Workshop: Cool Analysis and Warm Analysis: 3BES-2 Group 4

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Winchester S. Lao Maristela P. Mendoza Mauren Mae D. Narona Yvon G.

Kayla Gail D. Manrique Samantha Marie Nablo Krizelle Ann Olegario

University of Santo Tomas

Faculty of Arts and Letters
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Behavioral Science Program

Workshop: Cool Analysis and Warm Analysis

KELLY GRID EXERCISE. Given the statements below, perform cool and warm analysis to surface the themes in this
qualitative research anchored on the central question, “What reasons do graduates have for joining the helping,
people-oriented profession?” Use codes to denote the grouping of your statements. You are free to use numbers,
symbols, phrases, words, etc. You may decide. Describe and label your categories and themes accordingly.

Themes Categories Significant Statements

Personal Aspirations/Dreams Power and status 1. To promote health consciousness in the community
2. To render care to all people of all classes
Skill Development Financial stability 3. To educate people
4. To visit other countries
Empowerment of the Familial care 5. To support my family
community/ Common good 6. To have job security
>Family-driven 7. To be with friends abroad1
Promote importance of well- motivation 8. To cure and comfort the sick
being 9. To serve the country
> family is the basic 10. To gain competence in handling people issues
unit of society 11. To be people advocate
12. To gain prestige 1
Social work education 13. To learn how to take care of my family
14. To provide social services to the poor
Community 15. To earn a living2
engagement 16. To improve my social skills
17. To support my family2
> Participation in social 18. To administer programs helpful to the people
frameworks 19. To be a member of an organization
20. To be a people champion
Nationalism 21. To respond to God’s call1
22. To enhance my knowledge through exposure
Career growth 23. To enhance my self-confidence
24. To go abroad1
> 25. To take care of my family’s needs2
26. To be different from the others1
Social Work Education 27. To touch the lives of people and their family
> 28. To be someone that will be remembered forever
29. To develop unique, special skills
30. To improve my interpersonal relationship skills with
people who are coming from various walks of life

BES 31411: Research Methods Page 1

SIMULACRUM. Come up with a simulacrum based on the categories and themes that you

What reasons do graduates have for joining the helping, people-oriented profession?

1. Give a working title - with title enhancer to your assigned study based on the kelly grid (ALL)
- Krizelle’s suggestion: Bayanihan: The Insights and Perceptions of Thomasian Behavioral Science Graduates for
Choosing People-Oriented Profession
2. Your experience in coding (easy, difficult, etc.) - Krizelle
- Upon reading each statement listed above, it all seemed similar to one another. Therefore making it quite
difficult for me to differentiate each statement. But as I further analyze each statement, I saw that despite its
similarity, each has their own message to convey. Another thing is that it was difficult because some statements
have the possibility to fall under two categories. But all in all, I have enjoyed the experience in coding.
3. The categories or axial codes (definitions/explanations) - mau

4. Themes (definitions/explanations) - tela

● Personal Aspirations/ Dreams

BES 31411: Research Methods Page 2

- Personal Aspirations and Dreams are the goals that the graduates have set for themselves when
choosing the path for their profession. In some instances, these aspirations are also their fuel in order to
keep going.
- Every individual has their own reasons behind their decisions in life. For some, they do something
because it has been their long-time dream or is very close to their heart. From the significant statements
regarding the reasons on why graduates join helping, people-oriented professions, we have derived
Personal Aspirations or Dreams as one of our categories. In this category, the common beneficiaries of
why they choose helping, people-oriented professions are the respondents themselves and their close
family and friends. The respondents’ personal satisfaction is what holds greater bearing in choosing their
desired profession. The aspiration of having a secure job and stable source of income, being able to
support the family, being able to comply with personal calling, being able to travel abroad and be with
friends and being recognized are all distinctive preferences that vary from person to person and are
found in the respondents’ answers.

● Skill Development
- Skill development talks about enhancing and discovering new skills and talents that could be helpful for
the individual to become more competent and reliable.
- There are people who see education as a lifelong process. Based on the respondents’ answer they chose
helping, people-oriented professions because they see it as an avenue on where they can hone their
skills and develop new potentials. Moreso, looking at their specific answers, we can see that the
resembling skills they aim to develop are focused on social and interpersonal skills. Perhaps because of
the type of work associated in the field of helping and people-oriented professions, the graduates chose
this line of work.

● Empowerment of the Community/ Common Good

- Empowerment of the Community or For the Common Good focuses on the respondents’ advocacy and
mission in their society. It also reminds them of their responsibilities as citizens.
- Looking at the significant statements, it is evident that some of the respondents chose people-oriented
professions to focus more on the community and their passion of helping the less informed and less
fortunate. These graduates may have chosen this field because they see that people need help and they
acknowledge that that help can be found in them. Moreover, these graduates are also focused on
sharing the knowledge they have in order to create an impact on the lives of other people.

● Promote Importance of Well-being

- Giving importance to well-being is also parallel to giving value to health in all aspects. It highlights a
positive regard for life.
- The respondents’ significant statements are primarily focused on providing the basic needs of the
people that is why they chose helping and people-oriented professions. The graduates probably feel
that health and well-being is overlooked nowadays and they see themselves as catalysts that can
promote its importance through joining a line of work that is leaning on helping and people-oriented

5. Simulacrum - what is the figure all about? What is the importance? - sam and chester

6. What conclusions and recommendations do you have about your findings? - kay, yvon
Conclusion - Yvon


BES 31411: Research Methods Page 3

1. Given the numbers of fresh graduates who are interested in working in organizations that mostly aim to help and
serve the community, we recommend that universities should give more emphasis on enhancing the skills of their
students by building an organization that focuses on enhancing the skills of their members.

BES 31411: Research Methods Page 4

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