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198 ‘TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS EPICYCLIC GEARS It is often said that a turbine reduction gear costs as much to build, and occupies as much space as the turbines themselves. Whether or not this is true, there can be no doubt that the reduction gear is a large and costly item (see Chapter 3, Figures 3.1, 3.58 and 3.62). In recent years, epicyclic gearing has been used for some marine turbines instead of the more orthodox single or double-reduction double-helical gears. In some cases, part of the reduction gear has been made epicyclic and part tradi tional. The main advantage of epicyclic gearing is that if it is judiciously designed, the reduction gear unit can be quite compact, resulting in a worthwhile saving in the space occu- pied. It is not possible to cover every aspect in a book of this nature, but it is hoped that the following notes will explain the principles involved, and illustrate the features of epicyclic gearing. Simple gear : Consider the simple ordinary gear shown in tigure 4.31 (a) Let each of the two wheels $ and P have the same number of teeth. The gear case A is fixed. Hence if the wheel S makes one revolution in the clockwise direction, the wheel P will make one revolution in the counter-clockwise direction. Let us now imagine the gearcase to be replaced by a link or arm A, which maintains the correct centre distance between i) Figure 4.31 Simple gear ‘TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS 199 the wheels, i.e. the arm itself is fixed, but allows each wheel to rotate on its own axis (Figure 3.31(b)). If we nominate clockwise rotation as positive, and counter-clockwise rotation as negative, then in the example just considered, we can say that with A fixed, A makes zero revolutions, the wheel S makes one positive revolution and the wheel P makes one negative revolution, or we can write With A fixed A=0, S Ps-1 (1) Simple epicyclic gear Now suppose that instead of fixing A, we fix S, and cause A to make one counter-clockwise revolution about the centre of S. The radius of the arm is equal to the pitch diameter, d say, of a wheel, hence as A makes one counter-clockwise revolution about the centre of S, the centre of P moves through a distance 2nd. Since the free wheel P and the fixed wheel S remain in gear, the free wheel P will rotate on its own axis in the counter-clockwise direction, and a point on its pitch circle will move through a distance 2rd (just as if the wheel were rolled on a flat surface through a distance 2nd.) Since the circumference of its pitch circle is td, the free wheel P will make 2md/nd = 2 counter-clockwise revolutions about its own axis in the time that the arm makes one counter-clockwise revolution about the centre of S$ (see Figure 4.32). Figure 4.32 Equivalent revolutions of P While this approach is reasonably easy to follow for the simple gear chosen, it becomes too difficult if we attempt to apply it to more complicated gears, hence we have to find a means of readily determining, with certainty, the speed ratios and directions of rotation for any gear. 200 ‘TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS Again consider the simple gear in Figure 3.31 (b) for which we have determined the basis relationship (1): With A fixed A=0, S=+1, P=-1 (1) Now again suppose that instead of fixing A, we fix S, i.e. we make 5 = 0. In order to make S = 0 in the relationship (1) we have to subtract +1, (i.e. we have to add —1). If however, we add —1 to S,we must, in order to retain the basis identities expressed by (1), also add —1 to A and to P, thus, With A fixed A=0 S=+1 P=—1 (1) -1 1 -1 With S fixed A=-1 S=0 P=-2 (2) Thus, if we fix the wheel S, and cause the arm A to make one counter-clockwise revolution about the centre of S, then the wheel P will make two counterclockwise revolutions about its own axis. This result is exactly the same as that deduced above. Figure 4.31(b), operating in this manner, is a simple epi- cyclic gear, ie, a gear in which the arm A is not stationary, as it is in an ordinary gear, but itself revolves about the principle centre of rotation. The wheel whose axis is at the principle centre of rotation (wheel S in the example) is called the sun wheel, and the wheel whose centre revolves round the prin- ciple centre of rotation (wheel P in the example) is called the planet wheel. These names, based on analogy with the solar system, are in quite general use, as are the symbols S, P and A. An epicycle is a circle which rolls, without slipping on the circumference of another circle called the base circle, hence the general term epicyclic gears for gears which function in this manner. Formerly, epicyclic gears were sometimes called planetary gears, but this term is now used only for a particular form of epicyclic gear. The simple epicyclic gear shown in Figure 4.31(b) and the derived relationship (2) illustrate rather clearly the quite simple artifice by which any epicyclic gear may be studied readily and with certainty. The artifice consists of always first imagining the arm to be fixed, i.e. as it is in an ordinary orthodox gear, thus enabling the basis speed ratios and ‘TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS 201 directions of rotation to be determined as in the relationship (1) above. The procedure leading to any other relationship such as (2) then follows quite readily provided the correct signs are used throughout. Clockwise rotation is always +. Counter-clockwise rotation is always —. Simple practical epicyclic gear The simple epicyclic gear shown in Figure 4.31(b) would be of no use to us in