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SS Os S Collector: 'T, Ebook Team 1, lets ae grey in the dak (nthe night) © (Cue nal) tat dn nh ngoi ung ah nha rash 2. eatin the pan (c-ihespan) © ke wo mnt, ke phin BS 3 totum cat the pan . tril thay Abi ign (Me im gy); pin Bi 4, afer min comes fait weather (sunshine) 5. héeoom bi eye thd thi a & thecal sont he bag 6 iw bf mat cab 0 8 7 to fight Hike Kilkemy cats © eit hai kin nhau & inthe room of thay thd vio, 3 vio da vi 9, noroom to swing acat © ping ci 8 mi; khang cb ch mo mi xoay tt 10. back and belly ©. edi an efi mte 11 at the back of ons mind trang thim tim, tong diy King 12,to beat the back of somebody ig ng sau amg arp choi, ting i a, Lam © dub theo sit a beat the back oF something © biétduye nguyén ud shu xa, nim duge bf ml cia ei gh 14, tobe on ones back © nim ngia . © bij, bj dt by mdm vao hod cn bt ge © Gm ligt giwimg 1. behind ones back | Lim vge ot uc, im vige dn sum ed lung break somebody's back bit fm vige eft ye © dah gy song hmg at 17. crouch one's back before somchody © Tudn ei ai guy uy ai 18, to ge (st) somebody's back up Tin chou ni id, im ch a ph fu 19, to ge (put se) ones back up 6 gién, pt ci 20.10 get othe tack of somethin © bicw duge thue chit cua vin 4 gi 21. to give (make) aback edi audng (choi nay cl) 22. to put one's back into something ait mi vide denn be hit i ra im vig gi 1 thin cho ai ‘BE IN THOUGHTS IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. 1 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team 23, to rob one’s belly to over one's back © (em) rob ge ng ly ean dip vio chi kin 24, to talk sought the back of one's neck © (xem) neck (ti ng) nding rang nt bia bal 25, to tum ones back upon somebody © quay lung ai voi ai 26, with ones back aginst (to) the wall © lim vito thé cing 27. there is something atthe back oft trong vie nay c6 dieu giuin khic 28, tobe on one’s hones © ting qu di én ed ing gun 29, to bee inte bones © in vio Gn xuons tu, Kh tly Wir doe 30, what is bred in the bose will uot go (come) out ofthe Mesh © ye ng) quen net dnh chet khong cha 31.10 cast fin} a bone between, © gy moi bat hoa gia.. 32. to cu pice to the bone iim gid ng hi mace 33.0 fel none’ bones © cam thy chie chin in hon tin abone in one's arn (ie) © @in cat) met nar ngun king: mun nc tay (khong bu cat bu) nia 38. to havea bone in one's throat © (ia cot) mgt khing muén n6i nia; Khdng muda md migng nda 36, to keep the bone wreen © iste Kho tt ie dues ue Iau 37. to make no bones about (0!) © khong do dy, Kong ngép ngimg; khong nghi nga gi; Khng gu giém make old bones © sing dai, sing Kix 39, blood and iron (chin sel vi he tn byo 40, blood is thicker than water © (ye ng) mat got miu io hom a mde Hi 41. to beeed (make, sir up) bad blood between persons © say sx bit hd gita ngudi no vi ngui kia 42. to drown in blood © nin chim tong miu 43. feeze someone's biood © (xem) freeze Lim a so h&t hon 4. to gee (have) one's blood up © moinong 45. to pet someone's blood up is nly d@ cho ngubi Khe; vay ch ny 2 [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE INV CORRECT CASES. 