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Final Integrated Project

Smart practices effecting employee
motivation in Aditya Aluminium

Prepared By: Sanjeeb Kumar Mishra

Guided By: Dr. mamata Bhandar

Table of Content:

 Abstracts

 Introduction

 Literature Review

 Research Methodology

 Finding of the survey,

 Recommendation

 Conclusion

 References


Motivation is one of the most basic components in the space of Human

Resources Management. Organization design motivation frameworks not only to
inspire employees to perform their best in the most efficient method, but also to
attract future candidates to apply for specific posts. To have the option to make a
proficient motivation framework, the key is to address the inquiry: What truly
motivates employees in an organization? This is an inside and out investigation of
Aditya Aluminium (A unit of HINDANCO Industries Limited) in India and the reason
for our exploration is to track down the smart practices influencing inspiration among
the workers of the organization. A poll review was embraced among 1400 employees
of the organization to examine their insights in regards to motivation in working
environment. At the end of the review, a few suggestions are provided for the
organization to counter this issue. This review would be a preface and of
extraordinary assistance to chiefs and Human Resources experts to raise the
efficiency of the organization by expanding the motivation of their employees.


Background of study: There are lot of variables augmenting to the pressure on

today's organizations like COVID19 pandemic, globalization, continuous
authoritative changes and diversity. To conquer these difficulties there arise a more
significant and obligation regarding the Human Resource work in each
organization. Human Resource Management assumes a basic part in making
Organization more efficient and furthermore deliberately works with the
improvement of talent acquisition, training & development, remuneration,
performance management and most important of all, motivation. A unique
emphasis is given to motivation since it is amazingly important to obtains quality
work and better yield from employees.
Motivation of Study: During the COVID19 pandemic many of the employees are
found demotivated due to salary cut, no annual salary increment, no leave carries
forward policy. This paper attempts an inside and out study on the variables that

influence motivation in an organization that make Aluminum, and investigates how
could the organization convert those difficulties into opportunities for growth.
Research Objective/Question: What are the smart practices to increase motivation
among employees of Aditya Aluminium?

This part gives an outline of the literature on the basis of Human Resources
Management just as a portion on Motivation, alongside the different hypotheses
on motivation.

This paper is based on the Smart practices effecting employee motivation in Aditya

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is defined as an arrangement of activities and
strategies that are centered on managing the success of employees at each level of
the organization and also help them to get the organizational goals (Byars & Rue,
2006). Human Resources plays a crucial role in the form of increasing companies’
effectiveness by recruiting, hiring, deploying motivating, appraising, training,
developing and retaining individual employees (P Boxall, J Purcell – 2011). Motivation
is one of the most important feathers of Human Resources Management.

As stated by Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do
what you want them to do because they want to do it”. Webster’s New Collegiate
Dictionary says that, a motive is “something a need or desire that causes a person to
act”. “Motivate, in turn, means “to provide with a motive,” and motivation is defined
as “the act or process of motivating”. Consequently, motivation is the performance
or procedure of presenting an intention that origin a person to capture. Motivation
is the process of inspiring people to achieve their personal and organizational goals
(Chaudhary & Sharma, 2012). Work motivation is a bunch of energetic forces that
originate both within as beyond an individual’s being, to start work-related behavior
and to determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration (Kirstein, 2010). Making
people to do their best at work is one of major challenge for managers. The
importance of employees’ motivation and satisfaction is being more and more
important every day in the organizations. According to Nohria, Groysberg, and Lee

the four drivers that underline motivation are: acquire, bond, comprehend and
defend. They also find that the organizational levels of motivation are: the culture,
the job design, the reward system and performance-management, and resource-
allocation processes (Nohria, 2008).

Motivation of an Employee:
According to Salanova and Kirmanen the process of motivation starts with the
finding of unsatisfied needs. Then a goal needs to be set to satisfy this need.
Rewards and incentives may be designed for employees to better achieve the given
goal. The social factors also affect the motivation level. This factor consists of
organizational and cultural values, but also includes management and leaderships
as well as the influence of the team or group (Salanova & Kirmanen, 2010).
Motivation of employee increases effectiveness of work by improving the
willingness of to work.

