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To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton’s Rings Method.

After the publication of wave theory of light by Huyghens, it became clear that light is a wave
motion. If light is a wave motion, one would like to know its wavelength. This thinking led scientist
to discover methods for measuring the wavelength of light. Thus this method of Newton’s ring
came into being.

The formation of Newton’s rings is a special case of interference in a thin film of slowly varying
thickness. In this case, interference is of division of amplitude type. This method is frequently used
in the laboratory for the measurement of wavelength of monochromatic light and refractive indices
of rare liquids.

A plano convex lens of large radius of curvature, two plane glass plates, sodium lamp, travelling
microscope and a spherometer.


Formula used:-
The wavelength of light by Newton’s Rings Method is given by the formula:

Dn2 p  Dn2
i) 
4 pR
where Dn is diameter of n th dark ring
Dn  p is diameter of (n  p) th dark ring
R  Radius of curvature of the curved face of the plano  convex lens.

l2 h l2
ii ) R   ; as h is negligible and can be omitted
6h 2 6h

l = Average distance between the spherometer legs
h = Difference of the reading of the spherometer when it is placed on the curved surface of
lens and when placed on plane surface of the glass plate.

1. Set the experimental set up as shown in the diagram

2. Before starting the experiment, the glass plates G1, G2 and the plano convex lens should be
thoroughly cleaned.

3. The center of lens L2 is well illuminated by adjusting the inclination of glass plate G1 at 45.

4. Set the main scale reading of the microscope at 5 mm and coincide the center of the ring
pattern with the center of the cross wire. Setting of main scale at 5 mm enables us to move
the microscope left and right from the center of the rings.

5. Move the microscope in horizontal direction to the left of the center of the rings. Set the
cross wire on left end of 21st, 19th, 17th, 15th, 13th, 11th, 9th, 7th, 5th, 3rd rings and note the

6. Move the microscope to the right of the center of rings. Set the cross wire on 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th,
11th, 13th, 15th , 17th , 19th and 21st rings and note the readings.

7. Find the diameter of rings by taking the difference between left and right positions of 3rd 5th
………….. 21th rings.

8. Square the diameter of rings and find Dn2 p  Dn2 by assuming n = 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and n + p =
13th, 15th, 17th and 19th so that p remains same for each set of calculation.

9. Determine the radius of curvature ‘R’ of the lens using the spherometer.
(i) Put the plane surface of lens on the glass plate and spherometer legs on the
curved surface of lens and set the spherometer screw and note the reading.
(ii) Remove the lens and put the spherometer legs on the plane glass plate. Now
rotate the spherometer screws till the tip of screws touches the glass plate and
note the spherometer reading.
(iii) Find the height of curved surface of lens by subtracting the spherometer readings
taken in (i) and (ii).
(iv) Measure the average value of the difference between the legs of spherometer (i.e.
(v) Formula for radius of curvature of plano convex lens is R = l2/6h.

Value of one small div. of the main scale ‘X’= 0.5 mm
No. of division. on the vernier scale ‘Y’ = 50
Least count of traveling microscope = X/Y = 0.5/50 = 0.01 mm

Table for determination of (D2 n+p – D2n)

No. (D2n+p Mean

of – (D2n+p
Microscope reading D2n) –
(mm)2 D2n)
D2 (mm)2
D= (a-b)
(in mm)
Readings on the left side Readings on the right side Me
from the centre of the from the centre of the rings an
rings (a) in (mm) (b) in (mm)
M.S V.S Total M.S. V.S Total
(mm) reading(a) (mm) reading (b)
M.S + M.S +
(V.SL.C) (V.S  L.C)
(mm) (mm)

Determination of R (radius of curvature of plano convex lens) using spherometer

Value of smallest div. on main scale (mm) 1mm

Least Count of spherometer = = ------ = 0.01mm
Total no. of vernier divisions 100

Spherometer Reading
Sl.No. Reading on convex surface of the Reading on a plane surface, b h =(a-b) Mean
plano-convex lens, a (in mm) (in mm) mm h
M.S. V.S. Total = M.S. + M.S. V.S. Total = M.S. + (mm)
(V.S.  L.C.) (V.S.  L.C.)

Mean distance between the legs of spherometer ‘l’ = ------------------mm


l 2 h2
i) R 
6h 2
Dn2 p  Dn2
ii ) 
4 pR

‘’ should also be obtained by plotting a graph between Dn2 on Y-axis and the No. of rings on X-


‘’ of sodium light as calculated

i) By formula = -------------Å
ii) From Graph = ------------- Å
Standard value of ‘’ = 5893 Å
% error = ----------------- %

Sources of Error and Precautions:-

1. Glass plates should be cleaned thoroughly

2. Lens used should be of large radius of curvature.
3. An extended source of light should be used.
4. Measure the radius of curvature accurately.

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