2 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team © Him cho ai adi ning 46, in cold blood hist 6 sy tinh tae mh dm enh ling, hong ghd tay (kh gt nga) 47.10 make one’ blood boil © (em) boil Kim cho mas Km Lam gin st Ln 48. to make someones blood ran cold © (em) cold lam eho a so Khibp 49, you cannot se fake) blo (os of) stone ng th io Iam sm ng ke nh im ge to be beyond (pas lit Khang ths tin de thebestof my belie © theo hid Bilt ei cain eda wi, the ci 1 it md eb ein xe 32. itstahert beliel Kho mtn dege to be adag in the manger © mhw cho gi pit stoma: fh ky. dng mai ai img nei min Khong efn én $4.10 iea dog's death SS.todieikeadoy che kh hits ct bye 586, dog and war hing, in ph gt cect ein rant 57. every dog has his day © albieng 68 hic gp vn ai kh ba dat give a dog an il name nd Hang him muda git ci th bao Kd das Kh wa 438.10 uot the do that co vo, Khinb hig, subg de (ghia bom) © sadon 60,0 hip a lame dg over stile © lip dd ai tong ic kh khan 61.10 leata goes lite sng mt eude di kbd abr ch 62. to lead someone a dog's ite bata sing mat cue di howe 63. et sloping dogs le . © (tue mg img Kheu got la hg chuyn em tims img bit a ma nati 64. love me love my dog © yeu Oi thi iy yeu cd ang 65.notevera dogs chanze eng 66 bt may man ni 66, nor to havea wordt throw atthe dog si 3, chét ahr mt con chi hea 6 gid ui thn ela 1 [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. 3 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team Wm Rig nig i nis i ig} Khia him ing i niu 67.40 patom ioe © hing) Kim tam ich am av aly, fi av ta iy quan rg 6 itrins eats and dogs © Gem) in 69.t0 take hai ofthe dog that bit you © (xem) hair (tue ngti) Ky de tri doc totnow toe dose bo dung (eo chap Tabind inthe Dish : © dita minh thing bik: bu Khong chien cb Rabin ofa tamer © nb nguti wig nh nt no, nog ngu cing mt ude 7a bids ofa ether foc togcther © (Mem) agi th na, Ta.abinlinthohnd . | © vitminhs ce rong ia: bu minh he chin 75.a bind in th hans worn ev inthe sh (ye ng) Kg nn thd ma bat bing Ye.bistofillonsn gw hing may mi gp Tobin of passe chim ti (nehia ng) nes nay iy ma 0 78. bied of peace © chim bea bin, bd eu 79.10 ue he bind © bi hust sto, Bilas © bi duo: di 80,10 give someone the bird © hujtsioai Ind al © dubia, tong cb ai di 81. toil two birds with one stone © mbt edng doi vige 82. bite bint ‘abi bao tn v8 dan 3, old bind © (xem) old edo gid 84. against the air © nguor King (ud) © (ngha bong) ai wi 85, both ofa hair 5 eing mat giude 86,10 bring somebody's uray hairs to the grave 81.10 bring somebody’ gray hairs with (in) sorrow tothe grave mubn, tdi gue [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. 4 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team fo Him cho ai chét vi bun 88. by air 89, within ahaicof © suyt nt, eh mit tnt 90.t0a bar rit ding, ding hod ton 91.10 comb somebody's hair for im 92.10 scoke somebody's haie fo aning mo ai, x via, sts mg at 193. to at (take) somebody by the shor hai tiring) khong ché ai, at ai thé ndo cing eh 94. to hang by a hair © eo un sei We 95.10 keep one's ir on © ting) bink Ga 96. to lose one's bai © mingtéc, rung tong © hing tye) mdi cau, mit binh eth 97.10 make somebody's hai cut) © lamho af simg sit, lam cho a ngge nhién, lim eho ai kinh ngac © Him cho ai khigp se 98 no to tm a hair 9, without turning a ong to m ve mt noe mit eit do phot tinh, khong sq hai, khong nao ning 100, one's bai stands on end © tor dung nguye ln (I 9 Bt..) Jol. twsplit hairs © Gem) split 102, to take hur of the dog tha bit you © ye nei) lay doe tr doe In. hardas nails ht dss thc) rn i sung se de tp lub KS img in in an 104." to fish tooball and nail © Gem) tooth 0s." taht he fright] nai onthe head © (eem hit 106.” a nail in one's eoitin . © eficd thé lim cho ngudita chong chit 107. wpay on the mail © td ngay khiag Lin a 108. right as nalsarmed t the teeth © (wem) arm 109. tocast something in someone's teeth © (xem) cast [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE INV CORRECT CASES. 