Theories of Motivation: The most popular theory is the Maslow’s Hierarchy of

needs which consists of the physiological levels, safety and security, belongingness
and love and esteem. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs gives an explanation of why
salary is significant. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, when basic needs of
employees are fulfilled, the individual will use his capabilities at a full energy
(Maslow, 1943). If the organization is not supporting to overcome employee’s job
assignments up to the level of his abilities, the employee will not be satisfied. It also
increases the level of stress in work. Every job should be evaluated to determine to
satisfy more the employee. This theory is used in our research because training and
development opportunities help employees to increase their satisfaction level in
the organization.
Factors effecting Motivation: Motivational factors include salary, training and
development, workloads, promotion, job security, personal goals, working
environment, rewards and recognition and administrative practices.
Salary: Cash has been brought up as a factor of motivation among many
researchers. It is often considered to be an image of achievement and furthermore
connected with comfort and security (Engelberg and Sjöberg, 2006). It is
considered as a benefit for the managers, since they can utilize cash as a
methodology since cash can significantly affect employee's performance. A few
researchers have expressed that motivation is the fundamental instrument to be
utilized. Realizing that it exists a direct correlation between compensation and the
results obtained (Androniceanu, 2011). A few researchers propose (Murphy, 1981)

that the representative ought to be inspired through a relative compensation as
per the efforts done in the work. There are other significant factors too, yet having
a proper compensation is among the top elements.

Training and Development: Training and development is the most common way of
creating work experience related with knowledge and skill that exist to work on
semantically the performance of employee. It is realized that organizational
training has enormous possible results. Training has to be started with the
identification of the training needs by job analysis, performance assessment and
organizational analysis. After finding training needs, training programs are
conducted. As indicated by Nesan and Holt, a system of ‘‘performance
management” is made in order to monitor improvements among teams (Tabassi &
Bakar, 2008).

Workloads: Workloads is the intensity of the job assigned. It has commonly been
the amount of work assigned or the amount of work expected to be finished by an
employee in a time period (Dasgupta, 2013). It is a wellspring of mental stress for
employees. Stress is an active state of mind in which employee face opportunity
and requirement (Robbins, 1996). Workload can inversely affect employee’s overall
performance. The main objectives of assigning and predicting workloads are to
achieve proper distribution, workload management and find out the resources
needed to perform the work (Dasgupta, 2013). It is hard to have a full control on
every workload at every time. But it is possible to predict its effects and take action
in advance. Finally, for using the workload prediction as a methodology, it is
important to set efforts, time and resources with the idea of enforcing the
workgroups activities and achieve their goals.

Annual Increment/Promotion: Promotion is one of the most important sources of

motivation for employees by giving them opportunities for career growth, assigning
them more responsibilities and more authority. It very well might be applied by
offering the chance to build the compensation pay. This procedure can also cover a
part of security needs by supporting the buying power of the employee.
Promotions help assigning employees better jobs as per their ability and find out
quickly the talented workers (Gibbons 1997). It can be used to reward the
employee’s earlier performance and have lower rates of job turnover.

Ping me system: This is a system used in HINDALCO for online feedback seeking or
giving to anyone which can be used at the time of annual performance discussion

with managers to show their work

Women at Hindalco: Women at HINDALCO is a system of guidelines to empower

women employee and their protection system for prevention of sexual harassment

Mindfulness: This is an online training session for employees and their family
members to relax mind and enrich their potential

Heartfulness: Heartfulness is a set of experiential practices such as relaxation and

meditation to regulate the mind, build inner strength and develop habits to create
a lasting sense of fulfillment and overall well-being. It is another step forward
towards holistic wellness and unleashing immense human potential.

Continues Education policy: The continuous education policy of HINDALCO is

meant for upgrading the qualification of employee to one upper level without
leaving the company.

COVID19 Management system: This team is dedicated for Counselling of COVID19

effected employees, giving empathy to them, giving exgratia to motivate
employees, Health policy improvement by collaboration with top health insurance
provider, providing inhouse facilities such as COVID Care Home with ICU beds and
ventilators, making employee travel and quarantine guidelines.

Pride: It is a HINDALCO level competition for innovation with cost saving and a
certain amount of price money which motivates employees to innovates new

Reprism: It is a Aditya Birla group level competition for innovation with cost saving
and a certain amount of price money which motivates employees to innovates new

Pragati: It is a scholarship provided to the employee’s children who are securing

highest marks for their further study.

