Group Assignment: Entrepreneur's Profile (40%)

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Group Assignment: Entrepreneur’s Profile (40%)

Choose one entrepreneur in any industry that related with students program (food, hospitality,
logistic, retail, transportation, airline system, medicine and etc) to conduct an interview and write
a report on “Entrepreneur‟s Profile”.

The report structure must be based on the following format:

1. Cover Page
a) Name of entrepreneur
b) Name of Student
c) Matrix number
d) Group/section
e) Lecturer‟s name
f) Date of submission

2. Table of contents
A. Introduction
B. Entrepreneur background
C. Company background
D. The entrepreneur before starting the venture
E. The entrepreneur at the time he/she started the venture
F. Conclusion (What can you learn from this entrepreneur?)
G. Appendixes (picture of entrepreneur and any materials related in preparing the report.

Table of Contents (Details)

A. Introduction

B. Entrepreneur background
- Name, age, gender, ethnicity, origin
- How did he or she start the business?
- What are the factors which lead to the creation of business?

C. Company background
- Name of company
- What type of business is he or she running? In what industry?
- Who are the target customers?
- How does he or she run the business?
- How many employees does he or she have?

D. The entrepreneur before starting the venture
- Working experience
- Roles model
- Entrepreneurial activities
- Intention of being an entrepreneur (at what age)
- Parent‟s background.

E. The entrepreneur at the time he/she started the venture

- Primary motivation to start up
- Setting any goals while you set up the business? If yes what it is?
- Resources that available before start up.
- Any networking.
- Controlling at early stage of business, serious or not?
- Risk orientation at early start up?
- Business plan
- Prepared or not to start up?

F. Conclusion
- What can you learn from this entrepreneur?
- What are the key success factors of the business?

G. Appendices (picture of entrepreneur and any materials related in preparing the report)


1. This assignment must be done in groups of 5 to 6 members (or depends on the lecturer
respectively but not more than 10 members). The group leader will participate in lucky draw
to know their entrepreneur‟s industry. Once they have identified the industry then they will
proceed with the discussion who would be the suitable entrepreneur to be interviewed.
(Refer to appendix 1 for the Contents of EP‟s interview)

2. The minimum page of the report is 25 pages excluding appendices and reference list. The
report should be typed using Arial narrow font, size 12 and 1.5 spacing with sufficient
margin on top, right, bottom, of the page to allow for marker‟s comments. A relatively high
standard of written English is expected. Failure to comply with this requirement may result
in a significant loss of marks. Your entrepreneur‟s profile must be clear, concise, neatly
presented, and easy to read. Students must keep a copy of completed profile when they
submit their original document.

3. Deadline and form of submission:-

- Submission date: Week 11 (any date from 23 May to 27 May 2021 - 2% will be deducted
for late submission)
- Submit a soft copy or hard copy ( depends on lecturer respectively)
- Medium for submission is also depends on the lecturer too
(suggestion :platform e-learning/e-campus )

4. Assessment:-

a. Report (30%)

Table of contents 2%
Discussion of content 15%
Conclusion 5%
References & Appendixes 3%
Originality 5%
Total 30%

b. Presentation (10%)

Slide appearance 2%
Slide content 2%
Ideas presentation 3%
Q & A session 3%
Total 10%

Students are required to present/submit their assignment and video in the week of 11 *as
mention above (suggestion). The online presentation/ video (depends on the lecturer)
should be approximately 15 minutes including question-and-answer session.

Appendix 1

Tips and Contents of EP’s Interview

Find one entrepreneur who has started a business in the selected industry for the past of three
years. The entrepreneur must own at least 51% of the business and has paid wages to
someone other than her/himself. Be sure to get the person to commit to at least 45 minutes and
the interview session must be recorded (with permission from the entrepreneur). In the
report mention the date, place of interview, person‟s name and what is this person‟s position in
the company. In the final section of the write up, you should address how the findings of the
interview are applicable and meaningful to your learning experience. In addition, describe what
have you learnt or discovered that would contribute to your own plans in the future.

The interview must be approached rigorously, not casually. You should be prepared with the
question in advance. Rehearse them with a friend in a mock interview. Develop an efficient
means of taking notes or capturing the key points of the entrepreneur. Establish a personal
rapport (take the entrepreneur out to lunch!). Do not just deal with the superficial question and
answer. The key is to probe, to ask why, to delve beneath the surface. Be sure to examine the
effect of the venture on the person‟s total life. Sample of questions is given below.


 What is your education background?

 What is your previous work experience (before starting the venture)?
 Did you have any roles models when grow up?
 Did you do entrepreneurial things as a youth?
 When did you know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
 Did you have parents who were entrepreneurial?


 What was your primary motivation for starting a business? What were the factors that
led you to start the venture?
 What were your goals at the time you started the venture?
 What sort of beliefs did you have (e.g. about employees, partners, debt, etc.)
 Did you seek to establish a „lifestyle‟ business, or what? Did your growth orientation
change over time?
 What sort of resources (not just financial) did you have when you started the venture?
 What sort of network did you have? Were there any especially creative things you did to
come up with the needed resources?
 How concerned were you with control when starting the venture? Explore the
entrepreneur‟s need for control (of the venture, of people, of decision making).
 What was your risk orientation when you started the venture?
 Did you write a business plan?
 Did you feel prepared to start the venture at the time you started the venture?
 How long was a typical work day and wok when you first started your venture?


 How have your goals and values changed since starting the venture?
 Did your risk orientation change as the venture grew?
 Did your need for control change as the venture grew?
 Did the typical work week change as the venture grew (in terms of how much time the
venture required and in terms of how you allocated your time?
 Did you make assumptions when you first started out that subsequently proved to be
wrong? What sorts of insights were gained?
 What key mistakes did you make along the way? What were some of the key lessons
learned? (their greatest moment and their worst moment)
 Were there some critical points in the development of the venture when the venture
almost failed, or when you found yourself at a critical crossroads in terms of some vital
decision or issue that had to be addressed in a certain way or the venture would have


 What would you do differently if you had it all to do over again?

 What key personal characteristics do you see in yourself that were especially critical for
achieving success with this particular venture?
 What are your plans for the future in terms of the venture?
 What is your „exit strategy‟ or do you not have one?
 What advice, based on your own experience, do you have for a student interested in
starting a venture today?

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