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WEEK 1 (14th / 19th October)

Work done in class:

 Admin: students' rights and responsibilities. You can find all this information in
the school rules section of this site.
 2 listening activities (fill in the gaps and matching headings to extracts)
 Open cloze test and multiple-choice lexical cloze
 Speaking: pairwork (My first day at university and activity 1a in student's book

 Student's book: p. 8, p. 9 activities 2a, 3a, 3b (vocabulary on p. 158 - activities
1a, 1b),
 Writing & speaking: write about 200-250 words about your learning English
experience answering the questions for vocabulary activity 3c on p. 9. Prepare a 2-
minute oral presentation based on your writing.
 Listening (multiple choice). Please, find below the audio file, questions and
answer key + transcript.
Work done in class:

Listening task 1 Audio for task 1

Listening task 3 Audio for task 3

Open cloze and multiple-choice cloze


Listening task 2 Audio for task 2

Answer key and script

WEEK 2 (21st - 26th October)

Work done in class:

 We went over the open cloze and multiple-choice cloze tests done in class last
 Listening: we checked answers and listened again to the gap-fill task on climate
change done in class last week. New listening activity: multiple-choice (Kate Winslet)
 Student's book: we corrected homework from previous day and did speaking
activity b on p.8 +grammar activity a on p. 138
 I showed students how to access the online contents and assessment in the
student's book and how this site works.

 Student's book: activity b on p. 138
 Photocopies handed out in class (grammar - position of adverbs (1) to be
corrected in class, 3 reading tasks, 1 listening task)
 Speaking: Be ready to talk about the topics for reading tasks 2 and 3 (paper is
making a comeback and e-sports)

Please, find below photocopies handed in class and listening task for homework.

Materials used in class:

Listening task: Kate Winslet Audio: Kate Winslet


Reading tasks Answer key: reading and listening tasks

Listening task: Singapore Audio: Singapore

Photocopy: Grammar - position of adverbs

WEEK 3 (28th October-2nd November)

Work done in class:
 Speaking in pairs: e-sports and popularity of paper
 We corrected photocopy on adverbs (1) > Answers below
 Student's book: we corrected grammar activity b on p. 158, p. 10 listening
activities 4a-d and vocabulary 5a (Answers below)
 Listening: song by Neil Young (fill in the gaps)
 Students filled in a questionnaire on computer literacy skills


If you need a certificate of registration to prove that you're a student at the school
because you're travelling to Tolosa from other towns, you can find the procedure to
get it on Ikasgunea here on the site in the section School rules> Certificate of
 Student's book: p. 158 vocabulary - noun forms (check answers below) , unit 1B
p. 11 activities 2a, 2b, p. 12 activity 3a (We'll correct activities for unit 1B in class)
 Workbook: unit 1A
 Finish photocopy on Adverbs (2)
 Photocopy: Life in lockdown - vocabulary activitites + writing (220-260 words)
following the instructions on the photocopy or just writing about your own
experience but without following those points.
 Speaking: be ready to talk about life in lockdown here, new restrictions...
 Listening activities: multiple -choice and gap-filling (please check below) The
short extract (Blame Game) is enough to complete the questions, link to full
programme included.
 Exam practice: multiple-choice cloze and open cloze activities

Materials used in class:

Answer key to work done in class Neil Young - gap filling Neil Young - audio Neil
Young - answers Photocopy: Life in lockdown


Listening task: Tutu (multiple choice) Audio: Tutu Listening task: Blame game (gap
filling) Audio: Blame game (extract) Audio: Blame Game (full programme)

Multiple-choice and open cloze activities Answer key to homework

WEEK 4 (4th-9th November)

Work done in class:

 Student's book: p. 11 activities 1a-1d, 2c-2d. p. 12 We corrected activity 3a,
Listening activities 4a-4e, p. 139 Grammar Focus activity b, p. 16 activities 1a-1d
 Speaking in groups: Life in lockdown

 Workbook: unit 1B
 Student's book: p. 12 activities 3b, 4g, p. 13 do activity 5c and be ready to
discuss statement in activity 5e and other speaking activities, p. 16 -17activities 2a-
b, 3a-3g. Be ready to give your views on the four statements in activity 4a for
discussion in groups next week. p. 139 Grammar Focus activities a, c.
 Listening : Multiple-choice (Crying)

Answer key to work done in class

Listening task: Crying Audio: Crying Answer key to homework

WEEK 5 (11th -16th November)

Work done in class:
 Student's book: speaking activities 3b and
4g on p. 12, speaking activities 5a, 5b, 5d, 5e
on p. 13,

p. 14-15 all activities except for 4c, 4d, p. 17

activity 4a: speaking in pairs, p. 18 activities
3a, 3b
 photocopy on perfect tenses.

 workbook: finish all sections for unit 1
 Finish photocopies on perfect tenses and
 Student's book: p. 18 all activities not done
in class and be ready to discuss questions for
activity 3c on p. 18, p. 20 activities 2b, 2c, 2d,

Answer key to work done in class Answer key to homework Photocopies - Present

WEEK 6 (18th - 23rd November)

Work done in class:
 Student's book: p. 15 activities 3a, 3b, 3c ; p. 18 activity 3d; p. 20 activities 1a,
1b, 2a; p. 21 activities 3a, 3b and activity b on p. 140, p. 22 activities 4a-4f and 5a
 Exam practice: open cloze (Animal talk - included in photocopies below)

 Workbook: unit 2A
 Student's book: p. 140 read grammar explanations and if you want, do activity a
( no single answer); p. 22 think of things to say for activities 5e and 6 on p. 22 when
we discuss those point in class next day; p.24 reading activities 2a, 2b, 2c.
If you want to, you can write a short story for activity 4c on p. 15 ( including
expressions in the useful language section of that page ) to share it with your
classmates next week, as I forgot to include it on the homework section of the site
last week.
 Finish photocopies handed out in class. We'll correct the activity "Describing
trends" - phone sales, in class; answers for the rest are provided.