5 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team 110. toescape by (ith the skin of one's teeth (© may ma thos, sustmiza thi guy © chien dé de ligt, anh nau de ig 112, tohavea sweet tooth © (xem) sweet 113.” inthe eth of - © bi ip vii, ehdng Iai; bat et, bat cin Tr nthe tooth of orders ‘dt ohap cit enh ban ra 2 the tooth ofthe wind ngwoe gio 114, set someone’ teeth on edge © (xem) edge 115," tashow onc’ teeth be ring 6 ve him dog © ding lam, hod toan ding. 116, armed tothe teeth © (em) am 117. tocast something in someone's teeth © Gem) cast 118,” toescape by (with) the skin oF one's teeth 12 may ma thos, su nim thi guy 119,” tafight tooth and nai © eién dé de Let, danh nau ac ig 120," tohavea sweet toth © (xem) sweet 12. inthe weth of © di ip vii, chong Iai; bit ebip, bat cin 1 athe oth of orders ‘bit chap cic keh da ban re 2. mthe tooth ofthe wind gue glo 122, toset someone's teeth on edge © Gem) edge 128. tashow one’s teeth the ing; 6 ve him dog 126.” tachance one's arm © (xem) chanee 128. to keep someone at ams length © Gem) engi 126.” womake along arm © Gem) long 127,” one's right am - © (nghia bing) cin tay pha, nz gip vig dc ive 128, to put ones ou Further than one ean draw'it back again [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE INV CORRECT CASES. 6 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team © Kimeii gi qui ding 129, toshorten the arm of somebody © han ché quyés ie eia a 130.” totirow onesel nto the arms of someboxy © tim sy cho che cai, sy bao ve ctia a IL." to weleome (receive, ered with open arms © db tgp ncn, nitm ab 132, at someone feet fo dx nag. al 43d ei ai © dang iu eanh a 133, tobe (stand) on one's fet © dig thang © ai Khoé mah © eBedng in vige Hm, wp 134. tocar someone off his feet fo Him cho a phan kha, giy edm himg cho ai 135. to fall on (upon) one’ ect © (xem) fa! 136. to find (snow) the length of someone's feet, © biétnhuge diém cua ai, nim duge thop eta at 137, wliave the ball at one's feet © (xem) ball 18 139. have ane food in the Brave © gin ditxa wii 140. tohave (put, se one’s foot on the neek of somebody © dbdu cutie ai ML. tokeep one's feet © (sem) feet 142,” to measite anothers foot by one's own last, © suy bmg tara bung ng 143. toput one's foot down, © Gem) put 148. © to put one's foot init © Gem) put 145." ta put (se) someone boek on his fect 12 phe hoi ste koe eho ai; pe hoi dia vi cho ai 146,” toscton foot © (xem) set 147, wit foat a foot © dd? (ngya cdi) 148, wth one's fet foremost bj king i de chon 149, to-cast about ‘© disim dang ny, ding khac [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. 7 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team © tim eich, kim 08, noay sé (88 Kim gi) 150," tocast aside © windi, lai ra, bo i Is,” to castaway’ © ligag ném, quing, vit 1. o cast away all cares via ade nhig ai a me 152, tobe castaway, 12 (hing ha) bi dém (thu) 153. tocast back © quay Iai, 0 gi © (nghia bong) nhc Ig, hi tome Ig Is4," tocast down © vit xuing, quing xubng © bb xan (mt) (© Him tit vong, lim chén nin 1. @be cast down ‘chin nan, hat yong 188. tocast of" © Topi bo thai, vib, tbo © thi eho) © (hing, hath, ging (Aly. 1 tha i (mai dan) 156. tocast out © dodira 37, to cast up © tink eng a, 26p Ia © nging du); ngude mit © vir Kn, quing én, ném Feu © tach mee 1. @cast something up to someone tick mée al vé ge gh © (ytoe) nbn ra, mia ra iss,” tocast ot © Gem) bt 159,” tocest none’ lot with somebody ing chia se mtb phn vi at 160,” twcastonesciton (upon) somshody’s mercy © Weng fing thong cus 161,” teas someting in someone's teeth © ich mee ai vé vige gh 12. 