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Historical Antecedents

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

2:48 PM

Historical antecedents  which changed the  course of science &  technology

Science, Technology, and Society

- is the study of how science and technology influences society. These influences can be positive and
negative. Through this field, society is analyzed on its reaction and incorporation of science and

- is an exciting interdisciplinary field of study rooted in the history, philosophy, anthropology, and
sociology of science and technology (and medicine). 

It examines deep cultural roots of our techno-scientific society and addresses pressing public policy

 from a Latin word “Scientia” which means knowledge. 

 The knowledge gained through “observations” and “experimentations” is known as science. 
 Any systematic knowledge or practice. 
 A system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method.
 Organized body of knowledge gained through research. 
 the human attempt to understand the natural world, with or without concern for practical uses of
that knowledge. 
 tries to discover facts and relationships and then tries to create theories that make sense of these
facts and relationships.
 Theories
 Principles
 Laws

Note: Human beings have persistently observed and studied the natural and physical world in order
to find meanings and seek answers to many question. 
 from two Greek words “techne,” which means skill, craftmanship, art and ”logos,” which
means discourse, reason. 
 Are things that are created by human that can make our lives easier or solve problems. 
 is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes in the production of goods or
services on the accomplishment of objectives, such scientific investigation. 
“The way the human attempt to change the world.” 
 As a human activity, technology is on the same level as
 Art-
 politics -
 Economics-
Technology involves 3 things:
• Tools 
• Techniques
• Procedures for putting the findings of science to practical use 
Relationship Between Science and technology Science Technology 
Science explores for the purpose of knowing 
Technology explores for the purpose of making something useful from that knowledge 

Science drives technology by making new technology possible through scientific breakthrough 

 The term society come from a latin word “socious” which means companionship or friendship 
 A group of people living together under the same rules and regulations 
 A group of people that has a common laws, rights and resources 
 Refers not just only to a group of people but to complex patterns of the norms of interactions
that arises among them 
 It is often understood as a tangible entity 
 It is a mental construct which we realize in everyday life but cannot see it 

According to Maclver 

- Society is a system of usage and procedures of authority and a mutual aid of many grouping
and division of controls of human behavior and of liberties. It is the web of social relationship 

How Society Exist? 

- Society exist only  where social beings behave towards one  another in ways determined by
their recognition of one another 

For Science and Technology: 

• The science is understanding of how the world functions alters how we behave. 

• Technology alters how we can behave. 

• Society drives technological innovations and scientific inquiry. 

• Science gives us insight into what kind of technologies we could potentially create and how to
create them 

• Technology allows and drive us to conduct further scientific research. 


 a precursor to the unfolding or the existence of something. 

 It is a thing or event that existed before or logically precedes  another. 

In Science and technology - antecedents are factors that paved the way for the presence of
advanced and sophisticated scientific and technological innovations which we are
enjoying today. 

We can use the historical development of S & T to come up with proper decisions and applications
of science and technology to daily life 

Historical antecedents which changed the course of science & technology 

✓ Ancient Period 
✓ Middle Ages 
✓ Modern Ages 
✓ In the Philippines

History of Science and TECHNOLOGY and

Tuesday, September 14, 2021
3:53 PM
✓ Sociological 
✓ Ancient Civilization 
✓ Medieval Times/Middle Ages 
✓ In the Philippines 
➢ Plays major roles in everyday life 
➢ Makes difficult and complicated task easier
➢ Allow people to do more in so little effort and time ➢ Development of this field is not just products of
people’s imagination or a onetime thought process. It is a continuous progress with raise the quality of life
of people. 

