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Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited






II. The Registered office of the Company will be situated in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

III. The objects for which the Company is established are :



1. To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of establishing, setting, arranging,

training, consulting, undertaking, managing, planning, designing, promoting,
organizing, conducting, observing, controlling, customizing, providing, installing,
maintaining, producing, modifying, evaluating/selecting activities of all description
pertaining and relatable to information technology, including application and
specification of hardware/software solution, procuring, developing, patenting,
implementing, managing and hosting complete information technology infrastructures,
information technology solution, management information system, multi-media
advertising campaigning, audio video content, training content and other information
technology services including establishing and managing/maintaining data centre,
training centre servers, acting as certificating authority, utilize, net-work and security
solution, multi-media studio services, call centre services, BPO services, knowledge
management services, business process management services, information technology
consulting services, change management services, web designing services, web based
information services, Client’s server application, enterprise resources planning, net-work
managing services. To carry on the business of providing outsourcing services for all
processes, sub Processes, transactions, activities and all other work performed by
business in various industries within India and across the world, including data voice or
video collection and processing, call centre services including in bound and out bound
calling services of all kinds, technical support, managed data centre, managed technical
centre, training centre, web support back office, business or financial analysis, scientific
analysis, research work and analysis, storage, disaster recovery, accounting, pay roll,
inventory management, customer relationship management, enterprises resources
planning and to develop software, provide consultancy, software solution and services
that are normally offered by the outsourcing business and information technology
services providers, the software development houses and application services providers.
To carry on the business of Domestic and International Tele Marketing. This includes
business-to-business, business-to-customer, lead generation, outbound, inbound and
selling products and services over telephone or other electronic communication means.

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

2. To carry on the business of all kinds and description in the field of technology,
infrastructure and to create/raise infrastructure of dark fibers, right of way, duct space &
tower for relaying and transmission of signals for internet and telecom based cable
services to end subscribers and customers, to offer such infrastructure to others business
establishment on lease and commercial terms and to apply and obtain licenses to carry
on these objects. To carry on the business of Cable services encompassing distribution,
relaying, transmission of signals including but not limited to TV, voice over Internet
Protocol, Video On Demand or any other services through cable within and outside India
by means of any system. To carry on the business of broadcasting, telecasting, relaying,
transmitting, distributing or running any video, audio, voice, or other programmes or
software, (both proprietary and third party) over television, radio, internet, telecom or
any other media. To offer internet based services including but not limited to offering
international and domestic voice, voice-over-internet protocol (VOIP), Broadband
internet, wireless, data and hosting services to business and residential retail customers
and other carriers located in the territory of India.



1. To employ experts to investigate and examine into the conditions, prospects, value,
character and circumstances of any business concerns or undertakings or of any assets,
properties, rights in connection with the business of the company.

2. To negotiate and/or enter into agreements and contracts with individuals companies,
corporations and such other organizations, foreign or Indian, for obtaining or providing
technical, financial or any other assistance for carrying out all or any of the objects of the
Company and also for the purpose of activating research development of manufacturing
projects on the basis of know-how and necessary formulas and patent rights for
furthering the main objects of the Company.

3. To accept stock or shares in or debentures, mortgage debentures or such other securities

of any other such company in payment for any services rendered or for any sale made to
or debt owing from any such company.

4. To acquire, all machineries, plants, stock –in-trade, trade marks and other movable and
immovable properties of any description, to achieve any of the objects of the company.

5. To acquire by concessions, grant, purchase, barter, lease, licence or otherwise, lands

buildings and /or machinery, farms, water-rights and other works, privileges, rights and
hereditaments of all types.

6. To erect upon the lands belonging to the Company and upon any other such lands or
property which may be taken on lease or licence by the company, factories, buildings,
houses and super structure as may required for carrying out the objects of the Company
and in particular, equip the said buildings and/or factories with machinery in connection
with the business of the company.

7. To sell, improve, manage, develop, exchange , lease, mortgage, enfranchise and dispose
of all or any of the property and rights of the Company.

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

8. To pay for any lands and immovable or movable estates and / or properties or assets of
any kind acquired by the Company or for any services rendered or to be rendered to the
company in connection with the business and to pay or discharge any consideration to be
paid or given by the Company in money or in shares whether fully paid up or partly
paid up or debentures or obligations of the Company, or partly in one and partly in
another or otherwise however , with power to issue any shares either as fully paid up or
partly paid up for such purposes.