Answer key to work done in class Answer key to homework Photocopies exam
practice and listening tasks

Audio: speaker 1 Audio: speaker 2 Audio: speaker 3 Audio: Hearing loss 1 Audio:
Hearing loss 2

WEEK 7 (25th - 30th November)

Work done in class:
 Student's book: p. 22 activities 4g, 5b-e, 6; p. 23 all parts, p. 24 activities 2d-g,
p. 25 Vocabulary Focus on p. 159 (activities a, b, c)

(Sorry if you were working at home and did the activities on p. 25 as I had initially
planned. We didn't have time to do them in class and we'll do that listening and
grammar section next day)
 photocopy: multiple-choice lexical-cloze on domestic abuse and we discussed
the topic in pairs

 Student's book: p. 28 (activities 1b and 2a, 2b optional ). I won't do that listening
activity in class. You can do it if you want to or skip the listening and activity 2a and
move on to the next page. p. 29 activities 3a- f + writing focus on p. 170
 Listening activities below
 I've uploaded all the extra work for the lesson on Friday 27th November
separately, here in November.

Multiple-choce cloze (domestic abuse) Answer key to work done in class Answer key
to homework

Listening task Jane Goodall Audio: Jane Goodall Answers

Listening task: online shopping Audio: online shopping Answers

Friday 27th November
Here's the work for the first extra session that you'll have on a Friday to make up for
the lessons missed due to the late start of the course (2 reading tasks, 4 listening tasks +
writing). I've printed copies for everyone. You can pick them up in class next day if you
were absent this week and you don't want toprint them yourselves. You have two
optional tasks for the writing, choose one.

Reading tasks Listening tasks Answers to reading and listening writing

Audio: part 1 Audio: part 2 Audio: part 3 Audio: part 4

Wednesday 2nd December

Work done in class:
 Student's book: all activities on p. 25, 26, 27 + grammar focus p. 141 activity c
 Student's book: Grammar Focus p. 141 activities a, b
 Workbook: unit 2B, 2C, 2D
 Photocopies I handed out in class (see below)

Answer key to work done in class Answer key to homework

Photocopies: reading & listening tasks Audio William Birch Audio Jon Wood Audio:
Patrick Boorman

I handed out extracts from three novels to those willing to read a book so as to decide
on one before the Christmas break.

Please find below links to audios of the extracts for two of the books and an abridged
version (10 episodes) for The Nickel Boys

BBC sounds The Nickel Boys Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine The Thursday Murder Club

Wednesday 9th December

Work done in class:
 Student's book: p.27 activity 5 (speaking : giving advice); p.30 all activities
except 3c; p. 31, 32 all parts; p. 33 2a -2c
 Photocopy on inversions that I handed out in class (activities 3 and 5 done in
class - answers together with all the answers to work done in class)

 Student's book: p. 33 activity 1e (Language in context), p. 34 activities 5a and 5b
 Finish photocopies on inversions

Grammar: inversions - examples Grammar: inversions - exercises Answer key to work

done in class

Lessons next Monday:

Group 611 all students in room 207

Group 622 up to 16 students in room 301 (8 students will have to stay at home each
Monday. Mikel, Idoia, Jokin, Uxue, Olatz L. Izaskun, Alaitz and Imanol won't attend on
Monday 14th December , all other students welcome)

I'll upload onto the site all the work done in class each session and homework for the
following day so that you know what's been done if you miss the lesson.

Monday 14th December

Work done in class:
 Corrections: photocopy on inversions and work from the student's book
 Student's book: Speaking p. 127 section 2A + p. 133 2A, Grammar Focus
activities on p. 142, p. 33 activities 3a, 3b; p. 34 activities 4a- 4d, 5c-5d; p. 35 all
activities + Vocabulary Focus on p. 160

( p. 36 all activities in section 3- listening and activity 4a) - sorry not done - the
answers are included below but we didn't get round to doing this so leave it and we'll
do it in class on Wednesday.
 Student's book: p. 34 prepare activity 6 for Wednesday and finish p. 35 as we
didn't have time to do it in class
 workbook: unit 3A

Work done in class and answers to homework from previous day

No obligation, just strong recommendation: make a request to borrow a book from the
library (or a film ) to read over Christmas so that I can bring the books to you before
the holidays.

(school website : > moodle > use your user name + changeme (password for the first time) > liburutegi
online>liburutegi 2020-21>introduction English > follow the steps there.

Wednesday 16th December

Work done in class:
 Photocopy: Inversion (see photocopy below)
 Photocopy: writing - essays. We looked at the example and did and corrected
the activities in class. I've included answers on the scanned photocopy below.
 Student's book: p. 34 speaking activity 6c; p. 35 we went over answers on p. 35
and vocabulary on p. 160 + speaking activity c; p. 36 all activities in the listening
section + reading 4a, 4b. (Answers to these were included in last Monday's answer

 Student's book: p. 36-37 finish activities in the listening section ; p. 37 activity
 Finish photocopy we started in class

These students are not coming on Monday 21st December, so everyone else is
welcome if you can make it ( Imanol, Alaitz, Mikel, Olatz O, Ane, María, Marta, Jokin)

Inversion + exam practice Writing: essays

For those students willing to read a book over Christmas to be discussed the first week
back , on January 13th, we agreed on this title:

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gale Honeyman. The are no copies of the book at
the library here at school but you can still make requests for other books or films- only
one has been made so far :(

Monday 21st December

Work done in class:
 Student's book: We went over the answers to homework on p. 36-37 (reading);
p. 37 activities 5a, 5b Grammar Focus on p. 143 (wexplanations + activity a), 5c and
6a; p. 38 activities 1a-1d; p. 39 activities 4a-4c.
 photocopy: revision (idioms / verbs of movement)
 listening; Claire Cunningham (exam practice - fill in the gaps) ; song by Nina
Simone (fill in the gaps)

 Reading (optional): Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gale Honeyman for
13th January. Think about these points: questions
 student's book: Finish activities in the Grammar Focus section on p. 143 , p.
 workbook: unit 3B
 exam practice / inversion (photocopies I handed out in class last Wednesday)
 writing: an essay (3 options: topic on photocopy used last Wednesday or
previous on leisure time/ working from home ) or if you prefer, an article (student's
book: p. 37 6b, 6c) , or both an essay and an article. leisure / work waste reduction

Answers to work done in class Listening: Claire Cunningham Audio: Claire C Answers -
Claire C.

Revision: inversions Exam practice: reading and listening Audio: part 1 Audio: part 2
Audio: part 3 Audio: part 4

Answers to homework

Monday 11th January

Work done in class:
 Photocopy: exam practice (multiple-choice test, cloze test + linkers)
 Video on US Capitol riots + comments on world leaders (watch video, read
comments and discuss)
 Student's book: p. 38 activity 2a-2e, p. 39 activity 3a-3e, p. 40 all activities, p.
41, everything except activity 4e and activity 5, p. 46 activities 2, 3. Unit 4 activities
1a, 1b, 1c.

 Student's book: finish p. 42, p. 44 activities 2a, 2b, p. 45 activities 3a, 3b
 Finish photocopy we started in class

Answer key to work in class and homework video - dissent - US riots exam practice:
open cloze ...

Wednesday 13th January

MOCK EXAM will be on Wednesday 27th January for your groups (Reading +
Listening). Writing and mediation to be done at home.

Students from group 622 to stay at home next Monday 18th January: Alaitz, Mikel,
Olatz O, Laura, Jokin, Maite

Work done in class:

 Photocopy: exam practice (letter) - check below
 Eleanor Oliphant: short listening extract of an i nterview with author Gayle
Honeymann and discussing questions in pairs
 Written mediation: Decision trees . Try to understand the diagram and complete
the task in pairs. We'll have a look at a model in class next week, so if you were
absent, don't write an answer for this one. I'll give you a new task next week and you
can practise with that one.
 Student's book: p. 161 vocabulary 4A, p. 45 activities 3d, 4a, 4b, p. 46 activities
5b, 5c.
 Finish photocopy we started in class.
 Student's book: p. 144 Grammar - read the explanations ( activities optional-
some are not very useful ), p. 46 activity 5e
 Workbook: Finish all sections for unit 3, unit 4A

Answers to work done in class and homework exam practice- photocopy used in

Eleanor Oliphant - questions Interview with author: extract Link to full interview

Written mediation - new drug more exam practice activities + answers

Monday 18th January

Work done in class:
 Student's book: p. 47 activities 1a-1e, p. 48 activity 3a
 Photocopy: revision of vocabulary (wealth + poverty / verbs of movement) and
speaking in pairs - check below
 Photocopies: formal language, passives - activity C done in class - rest for

 Finish photocopy on passives.
 Student's book: read grammar explanations on p. 145 and prepare speaking
activity 3b on p. 48

Answer key to classwork and homework vocabulary: wealth and poverty vocabulary:
verbs of movement using formal language passives: explanations and practice

Wednesday 20th January

MOCK EXAM will be on Wednesday 27th January for your groups (Reading +
Listening). Writing and mediation to be done at home.

Alaitz, Mikel, Jokin and Imanol staying at home on Monday 25th January.

Sorry this is so late. My apologies to those of you who might have tried to see what
we'd done in class on Wednesday and couldn't find anything.

Please find below both the work we did in class on Wednesday and homework + extra
work for the second and last online lesson for your group this year.

Work done in class:

 Student's book: p. 48 all activities, p. 49 all parts including vocabulary focus,
except for speaking activity 5, p. 54 vocabulary
 photocopy: exam practice open cloze (grandparents) - check photocopy below.
 We looked at sample for written mediation activity we did in class last
Wednesday - photocopy below together with further tips and new task for
homework (driving licence)

Basically, you have to try to include * a wide range of structures to explain the
information included on the chart as clearly as possible. * passives/ modals/ relatives
/ variety ("provided" instead of repeating "if"...).
 Student's book: finish p. 54 , grammar activities on p. 145
 Workbook: unit 4B
 Finish photocopy we started in class (exam practice + have something to say for
questions included: optimism / souvenirs to discuss in class next week9
 Photocopies: extra homework for Friday's lesson (exam practice: reading +
listening + written mediation practice)

Answer key to classwork and homework exam practice: open cloze + multiple-choice

extra homework - Friday's lesson (Answers included) Audio: Ken Robinson mediation
(driving licence) + sample answer for previous task

Monday 25th January

Work done in class:
 We discussed questions on photocopy for homework (optimism / souvenirs) in
 Photocopy with listening extracts and multiple-choice cloze test - check below.
 Photocopy: matching headlines to paragraphs and vocabulary on car races.
 We quickly looked at sample answer for an essay - check below
 Student's book: p. 52-53 activities 1a, 1c, 4d, 4e

 Finish photocopies handed out in class.

listening - extracts audio: 3 extracts audio: extracts - radio clips multiple-choice cloze
and vovab

essay - sample Answers to classwork and homework

Wednesday 27th January

Students to stay at home next Monday, 1st February: Alaitz, Mikel, Olatz A., Jokin.
Jon, Unai

 Please, find below instructions for the writing and written mediation tasks for
the mock exam (deadline to hand in or email your answers, Wednesday 3rd
February). Please remember that you should complete the tasks in the time set and
without any dictionaries or other help. You might want to check the sample
answers for the last mediation task set (driving licence) before you start.

