-gere Solum, xX ={ 75 2 t), whidr fs known os Etgn vena iC ay ley - Hamiltm traovem ~ Every Spore mahix Sahsfres ft own chanacerishe Snohon ie, 4 tha charochenhic ep fr the nh orden sqncne mahix A fs /A4-ar] =O n bal 2 = Se eo ee Oe kis key pkg Conran - n “ -2 7 CDA + kan kA + -- +k A tk, =° Propearhes 4, exgen values — @ Sum oh the eigen values J) a mabe A, fis the Sum Bo the — elements tH Prindpal ob Cpe. c mer A) @® Ih A fs an exgen value ao mahi» A, then J fs the agen value 7 a, @I, A fs an exgin value 2} an orthegmal mahix then K $s also Ft gen value. (* FS orthoynal AB = ATA wAcA =I 4) ry AysrAg yc Ay me exgen volues a maton aS m then AD has exgn values aa ee am bes Ve inkepr. © deb A= Prodack BR the exyn values, om Prod the exye n values and exgen vedtrs 4 ta “ra Mus. The characken'shre gyn FS, Ja-ar] =0 I-A HR =o -S y> GU-a)G4-x) —102 = 0 4 -4A-A+A% —10 =O N-5\-6 =0 > Chanmderithe exnahon Az—I,6 = Etgan values - Corvespmding to each ecgen value, (A-AL)X =O has a TUM -3 pro Solukm - fs afs-6] When A=-I in® [RJ- Axa =O D AH-AHO — SX, +5450 SD x,-x,=0 dot a =k, E.vedw = \%7 \* He ky

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