9. To enter into contracts, agreements with any Government or Governmental Authority,

Muncipal, Revenue, Local or otherwise which may seem conducive to any of the objects
of the Company and obtain from any such Government or Authority any rights,
privileges and concessions.

10. To purchase, take on lease , or otherwise acquire in the Union of India or elsewhere any
real or personal property , estates plantations and other such lands whether freehold ,
leasehold or such other tenure of all types for the purposes of the Company’s business.

11. To enter into partnership or any agreement for sharing profits, union of interest,
reciprocal concession, amalgamations or co-operation with any person or persons,
corporation or company , carrying on or about to carry on or engage in any business or
transaction which this company is authorized to carry on or to engage in any business or
transaction capable of being conducted so as to benefit this Company directly or
indirectly and to take or otherwise acquire and hold stocks or securities and to subsidise
or otherwise assist any such company and to hold, reissue with or without guarantee
such shares or securities; and to form , constitute or promote any other such company or
companies for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property, rights and liabilities of
this Company or for any other such purpose which may seem directly or indirectly
calculated to benefit the Company.

12. Subject to Section 77 of the Companies Act, 1956, to invest in other than investment in
Company’s own shares and deal with the moneys of the Company not immediately
required in any scheduled banks or in trust, securities or deposit or interest with any
body corporate/individual/firm or in such other manner as is beneficial to the

13. To draw accept, endorse or negotiate promissory notes, bills of exchange or such other
negotiable instruments, drafts, charter parties, bills of lading and warrants of all types in
connection with objects of the Company.

14. To amalgamate with or dispose of or exchange any of the business or undertakings

properties or rights of the Company in consideration of shares, debentures or such other
securities of all types and to enter into any agreement or arrangement with other
companies, firms or individuals or joint working in business or for sharing of profits in
any other such company, firm or person if such acts are advantageous to this Company.

15. To sell, dispose of, transfer, exchange, lease or mortgage all business, undertaking,
properties or rights of the Company or any part thereof for any consideration which the
Company may deem fit to accept in connection with its main business.

16. To aid particularly or otherwise, any association, body or movement having its object the
solution, settlement or surmounting of industrial or labour problems or troubles or the
promotion of industry and trade.

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

17. To undertake and execute any trusts the undertaking whereof may seem desirable either
gratuitously or otherwise in connection with the main business of the Company.

18. To establish and support or provide aid in the establishment and support of associations,
institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or ex-
employees of the Company or its predecessors in business or the dependents or relations
of such persons and to grant pensions and allowances and to make payments towards

19. To procure the Company to be registered, legalized, domiciled or recognized in any

country or place and to procure its incorporation in a like character as a society, or
otherwise in any country or place and to carry on its business or any portion of its
businesses or objects in any country or place.

20. To pay all or any costs, charges or expenses, whatsoever preliminary, incidental or
relating to the promotion, formation, registration or establishment to this or any other
such company or to the raising, subscription, issue, settlement or quotation in any stock
exchange of any portion of the original or future share, loan or other capital of this or any
other Company and to remunerate by commission, discount or otherwise any person or
company for services rendered in placing or to assisting to place any of such share
debentures, stocks or securities or obtaining or assisting or to obtain a settlement or
quotation of the same in any stock exchange or for any services, preliminary, incidental,
or relating to or in connection with the promotion formation, registration or
establishment of this or any such other company and to charge any payment of
remuneration to capital or revenue account.

21. To lay out, advance, invest and deal with the Company’s money with such persons or
companies and in or upon such investments or securities in such manner as may be

22. To vest any movable or immovable property, rights or interests acquired by or received
or belonging to the Company in any person or persons or company on behalf of or for the
benefit of the Company and with or without any declared trust in favour of the

23. To import, export, buy, sell, exchange, alter, improve, and manipulate, all kinds of plant,
machinery, apparatus, tools, utensils, substances materials and things necessary or
convenient for carrying on the main objects of the Company.

24. To purchase or otherwise acquire, construct, carry out, equip, maintain alter improve,
develop, manage, work, sell, let on hire, control and superintend any factories plants,
warehouses, workshops sheds, dwellings, offices, shops, stores, buildings, telephones,
electric and gas works, power plants, water houses, all kinds of work, machinery,
apparatus, labour lines and houses, wharves, and conveniences which may seem
calculated directly or indirectly to advance the interests of the Company and to join with
any other such person or company in doing any of this operations.

