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The Effectiveness of Face-to-face Learning Education Systems for Students

Thesis Statement:
Although online learning systems have their own benefits, offline learning classes have
more advantages compared to online learning

Topic Sentence:
There are various advantages why face-to-face educational systems are more
applicable and more useful for students to understand the material of subjects.

Supporting ideas:
A. Students can have physical interactions with teachers during the learning
B. It is important for students to build trust and good friendships by having social
C. Students can improve their confidence by practicing their communication skills
with real interactions in face-to-face classes.
D. Some subjects need experimental or field work in order to fully understand the
concepts of the subjects, and these activities will be only effective in offline
learning classes.

There are numerous beneficial factors that contribute in shaping the students' mental
capacity to understand academic subjects in face-to-face classes compared to online
learning classes.


The Effectiveness of Face-to-face Learning Education Systems for Students

Education is one of the fundamental aspects in someone's life that can be beneficial for
humans' personal development. As a result of this, Indonesian government has
implemented the mandatory and free of charge education for Indonesian residents to
take 12 years of study in public schools until they graduate from senior high school. This
program intends to improve the academic development for the future generations who
will occupy and govern this nation. With the occurrence of the deadly coronavirus all
over the world, the Minister of Education and Culture decided that the delivery system of
education became online learning in order to prevent the increasing spread of COVID-
19 in Indonesia. Some people believe that online learning is the best way to continue
the process of learning formal education. In my opinion, although online learning
systems have their own benefits, offline learning classes have more advantages
compared to online learning.

There are various advantages why face-to-face educational systems are more
applicable and more useful for students to understand the material of subjects.
However, I can understand why some people think online learning is better than offline
classes. On the one hand, several benefits of online learning are that students can
study from anywhere and anytime as long as they have the access to the internet and
electronic devices. Not only that, they can use the technology that provides a lot of
accessible information and they can be more computer literate. In contrast to virtual
meetings for educational purposes, students and teachers are able to obtain physical
interactions during the learning process that help students to comprehend the concepts
that are being explained in the real classroom. Furthermore, offline classes are more
practical for teachers to supervise students during the class session in case they need
more explanation or when they need additional information about certain topics.
Whereas in online learning, students are likely to be passive and do not engage with the
virtual interactions. Furthermore, social interactions among students are also very
important in building a sense of teamwork and good companionship. The need of
interactions is very crucial because students are humans who are social creatures. This
is one of the best methods to exercise and improve their communication skills in class
that can be applied to bigger audiences in the future. For example, when a student
presents his or her project, they can improve their self confidence and public speaking
skill. In addition to that, face-to-face learning systems are very important for students to
understand certain subjects that need experimental work or field work such as
chemistry, biology, and physical education. These experimental projects will be stressful
to be implemented in online learning and students might not get the best results and
understand from doing those activities.

Overall, offline education with physical interactions between teachers and students can
improve the effectiveness of studying processes in formal education. It is reasonable for
Indonesian government to make formal education systems available to be accessed
during the pandemic with online delivery education. However, there are numerous
beneficial factors that contribute in shaping the students' mental capacity to understand
academic subjects in face-to-face classes compared to online learning classes. Once
the pandemic is finally over, it would be a wise decision for the national government in
the field of education to open schools again.

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