C1 mock exam - writing & written mediation tasks

 Written mediation practice: driving licence

mediation task: driving licence + tips and model answer for previous task (drug D)
sample answers (driving licence)
Wednesday 24th February
Group 622 - Monday 1st March. Mikel, Jokin, Olatz A. Imanol and Marta won't come, so
everyone else is welcome.

Work done in class:

 Exam practice open cloze (check below)
 Listening: fill in the gaps (Alexandra Wilson)
 Pairwork: discussing articles handed out on Monday (dog theft + young
 Student's book: p. 59 activity 1i, 2a, 2b, p. 60 grammar 2a-2c + Grammar Focus
on p. 147 activity a
 Pairwork: revision of relatives + vocab on crime and justice (crosswords)

 Finish photocopy we used in class (multiple-choice cloze)
 Photocopy on linkers and realtive pronouns
 Student's book: p. 147 Grammar Focus. Read explanations and do activities b, c.
 Listening: Fill in the gaps (Woman in blue)

Photocopy: exam practice activities Photocopy: linkers and relative pronouns

relatives + vocab (crowwwords) Answers to classwork and homework

Listening: Alexandra Wilson audio: Alexandra Wilson -extract link to audio: full podcast
link to video clip

Listening: Woman in blue audio: Woman in blue

Monday 22nd February

Work done in class:
 Exam practice open cloze (Hamsters)
 I gave back writing and mediation parts of the exam to students who had
handed them in and we went over common mistakes.
 Listening: Fear / Owen Jones
 Oral mediation exam practice in pairs: (5 minutes to prepare)
 Student's book: p. 59 speaking activities 1i, 2a, 2b

 Finish photocopy we started in class (exam practice)
 Student's book: p. 59 speaking activities 1i, 2a, 2b ( this was homework for the
Carnival break , but as we didn't have time to do it, we'll do it on Wednesday)
 Read the article on crime at the back of the mediation activities (dog theft /
young offender) and summarize the main point sto tell your partner about in class

Exam practice writing - common errors Answers to common errors + exam practice

Listening: Fear / Owen Jones Answers: listening audio: fear audio: Owen Jones

Reading: dof theft / young offender Oral mediation practice: selfies Oral mediation
practice: car maintenance
These are photocopies I handed out in class on Wednesday 10th February (most of you
who were absent then got them today, but just in case)

exam practice 1 exam practice 2 reading + optional writing (childhood memories)

Wednesday 10th February

Please, remember: no class on 15th, 17th February. NEXT LESSON on 22nd February.

Students from group 622 to stay at home on Monday 22nd February: Jokin, Mikel,
Ane, Ibai, Gari.

Work done in class:

 Student's book: we finished activities on p.58 and p. 59 1a- 1h, p. 60 activity 3
(done in class with group 611, group 622 do it for homework, please)
 Photocopy: revision of vocabulary on crime (pairwork)
 Listening: exam practice gap-filling activity (Downshifting )

 Student's book: prepare sepaking activities 1i, 2a, 2b on p. 58 to discuss in pairs
on the first day back.
 Workbook: unit 5A
 Exam practice photocopies I handed out in class (not included here - you can
pick them in class)
 Writing: childhood memories (optional - about 260-300 words)

Some students asked about podcasts/ radio programmes that might be useful to
improve your listening skills. I've include a list with links to some of the podcasts that I
listen to in the listening section of this site> Podcasts.

revision: vocab on crime Listening: Downshifting audio Answers to listening

Monday 8th February

Work done in class:
 Photocopies: relatives / vocabulary: crime (1 activity for each done in class)
 Listening: doctor- patient relationships (Fill in the gaps)
 Student's book: p. 58 all activities in section 3 + Vocabulary Focus on p. 162,
activities 4a- 4c

 Finish photocopies started in class if you want.

Sorry I scanned copies for answers twice but I have no scans for the photocopies I
handed out in class. You can pick them up after the Carnival break in class.

A student pointed out to me that the answers to the photocopy handed out in class
on Wednesday 3rd February didn't exactly match the answers. That happened
because I scaned the answers from the grammar book in the department, which is a
different edition from the one I gave you a copy of. You can find the update below.

Answers photocopies: relatives + vocab on crime Answers: relatives (3rd February -

Wednesday 3rd February
Students to stay at home next Monday, 8th February: Alaitz, Mikel, Jokin, Laura, Idoia,

Work done in class:

 Photocopy: relatives + infinitives / gerunds - check below
 Speaking: sleeping habits (discussing questions from last Monday's photocopy) +
exam practice (task 2: interaction)
 Student's book: p. 50 + p, 51 activities 3a-c
 I gave back mock exams and we went over the answers for the multiple-choice
and open cloze tests in the reading section and the last two activities in the listening

 Finish photocopy we started in class.
 Exam practice activities I handed out in class (Sorry I forgot to hand these out to
students in the evening group, 622 - you can pick them up on Monday)
 We have lessons next week but please, remember that we have the Carnival
break and there will be no lessons on 15th-18th February for you so now would be
the perfect time to request a book from the library so that I can bring it to class next

