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Kinematics [208 marks]

A particle P moves along a straight line so that its velocity, v ms−1 , after t
seconds, is given by v = cos 3t − 2 sin t − 0.5 , for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 5. The initial
displacement of P from a fixed point O is 4 metres.

1a. Find the displacement of P from O after 5 seconds. [5 marks]

The following sketch shows the graph of v.

1b. Find when P is first at rest. [2 marks]

1c. Write down the number of times P changes direction. [2 marks]

1d. Find the acceleration of P after 3 seconds. [2 marks]

1e. Find the maximum speed of P. [3 marks]

The displacement, s, in metres, of a particle t seconds after it passes through the

origin is given by the expression s = ln(2 − e−t ), t ⩾ 0.

2a. Find an expression for the velocity, v, of the particle at time t. [2 marks]
2b. Find an expression for the acceleration, a, of the particle at time t. [2 marks]

2c. Find the acceleration of the particle at time t = 0. [1 mark]

A particle moves such that its velocity v ms−1 is related to its displacement s m ,
by the equation v(s) = arctan(sin s), 0 ⩽ s ⩽ 1. The particle’s acceleration is
a ms−2 .

3a. Find the particle’s acceleration in terms of s. [4 marks]

3b. Using an appropriate sketch graph, find the particle’s displacement [2 marks]
when its acceleration is 0.25ms−2 .
A particle moves along a straight line so that its velocity, v m s−1, after t seconds
is given by v (t) = 1.4 t − 2.7 , for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5.

4a. Find when the particle is at rest. [2 marks]

4b. Find the acceleration of the particle when t = 2. [2 marks]

4c. Find the total distance travelled by the particle. [3 marks]

( ) = 12 cos − 5 sin , − ⩽ ⩽2
Let f (x) = 12 cos x − 5 sin x, −π ⩽ x ⩽ 2π, be a periodic function with
f (x) = f (x + 2π)
The following diagram shows the graph of f .

There is a maximum point at A. The minimum value of f is −13 .

5a. Find the coordinates of A. [2 marks]

5b. For the graph of f , write down the amplitude. [1 mark]

5c. For the graph of f , write down the period. [1 mark]

5d. Hence, write f (x) in the form p cos (x + r). [3 marks]

A ball on a spring is attached to a fixed point O. The ball is then pulled down and
released, so that it moves back and forth vertically.

The distance, d centimetres, of the centre of the ball from O at time t seconds, is
given by
d (t) = f (t) + 17, 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 5.

5e. Find the maximum speed of the ball. [3 marks]

5f. Find the first time when the ball’s speed is changing at a rate of 2 cm  [5 marks]

A particle P moves along a straight line. The velocity v m s−1 of P after t seconds is
given by v (t) = 7 cos t − 5t cos t, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 7.
The following diagram shows the graph of v.

6a. Find the initial velocity of P. [2 marks]

6b. Find the maximum speed of P. [3 marks]

6c. Write down the number of times that the acceleration of P is 0 m s−2 . [3 marks]
6d. Find the acceleration of P when it changes direction. [4 marks]

6e. Find the total distance travelled by P. [3 marks]

A point P moves in a straight line with velocity v ms−1 given by
v (t) = e−t − 8t2 e−2t at time t seconds, where t ≥ 0.

7a. Determine the first time t1 at which P has zero velocity. [2 marks]

7b. Find an expression for the acceleration of P at time t. [2 marks]

7c. Find the value of the acceleration of P at time t1. [1 mark]

2 ⩽ ⩽
The function f is defined by f(x) = (arcsin x)2 , − 1 ⩽ x ⩽ 1.

8a. Show that f ′ (0) = 0. [2 marks]

The function f satisfies the equation (1 − x2 ) f ′′ (x) − xf ′ (x) − 2 = 0.

8b. By differentiating the above equation twice, show that [4 marks]

(1 − x2 ) f (4) (x) − 5xf (3) (x) − 4f ′′ (x) = 0

where f (3) (x) and f (4) (x) denote the 3rd and 4th derivative of f (x) respectively.
8c. Hence show that the Maclaurin series for f (x) up to and including the [3 marks]
1 4
term in x4 is x2 + 3

8d. Use this series approximation for f (x) with 1 [2 marks]

x= 2 to find an
approximate value for π2 .

( ⩾ 0)
9. A particle moves in a straight line such that at time t seconds (t ⩾ 0), its [5 marks]
velocity v, in ms−1 , is given by v = 10te−2t . Find the exact distance travelled by
the particle in the first half-second.
Note: In this question, distance is in metres and time is in seconds.
A particle P moves in a straight line for five seconds. Its acceleration at time t is
given by a = 3t2 − 14t + 8, for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 5.

10a. Write down the values of t when a = 0. [2 marks]

10b. Hence or otherwise, find all possible values of t for which the velocity of [2 marks]
P is decreasing.

When t = 0, the velocity of P is 3m s−1 .

10c. Find an expression for the velocity of P at time t. [6 marks]

10d. Find the total distance travelled by P when its velocity is increasing. [4 marks]

A particle moves along a straight line. Its displacement, s metres, at time t

seconds is given by s = t + cos 2t, t ⩾ 0. The first two times when the particle is
at rest are denoted by t1 and t2 , where t1 < t2 .

11a. Find t1 and t2 . [5 marks]

11b. Find the displacement of the particle when t = t1 [2 marks]

A particle P moves along a straight line. Its velocity vP m s−1 after t seconds is
given by vP = √t sin( π2 t), for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 8. The following diagram shows the graph
of vP .