25. To employ agents or experts to investigate and examine into the condition, prospects,
value, character and circumstances of any business concerns and undertaking of any
assets, properties or rights which the Company propose to acquire.

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

26. To create any reserve fund, sinking fund, insurance fund or any other such special fund
whether 0for depreciation repairing, improving, research extending or maintaining any
of the properties of the Company or for any other such purpose conducive to the
interests of the Company.

27. To send out to foreign countries, its Directors, employees or any other person or persons
for investigating possibilities of any business or for procuring and buying any machinery
or establishing trade connections or for promoting the interests of the Company and to
pay all expenses incurred in connection.

28. To agree to refer to arbitration any dispute, present or future, between the Company and
any other Company, firm, individual or any other body and submit the same to
arbitration in India or abroad either in accordance with Indian or any foreign systems of

29. To appoint agents, sub-agents, dealers, managers, canvassers or representatives for

transacting all or any of the business which this Company is authorised to carry on and
to constitute agencies of the Company in India or any other country to establish offices
and agencies in different parts of the world.
30. To do all or any of the main objects in any part of the world as principals, agents,
contractors, trustees or otherwise either alone or in conjunction with others and either by
or through agents.

31. To borrow money from banks, institution and other agencies for the objects of the
Company at such terms as may be decided by the Board of Directors from time to time.

32. To lend or advance money or property with or without security or to give credit to such
persons or companies and upon such terms as may seem expedient and in particular to
the customers and persons having dealings with the company and to guarantee the
performance of any contract or obligation and the payment of money of or by any such
persons or companies, generally to provide guarantees and to give indemnities and
generally to provide credit facilities to customers and others provided that the company
shall not carry on the business of banking as defined by the Banking Regulation Act,

33. To take all such other steps and to do all other acts as may be necessary incidental
conducive to the attainment of the main objects or any of them.

34. To acquire, and take over either the whole or any part of the business, goodwill, trade
marks, patents and property, assets and liabilities of any person or persons, Company,
partnership firms or corporation carrying on any business which the company is
authorised to carry on or possessed of property suitable for the purpose of this Company.

35. To comply with all the guidelines, terms and conditions incorporated in the License
Agreement(s), issued by Department of Telecommunications (DOT) or as may be
amended from time to time for obtaining NLD / ILD License or any other License which
the Company may obtain from time to time in future from DOT or any other Department
notified by Government of India under the Telegraph Act or any other applicable Act.
Any violation of the License Agreement shall automatically lead to the Company being
unable to carry on its business in this regard.

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

36. To provide guarantees, counter-guarantees, third party guarantees or stand as surety for
payment of money, secured or unsecured, obtained by the company from banks,
financial institutions, companies, firms, individuals or other entities on commission or
otherwise and to pay for the money so guaranteed in respect of contracts, mortgages,
charges, banking facilities, instruments and securities of any such entities as aforesaid.
The company shall give guarantee or security by way of mortgage of Companies
immovable properties for such loans/cash credit/overdraft, acquired by any of its
directors, bodies corporate, directly or indirectly or the directors, others may themselves
advance money to company or other companies at such interest, terms and conditions as
they may deem fit.


1. To setup, maintain, promote, develop, manage and conduct business and to aid and
carry on the business of information technology, telecommunications, microcomputer
technology, networking technology and equipment, software development, hardware
development and manufacturing, energy development, including conventional and non-
conventional, renewable and non-renewable. To carry on the business of servicing,
consulting, training, developing, designing, marketing, trading, selling, distributing and
licensing computer software, and programmes of any or all description particularly those
used in for or in connection with electronics data processing equipment, computers,
micro processor based systems and providing software, hardware, programmes and data
processing consultancy services and computer time sharing and cad/cam services for
preparing, collecting, storing, processing and transmitting data of every kind. To carry on
the business of or relating to information technology, telecommunications, satellite,
internet, networking, e-commerce, computers, development of software, hardware, data
systems, including transmission or export out of India any customized electronic data,
product and services in all its forms including for running back office processing and
support facilities rendering collections, accounting, data processing, and customer
support services, research and development, designing, patenting or otherwise
developing new processes and systems and providing solutions and to import necessary
goods, services, know-how and expertise from other countries from time to time for the
effective attainment of the aforesaid objectives of the company through such facilities to
clients in India or abroad.