The Foraging Society 

 For roughly 90% of history, humans were Foragers who used simple technology to gather,
fish, and hunt wild food resources. 
o “Old Stone Age,”
o Era of foraging, hunting, and fishing were the primary means of obtaining food. 
✓ Predominated before the domestication revolution 
✓ Subsisted without agriculture, abundance of natural resources in food supply 
✓ Example are the Peoples of the Pacific Northwest 
The Pastoral Society 
 nomadic group of people who travel with a herd of domesticated animals, which they rely on
for food.
 'pastoral' comes from the Latin root word pastor, which means 'shepherd 
✓ Pastoral societies and horticultural societies during the Neolithic period in the 11th through 8th
millenia BC 
✓ They can be seen, West Africa, East Africa, Mesoamerica and Southeast Asia
The Horticultural Society 
 developed around 7000 BCE and were the first type of society in which people grew their own
food, in which settlements were permanent or at least semi-permanent. They now try to cultivate
the land for food sustenance 
✓ Domestication of Plants 
✓ Mode of production in which digging sticks are used  
to cultivate small gardens 
The Agricultural Society 
An Agricultural Society (Agrarian Society) focuses its economy primarily on agriculture and the
cultivation of large fields. This distinguishes it from the hunter-gatherer society, which produces none of
its own food, and the horticultural society, which produces food in small gardens rather than fields. 
✓ Agrarian societies predominate during this period in  Europe and the Americas 
✓ It leads to division of labor and strong inequalities  between the rich and poor 
Ex. in the Philippines : Haciendero and Sakadas 
The Industrial Society 
An Industrial Society is one in which technologies of mass production are used to make vast amounts
of goods in factories, and in which this is the dominant mode of production and organizer of social life. 
Historically speaking, many societies in the West became industrial societies following the Industrial
Revolution that swept through Europe and then the United States from the late 1700s on. 
✓ First tycoons emerging, capitalist era begins 
✓ James Watt developed a highly efficient steam engine 
✓ Industrial societies begin to take hold, especially in  
Germany, England and American Northeast. 
The Post-Industrial Society 
A Post-Industrial Society is a stage in a society's evolution when the economy shifts from producing
and providing goods and products to one that mainly offers services. 
A Post-Industrial Society is born on the heels of an industrialized society during which time goods
were mass-produced utilizing machinery. 
✓ Production of services (like restaurants) goes up. 
✓ Manual labor jobs and blue collar jobs are replaced  
with technical and professional jobs. 
✓ Post-industrialization exists in Europe, Japan, and the United  
States, and the U.S. 
(THE NUCLEAR AGE- Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) 
✓ postmodern, postindustrial, flexible capitalist 
✓ The Space Race (launching of Sputnik by Russia), WWW  
(World Wide Web was launch by CERN) 
Historical antecedents in which social considerations change the  course of science and
1. Ancient : 8th Century AD
2. Medieval: 8th to 14th Century 
3. Renaissance: 14th- 19th Century 
4. Modern Ages : 19th to 20th Century 
5. Information  Age : 21st Century
Information Age 
A Brief History of Science 
• Science and Technology can be traced from the origin of human life 2 million years ago.
 • The earliest form of science and technology were human artifacts found during prehistoric time about
2.3 million years ago. 
• Roughly shaped stones used for chopping and scrapping found in Eastern Africa. 
• During the same period in the Nile Valley of Egypt, information on the treatment of wounds and
diseases and even some of the mathematical calculations such as angles, rectangles, and triangles and
the volume of the portion of a pyramid have been around for thousands of years. 
Mayan Civilization 
 3000 B.C. gave rise to the Bronze Age in the search for finding pigments used to color the human
skin, copper was discovered. 
 By 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia, two-wheeled carts had been created and it became the most
frequently used mode of transporting heavy goods from one place to another
 From 300 to 400 B.C. there was a rise in the number of philosophers who wrote topics on
psychology, biology, and other topics. 
Euclid - the founder of modern geometry 
Archimedes - the founder of engineering mechanics and calculated a value for pi which is still used to
this very day. 
• Urbanization is the development of large city, and the first city popped around 3000 B.C. In Egypt
during this same time, the first pyramid was built. 
• Pyramids are undoubtedly the most outstanding development in science and technology and are still a
marvel up to the present 
• During the Middle Ages (450 - 1450 A.D.) gave birth to many scientific and technological
development. Also during the Middle Ages (often called Dark Ages), warfare had
improved tremendously. 
Concerns of People in the Ancient Times: 
1. Transportation 
2. Communication and Documentation 
3. Weapons and Armors
4. Conservation of Life 
5. Engineering and Architecture 
✓ Paper 
✓ Cosmetics 
✓ Ink 
✓ Zero 
✓ Newspaper 
✓ and others
The Sumerian Civilization 
✓ located on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia (now Iraq). 
✓ known for their high degree of cooperation with one another and their desire for great things 
✓ not contented with basic things in life, so they develop things connected to science and
✓ estimated that one of the larger Sumerian cities may have had 80,000 residents. 
✓ the Sumerians were well-traveled trade merchants. 
✓ “King List” includes Sumer’s lone female monarch in the form of Kubaba, a “woman tavern-
keeper” who supposedly took the throne in the city-state of Kish sometime around 2500 B.C. 
Sumerian’s Contribution: 
✓ Cuneiform - is a syllabary, one of the oldest forms of writing system used to stand for syllables
or sounds in a variety of Mesopotamian languages. 
✓ Uruk City - one of the most important cities in ancient Mesopotamia. According to the