Photocopy: relatives + inf/ gerunds Answers to photocopy Exam practice activities

audio Answers to classwork (student's book 1st + 3rd Feb

Monday 1st February

Work done in class:
 Exam practice open cloze test (second chance) + vocabulary on sleep (check
photocopy below)
 Speaking: exam practice (monologue) in pairs
 Student's book: p. 53 activities 5f, 5g + p. 171 activity a, p. 56 + Grammar Focus
p. 146 activity b

 Finish photocopy we started in class and prepare questions on sleep to discuss
in class on Wednesday
 Reas all the explanations on relatives in the Grammar Focus section p. 146

C1 - exam practice + vocab exam practice : speaking (monologue) Answer key


Monday 1st March

Work done in class:
 Photocopy: work (vocabulary revision + reading, speaking and writing a similar
text to the passages read)
 Exam practice: oral mediation (reading habits / retail habits)
 Student's book: p. 62, p, 63 activities 3 a, b, c and 4a, b only, p. 66 activity 3a

 Reading: photocopies I haned out in class, check below (cycling / new traffic
scheme) . Read the article that you were given and be ready to tell your partner
about it in class on Wednesday. If you are working from home but coming to clas on
Wednesday, just choose one of them and read it. Underline / write down useful
topic-related vocabulary from the article.
 Student's book: p. 63 activity 4c, finish p. 66.

Photocopy: work Oral mediation: reading habits Oral mediation: retail

Reading: new traffic scheme Reading: cycling Answer key to classwork and homework

Wednesday 3rd March

Monday 8th March: Group 622. Alaitz, Mikel, Jokin, Ane, Maite are not coming.

Work done in class:

 Exam practice : open cloze test
 Exam practice: oral exam (task 2- interaction)
 Reading and speaking (2 short articles read in class + homework from last day)
 Listening: exam pratice (mutiple-choice Trip Advisor)
 Student's book: p. 64, p. 65

 Student's book:
 Workbook: finish all sections for unit 5
 Finish photocopies handed in class (exam practice + listening)

Exam practice: open cloze + speaking Listening task 1 Listening task 3 audio 1 audio 3
Multiple-choice cloze Answer key to classwork and homework

Monday 8th March

Work done in class:
 Photocopy on linkers
 Listening: Fill in the gaps (Blackberry)
 Writing an essay: sample + useful language. Students wrote one paragraph with
arguments for / against in class.
 Speaking: exam practice for task 1 in pairs (transport / crime)
 Student's book: p. 63 activities 4c, 4e, p. 86 activity 3c

 Read articles handed out in class (Brazilian school / Amazon). If you were absent
choose one to read at home (check below)
 Student's book: p.68-69 reading activity 1e

linkers listening: Blackberry audio: Blackberry writing: essay speaking practice: task 1

Answer key: classwork + homework Homework: arcticles (Brazilian school / Amazon)

Wednesday 10th March

Monday 15th March: Alaitz, Mikel, Jokin, Ane , Olatz A. will not be coming to class.

Work done in class:

 Exam practice multiple-choice cloze
 Speaking in pairs (articles handed out on Monday: Brazilian school / Amazon)
 Listening: Kate Wionslet (Gap filling)
 Student's book: p. 67, p. 68activity 1a, 2a, p. 163 Vocabulary Focus, p, 70
activity 3c, 4a, 4f, 4g + Grammar Focus on p.148
 I gave back paragraphs written in class on Monday.

 Finish photocopies handed out in class (exam practice)
 Workbook: unit 6A
 Writing: write an essay (250-280 words) on one of the two choices given in the
photocopy we used in class on Monday (online shopping or ready-made meals).
Please remember: no contractions, no "you can ", "you..." in essays; use formal /
neutral register and try to use a wide range of vocabulary. If you hand in your work
next week, I could give it back to you before the Easter break.

audio: Kate Winslet listening + exam multiple-choice cloze exam practice Answer key:
classwork + homework

Monday 15th March

Work done in class:
 Open cloze: protests in Australia
 We watched 2 short videos: BBC One MInute News and police arrests in
 Photocopies: gradable / ungradable adjectives and letters of complaint
 Speaking: exam practice for task 1 (home-schooling / digital advertising)
 Student's book: p. 71 all activities

 Finish photocopies we started in class. We'll correct activity 2 for photocopy on
letters of complaint in class.
 Student's book: p. 72

open cloze: protests gradable / ungradable adjectives letters of complaint speaking


Answer key to classwork

Wednesday 17th March

Monday 22nd March: Alaitz, Mikel, Jokin, Ane, Marijo will not be coming to class.
Everyone else welcome.

Work done in class:

 Open cloze (robots) + listening (gap filling)
 Student's book: p. 73 activities 3a - 3c, 4a - 4c + p. 149 Grammar Focus activity
b, p. 172 6D activity a
 We corrected photocopy on letters of complaint handed out last Monday and
we worked on another one on formal letters.

 Student's book: p. 149 read grammar explanationa and do activities a and c
 Photocopies: exam practice reading comprehension + be ready to discuss your
views on text 2 (China) next Monday.
 Writing: letter of complaint

open cloze + listening audio exam practice: reading writing: formal letters
Answer key to classwork + homework and writing

Monday 22nd March

Dates and times (morning / afternoon) for both the written exam and oral exam have
been published on the school website. Here's the link:

exam dates: May / June

Work done in class:

 Open cloze
 Reading and speaking in pairs (2 short articles)
 Listening: gap filling (AI) + speaking on issues discussed in the extracts
 Student's book: p. 76 activities 1a, 1b, p. 77 activities 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, unit 7 p. 79,
p. 80 activities 1a, 1b, p. 81 activities 2a,2b

 Photocopy on participle clauses (unit 58) - we'll correct it in class
 Read full article on student's book p. 80-81 and the newspapers articles handed
out in class and select useful vocabulary / structures

open cloze newspaper articles Listening: Mustafa Suleyman on AI audio: Mustafa

Suleyman audio: Sixth Form students on AI grammar: participle clauses answers to

If you're interested, gere's a link to the full programme on AI from which I used the
extracts for the listening activities in class:

BBC: Radio 4 - Morality in the 21st Century

Wednesday 24th March
Please, remember: no lessons for the next couple of weeks. First day back for you:
Monday 12th April.

