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Name :

Shaybrina Citra Pahleviana

Annisa Dian Pratiwi

Class : XI IIS 4

Pairs dialog :
Citra : I'm really hungry, let's just eat around here let's go
Dian : Great idea! I'm also hungry after all it's lunch time. Do you have any delicious food
ideas for our lunch?
Citra : What about the shop?
Diane: Huh? Wait a moment. It's a fast food stall, isn't it?
Citra : Yes. Come on! My stomach couldn't wait any longer.
Dian : Why fast food? Can we find healthier food for our lunch?
Citra : No, I don't think there are any healthier food options around. I heard that it sells
delicious cheeseburgers and fries too. Let's go! I can't stand the sound of my stomach
Dian : [sighs]

Dian : Gosh, Citra. You order two large cheese hamburgers, fries and a coke. Are you
going to eat all this junk food?
Citra : Of course! I need a lot of food.
Dian: Have you ever thought about what the danger is who will come to you by eating
this food?
Citra : Um… too full?
Dian : No….. Citra. These foods will bring bad effects to your precious health.
Citra : Huh? What are the bad effects?
Dian : I joined the “healthy living” club which tries to motivate its members to live
healthy. We are taught to stay away from junk food because junk food like the food you
are about to eat now is known to be very bad for health.
Citra: Why is that?
Dian : You know that these foods contain high calories, fat, and sugar, but the
nutritional value is very low. Since it is high in calories, the more you eat these foods the
bigger you will become. This is called obesity. These foods are also high in salt. If you
really like to eat these foods, they will put you at risk of high blood pressure.
Citra : Wow, can it get worse?
Diane : Of course! Moreover, if you eat this junk food every day, then saturated fat will
accumulate in your body, especially in your blood vessels. Day after day fat will build up
in your blood vessels and eventually block your blood flow and make it clogged. If this
happens to the blood vessels in your brain, then you will have a brain stroke. The worst
thing is if you have high blood pressure and the fat blocks the blood flow in your heart,
then you can get a fatal heart attack which can lead to death.
Citra : [Swallow] is that…. Really?
Dian : It's no use if I tell a fake story.
Citra : Well, I think you are right. I have to start living a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for the
information, Diane. You really opened my eyes. So, what should I do with all this food? I
haven't even eaten it yet.
Dian : I heard you have a cat. Maybe they'll like it.
Citra : [sighs] Oh, good~

Personal tasks :

1. My opinion about homework :

I feel like some form of work at home is required so you can practice skills you need to
know and remember what you need to know rather than just learning about it in class
and then forgetting it as soon as you step out. This is why schools, elementary level
especially, require summer reading. It has been shown that your ability to read can drop
during those three months of no school, because you're not actively practicing those

However, I think they give us too much homework. Math teachers will assign us 30
problems that are all the same and take us an hour to do. If we know the material, 10 is
sufficient. I feel like how much you do should be up to the student. Assign 10, but also
allow kids to do more if they feel like they need extra practice. This puts kids in charge
of their learning, but also allows the people who truly know and mastered the material
to review a bit and then move on to whatever else they need to do.

With robotics, going to games, and spending time with family, I don't have much time
for homework. With the current system, I'm up until almost midnight sometimes
finishing homework, and then I get less than 6 hours of sleep, which isn't very healthy.
Schools supposedly care about the well-being of kids, and yet here I am sitting in a
classroom of 15 sleep-deprived students.

2. My opinion about illegal logging :

My opinion of illegal logging is very bad, because when I feel like some form of work at
home is required so you can practice skills you need to know and remember what you
need to know rather than just learning about it in class and then forgetting it as soon as
you step out. This is why schools, elementary level especially, require summer reading.
It has been shown that your ability to read can drop during those three months of no
school, because you're not actively practicing those skills.

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