chronology of the list of Sumerian kings, Gilgamesh ruled the city in the 27th century BC. The
Great Ziggurat of Ur 
✓ The Great Ziggurat of Ur - The city of Ur was one of the most important Sumerian city states
in ancient Mesopotamia during the 3rd millennium BC 
Sumerian’s Contribution: 
✓ Irrigation and Dikes - Sumerian farmers began to create irrigation systems to provide water
for their fields. They built earth walls, called levees, along the sides of the river to prevent flooding.
When the land was dry, they poked holes in the levees. The water flowed through the holes and into
the fields. 
✓ Wheel -The oldest existing wheel in Mesopotamia can be dated back to 3500 BC. Sumerians
first used circular sections of logs as wheels to carry heavy objects, joining them together and
rolling them along. 
✓ Sailboats - Since Mesopotamia was situated between two famous rivers, namely the Euphrates
and the Tigris, they needed water transportation for travel and trade. 
✓ Plow - The Sumerians made the first plow out of wood. It had one crooked end for cutting into,
or plowing, the earth. Farmers operated the plow by pushing and pulling it along the ground, or
had animals such as oxen pull the plow. 
The Babylonian Civilization 
✓ Emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates River. 
✓ Located about 60 miles south of Baghdad in modern-day Iraq 
✓ The ancient city of Babylon served for nearly two millennia as a center of Mesopotamian civilization. 
✓ They are great builders, architects and engineers 
✓ One of its early rulers, Hammurabi, created a harsh system of laws, 
✓ Babylonian language was used across the Middle East as a way of communicating across borders. 
✓ Constructed the hanging of the Hanging Gardens, a wonder of the ancient world, built by the biblical
king Nebuchadnezzar II 
✓ Ancient scientists contributed largely in mathematics, physics and astronomy 
The Great Hanging Garden 
Hanging Gardens of Babylon 
According to the legends: 
1. Great Baylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II built the gardens for his wife Queen Amytis 
2. It was said to be a structure made up of layers of gardens that contained species of plants, trees
and vines. 
3. If the stories are true, it is considered to be the greatest engineering and architectural
achievements of the world that is difficult to replicate. 
Babylonian’s Contribution: 
✓ Largest City in the World - It has been estimated that Babylon was the largest city in the world from
around 1770 BC to 1670 BC; and then again between 612 BC and 320 BC. It was perhaps the first city to
reach a population above 200,000. 
✓ They developed the first ever positional number system. They used a base 60 or sexagesimal
number system. From this we derive the modern day measurements of both the hour and the minute.
✓ They built massive and marvelous structures like Etemenanki and the Ishtar Gate
✓ The Study of Mathematics - The Babylonians created the concept of counting and the sexagesimal
number system also originated in Babylonia. 
✓ The Concept of Time - The Babylonians estimated that the earth moved around the sun one degree in
a day and took 360 days. 
✓ The First Map - The map covers a small region of Babylonia during the Akkadian Empire and
shows trade routes and was used as a reference during military campaigns, hunting, and exploration. 
✓ The Chariot - two-wheeled chariots were used in battle and to transport weapons and other war
provisions. Soon, chariots were being used as a means of transportation by royalty and the elite. 
The Egyptian Civilization 
✓ Ancient Egypt named the land of mysteries 
✓ It is usually held to have begun around 3000 BC
✓ Famous legacy of their Pharaohs were established structures like the pyramids
✓ Contributed great feats in engineering technology and practical things in the modern world 
✓ The history of the ancient Egypt grew up with the series of stable kingdoms where it were categories as
a.) the old kingdom of the early bronze age, b.) Middle kingdom of the middle age and c.) New
kingdom of the late bronze age 
Egypt’s Contribution: 
✓Paper or Papyrus - Advantage than clay tablet because it is not breakable, light and can be carry
to other places. Major accomplishment in communication and record keeping. 
✓ Ink - Combining soot with different chemicals to produce inks of different colors. Used to record
history, culture, and codified laws.
✓ Hieroglyphics - Egyptians System of Writing using symbols. The language that tells the
modern world of history and culture of the ancient Egyptians. 
✓ Cosmetics - Function was for both health and aesthetic reasons. “Kohl” around the eyes was
wore for prevention and cure of eye diseases 
✓ Wig - Used for heath and wellness than for aesthetic purposes
✓ The Sickle - The sickle is a curved blade used for cutting and  harvesting grain, such as wheat
and barley
✓ Water Clock / Clepsydrat - Time keeping device that utilizes  gravity 
The Greek Civilization 
✓ An archipelago in the southeastern part of Europe 
✓ Birthplace of Western philosophy and contributed to Mathematics 
✓ More than the Coliseums and the Olympics, they contributed much in science and technology 
✓ At its peak under Alexander the Great, Ancient Greece ruled much of Europe and Western Asia. 
✓ The Greeks came before the Romans and much of the Roman culture was influenced by the Greeks. 
✓ Athens and Sparta were the two main city states that ruled much of ancient Greece. They were often
rivals and fought each other in the Peloponnesian Wars. 
Greek’s Contribution: 
✓ Alarm Clock - Made use of water that dropped into drums which  sounded the alarms
✓ Water Mill - Commonly used in agricultural processes like milling of grains which was a necessary
form of food processing like in rice, cereals and flours. 
✓ The Olympics - The Olympic Games started in ancient Greece, specifically in the city of Olympia.
The participants were the city states of Ancient Greece and its colonies. The Olympic Games were held
every four years in honor of Zeus, the king god. 
Water Mill
Alarm clock 
Cartography Olympics 
Basis of  
Medicine Democracy 
Lighthouse Steam  
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero Engine STS (GE 007}