GROUP 622: Monday 12th April: Alaitz, Ane, Maite, Olatz O., Aitziber, Mikel, Jokin not
coming, everyone else welcome.

Work done in class:

 We corrected photocopy on participle clauses.
 Listening: exam practice (Fill in the gaps - Galileo)
 Photocopy: conditionals
 Oral mediation: exam practice in pairs
 Student's book: Vocabulary Focus on p. 164, Grammar Focus p. 150 activity a,
p.81 activities 3a -c

 Student's book: p. 78, read grammar explanations and finish activities on p. 150,
p. 198-199
 Workbook: Finish all parts for unit 6 and do unit 7A
 Finish photocopies I handed out in class + listening activities
 Writing: instructions for task 2 (article) below. I have now included further
choices of topics for task 2, but one long piece of writing per person only, please.
 Written mediation: I've uploaded a written mediation task to do over Easter and
a model answers for one of the oral mediation tasks in a separate section>
Mediation, on this site. (check there please)
conditionals exam practice listening tasks audio 1 audio 2 audio 3 Answers to
classwork and homework

writing: article oral mediation families oral mediation - ageing and caregivers

writing: more options for task 2

Monday 3rd May

For any students who have exams or other commitments (medical appointments... ) on
any of the days for the oral exams in June, please note there is a form to be filled in to
make requests and provide certificates (until 5th May). Check the school website on this

Work done in class:

 Photocopy: exam practice multiple-choice cloze + revision vocab +conditionals
 Photocopy: prepositions + speaking
 Speaking: task 1 (Addictions + Recycling)
 Photocopy: Formal letters
 Student's book: p. 97 activities 4a - 4e, 5b

 Finish photocopy on formal letters and vocabulary (money) - they'll be corrected
in class on Wednesday.
 Photocopies I handed out on prepostions.
 Student's book : p. 104 1b, 1c to discuss in class on Wednesday (p. 100- 101
optional )

Formal letters Grammar: prepositions Speaking: task 1 Answers to classwork /

homework Vocab - money + exam practice+ grammar

We d n e s d a y 1 9 t h M a y
Work done in class:
 Exam practice open cloze
 Listening: fill in the gaps (Lindsey Hilsum)
 We corrected homework - photocopy on writing
 Speaking practice: task 2 (social issues) + oral mediation ( air pollution + nursing)
 Student's book: p.112, p. 116 + activity b in Grammar Focus section on p, 156

 Vocabulary Focus on p. 167, 168 and Grammar Focus on p. 156-157 and review
on p. 126 if you want.
 I've included a couple more samples for written mediation activities in the
mediation section of the site and some tips on writing (writing section). I'll upload a
couple more samples for oral mediation next week. (I'm sorry if you've checked the
mediation section and there was nothing new there. I had completely forgotten
about it but I've now - Saturday 12th June - uploaded the samples as promised)
open cloze + multiple-choice cloze Listening: Lindsey Hilsum audio: Lindsey Hilsum Oral
mediation: nursing oral mediation: air pollution speaking- task 2: social issues answers
to classwork

Extra activities:

Listening: sleeping disorders (task + answers) audio: sleeping disorders Listening:

astronaut + restaurants (task ) audio: astronaut audio: restaurants answers+ script
multiple-choice cloze + open cloze and answers Answers student's book
Monday 17th May
Work done in class:
 Open cloze: sleep
 We corrected photocopy on writing- essays.
 Listening: Fill in the gaps (Men secretely dieting )
 Speaking practice: task 1 (socialising + education technology)
 Oral mediation practice (fitness after Covid-19 - sleeping habits)
 Student's book: p. 112-113

 Photocopy handed out in class (avoiding repetition in writings)
 Student's book: finish all activities on p. 113 except for 5 writing
 Listening: (radio extracts) + extra reading (optional - photocopies below- not
handed out in class)

open cloze + listening audio: men dieting audio: radio extracts speaking- task 1 oral
mediation reading Answers- reading + listening writing - useful vocab Answers to
classwork + homework
We d n e s d a y 1 2 t h M a y
Work done in class:
 Multiple-choice cloze - X Factor
 Listening: gap filling (Eve Ensler)
 Speaking: photocopy handed out last Monday - Advertising
 Photocopy: writing - essays
 Oral mediation practice
 Student's book: Unit 9A Listening

 Finish photocopy on essays to correct in class
 Photocopies on exam practice activities
 Student's book: finish unit 9B (reading -optional+ grammar) and review
 I've uploaded two listening tasks below.

open cloze + listening: Eve Ensler audio: Eve Ensler Eve Ensler: key + transcript
photocopy: writing- essays oral mediation practice

exam practice Listening tasks audio: The Equation audio: Cybercrime Listening:
answers + transcript Answer key to classwork + homework

Monday 10th May

Work done in class:
 Exam practice: open cloze + vocab (brain / mind)
 Listening: multiple-choice on fashion
 Photocopy: vocabulary + grammar (conditionals)
 Photocopy: speaking practice (modern life)
 Finish photocopies handed out in class.
 Prepare the seocnd part of the photocopy on speaking (advertising)
 Student's book: p. 104 activities 1b, 1c, 1e
 Written mediation task (university courses). Last chance to hand in a writing will
be on Wednesday, as we finish lessons next week.

open cloze + listening audio: fashion vocab + grammar speaking

Answers to classwork and homework answers to vocab + grammar written mediation


We d n e s d a y 5 t h M a y
Group 622: Monday 10th May: Mikel, Unai, Ane, Aitziber, Laura, Olatz O. not coming,
everyone else welcome.

