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Opermgt 408

Lean Manufacturing Systems

Fall Semester, 2005

Dr. Patrick Shannon

Office:B213 F
Phone: 426-3786 Office (Shannon)
343-4358 Home (Shannon)
Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 – 10:30
Tuesday 3:00-5:00
and by appointment

Course Objectives:

This course provides an overview of "Lean Manufacturing Systems” as an

approach companies use to achieve world-class performance and customer
satisfaction. This course will show how Lean Manufacturing principles and
techniques improve an organization’s ability to provide added customer value on
products. The concepts introduced in this course will build on the techniques and
tools introduced in Opermgt345. The focus of the course will be on introducing
these key concepts and tools by demonstrating how they are applied in decision-
making situations.


Lean Thinking, By James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Simon and
Schuster, 1996.
The Goal, By Eli Goldratt and Jeff Cox, 1992, North River Press
(acquire from Library, local book stores, on-line, or borrow)
The Toyota Way, by Jeffrey Liker, McGraw-Hill, 2004

Opermgt 345 or permission of the instructor
We will make use of Microsoft EXCEL and ProModel,. ProModel is
available on the College of Business network in the student lab. You can also
purchase a Student Version at

Course Outline
Week of Topic
August 23 Course Introduction
Reading Assignment {Chapter 1-5}

August 30 Value-Adding Management and Time-Based Competition

Value Stream Mapping

September 6 New Paradigms – The HP Push/Pull Video


September 13 Value Stream Mapping Work – 9/13/05 – No Class

Value-Steam Project Presentations – Projects Due 9/15/05

September 20 Throughput - WIP – Cycle Time

Line Balancing and Variability
Lean Assembly

September 27 Theory of Constraints

Reading Assignment {The Goal}
TOC Case Assignment-Lab Work Using Pro-Model

October 4 TOC Project Work 10/4/05

TOC Case Due 10/6/05

October 11 Implementing Lean

Reading Assignment {Chapters 6-11}

October 18 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

The 5 S’s
LEAN Application Exercise – Round 1 – 10/20/05

October 25 Reducing Change-Over Times

November 1 Lean Application Team Meetings – No Class 11/1/05

LEAN Application Exercise– Round 2 – 11/3/05
November 8 Increasing Yield – Welco Examples
LEAN Application Exercise Round 3 – 11/10/05

November 15 Visual Management and Error Proofing

LEAN Application Exercise – Round 4 – 11/17/05

November 22 Thanksgiving

November 29 Lean Manufacturing Metrics

LEAN Application Exercise – Round 5 – 12/01/05

December 6 Term Project Presentations 12/6/05 and 12/08/05

Project Papers Due 12/08/05

December 13 Final Exam – 12/13/05 10:30 – 12:30 PM******

LEAN Application Exercise Report Due 12/13/05

Assignments and Projects:

Value Stream Mapping Assignment (50 points)
For your company or for one in which you can gain access, you are to
develop a value steam map. Identify the value-adding and non-value-adding
steps. Provide one or more recommendations for how the organization can
reduce the time spent on a non-value-adding step or how a non-value adding step
can be eliminated. Prepare a one page report along with your value stream map.

Due: 9/15/05

Theory of Constraints Case Project (100 points)

The objective of the TOC case is to make changes to a simulated
manufacturing process for the purposes of reducing the cycle-time and increasing
throughput. This will done using a commercial simulation package called Pro-
Model which is available in the computer lab.

Due: October 6, 2005

LEAN Application Exercise (200 points)

As part of a work team of 5-6 people, you will take on the role of an
employee at a computer mail order business. Each member of the team will
assigned specific responsibilities for determining:
• The correct total price for the order
• The correct date on which the order will
reach the customer.

The exercise will consist of five rounds. Each round will consist of
eight orders that will arrive in one minute intervals. The first round will be
the baseline run. The team must follow the assigned process with no
changes. In subsequent rounds, the teams will implement lean type process
improvements. The objectives are:

• 100 percent correct prices and delivery

• minimum average order processing time

After five rounds, the team will submit a double spaced, written
report using the following format:

1. Round by Round discussion of the team’s process

improvement Steps
2. Improvement trends on key measures
3. Analysis of the team’s overall approach and
4. A discussion of the extent to which the lessons from this
exercise could be applied to real business processes at the
team members’ organizations.

This exercise is valued at 200 points with 100 points allocated to team
performance against the objectives and 100 points assigned to the final

Due: 12/13/05

Term Project (200 points)

Teams of 2-3 students will work together on a term project in which

you will apply one or more of the lean manufacturing tools introduced in
this course to a real business process in your company or another
organization. You final report should chronicle your efforts during the
semester including all major steps and the results achieved. During the week
of December 6th, each team will make a 15 minute professional presentation
of their project. A written report, containing a full description of the lean
manufacturing project is due on December 8, 2005.
Final Exam (100 points)
There will be only one exam – a comprehensive final exam on December 13th
at 10:30 AM

Educational Opportunities:
Final Exam 100 points
Value-Steam Mapping 50 points
LEAN Application Exercise 200 points
Theory of Constraint Case 100 points
Term Project 200 points
Total 650 points

Grading Policy:
90-100% = A
80-89.9% = B
70-79.9% = C
60-69.9% = D
Below 60% = F


Refer to Boise State’s Student Code of Conduct for definitions of cheating, plagiarism,
and others forms of academic dishonesty as well as policies and procedures for handling
such cases. The Student Code of Conduct is found at conduct
It is strongly encouraged that you familiarize yourself with this policy, as it is
applicable to all of your classes and dealings with the University.
Academic honesty is a core belief of the University. Any student found
plagiarizing, cheating or fabricating any assignment will receive an automatic “F” for the
course and be dismissed from class immediately. No “ifs, ands or buts” about it!

Key Dates To Remember:

September 2, 2005 Last day to Add this class
September 2, 2005 Last day to Drop without W
October 3, 2005 Last Day to Drop

Hints for Success In This Course:

Attend Class and be involved
Be Prepared ahead of class
Join a study group

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