The Roman Civilization 

✓ Rome stablished it’s the empire in 27 BC, and the final eclipse of the Empire of the West in the 5th
century ad. 
✓ The strongest political and social entity in the west
✓ The cradle of politics and governance during that period
✓ Model of legislations and codified laws 
✓ Romans were remarkably tolerant of cultural and religious differences, and did not force conquered
people to adopt Roman religion or even language 
✓ The Romans achieved greatness in their military, political, and social institutions. 
Roman’s Contribution: 
✓ The Roman Numerals – is an special method of showing numbers, originated during roman era and
have survived the downfall of Roman Empire and are still in use today. 
✓ The First Newspaper - This Roman invention carried the same purpose of newspapers, giving the
Roman citizens the information they need and the events of the day. 
✓ The Codex - the First Bound Book Ordered by Caesar - This was when Julius Caesar decided to
build the collection of papyrus to form a codex. This provided a safer and more manageable way to keep
the information secure. This Roman invention was then widely used by the Christians to make codices
of the bible. 
✓ Roman Architecture – was very unique and strong their design contributed lot to Modern Plumbing
and Sanitary Management, Using Arches to Build Structures and roads that can withstand time 
✓ Julian Calendar - Julius Caesar introduce a new form of calendar system which relied on the solar
year as opposed to the moon phases used in Rome. . 
✓ Our Laws From Rome: the Habeas Corpus and Many More - Many elements of modern law like the
habeas corpus, pro bono publico, the affidavit document were all part of the Roman judicial system. 
The Chinese Civilization 
✓ Considered to be the oldest civilization in Asia 
✓ Chinese civilization began along the Yellow River in the Shang era, and spread from there when
Bronze Age culture reached its peak. 
✓ Also known as the middle kingdom 
✓ traditional Chinese philosophies, such as Confucianism and Daoism, developed in the feudal Zhou
era as China expanded in territory and population. 
✓ Many bronze objects and jade articles, which date back to 1600 BC, have been found to support these
early archaeological records. 
✓ One cannot discredit the Chines civilizations contributions to the world 
Chinese Contribution: 
✓ Gun Powder - It was 9th Century when the Chinese alchemist developed the gun powder used
primarily for fireworks. Later on, it went to West which took the form of Guns, Missiles, and Cannons. 
✓ Tea - It is said that Chinese have been cultivating tea from centuries. By the 18th century, Europeans
had developed the quench for Chinese tea and they have loved it so much that they started exporting it
from China by spending thousands of pounds of silver. 
✓ Silk - It is said that for more than 2000 years the Chinese had kept this secret of silk and this is one of
the most guarded secrets in the world history. 
✓ Porcelain - Around 2000 years ago, Chinese developed this ceramic material called Porcelain which
then spread to other Easter Asian Countries, Europe, and to the rest of the world. 
✓ Fireworks - The history dates back to some 2000 years and the story behind this quite interesting. The
invention of fireworks was a beautiful accident when a Chinese cook happened to mix charcoal, sulfur,
potassium nitrate to see an explosion. 
✓ Great Wall of China - The "Long Wall" considered the longest wall in the world has a long history
— more than 2,300 years. It was built in different areas by different states/dynasties to protect
different territorial borders. 
The Indian Civilization 
✓ Civilization began to develop in Ancient India around 2500 B.C. This time marks when some of the
first people in India began to develop a writing system. 
✓ These first people established what is known as the Indus Valley Civilization. 
✓ They were later conquered by the Aryans, a people who came to India sometime after 2000 B.C. 
✓ The Vedas are sacred writings and mostly religious texts ✓ The religion of the ancient Aryans, known
as Brahmanism. ✓ Hinduism, which is one of the world's oldest religions in India 
✓ The Hindu-Arabic number system was the first to use a decimal marker and the first to use the
concept of zero as a number. 
Indian’s Contribution: 
✓ The Idea of Zero - Mathematician Aryabhata was the first person to create a symbol for zero and it
was through his efforts that mathematical operations like addition and subtraction started using the digit,
✓ Numeral Notations - Indians, as early as 500 BCE, had devised a system of different symbols for
every number from one to nine. This notation system was adopted by the Arabs who called it the hind
numerals. Centuries later, this notation system was adopted by the western world who called them the
Arabic numerals as it reached them through the Arab traders. 
✓ Yoga - were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago.
The word yoga was first mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, the Rig Veda. 
✓ Chess - can be traced back around 1500 years; started in the North of India and then spread throughout
the Asian continent. 
✓ Cotton - The latest archaeological discovery in Mehrgarh puts the dating of early cotton cultivation
and the use of cotton to 5000 BCE. The Indus Valley civilization started cultivating cotton by 3000 BCE.
Cotton was mentioned in Hindu hymns in 1500 BCE. 
✓ Weighing scale - The earliest existence of weighing scales also date back to between 2400 BC-1800
BC in the Indus valley civilization, where balances were used to compare measure and compare goods
in trade. 
The Muslim / Arabian Civilization 
✓ The Arabs were originally the people of the Arabian desert. Converted to Islam in the 7th
century A.D. 
✓ They conquered the Middle East from the Sassanian and Byzantine empires and established a
succession of Arab Islamic Middle Eastern empires from Spain to Central Asia and from the
Caucasus to India. 
✓ The name ʿArab came to be used by these Muslims themselves and by the nations with whom
they came in contact to indicate all people of Arabian origin. 
✓ Generally, what is referred to as Arab Civilization is a combination of certain classical Arab
values Islamic culture and institutions, the inherited knowledge of the great civilizations of the Old
World, and the unity provided by the Arabic language. 
Muslim/Arab’s Contribution: 
✓ Hospitals - The first such medical center was the Ahmad ibn Tulun Hospital, founded in 872 in
✓ The Oud - a short-neck lute-like, pear-shaped stringed instrument, first appeared in the Islamic
world during their "Golden Age". For many musical historians, it is widely considered the
