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Age does not necessarily go with WISDOM. But anyone who has learned to reflect on
his/her experience, whether direct or vicarious, surely must have accumulated real
treasures in life. (Ma’am Myles Arrevillaga)

Take some time to reflect on any theory, principle or construct discussed

in the class and share how it relates to your personality.
Indicate the ways you were affected or challenged to work on “any
aspect of yourself” that was neglected, ignored, forgotten or not given
due importance. Examine your progress in this course. How will you
utilize your learnings/lessons learned/insights to bring out the better, if
not the best version of you?

Specifics: Submit in pdf file the paper via Assignment of the Course
site. Use either Arial or Times New Roman font, size 12, single spacing.
Acceptable number of page/s: Minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3.

Criteria for Assessment:

Content – 60%
Organization – 25%
Format – 15%

Deadline for submission: September 15 (3Bes2)

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