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of Life


Earth & Life Science

Asexual Reproduction in

– Asexual reproduction in animals is a

type of reproduction that does not
need two parents to produce an
– Asexual reproduction in animals
ensures that the offspring carry the
same genetic information as their
– Fission is a type of asexual reproduction wherein two
individuals will form as the parent divides in half.

Types of Fission

Binary fission involves two individuals formed from a

single parent.
– Multiple fission results into several offspring that are
formed from a single parent.
Fission Example

– Fragmentation is a type of reproduction

that involves the breaking of body parts
into fragments, followed by regeneration,
and regrowth of lost parts.
– Each broken piece grows into a new whole
Fragmentation Example

– A type of reproduction that happens when

an outgrowth, called a bud, grows and
develops from the parent animal.
– This bud eventually separates to become a
new individual or remains attached in the
form of a colony.
Budding Example
Sexual Reproduction

– Sexual reproduction involves male and female

parents to produce offspring through the
fusion of gametes (sperm and egg cells)
generated by meiosis.
– Since sexual reproduction needs two parents
to produce an offspring, the combination of
the genes from both parents increases the
chances of species variation.

– Gametogenesis is the process of forming male

and female gametes with a haploid number of
chromosomes (n) from diploid cells (2n) of the
cells present in the gonads of the organisms.
– In animals and humans, male gametogenesis is
referred to as spermatogenesis.
– In females, the process of oogenesis pertains to
the formation of the ova or egg cells through
meiosis in the gonads known as ovaries.

– Fertilization is the union of gametes that lead to

the development of a new individual.

In external fertilization, the union of egg and

sperm occurs outside the female reproductive
tract. This is common among aquatic animals
especially in most species of bony fish and
External Fertilization
In internal fertilization, the union of
egg and sperm occurs within the
female reproductive tract. In this
type of reproduction, the male
parent releases the sperm cells into
the reproductive tract of the female
– Animals that undergo internal
fertilization produce offspring in
any of the following ways:
oviparity, ovoviviparity, and

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