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‘What is Democracy?’ And ‘Why Democracy’
One Mark Questions:
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. “Democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people” is said
by whom?
(i) Adolf Hitler (ii) Robert Mugabe (iii) Abraham Lincoln (iv) None of the Above
2. How many members are elected to the National People’s Congress from all over
(i) 3000 (ii) 3100 (iii) 3200 (iv) 4000
2. In a democracy the final decision-making power must rest with whom
(i) Those who are in military (ii) Those elected by the people (iii) The head of the
state (iv) The King
3. Which party always won elections in Mexico since its independence in 1930 until
(i) Mexican Revolutionary Party (ii) Institutional Revolutionary Party
(iii) Socialist Revolutionary Party (iv) Institutional Party
4. Who is the President of Zimbabwe?
(i) Adolf Hitler (ii) Robert Mugabe (iii) Abraham Lincoln (iv) None of the Above
5. Democracy must be based on
(i) Coalition (ii) Free and fair election (iii) One Party System (iv) All the above
6. ‘One person, one vote’ means
(i) All person must vote for one person (ii) Each person has one vote and each vote
has one value (iii) Each person can vote only once in his life (iv) None of the Above
7. In which country women do not have the right to vote?
(i) Saudi Arabia (ii) Fiji (iii) Estonia (iv) None of the Above
8. Why democracy is better than other forms of government?
(i) It helps in taking right decisions at right time
(ii) It allows us to correct its own mistakes
(iii) It guarantees that mistakes cannot be made in democracy
(iv) None of the Above
9. In which period did China face one of the worst famines that have occurred in the
(i) 1948-51 (ii) 1958-61 (iii) 1968-71 (iv) 1978-81
10. Which body in Indian political system is an example of direct democracy?
(i) Municipal Corporation (ii) Panchayat Samiti (iii) Gram Sabha (iv) Legislative
11. A democratic government is better than a non-democratic government because
(i) It may and can respond to the people’s needs (ii) It fulfil all the wish of people
(iii) It is a more accountable form of government (iv) None of the above
12. Choose the drawbacks of democracy are
(i) Instability and delays (ii) Politicians fighting among themselves
(iii) Corruption (iv) All the above
13. Who led a military coup in Pakistan in 1999?
(i) Benazir Bhutto (ii) Nawaz Sharif (iii) Pervez Musharraf (iv) None of the above
14. Which party always won elections in Mexico since its independence in 1930 until
(i) Revolutionary Party (ii) Mexican Revolutionary Party
(iii) Institutional Revolutionary Party (iv) Institutional Party
15. Democracy must be based on
(a) One-party system (b) Free and fair election (c) Choice from only the ruling party
(d) All the above
16. When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom?
(i) 1970, from Black minority rule (ii) 1880, from White minority rule
(iii) 1980, from Americans (iv) 1980, from White minority rule
17. Which party has ruled Zimbabwe since its independence and who is its ruler?
(i) ZANU-PF, Robert Mugabe (ii) ZANU-PF, Kenneth Kaunda
(iii) Zimbabwe Freedom Party, Nelson Mandela (iv) Zimbabwe Party, P Johnson
Answer the following questions in a word or sentence:
18. What is ZANU-PF?
19. Name the Chinese Parliament.
20. Define the term democracy.
21. What was the ‘Legal Framework Order’ passed by Pervez Musharraf in August 2002?
Three Mark Questions:
22. What are the three features of democracy?
23. How does democracy improve the quality of decision making?
24.How does democracy enhances the dignity of citizens?
25. How is democracy better than other forms of government?
26.What does ‘one person, one vote, one value’ mean? Name the countries who deny
the equal right to vote?
27.Pakistan Under General Pervez Musharraf is not called a democracy. Why?
28. How popular governments be undemocratic? Explain with an example.
29. What is the significance of the rule of law and respect for rights in democratic
30. Explain any three differences between democratic country and non-democratic
Long Answer questions:
31. ‘Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts’. Discuss.
32. What are the merits of the democratic government?
33. Why has India not experienced a famine as severe as that of China in 1958-61?
34. What are the drawbacks of democracy?
35. Why did the PRI in Mexico never lose any election till 2000?
36. What were the steps taken by Musharraf in Pakistan to empower himself?

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