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Title: QUIZ-40 Marks


 Quiz will be administered on 10th August, 2021

 It will run for 45 minutes
 Observe 1 metre distance and put on your mask.
 Whispering and cheating will not be allowed and if found a penalty will follow.
 Be as quick and correct as possible.
The following questions are expected to be tackled within 45 minutes.

1. Define the following;

a) Greenfield land
b) Development finance
c) Cost Benefit analysis
d) Site appraisal
e) Highest and best use
f) Residual Valuation
2. There are a number of feasibility tests that need to be considered before real estate development execution; List ten of
these tests.

3. Discuss why the supply curve of real estate market is kinked?

4. Discuss the concept of Month’s Supply and how it is applied in real estate development?

5. Distinguish construction budget with project budget?

6. What is the role of government is real estate development?

7. In a month time you are graduating, as someone who has been imparted with land administration knowledge, please
provide details on the steps to be undertaken before site acquisition.

8. You have been assigned to make a budget of a project team which will be referred to Likoma Island for the
construction of a shopping mall. However due to lack of funds, only six experts are required to conduct the assignment.
Without compromising the construction project deliverables, provide a team of six and defend your choice for each

9. What are the factors that derives property development of the nation?

10. In real estate development and investment, the following are the sources of finance, categorize them into Internal and
external sources of finance, and into short term and long term;
Owner’s investment, retained profit, Equity (ordinary shares) Bills of exchange, Tighter credit control
Preferred stock, Debenture, Mortgages, securitization, Government grants, Debt factoring and invoice discounting,
Bank overdraft, Trade credit, Venture capital, leasing, Sale of Stock, Sale of Fixed Assets, reducing inventory level,
delaying payment to trade payables.


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