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I. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

Since China adopted its open-door (41) _____ approximately twenty-five years
ago, Chinese higher education has begun once again to draw closer to the (42)
_____ students to theWestern world(thế giới phương tây). China's (43) _____ to
send scholars(học giả) and students to the United States at the end of the 1970s,
after thirty years of hostility(thù địch) between the two countries, marked a
dramatic turning(tạo nên 1 bước ngoặc) (44) _____ nation's educational history.
Today, about 50,000 Chinese students are studying in the United States,
accounting(chiếm) (45) _____ 10 percent of the total international students in the
country. More and (46) _____ Chinese students have gone to other countries to
study. According to statistics from the United Nations, Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization(văn hoá liên hợp quốc) (UNESCO), China (47) _____ more
students than any other country to study abroad. In the other direction, many
students from the United States and (48) _____ are going to China to study
language, culture, history, traditional Chinese medicine, science, engineering, and
other (49) _____. The increasing number of international students worldwide
demonstrates(biểu tình trên toàn thế giới) a relatively quick change in the (50)
_____ of global education.

41. a. way(cách) b. law(luật) c. rule(quy tắc) d. policy(chính sách)

42. a. progress(tiến bộ) b. advanced(nâng cao) c. head(đầu) d. reach(chạm


43. a. decide(quyết định) b. decisive c. decision d. decider(ng quyết định)

44. a. point(điểm) b. spot(tại chỗ) c. top(hàng đầu) d. stain(vết bẩn)

45. a. for(cho) b. to(để) c. up(lên) d. over(kết thúc)

46. a. as(như) b. more(nữa) c. than(hơn) d. much(nhiều)

47. a. regards(trân trọng) b. mails(thư điện tử) c. posts(bài viết) d.


48. a. elsewhere(nơi khác) b. wherever(bất cứ đâu) c. where(ở đâu) d.

whereas(nhưng trái lại)

49. a. matters(các vấn đề) b. things(nhiều thứ) c. fields(lĩnh vực) d.

items(các mặt hàng khác)

50. a. interfere(cản trở) b. integration(tích hợp) c. exchange(trao đổi) d.

mixture(hỗn hợp)

II. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

After your letter of application and résumé, the interview is your best
opportunity to (41) _____ the employer - regardless of your background and
experience. To do this, use every possible strategy to develop (42) _____
interviewing skills. The best way is to prepare a selective presentation of your
background, thoughtful answers to potential interview questions, well-researched
questions about the organization, and an effective strategy to introduce yourself.
You should also consider your career goals and what the available job offers (43)
_____ you can discuss both of these topics with employers. Interviewing is a skill
that improves and (44) _____ easier with practice.
It is to your advantage to carefully research the job and the organization. There
are many (45)----- to do this. You can ask for printed materials from the employer,
such as annual reports and job description. This is an entirely( 46)---- request, so
do not hesitate to make it. Use y career center resources. Ask colleagues, friends,
and faculty about the organization and about any personal contacts at the
organization they might Look at the organization's home page. Knowing about the
job will help you prepare a (47) ------your qualifications so that you can show,
point by point, why you are the best (48)-------

Prepare a clear answer to each of the questions in the interview questions

tion Practice answering questions with a friend, or (49) ----- mirror. Ask your
friend to give you constructive criticism on your speaking style, mannerisms, and
gestures. As you practice avoid colloquialisms, such as "like" and "you know". It is
(50)------ – to prepare yourself for talking with complete strangers.

41. a. impress b. press c. pressure d. regard

42. a. effect b. effective c. effectiveness d. effectively

43. a. that b. so as to c. so that d. because

44. a. comes b. Lets c. makes d. becomes

45. a. ways b. practices c. Drills d. forms

46. a. exact b. accurate c. proper d. Correct

47. a. partn b. list c. line d. sum

48. a. employer b. interviewer c. manager d. candidate

49. a. in b. on c. for d. at

50. a. thrilling b. exciting c. important d. unnecessary

III. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

Vietnam is considered a third world country, its people live (41)-----poverty by the
millions. After the (42)----- Vietnam's economy remained dominated by small-
scale production low labor productivity. (43)---- , material and technological
shortfalls, and insufficient food and (44) goods . The Doi Moi reforms that were
instated in 1986 have shed new light and added new features to Vietnamese
economy. (45)-----Vietnamese Communist Party plays a leading role in
establishing the foundations and principles of communism, mapping strategies for
economic development, setting growth targets, and (46) -----reforms. Doi Moi
combined government planning with free-market incentivos and (47) _---- the
establishment of private businesses and foreign investment, including foreign-
owned enterprises. By the late 1990s, the succes and agricultural reforms ushered
in under Doi Moi was evident. (48) ------ than 30.000 private businesses had been
created, and the economy was growing at an annual (49)----- of more than 7
percent. Farming systems research and the international development projects are a
source of new hope for the people of Vietnam. If these recent projects are
successful and Doi Moi continues on its current path the Vietnamese people may
(50)-----a new standard of living. More reforms like Doi Moi need to take place in
order to create a more stable Vietnamese future.

41. a. for b. in c. on d. of

42. a. liberate b. liberation c. liberator d. liberal

43. a. application b. salary c. profession d. unemployment

44. a. consumer(hợp nghĩa) b. producer c. spender d. manufacturer

45. a. A b. An c. The d. O

46. a. launching b. flying c. sending d. raising

47. a. found b. promised c. required d. encouraged

48. a. Much b. More(sau than) C. As d. As more

49. a. rate b. level C. standard d. step d. step

50. a. come b. approach c. reach d. arrive

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