forerunner to the European Lute. 
✓ The Rebab - also known as a jawza or djooza, is a type of stringed instrument that first
appears during the 8th Century AD. It is often claimed that the Rebab is the forerunner of all
string bowed instruments that followed it, like the fiddle (10th Century AD) in Europe. 
Medieval Times/Middle Ages 
✓ Middle Ages, the period in European history from the collapse of Roman civilization in the 5th century
CE to the period of the Renaissance 
✓ Dark Ages – is the other name for this period and the Age of Religion 
✓ Medieval Ages –is the most common name of this period 
✓ Medieval –is the Latin term for the “Middle Ages” (it comes from the same word that gave us
median in mathematics) 
Key Events: 
➢ End of the Roman Empire 
➢ The rise o Islam 
➢ The rule of Barbarians Kings 
➢ The division of Roman Empire resulted to its weakening ➢ Europe terrified by waves of invaders 
➢ The emergence of Knights and Feudalism 
Medieval Times
1. Massive invasions and migrations 
2. Technology in weaponry,  navigation, mass food, farm  production and health  
3. Greater demands for transportation  
4. Some most of the mot innovative minds came from this period 
Medieval Contribution: 
✓ The Printing Press – one of the most important invention of the medieval era. It controls the
information distribution from the State and the Church. 
✓ Although Johannes Guttenberg's famous press was developed in the 15th century, the movable type
system can be traced in history back to around 1040, in China. 
✓ Cannon – change warfare dramatically, one of the first  recorded uses of canon in warfare was by
the `English forces  of Edward III, who used them to help defeat the French in the  Battle of Crecy in
✓ Microscope – this was invented around 1590, The early Janssen microscopes were compound
microscopes, which use at least two lenses.. 
✓ Eyeglasses - Its ability to correct vision problems makes it a much it one of the most useful medieval
inventions and a great benefit to hundreds of millions of people today. 
✓ Astrolabe - In the medieval period, the earliest advancements in the design and construction of
astrolabe took place in the Muslim world, from where it then travelled to Europe. 
✓ War Weapons - Knights - armored men on horseback - were the most iconic invention of the Middle
Ages. Also the most feared English weapon of the Middle Ages was the longbow. 
✓ Telescope - was another great invention in the Middle Ages. Galileo was considered the first to invent
the telescope 
The Renaissance 
✓ A revitalized interest in classical Greek and Roman thought, an increased receptiveness to humanist
philosophies, a commercial and urban revolution, and the inception of the modern state 
✓ Period following the Middle ages, which means “Rebirth,” especially rebirth in Art and Learning 
✓ It began in Italy and moved to northern Europe, and also increased demands for Middle Eastern
✓ Letters of credit and expanded supply of money and speed up trade 
✓ Humanism encouraged the growth of Democracy and fight for Human Rights 
✓ It also led to the Age of Classical Music and Art in Europe 
Renaissance Contribution: 
✓ The Last Supper’, ‘The Vitruvian Man’ and the ‘Mona Lisa’ - arguably the world’s most famous
painting created by Leonardo da Vinci (1452- 1519) and was considered the very ideal of the
Renaissance man 
✓ The Pieta, St Peter’s Basilica - the most renowned work of Renaissance painting and architecture –
his frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and the statue of David created by Michelangelo (1475–
✓ Raphael’s ‘The School of Athen - Painted between 1509 and 1511, the Raphael Rooms depicted the
harmony and wisdom which Renaissance humanists perceived between Christian teaching and Greek
philosophy, Raphael, Italian in full Raffaello Sanzio 
The Modern Age 
✓ The Modern Era lasted from the end of the Middle Ages to the middle of the 20th century;
modernism, however, refers to the artistic movement of late 19th and early 20th centuries that arose from
the widespread changes that swept the world during that period. 
✓ Historical period when people realized the importance of the efficiency of transportation,
communication and production 
✓ It has been a period of significant development in the field of Science, Politics, Warfare and
✓ First and second World Wars create chaotic situation in society and literature 
✓ Industrialization took place but with greater risk on human health, food safety and environment 
✓ the influence of Radio, Cinema and Television is evident 
The Modern Age 
✓ The Electric Dynamo (1831) - The invention of the electric dynamo by Michael Faraday
opened up the practical use of electricity – from transport to power tools and home
✓ Computer (1860s) – Charles Babbage’s analytic engine is often seen as the forerunner of
the modern computer. It had the ability to be programmed and calculate mathematical
✓ Pasteurisation (1864) - Developed by Louis Pasteur. This provided a way to prevent the
growth of bacteria in substances such as wine, beer and milk. It made milk safer to drink. 
✓ Plastic (1869) - Developed by John Wesley Hyatt. Hyatt was an American printer and
inventor. He was looking for a cheap substitute to ivory billiard balls.
✓ Telephone (1876) The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell.
Scottish born Bell was a teacher for the deaf at Boston University. 
✓ Phonograph (1877) - Thomas Edison found that sound could be captured and replayed
using a rotating cylinder covered with paraffin paper and a stylus. 
✓ Lightbulb (1879) - Throughout the nineteenth century, inventors produced simple electric
✓ Motor Car (1898) - German engineer Karl Benz produced the first modern automobile
using a patented internal combustion engine. 
✓ GPS – Global Positioning System (1973) - GPS was developed by the US Military in
1973, it enables a user to know the precise location of an object or person. 
✓ Email (1972) – The first true email system was MIT’s CTSS MAIL, in 1965. But, it only
worked for those logged into the system. Email networks included the first ARPANET email
sent in 1972 developed by Ray Tomlinson. 
✓ Artificial intelligence (AI) (1955) - Newell and Simon pioneered AI by creating a
programme which sought to solve a problem by choosing the branch which was most likely
to solve it. . 
✓ The Mobile Phone (1980s) – The mobile phone enabled people to take calls on the move,
rather than be tied to a landline. Mobile phones also enabled text messages to be sent. 
Modern AGE : TIMELINE of industrial Revolution
The Fifth Industrial Revolution: where mind meets machine
Modern AGE : TIMELINE of industrial revolution
Modern AGE : Computer Age and Social Media  Communication 