2. To carry on the business of all kinds and description in the field of electronics, electricals,
telecommunications, software development, Internet service providers, to provide
services related to E-commerce, Electronics data interchange, Networking, High end
Voice, Data and Image transfer solutions, web TV, On Line Shopping, Creation of Web
Sites and Web based solutions, CGI Interface, FTP access, Usenet and Telnet, Internet
Relay Chat, Domain Name Registration and Routing, Computer storage space solutions
including manufacture, assembly, export, import, deal, supply, trade, install &
Commission of work of Telecom, SIM, USIM, RUIM cards, Smart card like Scosta cards,
Bank debit card, Credit card, driving licence, National Identity card or any chip /non
chip based smart card , Contactless cards, any type of other smart card, Electronic and
Electrical devices & components, Power Electronic Components, batteries, Silicon Chips,
IC’s, ATM machines, telecom components, Telecom devices like ADSL modems,
Repeaters, LTE/WIMAX CPE equipments, Optical fibre devices, optical network
distribution unit, telecom Switches, Modems, telecom networking equipments, Smart
transmission systems like energy efficient power grid, Power panels and transmission
units, Mobile based managed services and solutions like SMSC, MMSC, USSD, WAP-

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

GPRS, 3G, 4G, CRBT, MRBT and Voice based equipments, Mobile based content services,
Mobile Value added services, mobile based applications, Signaling, media gateways, ICT
Information & communication technology, fourth utility –ICT designs, Control on cloud,
Global command control system, Software as a services, managed services, green data
centre, energy performance contracting, Global engineering services, machine to machine
(M2M), Commercial automation of airport, Hotel, Integrated Business centres, Enabled
Green house, Vehicle tracking system, Green building designs services, Integrated
securities, National securities & Life safety and Advisers, Consultants for telecom, power
and other related network services.
3. To establish bureaus for providing computer services, process data and develop systems
of all kind by processing jobs and hiring out machine time and to assist and to set up,
operate and supervise the operation of the data processing divisions of such other
companies or organizations in India or elsewhere. To plan, design, develop, programme
and implement systems for the use of all kinds of data processing equipments and
systems for collection, arrangements and analysis of information and the application of
data processing technique and equipment.

4. To establish, create, maintain, conduct, manage, provide, procure and make available
goods and services of every kind on transaction gateways, platforms, networks and
franchisee either physical or virtual to facilitate trade, commerce and business including
through e-commerce. And to import, export, repair and renovate, procure, purchase and
give contracts and become or setup dealers for all above goods and services. To establish,
maintain, conduct, provide, procure, work, and make available services of every kind
including manufacturing, commercial, statistical, financial, accountancy, medical, legal,
management, educational, engineering, data processing, telecommunication,
infrastructure development, financial, travel, recreation, training, planning, organizing,
staffing, development, coordinating, reporting, budgeting, and consulting including
those related to technological, management, scientific, social, environmental or other
services including process outsourcing. To carry on, establish, build and manage the
business of technology based educational institutions aimed at providing world-class
education, training and opportunity for learning and development at various levels
including those for higher learning and extended research. To organise, conduct,
manage, study, recommend and partner and to do consultancy services for the
improvement of knowledge, skills and attitudes, processes, systems and structures,
technology and aimed at improving the efficiency of organizations and employability of
individuals, through various means.

5. To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, makers, convertors.

Repairers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers,
indenters, packers, movers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors,
consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in computers, data
processors, calculators, tabulators, machines, appliances, printers, peripherals, spare
parts, accessories, devices and instruments of every kind and activation for use for
industrial, commercial, banking , scientific, medical, statistical, or any other purpose and
any product or products thereof or materials, articles, software and hardware used in the
operation of or otherwise in connection therewith or ancillary thereto.

6. To design, develop, carry out, research in, manufacture, buy, sell import, export,
maintain, repair, alter, convert, distribute, market, hire, lease and otherwise deal in all
kinds of equipment, apparatus, instruments, implements, machinery, plant, devices,
appliances whether electrical, electronic or mechanical or otherwise and any devices,
appliances, apparatus, equipment, plant, machinery, stationery, material, systems,

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

software, programmers, designs or other substance or thing used as accessory to or in

relation to or in connection with the foregoing software and hardware programming,
data processing, giving and or taking on hire computer time and in other matters as may
be necessary to the business of computers.

7. To carry on the business of the computer bureau and of computer consultants and to
provide educational, personnel training and any other kind of service or facility relating
to computers, computer programming, information retrieval, data preparation and
processing equipment and electronic and electrical equipment and devices.