Background of the Organization of study: The Organization of study is an Indian-

based one, engaged in the production of Primary Aluminium in the form of Ingots,
Wire Rod, Billets.

Principal Work of the Organization:

The main tasks are the transportation of raw material such as alumina, coal water,
oil, processing of all raw material making finished product as per customer
requirement, transport of finished goods.

• Transportation of raw material: Aditya Aluminum transport its main raw

material, Alumina from Utkal Alumina which is located at 450 km away by
train. Coal is transported from Gare Palma Mines located 200 km away by
train. Water is supplied by pump from Hirakud Reservoir located 25 km away
from plant.
• Processing of raw material: Alumina is processed in Aluminium smelter to
make Aluminium. Huge power is required to process alumina and is fulfilled by
power plant where coal is burnt to heat water to produce electricity.

Composition of employees
The organization has a Chief Operating Officer and 6 Separated Departments
The Common service department:
• Human Resources Department: 10 employees
• Admin Department: 10 employees
• Financial Department: 5 employees
• Logistic Department: 10 employees
• Environment Department: 3 Employees
• Purchase Department: 3 employees
• Marketing Department: 3 employees
• Store Department: 10
• WCM Department: 5
• Safety Department: 10
• Security Department: 10

The Operational/Techanical Department:

• Aluminium Smelter: 300 employees

• Power Plant: 300 employees

Research Method: An Interview will be conducted with the higher management of

Human Resource Department and others in that department of the organization to
find out what smart practices they are following to keep employee motivated and a
survey will be among 700 employees of the organization to find out their motivation

Two methodologies will be used in this research to analyse the problem
better: qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative method gives a general view of
the company and helps to find out the problem. The quantitative method analyses
the problem in deeper way with the goal to propose at the end some
Qualitative Method – Firstly, an interview will be conducted directly to the highest
management levels of HR of the organisation and then rest all in HR department.
The interviews in this research are based on structured format and can be combined
with unstructured interview. Then both interviews were combined to obtain
confidential information and analysis of the research problem.
Quantitative Method –The second method consists of a questionnaire survey to be
done by the employees in all levels. The reason is to cross check the data collected in
the interviews with the survey for employees. The purpose of these survey is to find
out if the lack of motivation is one of the main reasons why they are leaving the
company or move to another unit of the group. The survey questions will be
circulated among 1000 employees within the organization and since the survey is
undertaken individually, the response rate ensured to be 100%.
Data Analysis: Quantitative data collected can be analysed by method of statistical
analysis and the key findings of the study will be summarized.
The survey questions are
a) What is your satisfaction level for “Ping me” system of Aditya Aluminium?
1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

b) What is your satisfaction level for “Women at Hindalco” system of Aditya

1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

c) What is your satisfaction level for “Mindfulness” system of Aditya Aluminium?

1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

d) What is your satisfaction level for “Heartfulness” system of Aditya Aluminium?

1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

e) What is your satisfaction level for “Continues Education policy” system of

Aditya Aluminium?
1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

f) What is your satisfaction level for “COVID19- Counselling, empathy, exgratia,

Health policy, COVID Care Home with ICU beds and ventilators” system of
Aditya Aluminium?
1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

g) What is your satisfaction level for “Annual increment with survey” system of
Aditya Aluminium?
1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

h) What is your satisfaction level for “Training and development” system of

Aditya Aluminium?
1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

i) What is your satisfaction level for “Pride” system of Aditya Aluminium?

1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

j) What is your satisfaction level for “Reprism” system of Aditya Aluminium?

1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied
3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied

k) What is your satisfaction level for “Pragati scholarship” system of Aditya

1. Extremely satisfied
2. Very Satisfied

3. Satisfied
4. Slightly satisfied
5. Not Satisfied


This research proposal would be an assistance to Human Resources managers to

raise the efficiency of the organization by expanding the motivation of their
employees. The qualitative research will be conducted by interviewing for the HR
managers and the quantitative research will be conducted by poll for the employees,
it would be detected that whether the company under study is facing some
problems related to lack of motivation and lack of working enthusiasm in their
employees or not. After the analysis of the poll for the employees, the main reasons
will be identified and some recommendations will be given. This system will help the
company to detect the problems of performance.

A pilot study was conducted among 4 employees to test the quantitative method
and the result got can be seen in the link provided below.


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