Historical antecedents which changed the course of
science & technology in the PH
Thursday, September 16, 2021
2:59 PM

✓ Pre-Colonial Period 
✓ Spanish Colonial Period 
✓ American Period 
✓ Independence Era 
✓ Various Presidents 
Brief History of Science / technology in the Philippines The Stone Age / Inventions / Discoveries 

✓ Archeological findings show that modern man from Asian mainland first came over land
across narrow channels to live in Batangas and Palawan 48,000 BC 

✓ Subsequently they formed settlement in Sulu, Davao, Zamboanga, Bulacan and

✓ They made simple tools and weapons of stone flakes and later developed method of
sawing and polishing stones 40, 000 BC 

✓ By around 3,000 BC they were producing adzes, ornaments of seashells and pottery.
Pottery flourished for the next 2, 000 years until they imported Chinese porcelain. Soon they
learned to produce copper, bronze, iron and gold metal tools and ornament 
Brief History of Science and technology in the Philippines The Iron Age / Inventions / Discoveries 

✓ The Iron Age lasted from the third century BC to 11th AD. During this period
Filipinos were engaged in extraction, smelting and refining of iron from ores, until
the importation cast of iron from Sarawak and later from China 

✓ They learn to weave cotton, make glass ornaments and cultivate lowland rice and
dike field of terraced fields utilizing spring water in mountain regions 

✓ They also learned to build boats for trading purposes 

✓ Spanish chronicles noted refined plank built warship called caracoa suited for
interisland trade 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
10th Century 

✓ Filipinos from Butuan were trading with Champa (Vietnam) and those from Ma-
I (Mindoro) with China as noted in Chinese records containing several references to
the Philippines. These archeological findings indicated that regular trade relations
between the Philippines, China and Vietnam had been well established from the 10th
century to 15th century 


✓ The people of Ma-I and San-Shu (Palawan) traded bee wax, cotton, pearls, coconut
heart mats, tortoise shell and medicinal betel nuts, panie cloth for porcelain, leads
fishnets sinker, colored glass beads, iron pots, iron needles and tin 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
Pre - Colonial Period 
✓ Even before Spain colonized the country some indigenous science and technology
has already existed with regards to agriculture like farming, animal-raising and the
utilization of plants and herbs as medicines, 

✓ The use of technology was also evident in the handicrafts. pottery, weaving, metal ware
and tools used by ancient Filipinos in their everyday life 

✓ They had an alphabet, a system of writing, a method of counting, weights and


✓ They were curative values of some plant on how to extract medicine from herbs. 

✓ They had no calendar but counted the years by the period of the moon and from one
harvest to another. 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}
Pre - Colonial Period 

✓ Filipinos were already engaged in farming, shipbuilding, mining and weaving. 

✓ The Banaue Rice Terraces is a sophisticated product of engineering by pre-Spanish


✓ They also developed tools for planting, hunting, cooking, fishing and also of fighting enemies
during tribal conflicts 
✓ The ancient practices in science and technology by our ancestors are now considered as
indigenous science or “folk science.” 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
Spanish Colonial Period (1521 -1898) 

✓ Spanish colonization paved way to modern means of  construction 

✓ Roads, bridges, churches and other large infrastructures were built with more
sophistication using some engineering skills and brought by the Spaniards 

✓ In addition, Spanish colonizers developed the health and educational system in the

✓ Introduced formal education and founded scientific institutions 

✓ Parish schools were established where religion, reading, writing, arithmetic and music was

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
Spanish Colonial Period 

✓ Sanitation and more advanced methods of agriculture were taught to the natives 

✓ Established colleges and universities in the archipelago including: 

- Colegio de San Ildefonso – Cebu (1585) 
- Colegio de San Ignacio – Manila (1595) 
- Colegio De Nuestra Senora del Rosario – 
Manila ( 17985) 
- University of Santo Tomas (1611) 

✓ The study of medicine in the Philippines was given priority 

✓ It also contributed to the field of engineering in the islands  by constructing government

buildings, churches, roads,  bridges and forts 

✓ Promoted meteorological studies and founded the Manila  Observatory at the

Ateneo Municipal de Manila in 1865 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

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Sir Alberto A. Hobrero STS (GE 007}
American Period (1898 - 1946) 

✓ The American colonial rule modernized almost all aspects of life in the country. They
established the Bureau of Science to initiate the development in the field of science and

✓ The government encouraged and supported an extensive public education system; the
granting of scholarships for higher education in science and engineering; the organization of
science research agencies and establishment of science-based public services. 

✓ The Americans introduced a system of secularized public school education as soon as

the civil government was set up in the islands. 

✓ It provided for the establishment of schools that would give  free primary education,
with English as the medium of  

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
American Period (1898 - 1946) 

✓ This was followed by the setting up of a Philippine Normal School to train Filipino
teachers. Secondary schools were opened after a further enactment of the Philippine in
Commission in 1902. 

✓ The Philippine Medical School was established in 1905 and was followed by other
professional and technical schools. These were later absorbed into the University of the

✓ Free Trade was established by an act of 1909 and expanded in 1913 

✓ English was declared as official language and 600 American  teachers were imported
aboard the USS Thomas 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
American Period (1898 - 1946) 
✓ The colonial authorities initially adopted a coordinated policy for the promotion of higher
education in the sciences and government research institutions and agencies performing technical
- University of the Philippines (1908) 
- College of Agriculture in Los Baños (1909) 
- Colleges of Liberal Arts, Engineering and Veterinary 
Medicine (1910) 
- College of Law (1911) 
- School of Pharmacy and a Graduate School of 
Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 
- School of Forestry and Conservatory of Music were 
established (1918) 

✓ The Bureau of Science served as a valuable training ground for Filipino scientist 