163.” thedic is east, © Gem) die 164. onthe chance [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE INV CORRECT CASES. 8 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team omy raed he 1. il eal at his house onthe chance of sccing him belor he leaves home 1652 nh hin may v0.0 th gp hin rin hi hin 16S. thomain chance © eohii lim gu, co hoi dé pit 1. hh capitalist always has an eve the main chance nh bin lis neu i ph 166, allay eye and Betty marin) «© chuygn tim phio,chuyen to Ino, shuygn bs ip 167.” aneye foraneye © anmiéng ta miéng 168,” tobealleves. © inc eon 169. * tobe upto the eyes in © mip dau (cng vig, nin) 170,” tobe very mich nthe publiceye © Ti ngvdi eb ti mit tong thién hy int,” twcast hoops ayes © (xem) sheep 172° tocaish the speakers eye © duge chi tc (agi vgn) wing dy mis go tay vi cho pt bi 17,” toca (et)ones eyes on hia 174 eyes front © Gem) foxt 175,” eves et © (quit sy) shin ben it 196,” eyesight! © (qui sy) nhin béa phait 17, theeyeof day mit no 178, togivoon eyeto someone ‘© thoo doi ais ng nom ai 179, ° twgivean eye to someone theo di ais Ging noma 180. "to give the glad eye ta somebody © (xem) glad Isl. tohave an eye for © eB con mit tinh di v8, ttn 182, toliave an eve to sons © ly cdi gam moe dich 183." tohave an eye to everything eh tg i img 184, tohave eyes atthe back of onc's head © emit rit tinh et g edng nhin thy [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE INV CORRECT CASES. ° Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team 185, to have ongs eye wel ina shooting © mit tinh bin wot 186. hiseyes arr bigger than his belly mo bung di con mat 18,” ifyowliad half an eye © néuanh khong mi, néu anh khong dn don 188. intheeysof © theo sy din wif ct, theo con mit eda e9, ° intheeyeofthe law 19 ding ve mt php I, dmg v8 mat lat php 190. inte eye of the wind © nguoe gio 191.” inthemindseve © tong uf ring omg: tong sn use 192, wlosean eve 193, tomake eyes © iéemat ca tinh 194," tomake someone open his exes © Kimai to mat nhin (vi ngae nhién) 98 my enc 196. tosmaked eye 19 mitthvang (hing cin dco kin) 197, tasce exe to eye with sometedy © ding § voi ai 198. tse with halPan eye © dg thiy ngay 199, tw throw dust in somebody's eyes © (em) dust 200, under the eye of somebody © dati sy gidm sitet 201.” where ar your eyes? © thong man 3°, mat dé 6 dau? 202.” to wipe somvone'seys © (lr ing) ping tay én i i mae re a 23, withancyeto something 204,” tobite the dust © bite dust and heat © win ning ea eude dd tanh 1. bear the dust and heat ofthe war ‘nh ci gnh ming a eube ehidn tranh 205. ta give the dust somebody © (ir My,nghia MJ) cho ai hit by, vet Ken true a 206. inthe dust BE LN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. 10 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team 207. 216. 20. aw 219, 220. 