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Amazon is an American organization, one of the largest in the world among

companies engaged in the sale of all kinds of goods and services via the Internet.
Its capitalization is more than $ 140 billion, and revenue for the last fiscal year
(2013) exceeds $74 billion, the company's share in the US online retail market
exceeds 28%. It is also a leader in the field of sales of mass-market goods through
the system of Internet services. Established in 1994, it still remains a leader in its
market and influences the behavior of hundreds of companies at a lower level. The
founder of this great company is Joseph Bezos. He launched an online platform for
trading books and comics. Three years later, the store expanded its services and
began selling music records, and a few months later, all kinds of video products.
Today, the Amazon service provides 34 product categories - everything from
Kindle e-books and home appliances to children's toys, food and clothing. As we
can see, the list of services is very, diverse, from here you can judge the size of the
company itself and its functional headquarters, which was able to take all the key
positions in this Internet market. It all started in America, but Amazon is actively
implementing its services in other developed countries. The so-called national
clones are found in Japan, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, and other highly
developed countries. One of the characteristic features of this online store is that
every customer can leave their feedback about the purchased product and evaluate
it. This system helps you select good quality products that deserve to be in the top
of the best and most popular positions. At the same time, filter out products of poor
quality or non-conforming to state standards with the help of negative reviews. was among the first who managed to discern the online opportunity
to appeal to the widest audience, which does not even have to leave the house and
get up from the chair to order the product and get it using the delivery service right
on your doorstep. The number of items is more than the warehouse can hold. On
the Internet, it is actually not needed. The product is not idle on the shelves. Here
is the main advantage of the Amazon service. After 25 years, the small garage
store has grown into a global player that has gone far beyond the book business
and e-commerce. Amazon is firmly in the top of the most expensive companies in
the world, and its founder Jeff Bezos took first place in the list of the richest people
on the planet. Amazon's staff has grown tens of thousands of times in 25 years —
at the end of 2019, the company was an employer for 750 thousand people, and by
the end of 2020, their number will exceed one million. The reason for the huge
success and sustainability of Amazon was the strategy to build not just a retailer,
but its own ecosystem, in which the services and products of different divisions
complement each other. In a matter of years, this strategy has made Amazon so
comprehensive that it has effectively deprived other major players of the
opportunity to truly compete with it. Amazon's business is now highly diversified,
with a total of more than 40 subsidiaries behind the brand, covering everything
from the diaper trade to smart home technology and cloud computing. First of all,
Amazon is known as the retail super empire, which has gone beyond the online
and is already opening its own offline Amazon Go stores, as well as Amazon Fresh
grocery supermarkets. Over the years, Bezos has also launched the advertising
giant “Amazon Advertising” — the third-largest digital advertising platform,
behind only Google and Facebook. Since the early 2000s, Amazon has been
successfully developing its Amazon Web Service (AWS) project, a commercial
public cloud that provides both infrastructure — based services (virtual servers,
storage resources) and platform-based services (cloud databases, cloud-based
middleware, and so on). In addition, the company develops devices, including the
smart assistant Alexa, and works in the media and entertainment industry. Amazon
managed to build such a diversified business thanks to Jeff Bezos's approach to
work. From the very beginning, he did not consider the company as just an online
store-his goal was always to simplify the online shopping process for the consumer
as much as possible, to provide good service and a low price. "While you're
chasing profits, I'm taking advantage of opportunities," Bezos explained the
difference between Amazon's pricing approach and that of its competitors. The
retailer's strategy was fully justified: during 26 years of operation, it launched all
new businesses that met the growing needs of customers, and in 26 years it
"closed" into the system. For example, back in the 1990s, Amazon abandoned the
idea of trading one type of product. Currently, you can buy both Amazon products
and products from nine million other sellers on the marketplace. Through the
platform, you can buy everything from perishable food, household appliances and
medical products to toys for children and adults, as well as get fast delivery in one
day and an easy return function. The Internet giant accounts for about 40 percent of
all online commerce in the United States. Effectively sell the company's products
allows a personalized approach to each customer: Amazon carefully collects
information and analyzes consumer behavior. If a person went to Amazon,
searched for or bought a certain product, the system will remember their
preferences and needs and recommend similar or related products. In addition to
analyzing the search history and purchases, Amazon learns about consumer
requests, for example, thanks to its smart voice assistant Alexa, which collects data
from its users. Amazon's mission is to be the most customer-oriented company in
the world and to continuously raise the standards of service. Putting the user at the
forefront, the company can be merciless to competitors and even to partners. By
offering low prices and fast delivery, Amazon has pushed out of retail both many
large chains and thousands of small family businesses unable to compete. For
someone, Amazon is an opportunity to quickly buy the necessary goods at the best
price, for someone – a monster corporation that leaves ordinary people out of

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