Work done in class:

 Exam practice open cloze
 We corrected homework photocopies: compalint letter and vocabulary (money)
and discussed statements there.
 Writing a complaint letter to your bank manager (20 minutes)
 Listening: gap filling activity (tax evasion)
 Oram mediation: exam practice ( choosing a college major + tips for student
housing property owners)
 Student's book p. 104, 105 activity 5b

 Student's book: p. 100-101 optional, p. 105 vocabulary, grammar + Grammar
Focus on p. 154, p. 200-201
 Photocopy: exam practice
 Writing: You can write the complaint letter if you were absent or do one of the
previous tasks you haven't done so far. Last chance to hand in a piece of written
work: next week.

open cloze - ballet listening tasks audio: tax evasion audio: Basquiat exam practice oral
mediation Answers to classwork and homework

We d n e s d a y 2 8 t h A p r i l
Work done in class:
 We corrected open cloze task on fake news + speaking
 Student's book: p. 95 + vocabulary on p.165, p. 96 activities 2a, 2d
 Listening: Gap filling (Gluten-free diets)
 Photocopy: Conditionals

 Finish photocopies handed out in class
 Student's book: p.96, Grammar Focus on p. 153 and p. 102
 Writing: Task 2 (Check choices below)

Listening: Gluten-free diets audio exam practice Conditionals + vocab (health)

Answer key- conditionals
Answer key to classwork and homework Answers to Participle clauses (Monday's
homework) Writing - task 2

We d n e s d a y 2 1 s t A p r i l
Monday 27th April (Group 622): Mikel, Unai, Ane, Marijo, Olatz A, Aitziber will not
come to class , all other students welcome.

Work done in class:

 Vocabulary revision
 Listening: exam practice multiple choice (Rambling)
 Speaking : exam practice (task 1 - stress + food)
 Written mediation practice: buying a car - done in class (20 minutes). I've
uploaded a sample answer for the previous activity on buying / renting a house in
the mediation section of the site.
 Student's book: p. 91, 92, p. 93 activity 2d + Grammar Focus on p. 152

 Exam practice activities handed out in class.
 Student's book: p. 83 activities 3b, 3c
 Writing task 2 - You can do a long piece of writing on one of the topics given for
the Easter break homework and the written mediation activity done in clas if you
were absent.
 Link to podcast on how to deal with insomnia below if you're interested.

vocab revision + multiple-choice cloze speaking practice audio: Rambling transcript

exam practice; reading written mediation practice

Answer key to classwork and homework Podcast: A cure for insomnia?

Monday 19th April

Work done in class:
 Photocopy on vocabulary and speaking activities
 Listening: exam practice ( fill in the gaps)
 Photocopy: Grammar - structures for emphasis
 Student's book: p. 88 activities 1a-d, p. 89 activities 3a -d

 Student's book: p. 89 activity 3e, p. 90, p. 92 activity 1c
 Workbook: finish all parts for unit 7
 Finish photocopy on grammar handed out in class

vocab + speaking Grammar Listening audio: Penn State Answer key to classwork

We d n e s d a y

14th April
Monday 19th April: Mikel, Alaitz, Marta, Ane, Aitziber, Marijo not coming, everyone
else welcome.
Work done in class:
 Photocopy: vocabulary + essay model and revision of linkers.
 Speaking: exam practice for task 1
 Student's book: p. 83 + grammar explanations and activities b, c in the Grammar
Focus section: p. 151. Listening (fill in the gaps) instead of activity 1f but using the
same audio; p. 84 activities 3a, 3b

 Coursebook: finish p. 84, p. 85 all activities in section 4- vocabulary.
 Workbook: units 7A, 7B
 Photocopies I handed out in class: grammar and exam practice reading activities.

revision: vocab + essays speaking: exam practice listening Grammar: cleft sentences
exam practice: reading

Answer key to classwork and homework *** I'm sorry but I made a mistake while I
was typing the answers for the reading task First Church of Robotics ( they're all
wrong because I left out one answer).

Here's the correct version: 8b 9c 10b 11b 12a 13a 14c My apologies.

Monday 12th April

Work done in class:
 Open cloze - birdwatching
 Listening: exam practice (multiple choice - extracts)
 Grammar: photocopies on modals. We did part of the photocopies on must/
have to and may /might.
 Student's book: p, 82 Activity 4 Listening - all parts

 Finish photocopies handed out in class

open cloze - birdwatching Listening - extracts audio: extracts Grammar: modals

Answer key to classwork

Monday 26th April

Work done in class:
 Word bank activity on renting / purchasing a car.
 Listening: multiple-choice (wildfires)
 I gave back written mediation tasks done in class last Wednesday and we went
over some common mistakes.
 Oral mediation practice: extra-curricular activities / diversity gap in the Oscars
 Photocopy: Infinitive + gerrunds + vocabulary ( adjectives: feelings)
 Student's book: p. 94 activities 4a, 4b, 4c, 4e

 Finish photocopies handed out in class. We'll correct the exam practice cloze-
test on fake news in class. Be ready to give your opinion on the issues raised in the

