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Paper 3: Use of English (hour) PART For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (i, 8, Cor D) best fits each gop. There is an example atthe beginning (0) ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. For questions 13-27, read the text below and think ofthe word which best fits each gap. Use ‘only one word in each gap. There isan example atthe beginning (0). Write your answers ti PTA, LETTERS on the seporate answer sheet Example: © A declared 8 identified Having 0____ himself a genius while Jn his twenties, Salvador Dall 1—___ to promote this notion with such relentless ‘conviction that the egotist eventually ‘overshadowed the artist By the time he died in 1985, leaving hundreds of signed sheets of paper to give? to a fake Dalf industry, ‘many in the art Word had 3 ‘against him, ‘Yet Dall never came to ¢____ his popular appeal. Although he was 5 from the Surrealist Movement in 1959, he remained the best-known Surrealist. And even after Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art had 1A came about — B brought off 2A tee B lead 3A fallen B set 4 Acace B drop 5A evicted B id 5A place B spot 1 A drew B caught B A overstepped B exceeded 9 Achiet 8 primary 130A grow B mate 11 A delighted 8 rejoiced 22 A fun B show cefined D announced taken the 6 of Surrealism, a major Dalf exhibition in Paris in 1979 stil 7_____ 800,000 visitors, Today, among 2oth-century artists hls renown could be said to bbe &___only by Picasso's Dali emerged as a8 ____ figure in Surrealism in the late 1920s. Inthe mi-1930, he took Surrealism to the United States and he bbecame so well known there tuat he was on the cover of Time magazine in 1936. He was the first in the group to 30. sich from ‘us paintings. Dali 11. his immense popularity, dabbling in 12 business and selling his works and image at great prof. C wenton ——_—B got ahead effect © source nun 0 turned C lose D hale © thrown D expelled © space D role fetched D orasped towered D overpowered central D fecal go D move thrilled D relished © play D fight Example: PIABCTITT ‘Stuart Hayes had launched himself on a promasing career 0 2 swimmer ‘when something odd happened 13, him atthe local pool. logging up and down for the umpteenth time, he suddenly realized 14 bored he had © become with the monotony. Wasn't there a more interesting way of 1. sporty, for heaven's sake? There was 16__thereis: the calor sweat and sheer emotion of triathlons. On August § aed 6, Stuart, 27, will join almost 10,000, athletes in the London Triathlon, the biggest event of i kind in the ‘world Triathlons are 12 Dut boring. Combining swimming, cycling and running in one physical onslaught, they offer huge variety within a single racing framework, The classic Olympic distances are a 1,504 m sim, followed by a 40 kr bike ride and 2 10 km run. Hayes, a world-clas triathlete, wan last year's London Triathlon In 29 Impressive 1 hour 47 malautes. The worst pat is the last '5 km of the un ~ you're starting to get really fatigued by 20. he says So why does he 23 1t? He shrugs. "t's interesting’ In Britain, the sport is growing 22 10 per cent a year. People are moving away 23. just running, and are looking for new challenges’ says ‘Nick Rasling, event director forthe London Triathlon, Telathlons are a 24___ deal more interesting to train for and you can vary training to fit busy lifestyles, swimming in your lunch break and 25 on. On top of | 25___, people are much more aware of their bodies. Tey know running is potentially bad 27 the joints. triathlon is actually very easy and very smooth, particularly the eyele and swim ae ae aw va v ws 10) fq wg as yey or op Xz pue oF os e2 van Bureg poob / P28 +> ue 6! moy > wo Bunue st oe For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, 8, Cor 0) bestfits each 0p. There isan example at the beginning (0). Mork your answers on the separate answer sheet Example: 0A characterized indicated fo[A Beek Neanderthals have bees misunderstood. The early ‘humanoids traditionally 0. 2s apesike brutes were deeply emotional beings with high- pitched voices, They may 1 have sung ta each other. This nev image has 2 from two studies ofthe vocal apparatus and ‘anatomy of the creatores that 3———— Turope between 200,000 and 35,000 years ago ‘The research shows that Neanderthal voices might & have produced loud, ‘womanly and highly melodic sounds ~ not the roars and grams previously 5 by most researchers, Stephen Mithen, Professor of Archaeology and author of one of the sts, sid: ‘What is emerging fs a6 ‘of an intelligent and emotionally complex 1A further B just 2 Arevetled ——B resulted 3 A resided B dwelt 4 A Tike B try 5 A judged 2B assumed 5 A picture B sight 2 Asort B practice 2 Acoinddes 8 occurs 9 Agraunds ——B sites A differed B dstinguished 11 A assembly B formation 2 retain 52 A protect High notes of the singing neanderthals detailed D accounted creature whose most likely 7___ of communication would have been part language and part song: Mithen's work & ‘withthe fist detailed study of a reconstructed Neandertal skeleton, Anthropologists brought together bones and casts from several 9 ____ to re-create the creature, The creature that emerges would have 10_____ markedly from humans. Neanderthals seem to have had an extremely powerful 11___ and no waist. Professor ‘Trenton Holiday believes they must have evolved ther stocky body shapes to 12 heat ven ice covered the world even Deo Cconcladed happened filed D occupied C well D quite considered taken C spectade Design © approach 0 form relates D co-operates plots © patches € compared contrasted build D scheme restrict D stack PART For questions 23 ‘only one word in each gop. There isan example at the beginning (0). Wirite your answers in Example: to 14 There into ‘This year’s World Book Day (WBD), which is taking 0 ‘March 2, hopes to encourage everyone, and especially children to discover the joy of reading Son the separate answer sheet. read the text below and think ofthe word which best fits each gop. Use ‘Schools and libraries are geting involved, with a packed schedule of ‘events designed bring books to life, 1¢—_. ‘yriters popping 15 vill be schools to read from their books and answer Ttucstions, and story-telling events. Children will also be able to take 6. engage with the books. 18. in readings 17” that they really have a chance to a further incentive to pick up a book, WBD has joined forces with National Book Tokens to offer schoolchildren a free £1 book token, The token can be put 1 book 20. books, These books have been specially chosen 23, to different age groups. As LAD also hopes t0 23. 24__— the fits time, World Book: Day will also 25 audult focus, withthe launch of Quick Reads, 26 ‘the cost of any book or audio ne cheit choice, or used to buy one of the six WBD £1 of thelr appeal as hoping to encourage children to catch the reading bug, elctant adults hooked on books. So, selection of| shor, festcpaced stories by well-known authors. The fist set of Quick Reads a further collection of ‘wil be published on World Book Day, 27 books being released later inthe summer. £ as | because 2 get 2a for 25 have / include 26a ~ SEL

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