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Be honest to take the Exam.

Image Processing(Final)

Student No: i10613036 Chinese Name: 籃丹尼 (Print)Your name: Imam Alifudin Ramdhani

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use your name as part of the filename, e.g., 1092-ImageProc-期末考-阿飛
( a ) 1. For a 3x3 averaging filter, each entry value is (a) 1/3 (b) 1/9
( b ) 2. If the processed image has a darker boarder, what was applied to the image
before the processing? (a) Padding with zeros (b) Mirroring
( b ) 3. Frequencies of an image are a measure of the amount by which gray values
change with (a) time (b) distance
( b ) 4. What kind of filter is an Laplacian filter? (a) a low-pass filter (b) a high-pass
( a ) 5. The sum of all the entries of a high-pass filter is (a) 0 (b) 1
( b ) 6. For 0 – 255 scaling transformation, if -100 is mapped to 0, 410 is mapped to
255, then 50 is mapped to (a) 60 (b) 75
( a ) 7. What kind of filter is a Gaussian filter? (a) a low-pass filter (b) a high-pass
( a ) 8. An image is filtered with a Gaussian filter with standard deviation . With
what , the processed image is clearest. (a) (b) (c)
( b ) 9. Unsharp masking is a kind of (a) low-pass filtering (b) edge enhancement
( a ) 10. Estimation of function values based on surrounding values is called (a)
interpolation (b) decimation
( b ) 11. When an image is enlarged, which technique will cause more block effect?
(a) Nearest neighbor interpolation (b) Bilinear interpolation
( b ) 12. To rotate an image, we first (a) rotate each pixel point (b) rotate the image
rectangle and find the grid points in the rectangle
( a ) 13. Which way is more efficient to process an image with a large filter? (a)
Using a spatial filter (b) Using the Fourier Transform
( a ) 14. A periodic function may be written as the sum of sines and cosines of
varying amplitudes and frequencies. (a) True (b) False
( a ) 15. If a function is nonperiodic, its spectrum is a continuous function. (a) True
(b) False
( b ) 16. For an N point one-dimensional discrete signal, its Discrete Fourier
Transform is an N point spectrum (a) True (b) False
( b ) 17. To swap the left and right halves of a discrete signal’s spectrum, we need to
(a) swap the left and right halves of the input vector x (b) multiply each element of
the input vector by
( a ) 18. If a signal becomes wider, its spectrum will be (a) wider and taller (b)
narrower and taller (c) narrower and shorter

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Be honest to take the Exam. Image Processing(Final)

( a ) 19. For two dimensional Fourier Transform, we can apply one dimensional
Fourier Transform 2 times, first on each row, then on each column. (a) True (b) False
( b ) 20. After applying spectrum shifting, the DC coefficient will be in (a) the upper-
left corner (b) about the center of the resulted spectrum
( b ) 21. When applying convolution on an image S with a mask M, the spectrum of
the processed image is (a) the sum (b) the product of F(M) and F(S). (Where F(S) is
the spectrum of S.)
( b ) 22. One way of avoiding the ringing effect on the processed image is to use as a
filter, a circle with a cutoff that is (a) more sharp  (b) less sharp.
( a ) 23. Salt and Pepper noise can be caused by (a) sharp, sudden disturbances in
the image signal (b) defects on the sensing cells of the camera.
( a ) 24. Random fluctuations in the signal will cause (a) speckle noise (b) Gaussian
( b ) 25.Which way can clean salt and pepper noise in an image better? (a) Low-pass
filtering (b) Median filtering
( b ) 26. The outlier method is applied to an image to remove (a) salt and pepper
noise (b) Gaussian noise.
( a ) 27. Notch filtering is used to (a) to remove periodic noise (b) for motion
( a ) 28. Segmentation refers to the operation of (a) finding the skeletons of the
objects in an image (b) partitioning an image into separate objects
( a ) 29. If the background of an image varies from black to white, using one
threshold value is able to achieve image segmentation (a) True (b) False
( b ) 30. Which filter is able to find out the vertical edges in an image?
(a) (b)
( a ) 31. What kind of compression is Huffman Coding? (a) Lossless (b) Lossy
( a ) 32. JPEG coding is mainly done on (a) pixels values (b) discrete cosine
( b ) 33. The entries of DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform) can be complex numbers. (a)
True (b) False
( b ) 34. The DCT in JPEG are normalized by dividing by a normalization matrix Q.
This is why JPEG is a lossy compression. (a) True (b) False
( a ) 35. The JPEG works best on regions of high frequency. (a) True (b) False
( a ) 36. In the JPEG algorithm, DCT is applied to (a) the whole image (b) 8x8 blocks
Please mail your Final Exam. to and
use your name as part of the filename, e.g., 1092-ImageProc-期末考-阿飛

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