12a. Write down the first value of t at which P changes direction. [1 mark]

0⩽ ⩽8
12b. Find the total distance travelled by P, for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 8. [2 marks]

12c. A second particle Q also moves along a straight line. Its velocity, [4 marks]
vQ m s−1 after t seconds is given by vQ = √t for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 8. After k
seconds Q has travelled the same total distance as P.
Find k.

13. Note: In this question, distance is in metres and time is in [6 marks]


A particle moves along a horizontal line starting at a fixed point A. The velocity v
of the particle, at time t, is given by v(t) = t2−2t+2
, for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 5. The following
diagram shows the graph of v
There are t-intercepts at (0, 0) and (2, 0).
Find the maximum distance of the particle from A during the time 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 5 and
justify your answer.
The displacement, in centimetres, of a particle from an origin, O, at time t
seconds, is given by s(t) = t 2 cos t + 2t sin t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 5.

14a. Find the maximum distance of the particle from O. [3 marks]

14b. Find the acceleration of the particle at the instant it first changes [4 marks]
In this question, all lengths are in metres and time is in seconds.
Consider two particles, P1 and P2 , which start to move at the same time.
Particle P1 moves in a straight line such that its displacement from a fixed-point is
given by s(t)= 10 − 74 t2 , for t ≥ 0.

15a. Find an expression for the velocity of P1 at time t. [2 marks]

15b. ParticleP2 also moves in a straight line. The position of P2 is given by [5 marks]
−1 4
r =( )+t( ).
6 −3
The speed of P1 is greater than the speed of P2 when t > q.
Find the value of q.
A particle P moves in a straight line such that after time t seconds, its velocity, v
in m s−1 , is given by v = e−3t sin 6 t, where 0 < t < π2 .

16a. Find the times when P comes to instantaneous rest. [2 marks]

() = 0 (0) = 0
At time t, P has displacement s(t); at time t = 0, s(0) = 0.

16b. Find an expression for s in terms of t. [7 marks]

16c. Find the maximum displacement of P , in metres, from its initial [2 marks]
16d. Find the total distance travelled by P in the first 1. 5 seconds of its [2 marks]

At successive times when the acceleration of P is0 m s−2 , the velocities of P form
a geometric sequence. The acceleration of P is zero at times t1 , t2 , t3 where
t1 < t2 < t3 and the respective velocities are v1 , v2 , v3 .

16e. Show that, at these times, tan 6t = 2. [2 marks]

v −π
= −e− 2 . [5 marks]
v3 π
16f. Hence show that v2 =
v1 v2

140 −1
A rocket is travelling in a straight line, with an initial velocity of 140 m s−1. It
accelerates to a new velocity of 500 m s−1 in two stages.
During the first stage its acceleration, a  m s−2, after t seconds is given by
a (t) = 240 sin (2t), where 0 ⩽ t ⩽ k.

17a. Find an expression for the velocity, v m s−1, of the rocket during the first[4 marks]

The first stage continues for k seconds until the velocity of the rocket reaches 375 
m s−1.

17b. Find the distance that the rocket travels during the first stage. [4 marks]

17c. During the second stage, the rocket accelerates at a constant rate. The [6 marks]
distance which the rocket travels during the second stage is the same
as the distance it travels during the first stage.
Find the total time taken for the two stages.
A body moves in a straight line such that its velocity, v ms−1 , after t seconds is
given by v = 2 sin ( 10 + π5 ) csc( 30t + π4 ) for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 60.
The following diagram shows the graph of v against t. Point A is a local maximum
and point B is a local minimum.

18a. Determine the coordinates of point A and the coordinates of point B. [4 marks]
18b. Hence, write down the maximum speed of the body. [1 mark]

The body first comes to rest at time t = t1 . Find

18c. the value of t1 . [2 marks]

18d. the distance travelled between t = 0 and t = t1 . [2 marks]

18e. the acceleration when t = t1 . [2 marks]

18f. Find the distance travelled in the first 30 seconds. [3 marks]

A particle P starts from point O and moves along a straight line. The graph of its
velocity, v ms−1 after t seconds, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 6 , is shown in the following diagram.

The graph of v has t-intercepts when t = 0, 2 and 4.

The function s (t) represents the displacement of P from O after t seconds.
It is known that P travels a distance of 15 metres in the first 2 seconds. It is also
known that s (2) = s (5) and ∫2 v dt = 9.

19a. Find the value of s (4) − s (2). [2 marks]

19b. Find the total distance travelled in the first 5 seconds. [5 marks]
In this question distance is in centimetres and time is in seconds.
Particle A is moving along a straight line such that its displacement from a point P,
after t seconds, is given by sA = 15 − t − 6t3 e−0.8t , 0 ≤ t ≤ 25. This is shown in
the following diagram.

20a. Find the initial displacement of particle A from point P. [2 marks]

20b. Find the value of t when particle A first reaches point P. [2 marks]
20c. Find the value of t when particle A first changes direction. [2 marks]

20d. Find the total distance travelled by particle A in the first 3 seconds. [3 marks]
Another particle, B, moves along the same line, starting at the same time as
particle A. The velocity of particle B is given by vB = 8 − 2t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 25.

20e. Given that particles A and B start at the same point, find the [5 marks]
displacement function sB for particle B.
20f. Find the other value of t when particles A and B meet. [2 marks]
21. A particle moves along a horizontal line such that at time t seconds, t ≥ [6 marks]
0, its acceleration a is given by a = 2t − 1. When t = 6 , its displacement
s from a fixed origin O is 18.25 m. When t = 15, its displacement from O is
922.75 m. Find an expression for s in terms of t.

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