✓ From 1906, it published the Philippine Journal of Science 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
American Period (1898 - 1946) 
✓ The American colonial authorities organized other offices which, by the nature of their
operations, contributed further to the growth of scientific research. 
- the Weather Bureau (1901) 
- the Board (later Bureau) of Health (1898) 
- Bureau of Mines (1900) 
- Bureau of Forestry (1900) 
- Bureau of Agriculture (1901) 
- Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey (1905) 
- Bureau of Plant Industry (1929) 
- Bureau of Animal Industry (1929) 

✓ The Philippine Legislature passed an Act in 1933 creating the National Research Council
of the Philippine Islands (NRCP) 

✓ Philippine economic development was determined by free trade relations established in

1909 between the Philippines and the United States, and these continued long after
independence was achieved in 1946. 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}

Commonwealth Period (1935 - 1945 ) 

✓ Commonwealth Era is the 10 year transitional period in Philippine history from 1935 to
1945 in preparation for independence from the United States as provided for under the
Philippine Independence Act or more popularly known as the Tydings-McDuffie Law. 
✓ In 1935, the Philippine Commonwealth was inaugurated and ushered in a period of
transition to political independence. 

✓ The 1935 Constitution acknowledged the importance of promoting scientific development for
the economic development of the country by incorporating a provision (Article XIII, Section 4)
declaring that "The State shall promote scientific research and invention, Arts and Letters
shall be under its patronage..." 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
Commonwealth Period (1935 - 1945 ) 

✓ By 1936, there were 425 private schools recognized by the government, 64 of which we
institutions at the College level and 7 were universities. 
- Centro Escolar University 
- Far Eastern University 
- National University 
- Philippine Women's University 
- Silliman University 
- University of Manila 
- University of Santo Tomas. 

✓ It created the National Economic Council to prepare an economic program and advise the
government on economic and financial questions. 

✓ The Commonwealth government worked towards the development of economic self-reliance

which would be necessary to sustain genuine political independence 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
Post Commonwealth (Independence) Period (1946 ) 

✓ State support for education continues to be concentrated at the elementary school level;
private colleges and universities provide education for the majority of the collegiate population. 

✓ The number of state universities and colleges has been increasing since 1946. However, their
growth has not been based on a rational plan. Partisan political considerations often determined the
creation, location and staffing of these institutions. 

✓ The rise of professional organizations of scientists and engineers followed closely the growth
of higher education in the Philippines. 
✓ The Philippine Medical Association (PMA) actively worked to improve standards of medical

✓ The Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers initiated a series of the conference to discuss
curriculum revisions for its profession. 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}
Post Commonwealth (Independence) Period (1946 ) ✓ Department of Education and Culture
(DEC) was adopted 

✓ In the same year, an Institute of Nutrition, and in 1952, the Science Foundation of the
Philippines (SFP) were created and placed(along with the Institute of Science) under the Office of
the President. 

✓ In 1952, the Commission on Volcanology was also created and placed under the National
Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) 

✓ The Science Act of 1958 created the National Science Development Board (NSDB) to
formulate policies for the development of science and coordinate the work of science agencies. The
Act also created: 
- Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) 
- National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
Post Commonwealth (Independence) Period (1946 ) 

✓ In the 1960s additional science agencies were created by law and these were 
- the Philippine Inventors Commission (1964) 
- Philippine Coconut Research Institute (1964) 
- Philippine Textile Research Institute (1967) 
- Forest Products Research and Industries Development Commission (1969) 
✓ Several existing agencies were also attached to NSDB for policy coordination: 
- the NRCP 
- Metals Industry Research and Development Center 
- Philippine Science High School (PSHS) 
- Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources 
Research (PCARR). 

✓ In 1974, a national science development program was also  included in the government's Four-
Year Development  Plan FY 1974-77. 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}
President Ferdinand Marcos (1966 – 1986) 

✓ The Marcos era includes the final years of the Third Republic (1965–1972), the Philippines under
Martial Law (1972–1981), and the majority of the Fourth Republic (1981–1986). 

✓ He declared that science was necessary for the development programs, and thus, directed the
Department of Education to revitalize the science courses in public high schools. 

✓ In 1968 technology was recognized as the leading factor in economic development and thus
additional funds were channeled to support projects in applied Sciences and science education 

✓ The National Science Development Board established the Philippine Atomic Energy
Commission to explore the uses of atomic energy for economic development 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
President Ferdinand Marcos (1966 – 1986) 
✓ Marcos assisted 107 institutions in undertaking nuclear energy work by sending scientists to
study nuclear science and technology abroad, and providing basic training to 482 scientists,
doctors, engineers, and technicians. 

✓ The 1973 Constitution was the first to put science and technology as a priority of the
government. Art. XV, sec. 9. 

✓ P.D. No. 4 circa 1972 created the National Grains Authority  now the NFA. 

✓ P.D. No. 78 crica 1972 created PAGASA. 

✓ E.O. No. 512 circa 1978 created a Task Force for a National Science and Technology Action
Program, which Cory emulated in 1988. 

✓ E.O. No. 529 circa 1979 created a Health Sciences Center. 

✓ Philippine Council for Agricultural Research supported the  progressive development of

agriculture, forestry, and fisheries 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}
President Ferdinand Marcos (1966 – 1986) 

✓ E.O. No. 625 circa 1980 created the National Committee on  Geological Sciences. 
✓ E.O. No. 784 circa 1982 reorganized the National Science Development Board into the
National Science and Technology Authority, which Cory replaced with the Department of
Science and Technology in 1986. 

✓ He also established research centers, public science high schools, and increased the
salaries of teachers in said high schools to encourage interest in STEM fields. 