practice. We can drive the arm, but there is no output shaft, Suppose that to the simple arrangement shown in Figure 4.31(b) we add a fourth member in the form of an internal- teeth gear meshing with the planet wheel P. The internal-teeth gear is called the annulus, or ring, which we will denote by R. Referring to Figure 4.33, the centre of R coincides with the principle centre of rotation (i.e. the centre of the sun), hence the pitch diameter of R must be three times that of S or P. R Figure 4.33 Simple practical epicyetic gear Adopting the procedure previously explained, first let the arm A be fixed, and let § make one clockwise revolution. P will make one counter-clockwise revolution, and R will make one third of a counter-clockwise revolution. We can therefore set down the basis relationship thus ith A fixed A=0 S=+1 P=-1l R=-4 qa) Thus if we fix A, with the input shaft driving S, then R will drive the coaxial output shaft at one third of the speed 202 ‘TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS of the input shaft, and in the opposite direction. The reduc- tion gear ratio from S to R is -3. This arrangement of epicyclic gear, when the arm is fixed, is called a star gear. The direction arrows in Figure 4.33 refer to this mode of operation. Now let & be fixed instead of A, i.e add +4 to every term in (1) With A fixed, With R fixed, If we multiply throughout by +3, we can express the speed of A_as unity without having altered the speed ratios and still keeping R = 0, viz. With R fixed +1 Sut4 Pe-= Bat Thus if we fix R, with the input shaft driving S, then 4 will drive the coaxial output shaft at one quarter of the speed of the input shaft, and in the same direction. By fixing R instead of A, we have increased the gear ratio from —3 to +4 without having increased the overall dimensions. When the ring is fixed, the gear is called a planetary gear. Now let S be fixed instead of A, i.e. add ~-1 to every term in (1) With A fixed A=0 S=4+1 P=-1 R “1 at -1 S=0 P=-2 R= A eee If we multiply throughout by 2 we can express the speed of Ras unity, viz. With S fixed R=-1 Thus, if we fix S, with the input shaft driving R, then A will drive the coaxial output shaft at three quarters of the speed of the input shaft, and in the same direction. When the sun is fixed, the gear is called a solar gear. It is not necessary of course that the sun and planet wheels ‘TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS 203 should have equal pitch circle diameters (equal numbers of teeth)—we can make these whatever we wish, to obtain the largest possible gear ratio within the given space, or, what is more important, to achieve the smallest possible space for a given gear ratio. Let us see what can be done within the over- all dimensions of Figure 4.33. In Figure 4.33, suppose S and P each to have 60 teeth, then it follows that R must have 60 x 3 = 180 teeth. In order to maintain the same overall diameter, let the ring in Figure 4.34 have 180 teeth, but let S have 30 teeth and P have 75 teeth. Note: R = 2 (5/2 +P), ie. R = 2 (60/2 + 60) = 180, or R = 2 (30/2 + 75) = 180. Referring to Figure 4.34, first let A be fixed, and let S make one clockwise revolution, i.e. output Figure 4,34 Epicyclie star gear 204 TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS With A fixed A=0, S=41, P= = -$, R= (-4)x (+ig0) =F (1) Thus if we fix A with the input shaft driving S, then R will drive the output shaft at one sixth of the speed of the input shaft, and in the opposite direction. The gear is a star gear, and by altering S from 60 to 30 teeth, and P from 60 teeth to 75 teeth we have increased the gear ratio to ~6 without having increased the overall dimensions. Now let be fixed instead of A, ic add +4 to every term in (1) above. Refer to Figure 4.35. eur ouTeuT Figure 4.35 Epicyclic planetary gear oboe TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS 205 and multiplying throughout by +6 gives With R fixed, S=+7, P=-3, R=0. Thus, if we fix R with the input shaft driving S, then A will drive the co-axial output shaft at one seventh of the speed of the input shaft, and in the same direction. The gear Figure 4.36 Epicyclie solar gear is a planetary gear, and by using 30 and 75 teeth respectively in the sun and planet wheels, we have increased the gear ratio to +7 without having increased the overall dimensions. Now let S be fixed instead of A, i.e. add -1 to every term in (1) above. Refer to Figure 4.36. With A fixed, A=0, S=+1, P=-3, R=- -1 -1 ~1 = bok 206 ‘TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS With S fixed, A=-1, S=0, P=--4, R=-4, and multiplying throughout by £ gives With S fixed, A=~4, S=0, P=—4, Thus if we fix S, with the input shaft driving R, then A will drive the co-axial output shaft at six sevenths of the speed of the input shaft, and in the same direction. The gear is a solar gear, and by using 30 and 75 teeth respectively in the sun and planet wheels, we have a gear ratio of only +6/7 within the same overall dimensions as will give a gear ratio of --6 if arranged star, or +7 if arranged planetary. From the foregoing example, it will be evident that there are many ways in which the simple epicyclic gear may be varied to give different speed ratios within the chosen overall dimensions. We may vary the numbers of teeth in the sun and planet wheels; we may fix either the arm (star gear), or the ting (planetary gear), or the sun (solar gear). The fixed mem- ber, whichever it may be, is called the torque reaction member, e.g. if the arm is fixed, it has to carry the reactions to the forces acting between the wheel tecth. The simple epicyclic gear, described in principle in