8. To purchase, sell, hire, lease, operate and maintain communication systems and aids of
all kinds and all machinery and electronic devices ancillary thereto (including but
without limitation satellites and the like).

9. To design, modify, develop, manufacture, assemble and deal in computers and

peripheral equipment and to provide a technical and advisory services for users and
potential users of computers and other electronic or automatic equipment, and to devise
and supply programmers and other software for such users.

10. To carry on a general business of providing, comparative information about the

characteristics, interests and other attributers of individual, communities, organisations,
countries, or other social units and of any articles or commodities, or economic trends or
persons whatsoever.

11. To design, invent, prepare, own, make use of, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of and
generally to deal in and with computers, data processing machines, types, card, memory
equipments or any other equipment and materials of every kind and description useful
in connection with computer and allied business.

12. To initiate, undertake, carry on, engage in, promote, assist, encourage and conduct
scientific and technical research, developments, experiments, studies, project, analysis,
examinations, surveys and test of all kinds related to computers, electronic data
processing equipment, software, hardware and programmes of all kinds of any
equipment, parts, components, assemblies or sub assemblies thereof.

13. To carry on the business of broad casting, telecasting, relaying, transmitting or

distributing in any manner, any audio, video or other programmes or software for
television, radio, internet or any other media through, including but not limited to,
terrestrial, satellite, cable, direct to home, internet or interactive television network and to
act as an organizer for conducting in and outside India road shows, trade fares
exhibition, fashions shows and ramp shows and stage shows and to act as exhibiter by
organizing film shows, arranging mobile display vans and to provide studio services for
production of advertising films. Shorts serials and music release either on; behalf of client
or in its own and carry on activities as film distributors and event challengers. To create
websites for net marketing through satellite channels and PR campaigns.

14. To carry on the business of producing, directions, editing, distributing, purchasing,

selling acquiring or other in any manner in audio, video programmers cassettes software
and magazines with respect to news, entertainment, current affairs, information, sports,
educations, history, cultural, art, science, fiction, games and communication and
dubbing, recording selling the same either in tales, cassettes, photographs, compact disc,
laser disc, internet or any other media, or software. To acquire and grant rights for

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

broadcasting transmitting or distributing in any manner any highlights, films and other
programs and import, export, purchase, sell, lease distribute and supply of decoding and
receiving equipment to decode and receive any encrypted and unencrypted channels,
including but not limited to decodes, receiving transmitting and distribution of channels
and to setup/ acquire customers home linkage via non cable options.

15. To carry on the business of import, export, purchase, sell, lease, giving on rent/hire,
distribute and supply of decoding, receiving equipments, and other
equipments/machines etc. used in producing, direction, editing, broadcasting,
transmitting and the like for attainment of above objects. To decode and receiving any
encrypted and unencrypted channels, including but not limited to, decoders, receivers,
IRD’s (integrated decoders cum receivers) headends, and any other equipments for
receiving, transmitting and distribution of channels, setup converter and the like for the
purpose of attainment of above objects.

16. To carry on the business as advertsing agents, to purchase and sell advertisng time or
space on any television, radio, internet, satellite in India or abroad or any other kind of
media currently in vogue or which may be in vogue at any time and to act as agent or
representative for any person(s) or entities for soliciting/booking advertisements and/or
any other promotional commercial and other programmes on any form of media or
medium including collections of charges and remittances thereof to principles.

17. To deal in computer based multimedia presentation and information technology

business regarding all types of audio, video, television and cinematographic films,
serials, software, and other programmes in India or elsewhere. To telecast, broadcast,
relay through any media including satellite, radio, communicate, distribute through any
cable and satellite channels, on cable networks, direct to home interactive television or
transmit the information/advertisement/products of the company of any other person.

18. To publish any kind of information on Internet, a global computer network or otherwise,
compiled and updated by the Company or any other person, for commercial purposes or
otherwise, set up and/or give or take on lease/hire appropriate systems and technology
to render these services to any person, including inviting subscriptions, advertisements
from any persons, through agents, franchise, by any available means in India or abroad.

19. To undertake and provide Internet related services, systems, technology, information
and software development services and products, including hardware’s, to any person
through agents, franchise, by any available means, in India or abroad including value
added services such as interactive, Television, Internet, E-Mail, V-Sat, Telephony, Video
Shopping, Entertainment, Infotainment, Tele shopping, E-Commerce, Games, Data
Transmission, Computer networking, Video conferencing etc. and to establish links via.
Satellite uplink and downlink through available reception systems.

