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Sustainable Managment
➢ It means achieving quality growth in a manner that does not deplete the natural and built
environment and preserve the culture, history and the heritage of the local community.
➢ Sustainable tourism and hospitality consists of the natural surroundings plus the built
structures such as lodging, museums, art galleries and attractions
➢ The word environment includes the natural habitats, built structures, culture, heritage,
history, social interactions
➢ The key to sustainable management of tourism and hospitality is to balance the number
of the visitors with the capacity of the given environment in a manner that allows the
greatest interaction and enjoyment with the least destruction

Managing Sustainable tourism & hospitlaity

➢ Enhancing understanding among nations and promoting a culture of peace will make
people see that sustainable tourism and hospitality development can take place.
➢ The aspects of the environment and local culture will benefit as government revenues
from tourism and hospitality-related goods and services help restore monuments,
museums, art galleries, and increase local crafts and establish national parks
10 principles comprises the economic, social,
cultural & environmental components of travel &
❖ Article 1: Tourism’s Contribution to mutual understanding and respect between peoples
and societies
❖ Article 2: Tourism as a vehicle for individual and collective fulfilment
❖ Article 3: Tourism, a factor of sustainable development
❖ Article 4: Tourism. A user of the cultural heritage of mankind and contributor to its
❖ Article 5: Tourism, a beneficial activity for host countries and communities
❖ Article 6: Obligations of stakeholders in tourism development
❖ Article 7: Right to tourism
❖ Article 8: Liberty of tourist movement
❖ Article 9: rights of the workers and entreprenuers in the tourism industry
❖ Article 10: Implementation of the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)

➢ Known as the Global Goals
➢ It is a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and assure that all
people enjoy peace and prosperity
➢ SDGs an inclusive program formed to look into the root causes of poverty and bind all
individuals to help alleviate.

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

➢ SDGs came into effect in January 2016 and will continue to direct UNDP policy and
funding for the next 15 years
➢ Its tasked to help carry out the goals in 170 countries and territories

Global Goals
1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable
3. Ensure healthy lives abd promote well being for all at all ages
4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all
5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all
8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all
9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation
10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (taking note of agreement
made by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable
15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forest, combat desertification and halt reverse land degradation and halt
biodiversity loss
16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to
justice for all build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development

5 key areas of enhance tourism

1. Inclusive and sustainable economic growth
2. Social inclusiveness, employment and poverty reduction
3. Resource efficiency, environmental protection and climate change
4. Cultural values, diversity and heritage
5. Mutual understanding, peace and security

Global impact of sustainable tourism & hospitlaity

➢ It aims to maintain quality tourism and hospitality products in order to satisfy the growing
domestic and international market for environmentally sound tourism and hospitality
➢ When ineffective management tools are used, tourism & hospitality can lead to a
degradation of the environment
Code of ethics for tourists
1. Enjoy our diverse natural and cultural heritage and help us protect and preserve it
2. Assist in our conservation efforts through the efficient use of resources including energy
and water
3. Experience the friendliness of our people and the welcoming spirit of our communities.
Help us preserve these attributes by respecting our traditions, customs, and local
4. Avoid activities which may threaten wildlife or plant population or which may be
potentially damaging to our natural environment
5. Select tourism and hospitality products and services which demonstrate social, cultural
and environmental sensitivity

Future world tourism and hospitality

1. Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality

Destination’s security strategy

1. Destination and attractions must compete on their readiness to keep visitors safe and
2. Destinations that provide sound security coupled with customer service will prosper
3. The lack of comprehensive approach will create a false sense of security. For example,
only having gas masks available for hotel guests may give false hopes if the hotel’s
water supply is poisoned .
4. All members of the local tourism and hospitality system should be included when
developing a comprehensive tourism and hospitality strategy
5. The safety development needs of the components of the visitor experience, including
transportation, infrastructure, accommodations, highway rest areas, and food sources
should be assessed
6. Media coverage of local incident can spread the negative public relations effects to the
entire continent
7. Establish a place for visitors to turn to, if a terrorist attack were to occur and openly
communicate the location and purpose of the center in advance in case of any threats.
2. Impact of the World’s Economy on Tourism & Hospitality

3. Managing Sustinable Tourism in a Responsible Manner

4. Tourism Policy and Strategic Planning

5. Using E-Commerce Tools in Tourism and Hospitality

6. Tourism and Hospitality Education and Training

7. Emerging Tourism and Hospitality Markets

8. Quality Tourism and Hospitality Products and Experiences

9. Partnership & Strategic Alliances in tourism and Hospitality

10. Impacts of Health Issues on Tourism and Hospitality

11. Effects of Natural Disasters on Tourism and Hospitality

12. Climate Change and Tourism and Hospitality

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