Sample Meal Plan: Meal & Timing Food Quantity Calories

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Here are my recommendations for what you should consume each day at each meal. Keep in mind that these meals
should be adjusted based on your bodyweight and calorie needs. My food calculator will help you do this.
I’ve based this program on a person who weighs 200 pounds who wants to maximize fat loss while maintaining or
increasing muscle mass. Pay close attention to the foods in this daily meal plan example, and use substitutes from the
lists I’ve provided for each of the foods in the same category to create variety in your diet.

Meal & Timing Food Quantity Calories

Upon rising/ Water 1/2 liter or 8-10 oz

Before cardio Supplements Refer to overview

Egg whites 4 large

Meal 1 Lean ground beef 4 oz
(Breakfast after cardio) Red potato 4 oz
Whole-wheat tortilla 1 medium

Chicken breast 6 oz
Meal 2 White rice 1 cup*
Vegetables 1 cup

Chicken breast 6 oz
Meal 3 White rice 1 cup*
Vegetables 1 cup

Pre-workout Oatmeal 1/2 cup**

(60 minutes before) Honey 1 tbsp

PRE-KAGED® 1 scoop
(20-30 minutes before)

Micropure® Whey Protein Isolate 1 scoop

Post-workout or RE-KAGED®
Oatmeal 1/2 cup**

Micropure® Whey Protein Isolate 2 scoops

Bagel 1 medium
Meal 4
Peanut butter 1 tbsp
Chopped fruit 1 cup

Ground turkey 6 oz*

Meal 5
Sweet potato 1 cup

Chicken breast 6 oz*

Meal 6
Whole-wheat pasta 2 cups*

*Measured after cooking

**Measured before cooking

S C I E N C E . I N N O VAT I O N . P E R F O R M A N C E . W W W. K AG E D M U S C L E . C O M

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