the foregoing notes, forms the unit on which modern marine epicyclic gears are based, using either the star, planetary or solar modes, or some combina- tion of these to suit the conditions. The simple epicyclic gear illustrated in Figures 4.34, 4.35 and 4.36 may be regarded as a single-reduction gear. If arranged star as in Figure 4.34, it gives a reduction ratio of 6; if arranged planetary as in Figure 4.35, it gives a reduc- tion ratio of +7. If two such gears be used, with the output shaft of the first connected to the input shaft of the second, then the arrangement is a double-reduction gear. For example, consider the primary reduction to be the star gear illustrated in Figure 4.34 having a reduction ratio of —6, and the second- ary reduction to be the planetary gear illustrated in Figure 4.35, having a reduction ratio of +7. The two gears together, illustrated in Figure 4.37, form a double-reduction epicyclic gear of the star/planetary mode, having a total reduction ratio of (--6) x (+7) = —42. In this example, we have assumed that the sun, planet and ring of the secondary reduction have the same numbers of teeth as the sun, planet and ring of the primary reduction; we ‘TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS 207 ‘OUTPUT Figure 4.37 Double-reduction epicyclic gear (star/planetary mode) have assumed the primary reduction to be a star gear (4 fixed) and the secondary reduction to be a planetary gear (R; fixed). In practice of course the numbers of teeth in the primary and secondary reductions may be varied, and the fixed members may be changed to suit the particular conditions. We could also use three such gears in series thus making a triple-reduction epicyclic gear, again choosing the fixed mem- bers and the numbers of teeth to suit the particular conditions. This arrangement, in principle, is in quite general use for modern turbine epicyclic reduction gears. Note that in going from single to double or triple redue- tion, the overall length of the gear is increased. The foregoing notes and diagrams attempt to deal only 208 TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS with principles. Of the mechanical details of construction, one point in particular is necessary of special mention. In cach example so far, we have considered the arm actually as a single arm carrying one planet wheel. In principle of course this is perfectly correct, but in practice, would be quite un- acceptable, particularly in a planetary or solar gear where the arm itself rotates, If we use a single rotating arm carrying a single planet wheel, the planet wheel generates a centrifugal force which is transmitted to the arm via the planet wheel bearings. The arm itself also generates a centrifugal force, hence the combined centrifugal force of the arm and planet wheel is imposed on the main bearings at the principal centre of rotation as an unbalanced revolving force. A double- reduction gear could have two such arms revolving in differ- ent planes, thus also imposing an unbalanced revolving couple on the gear case. So far as the gear case itself is concerned, the centrifugal forces can be balanced by the use of multiple planct wheels, ite. two, three, four, five, six, or more planet wheels are used, each in principle having its own arm, all the arms being rigidly fixed together to form a frame, or spider, or planet carrier. This principle, illustrated in Figure 4.38, not only balances the centrifugal forces, but balances the forces acting between the wheel teeth so that the only load imposed on the main bearings is the vertically downward force due to the mass of the gears and shafts. Further, the total driving load is carried by a greater number of gear contacts, hence a greater propor- tion of the total number of teeth are in mesh, and therefore for a given torque, the individual tooth loads are reduced. While the use of multiple planet wheels relieves the main bearings of any unbalanced centrifugal force, the centrifugal force of cach planet wheel within the planet carrier remains unbalanced, and has to be carried by the planet wheel bear- ings. Now the centrifugal force varies directly as the square of the rotational speed, hence if a rotating planet carrier is used on the primary reduction of a turbine gear, the high speed will result in large centrifugal loads on the planet wheel bearings. ‘A rotating arm, or each arm of a multiple planct carrier, must not only be strong enough to withstand the centrifugal force, but it must be stiff enough to do so without significant stretch in the radial direction, otherwise the meshing of the ‘TURBINE REDUCTION GEARS, 209 planet wheel teeth with the sun wheel teeth and the ring teeth will be incorrect. It is for these reasons that the primary reduction of a tur- bine gear is almost invariably made a star gear, i.e. fixed planet carrier. The planet carrier itself is almost invarably of the type shown in Figure 4.38(c), whether it is fixed or rotating. The use of multiple planet wheels in no way affects the calculation of the speed ratios which is always carried out as if there was one planet wheel only. ‘e (o SECTION ON AOB Figure 4.38 Multiple planet wheels (eh Two planet whee 'b) Three planet wheels (c) Six planet wheels It should however be particularly noted that where equally spaced multiple planet wheels are to be used, it is an essential condition for correct assembly that (S + R)/n isan integer (i.e. a whole number), where S and R are the numbers of teeth in the sun and ring respectively, and n is the number of planets. This feature is referred to again later in this chapter.

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