*** My apologies once again for mistakes on the key to your homework on last
Wednesday's multiple-choice cloze task Adult Colouring Books. An answer was missing
and others were wrong. These are the right answers: 1c 2b 3a 4d 5a 6b 7c 8d
vocab on car hire + participle clauses listening. wildfires + reading: fake news audio

oral mediation practice Infinitives and gerunds Answer key to classwork and homework

Monday 3rd May

For any students who have exams or other commitments (medical appointments... ) on
any of the days for the oral exams in June, please note there is a form to be filled in to
make requests and provide certificates (until 5th May). Check the school website on this

Work done in class:

 Photocopy: exam practice multiple-choice cloze + revision vocab +conditionals
 Photocopy: prepositions + speaking
 Speaking: task 1 (Addictions + Recycling)
 Photocopy: Formal letters
 Student's book: p. 97 activities 4a - 4e, 5b

 Finish photocopy on formal letters and vocabulary (money) - they'll be corrected
in class on Wednesday.
 Photocopies I handed out on prepostions.
 Student's book : p. 104 1b, 1c to discuss in class on Wednesday (p. 100- 101
optional )

Formal letters Grammar: prepositions Speaking: task 1 Answers to classwork /

homework Vocab - money + exam practice+ grammar

We d n e s d a y 1 9 t h M a y
Work done in class:
 Exam practice open cloze
 Listening: fill in the gaps (Lindsey Hilsum)
 We corrected homework - photocopy on writing
 Speaking practice: task 2 (social issues) + oral mediation ( air pollution + nursing)
 Student's book: p.112, p. 116 + activity b in Grammar Focus section on p, 156

 Vocabulary Focus on p. 167, 168 and Grammar Focus on p. 156-157 and review
on p. 126 if you want.
 I've included a couple more samples for written mediation activities in the
mediation section of the site and some tips on writing (writing section). I'll upload a
couple more samples for oral mediation next week. (I'm sorry if you've checked the
mediation section and there was nothing new there. I had completely forgotten
about it but I've now - Saturday 12th June - uploaded the samples as promised)

open cloze + multiple-choice cloze Listening: Lindsey Hilsum audio: Lindsey Hilsum Oral
mediation: nursing oral mediation: air pollution speaking- task 2: social issues answers
to classwork

Extra activities:
Listening: sleeping disorders (task + answers) audio: sleeping disorders Listening:
astronaut + restaurants (task ) audio: astronaut audio: restaurants answers+ script
multiple-choice cloze + open cloze and answers Answers student's book

Monday 17th May

Work done in class:
 Open cloze: sleep
 We corrected photocopy on writing- essays.
 Listening: Fill in the gaps (Men secretely dieting )
 Speaking practice: task 1 (socialising + education technology)
 Oral mediation practice (fitness after Covid-19 - sleeping habits)
 Student's book: p. 112-113

 Photocopy handed out in class (avoiding repetition in writings)
 Student's book: finish all activities on p. 113 except for 5 writing
 Listening: (radio extracts) + extra reading (optional - photocopies below- not
handed out in class)

open cloze + listening audio: men dieting audio: radio extracts speaking- task 1 oral
mediation reading Answers- reading + listening writing - useful vocab Answers to
classwork + homework

We d n e s d a y 1 2 t h M a y
Work done in class:
 Multiple-choice cloze - X Factor
 Listening: gap filling (Eve Ensler)
 Speaking: photocopy handed out last Monday - Advertising
 Photocopy: writing - essays
 Oral mediation practice
 Student's book: Unit 9A Listening

 Finish photocopy on essays to correct in class
 Photocopies on exam practice activities
 Student's book: finish unit 9B (reading -optional+ grammar) and review
 I've uploaded two listening tasks below.

open cloze + listening: Eve Ensler audio: Eve Ensler Eve Ensler: key + transcript
photocopy: writing- essays oral mediation practice

exam practice Listening tasks audio: The Equation audio: Cybercrime Listening:
answers + transcript Answer key to classwork + homework

Monday 10th May

Work done in class:
 Exam practice: open cloze + vocab (brain / mind)
 Listening: multiple-choice on fashion
 Photocopy: vocabulary + grammar (conditionals)
 Photocopy: speaking practice (modern life)

 Finish photocopies handed out in class.
 Prepare the seocnd part of the photocopy on speaking (advertising)
 Student's book: p. 104 activities 1b, 1c, 1e
 Written mediation task (university courses). Last chance to hand in a writing will
be on Wednesday, as we finish lessons next week.

open cloze + listening audio: fashion vocab + grammar speaking

Answers to classwork and homework answers to vocab + grammar written mediation

We d n e s d a y 5 t h M a y
Group 622: Monday 10th May: Mikel, Unai, Ane, Aitziber, Laura, Olatz O. not coming,
everyone else welcome.

Work done in class:

 Exam practice open cloze
 We corrected homework photocopies: compalint letter and vocabulary (money)
and discussed statements there.
 Writing a complaint letter to your bank manager (20 minutes)
 Listening: gap filling activity (tax evasion)
 Oram mediation: exam practice ( choosing a college major + tips for student
housing property owners)
 Student's book p. 104, 105 activity 5b

 Student's book: p. 100-101 optional, p. 105 vocabulary, grammar + Grammar
Focus on p. 154, p. 200-201
 Photocopy: exam practice
 Writing: You can write the complaint letter if you were absent or do one of the
previous tasks you haven't done so far. Last chance to hand in a piece of written
work: next week.

open cloze - ballet listening tasks audio: tax evasion audio: Basquiat exam practice oral
mediation Answers to classwork and homework

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