221 ccd, v8 voit bu toshake ofthe dust of onc fest tire gin bod tw ake somebody's dust (Gir M3.nghia M9) hit bul euaa, ey sau at to throw dustin somebody's eyes loti tw love in a cot 4i tinh va nase a fone cant get it fr love or money Knong ©0 ech gi lay duce ea do to play for love ‘choi Vi thich khong phat vu theres no lave lost between them ching n6 ghét nhau alu dio dit d6 di toadle one's head (xem) adie to pang (hammer knock) something into somebody's head snhbi nh ea gl vao dw at to be able to do something on one's head ir Ling) thé i dye m9t edi gl mt each dB ding tobe head over ears in to be overhead and eas in hit dén i dén co, ngp dén mang tai 1. @be head aver cars in debt, yan nes len dn ian din, ne abe chia chim toe (20) off ones head mit, bos diem to beat somebody's head off dink vi di ais nh gue ai dink bai hod ton better be the ead ofa og then the tail ofa lion ‘ye net) du gi con hom dud tri to buy something over somebody's head. ‘mua tanh duge a ei gt 223, "by head and shoulders above somebody 16 Khe hom a ie eae lim hom ai mt du 228. ta cany (hold) one's head high © nging cao dau 225. cant make head or tai of © Abd higu iu dubi ra suo 226. tw cost someone his head fo Himchisimitdia 227, horse ats its head off © (xem) cat 228. to got (ake) into one's head that BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES 11 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team ght ring, din ninh ring; mubn ring 229, tw ft (put) somebody (something) out of one's head © quén al (cai gi i, hing nah dé ai (ei gi) ta 230. to givea horse hs head ‘© thi diy cwong ra cho ngua di ty do thoai mai 231," tohave ahead on one’s shoulders 232, tw have {gor one’s head serewed on the sight way © sng subi, e6 de phn dodn, ob be suy x4 233,” head frst foremost) © Je dau a6ng trade ‘© (nghia bong) voi ving, hip tip 234, oad and front (© ngubi d& xuong va Kinh dao (mot phong to.) 235. head of aie fo ani te dy eG 236, head over els © Gxem) hee! 237. to keop one’s head (a level head, acool head) © gilrbinh tn, diém tin to keep one's head above water © Gem) above 239." tolay (putpheads together © hi w6inhav, bi bac wi nhau 240, ta lose one's head © (xem) lose 241. to make head © tid en, ida ii 242,” to make head against fo Khsing x thing lei 243," notright in one’s head © gin gin, him him 244. old head on young shoulders © kd ngoan trade tabi 245." outof ones head (© do min nghi ra, do minh 90 ra 246, "ta stond on onc’ head © (nghia ng) lip di 247.” tatallesomebody’s head off © Gem) talk 248, "tonal over someone's head © nbikhd hiéu, lam eho ai kidng hidu gi ed 249, to un something over in one's he © suy di tah lai ci gi wong 6c, nghién ng ed wi tong de 250,” twobeads are beter than one © ye ng) ¥ kién tap the boo gi cing sing su6t hon, ba Ong thy da bing Gia Cit Lome BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. 12 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team 251, 256, 297. 258. 259. 260. 265. 266, 267. bull in aching shop mgt ving ve ng ng, totakc the bl by the hors Rhdng sq kh Kha nguy hig tw coin money (em coin for my money (ig) theo 9; theo si hie ea to many money iy ching gid iy vr gia money makes the mat [ta] 20 cb ton maa ten eting cage money for jam (lol pe) (Ge ing) Lam chi an dae 4s pround as acock on his own dun (ue nui) cho cay wn nba, wa ey gain chudng old cnek cb ni, dng t (got nr than) that cock won't ight ‘i mgo 6 king an tha; ké hoach 6 kg An hua: W186 king nate gl toset store by dlink gi cao to st no great stor by coi thing ‘cling nhieu ciia cang tt tw guter ross (ies 082) ths arg Le like not all roses dr khong pha hoa hing c,d sng Khong phi hc no cing sung seme anohin 4 path strewn with sos be sing dy le th there is noone without ahem (Ge mg) Hing hoa hing om Whig gai king 0 iba gi sng mi kg ei kis ks tho unde he rose ‘b mat dn thi, kin i, tb hit alge as life (em) large tw escape with life and ib thot dae an for ones ite ‘or dear life 13 thot chit [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. 