✓ Philippine National Oil Company promoted industrial and economic development

through effective and efficient use of energy resources 

✓ National Academy of Science and Technology served as the  reservoir of scientific

and technological expertise of the country 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
President Corazon Aquino (1986 - 1992) 

✓ Began following the triumph of the peaceful People Power Revolution when Corazon Aquino
became President of the Philippines, and spanned a six-year period from February 25, 1986 to June
30, 1992. 

✓ During President Corazon Aquino's term, she encouraged scientists and Inventors to bring the
Philippines to its former position as second to Japan in science and technology and to achieve the
status as an industrialized country in 2000. R.A. 6655 or the Free Public Secondary Education
Act of 1988 opened free education at the secondary level. 

✓ Together with this was implemented the "Science for the Masses Program" which aimed at
scientific and technological literacy among Filipinos 

✓ She created the Presidential Task Force for Science and Technology alleviating and
envisioning the status of the Philippines to be the next industrialized country. 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
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President Corazon Aquino (1986 - 1992) 

✓ The National Science and Technology Authority was replaced by the Department of Science
and Technology, giving S&T a representation in the cabinet. 

✓ Under the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan for the years 1987-1992, S&T’s role
in economic recovery and sustained economic growth was highlighted. 

✓ In the 1990 SONA, Aquino announced that S&T development shall be one of the top three
priorities of the government towards an economic recovery 
✓ Funding for the S&T sector was tripled 

✓ The Science and Technology Master Plan was formulated ✓ A Research and
Development Plan was also formulated 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}
President Fidel V. Ramos (1992 – 1998)  

✓ 12th President of the Philippines, is remembered for steadfastly promoting the principles of
people empowerment and global competitiveness. In 1993, he put an end to the power crisis that
crippled Filipino homes and industries for two years. 

✓ He believes that science and technology was one of the means wherein the Philippines could
attain the status of new industrialized country. 

✓ During his term, he was able to establish programs that were significant to the field of S&T. 

✓ 3,500 scholarships were given to students taking up S&T related courses - Science and
Technology Scholarship Law of 1994 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
President Fidel V. Ramos (1992 – 1998)  

✓ Another Science and Technology framework plan entitled Competence, Competitive

Conscience: the Medium-Term Plan of the Department of Science and Technology (1999-
2004). Its six (6) flagship programs are: 
- Comprehensive program to enhance technology 
- Integrated program on clean technologies: 
- Establishment of a packaging R and D center: 
- Expansion of regional meteorology centers; 
- S & T intervention program for the poor, vulnerable  
and disabled: and 
- Comprehensive science and technology program for 

✓ The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 8293 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}

President Fidel V. Ramos (1992 – 1998)  

✓ Modernization and update of science classrooms. 

✓ Health care services were promoted through local programs - "Doctors to the Barrio

✓ Magna Carta for Science and Technology Personnel 

✓ National Program for Gifted Filipino Children in Science and Technology 

✓ Science and Technology Agenda for National Development (STAND) 

✓ Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
President Joseph Estrada (1998 – 2001) 

✓ The Presidency of Joseph Estrada, also known as the Estrada Administration in the Philippines
spanned for 31 months from June 30, 1998 to January 20, 2001. 

✓ The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (Republic Act No. 8749) which was designed to protect
and preserve the environment and ensure the sustainable development of its natural resources, 

✓ The Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 (Republic Act No. 8792) which outlaws computer
hacking and provides opportunities for new businesses emerging from the Internet driven New

✓ The insurance of CARP( the comprehensive agrarian Reform program), widened in the
countryside facilitates the landless peasants. 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}
President Joseph Estrada (1998 – 2001) 

✓ 266,000 hectares of land were dispensed to approximately 175,000 landless farmers

through the management including the land owned by using the conventional rural elite. 

✓ He launched a full-scale program based on cost-effective irrigation technologies 

✓ Basic health care, basic nutrition, and useful education 

✓ Speed up the program for establishing one science high school  in every province 

✓ Pushed for the advancement of industries and schools into the Internet age 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

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President Gloria M. Arroyo (2001 – 2010) 
✓ Known as the Arroyo Administration, spanned nine years from January 20, 2001 to June
30, 2010. 

✓ Dubbed as the “Golden Age" of science and technology 

✓ The term "Filipinovation was the coined term used in helping the Philippines to be
an innovation hub in Asia. 

✓ The Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) was developed further by strengthening
the schools and education system such as the Philippine Science High School (PSHS),
which focuses on science, technology and mathematics in their curriculum 

✓ One of the more known laws to be passed by her administration was the R.A. 9367 or the
"Biofuels" Act. This act promotes the development and usage of biofuels throughout the

✓ Strengthening the schools and education system to focus more in science,

technology and mathematics 
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}
President Benigno Aquino (20120 – 2016) 

✓ Dubbed as the "Father of Organic Agriculture” because of his work on the Organic
Agricultural Act of 2010 (R.A. 10068). 

✓ RA 10601, improves the Agriculture and Fisheries Sector through Mechanization


✓ Republic Act No. 19844, otherwise known as DICT Act of 2015, was signed into law.
Under this law, the Department of Information and Communications Technology will
take charge of planning, developing, and promoting the national ICT development agenda 

✓ Launched the First Filipino microsatellite, Diwata-1. ✓ Implementation of K-12

✓ Number of workers certified for Technical-Vocation Training increased 

Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 

STS (GE 007}
Sir Alberto A. Hobrero 
STS (GE 007}

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