20. To carry on in India or outside India the business of production/co-production of

animation films, serials as well as animation feature films for television and other audio
visual media.

21. To carry on in India or outside India the business of content creation for Television
programmes and other audiovisual media programmes.

22. To carry on in India or outside India the business of offering animation production

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

23. To carry on in India or outside India the business of imparting technical education in all
branches of animation and all other branches related to the above objects.

24. To carry on the business of a leasing and hire purchase finance company and to acquire,
to provide on lease or to provide on hire purchase basis all types of industrial and office,
plant, machinery, equipments, vehicles, buildings, household goods, consumer durables
and real estates.

25. To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of builders, contractors, sub-contractors,

architects, decorators, consultants, financers, agents, supervisors, administrators,
managers and brokers of all types of buildings and structures and to develop, erect,
install, alter, improve, establish, renovate, repair, buy, sell, lease, let on hire,
commercialise, turn to account, fabricate, handle and control, all such buildings and
structures, and to purchase, sale, or deal in all types of immovable properties for
development, investment, or for resale, and to act as a buyer, seller, importer, exporter,
agent, distributor, stockist, or otherwise deal in all types of raw materials, goods, fittings,
parts, accessories, know-how, consumables, plant & machineries & tools used for the
foregoing purpose and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of
above objects.

26. To carry on in India or elsewhere, either alone or jointly with one or more persons,
governments, local or other bodies, the business of construction contractors, railway
contractors and of all types of constructions & developmental work in all its branches
and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of foregoing objects.

27. To carry on in India or elsewhere the business as designers, researchers, developers,

manufacturers, buyers, sellers, assemblers, modifiers, installers, reconditioners, hirers,
sublessors, dismantlers, repairers, operators, exporters, importers, distributors, and to act
as agent, broker, adhatia, consignor, C & F agent, indenting agent, representative,
correspondent, franchiser, stockist, supplier, vendor, transporter, collaborator, export
house or otherwise to deal in all its branches in automatic, semi automatic, manual and
other types of tools, instruments, apparatus, systems & equipments, and to do all
incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of above objects.

28. To carry on the business of owning, operating, managing or otherwise dealing in hotels,
motels, lodges, hostels, resorts, club houses, health centers, business centers, refreshment
rooms, bars, pubs, discos, eateries, food parlors, ice-cream parlors, bakeries, flight
kitchen and catering services.

29. To establish, organize, manage, run, charter, conduct, contract, develop, handle, own,
operate, and to do business, as transporters in all its, branches on land, air, water and
space for transporting goods, passengers, articles, or things on all routes & lines on
national and international level subject to law in force, through all sorts of carriers and to
act as commission agents, booking agent, indenting agent, travel agent, fleet owners,
garage owners, service station owners, cargo superintendents, cargo owners, stevedore,
loading and unloading contractors, cartage contractors, C & F agent, ropeway owners,
liasioners, middleman, storekeeper, warehouser, couriers, conductors, cab owners, and to
do all incidental acts and things necessary for attainment of above objects.

30. To carry on business as travel agent, tour operators, travel contractors, and to provide
services by way of ticket reservations by various modes of transport, including by road,

Memorandum of Association – Josoft Technologies Private Limited

rail, air and sea and to provide tourist guides and to operate tourist buses, taxies, sea
vessels and airplanes.

31. To carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, importing, exporting or

otherwise carry on agency business in all types of engineering, electrical, electronics,
computer hardware and software and steel equipments and products and to represent
indigenous and foreign manufacturers of such products.

32. To act as an Export House and a Trading House and to carry on all or any of the business
of merchants, exporters, importers, agents including commission agents, forwarding
agents, shipping agents, clearing agents, and transport agents, transporters, freight and
passage brokers, representation of airlines, steamship lines, railways, and other carriers,
stevedores, brokers, factors, distributors and traders and other suppliers.

IV. The liability of the members is limited.

V. The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs.1,00,000/-(Rupees One Lac) divided
in to 10,000 (Ten Thousand) equity shares of Rs. 10/- each.

We the several persons, whose names, addrlesses,descriptions, and occupations are hereunder
subscribed below, are desirous of being formed in to the Company in pursuance of this
Memorandum of Association and we respectively agree to take the number of shares in the

- -

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