13 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team 1. run fer dear lite hyd tic 273. farthe lite of me 234. upon my life © dichét 1. cant forthe lie of me diy che 101 cing khOmg thé mio 273. twbring life fo Tim cho haiti 276. tacome tolfe © haitinh hi sinh 277, ta have the time of one’s life (© cha buo git vu dich dha mai nur th 278. high ite © SGI dhoong lau, x di tng lip ren 279, one's ile hic sinh tha 280, inthe primo of ite © fictubi thant xuin 281. twsve life © Gem) see 282, single lite © (zem) single 283. ta jake someone's life © ital 284," torakeone's own life © wrt, urs, we vin 285. wile ie © truyén thin, abu that 286, alls fish that comes this net © Ton be, to nh an que 287, todo as drunk osa fish © say bial 288. tobe as myzeasat © ci ahha 289. taceink lke a fish © (xem) drink 200. © bisay song 291, ikea fish out of water © Gem) water 292, tahave other fish to ly feb sng vige Kise quan trong hem 293. he who would catch fish must not mind geting wet © mud ane phat Ime, mudn An het phai do giun [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team 294. citer fis, ah, ot good se ein © ma cng ra min, koa ching rs ksi 298, * hover ya fish ait eonght eh lim ving cho vi mong an tht 296, never offerta teach fish 0 svi © es nén mia ru qua mat thy 297.” prety he of sh © (em kee aug, ° theres as god fs in the sea as evs thin ita cia chan, iw 299, toack water © hea nguge 300," tobeindzep wats) © (aem) deep 301,” tobe ino water © Gem) low 302.” foe in smocth water © dvd hoi can thn; thuin bud xu gid 303, to bring water to someone's mouth © Himal them chay dai 304, tw cast (ihgow) one's bread upon the waters} fo Tam didu tot kag cin duge tra on 308. ta go through fire and water > (em) fre 306, to old water © Gem) hold 307, to keep one's head above water © Gem) above 308, Tikea fish out of water © nhw ea én ean; lac Bing bé ng6 trong mot mdi ruta mdi la 309. tospend money lke water teu idm nhurraée 310, still watrs run deep © Gem) deep BI.” ta throw cold water on gid gio nude lanh vo; lim cho nin chi 312, Written in water it di (tgng tam) cheng bi quén (think ih) 3B. to got sea © tg thanh thy hi, 314, to allow the sea © im oght duy ha 315, twputtoses ta kh 316, half scas over © qua chen [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. 1S Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team 317, busy asabee fo htsie bin 318. tahavea bee in one's bonnet ‘© mung trong 6c m}ty nght gt: cb mde cai gi im Anh trong din 319, to have one’s head fl f boas to have bean inthe esd (bens) © Apu trong Jong nhomg mong uring vién ving 320. tw put the bee oa © (Ww MB.nghta MP), (tr img) na xin, xin fa ht 321.” ta bread hike raboits ‘sinh $5: nay nernhank, dS lan (er ths) 322, Weish rabbit ‘© mon bah mi rin vi pho mat 323," hare and ongise © Kidn nln thing ti ba 324. more power to your elbow! © ob lén nia nto! 325. tobe in two minds © do dy, khong nh quyée 326. tobe of someone's mind © dingy kién véi at 1. eaveall of oye mind ‘hing 1 hd tri ha 2. amo his mind 168 dg wn 3. amnotofamind with him 164 kong dng vo no 327. tbe outof ones mind © mit bioh tal 328. notte bein one's right sind fo Kb tinh 329. to dear (have, keep) in mind © ehinhéy