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@& SOMAIYA Constituent College Coe: 16 bey Mantra "Name ofthe const college: KJ Somaya Cllge of Engineering line UG Class: SY B.Tech Semest Name of the college: IGKISCE. Type of Programme : Candies ppesing fr te abe sid examinations (Online Protord) ae ruse to do lin to Google lass woniMS cams fee mints before the gommencemen ofthe camino. THEY ARE REFRAIN fom sing ANY ELECTRONICS GADGETS UKE MOBILE PHONE, SMART WATCH, {ANY DOOKS, NOTES ETC for borowiagansner§) whe appearing ths One EXAMINATION. They shuld av ober elses an ho ot Ieok at WhasApp while appearing tis ONLINE cxaminion. Tho ESE cxaiaatos of SL. Tech (SEM I Regular) wil be conducted po the Fellows ebele a WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MONDAY ‘WEDNESDAY FRIDAY ote 1S DECI TDECHART awpECH | 23 DECIR DEC BHT tm 30 p= 41Spm | 20 pat 30 pm-418 | 230 pm 15 Sura Tegal Tf] Dal Scie ‘Object Oriented] Des Maen meet | Vedercacuue Progamming Matin - LECTRONES | Nao Tr] Ps Nerks a FcTRONCEAND-| Mahe Tae Hee Cre Tsapcar ind — eal Neo iraconaest Merecmeeter | Thewy ‘ete Snes for AneerPpe mpleding Shree On [Name of the college: IGKISCE. Type of Programme: Fullime UG_ Class: SY B.Tech Semes Canes appearing forthe shove sid examinations (Onine Proctored are ese odo lg to Goa as roy MS teams ion mints ore ‘te commencement of be eaminaien THEY ARE REFRAIN ffm wing ANY ELECTRONICS GADGETS LIKE MOBILE PHONE, SMART WATCH, ANY BOOKS, NOTES ETC: fr tarowing answer) whl appeing ths Online EXAMINATION, They shoul not vit ter websites a shuld nak took at WiatsApp wile spying lis ONLINE examinations The ESE eaminatins of SY. B.Tech (SEM lI (Regular) wil be conte spo the felling chee on ‘WEDRESDAY FRIDAY ORDAY ‘WEDRESDAY FRIDAY ste TSDECI T7pEC INT ropEc mat | — a pECIA | aoecaai — TM 2.50 pm- 415 pm | 23 pm- 415 pm—| 230 pm-al8 pm | — 2309-415 pm FraMSTTTON —| Dice and pied Daa acts "| Dae Nansen] igtalSjene | Daa Comino ta mores | Renesas Sree Nerotine NECIAMRL | Naomi fr] Seg Waa | Maria Saad] Thamar Prin Eng rarommsbeckulator dari the examianton, Candas fo the eamination are expected provide sith sn veal a sar gh man on pr ta ‘ete Smits exer Anam Pape pening

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