Greetings Introductions Video Activities Information Gap Activities Video Movie Activities 79289

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Greetings & Introductions – Video activities

ACTIVITY 1: Watch the video and complete the dialogues.

Part 1 (0:04 – 0:16) Part 2 (0:17 – 0:32)

Place: In the …………… Place: In the ……………

Anna: ……………………………………… . Dave: ………………………… , Anna!

Neighbour: …………………………… , Anna. Anna: …………… , Dave!

……………………………………… ? ……………………………………… ?

Anna: ………………………… . Dave: ………………………… , ……………… .

……………………………………… ? Coffee?

Neighbour: …………… ! Anna: Yes, please.

Part 3 (0:33 – 0:56) Part 4 (1:01 – 1:19)

Place: At the …………… Place: At the ……………

Anna: …………………………… , Mr Annello. Laura: ……………… , Luis! Excuse me.

Mr Annello: ………………………… , Anna. Luis: Oh, …………… , Laura!

Anna: ………………………… , everybody! Laura: ………………………… Jao Lon Chao.

………………………… our office in Taipei.
Everybody: ………………………… . / ………………………… designer.
………………………… .
Luis: ……………………………… , Mr Chao.
Chris: ………………………… , Anna.
……………………………………… ? Mr Chao: ………………………… Jao.

Anna: …………… ! ………………………… , Laura: And ………………………… Luis

Chris? Mendes. Luis ………………… programmer.

Chris: …………… . Mr Chao: ……………………………………… .

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ACTIVITY 2: Watch the video and answer the questions.

Scene 1 (0:12 – 0:50)

 How does Jill introduce herself?

“Hi! Is Rachel here? ……………………………………………… ”

 How does Rachel introduce her sister to her friends?

“……………… Chandler. And ……………………… Monica and Ross. And

……………… Phoebe. And ……………… Joey…”

 Check your answers with Scene 1 – all subtitled (0:53 – 1:33).

Scene 2 (1:34 – 2:01)

 What does Ross say when he meets Paul Stevens for the first time?

“………………………………………………………………… , Paul.”

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Introducing a roommate (2:02 – 3:25)

 What does Joey say to introduce Janine to his friends?

“Hey, everybody! ………………………………………………………… Janine. She’s

gonna be my new roommate! ”

 What does Monica say to Janine?

“………………………………………………………… , Janine…?”

 What questions do Chandler and Ross ask Janine? What does Janine answer?

“So, ……………………………………………………?”

“………………………… .”

“So, ……………………………………………………?”

“…………………………………………………… .”

 Check your answers with Introducing a roommate – subtitled version (3:26 – 1:33).

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ACTIVITY 3 – class activity: fill in the table. help:

Formal Neutral Informal

Greeting people

Asking how
someone is

Saying how you are

Introducing yourself
and other people

Taking leave of

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Greetings & Introductions – TEACHER’S NOTES
ACTIVITY 1: Watch the video and complete the dialogues.

Part 1 (0:04 – 0:16) Part 2 (0:17 – 0:32)

Place: In the hall Place: In the street

Anna: Good morning. Dave: Morning, Anna!

Neighbour: Good morning, Anna. How are Anna: Hi, Dave! How are you doing?
Dave: I’m doing fine, thanks. Coffee?
Anna: Fine, thanks. How are you?
Anna: Yes, please.
Neighbour: Good!

Part 3 (0:33 – 0:56) Part 4 (1:01 – 1:19)

Place: At the office Place: At the office

Anna: Good morning , Mr Annello. Laura: Hello, Luis! Excuse me.

Mr Annello: Morning, Anna. Luis: Oh, hi, Laura!

Anna: Good morning, everybody! Laura: This is Jao Lon Chao. He is from our
office in Taipei. He is a designer.
Everybody: Good morning. / Morning.
Luis: Glad to meet you, Mr Chao.
Chris: Morning, Anna. How are you?
Mr Chao: Call me Jao.
Anna: Great! How are you, Chris?
Laura: And this is Luis Mendes. Luis is a
Chris: Good. programmer.

Mr Chao: Good to meet you.

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ACTIVITY 2: Watch the video and answer the questions.

Scene 1 (0:12 – 0:50)

 How does Jill introduce herself?

“Hi! Is Rachel here? I’m her sister. ”

 How does Rachel introduce her sister to her friends?

“This is Chandler. And you know Monica and Ross. And that’s Phoebe. And
that’s Joey…”

 Introducing oneself: “My name is…” / “I’m…”

 Difference between “this” and “that”.

Scene 2 (1:34 – 2:01)

 What does Ross say when he meets Paul Stevens for the first time?

“It’s great to meet you, Paul.”

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Introducing a roommate (2:02 – 3:25)

 What does Joey say to introduce Janine to his friends?

“Hey, everybody! I’d like you to meet Janine. She’s gonna be my new roommate! ”

 What does Monica say to Janine?

“It’s nice to meet you, Janine…?”

 “I’d like you to meet…” or “Let me introduce you to…”

 “(It’s) nice / good / great to meet you.” or “(I’m) pleased / glad / happy to meet you.”

 What questions do Chandler and Ross ask Janine? What does Janine answer?

“So, where are you from?”


“So, what do you do?”

“I’m a dancer.”

 “I’m from…” + country or “I’m…” + nationality

 “What do you do?” = job whereas “What are you doing?” = current activity

 “I’m...” + “a/an” + job

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ACTIVITY 3 – class activity: fill in the table. * SAMPLE ANSWERS *

Formal Neutral Informal

Good morning! Hi!
Good afternoon! Hello! Hey!
Good evening! Hiya!
Greeting people Howdy!
A: (It’s) nice/good/great to meet you.
A: How do you do?
(I’m) pleased/glad/happy to meet you. A: How is it going? (AmE)
B: How do you do?
It’s a pleasure to meet you. Alright? (BrE)
B: Nice to meet you too. B: How is it going? (AmE)
Alright? (BrE)
How are you doing?
How is it going?
How are you?
Asking how How are things?
someone is How is life?
How is everything?
What’s up? / What’s going on?
Good / Great / Okay / Alright / Not
too bad, thanks.
Saying how you are (I’m) fine / very well, thank you.
Not much. / Nothing much.
Let me introduce myself: I’m…
Let me introduce my colleague:
this is…
Introducing yourself I am…
Allow me to introduce… (my
and other people This is…
good friend Ben)
May I introduce… (our speaker
today, Mrs Jones)
Bye (now)!
Taking leave of Goodbye! See you (later/soon)! / See ya!
Bye bye!
people Goodnight! See you tomorrow / next…
Take care.

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