ahd, khong quo 330, ta give someone. piece (bit) of one's mind © ndiecho ai mit uaa 331, tw havea great (g00d) mind wo 6 ey mun 1. have a good mind to yisit him 165 mucin dt hin to have hair a mind ta da something © mign eng lam gi khéng tod tim todn ¥ fim gi 333, twhave something on one's mind © eed gi baa Lim, c6 edi wi Lin gun trong dm et 334, notte know ones own mind phan van, do de 335. tomake upone's mind ‘© qupétinb, nh dinh; inh phai cof nhu ti khong rin dg [BE LN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES. 16 Collector: TrongTai90 [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE INV CORRECT CASES. 1. emake up ones mind odo someting dupe in kim vie 2. Sep one’ mit to some mishop din pha chi mgt se Khong may nao dot nh la Bhmg tinh deve to pass (go) out of one's mind bi quén di 1 put someone in ind of| thi nha (i 3) to st one's mind on (sem) set tospeak one's mind ‘nd thing, nght gi n6i ny to ake one's mind off Thong dé ¥, king cfd to tll someone one's ind 1nd eho ai hay ¥ nghi eva min absence of mind (xem) absence ‘rame (tae) of mind tim ung months mind (em) month ‘out of sight out of ind (sem) sight presence of mind (xem) prresence rach} Khe theo ti atthe top ofthe tree . «bic cao nit ela ngiah neh’ tobe upa nee Aghia bong) wip Kho khin King ting {0 be put to fire and sont ‘trong canh nde si is bang, banst child dreads the fire ‘chim pha ten sq in cdy cong the fa isin the fire xem) flat to go through fire and water dduong du vi mguy bi to hag fire (sem) hang to miss firs Ebook Team 7 Collector: TrongTai90 Ebook Team (bina) to bang fire ‘that bai (wong vie gi) ‘out ofthe fryingspa into the fire with vo dia gp v6 cin 357. toplay with fre © choi v6i a (nga den) & (aga bing) 358 twpourilon fe 359, toad fuel to eee ised ther dia 360,” to sctthe Thames on fre © Tamalnimg vig knh thin dng dia 361." to sot tho world on fice © (uM .agita MB) dh eng ee amy dan 362, toil pup ie ae in (on) the eve © ali guyét de mit vin db As Kin 36,” togcttheae hong re) thi © judi oe dae sinh.) © bi ban.) boro: 364, tohangup one's axe © rit ui Khoi cong vide ir bd mbt vige Lim king mang Ti kt qua 365, ° tohavesm cto arin © Gem) grind 366,” to ay the axe tothe toot of © Gem rot 367,” tosand the axe afer the helve © Hida cho dn eing: drm to theo lao 368,” toblushtotheroois of one's hair © then do et td a a 369,” roof and branch © oan oan, it dé 1. @ esto root and branch hah on ton 370. tolay the axe the ror of © do tin be (ey): pha ny i ir in whe (ig) aM, tastnkent the rot of something, © Geom) strike 372,” toe all he wor to © ratca 1. He was all the world wo his mother Bi meni hin 10 373. tocany the world Defoe one © think Sng bon toin vi hash cing a7, ° forallthe world © Gem) for 378." forthe woe [BELLY THOUGHTS IMAGINE AND USE THESE IN CORRECT CASES 18 Collector: TrongTai90 [BE IN THOUGHTS, IMAGINE AND USE THESE INV CORRECT CASES. sng vit af dog king dado TF would not dot forthe Bang tt nc kao tothe world Cirng) ht ss, edt mee dni tothe weld say itt 2. ted the world metric tora the worl as itis di thé moti pa tenth ton of tre wore (ing) kg ce vo du duos, yd World without end vinh vin the work the es and the evi ‘moi ei cam con ng svould ve te word for something om) give to eat about the bush Gem) beat Shed ne nce no bs (Oven hi 9 enn on, fonts tothe bach tte véorime din ow tobest about a (bu) Rudy (nate) (8 ta a) (sig hi iv fo bests

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