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Name:_________________________________ Class Code: __________________________

FIT OA: Outdoor and Adventure

Module 2 Worksheet 2

Activity 2: Essay. Read the statement carefully and explain what it means based on
what you have understood.

Better to know a knot and not need it, than need a knot and not know it.

_____________the knot can be used on so many things which can help with daily
activities. it can also be used for traveling, tying to anything, and most of all, it
can help with dangerous disasters.
the knot can be compared to studying, well many young people today do not pay
much attention in studying, sometimes they even prefer to play rather than to

study. not every young person knows the importance of education where t can i
help and make a huge impact on their lives someday.for example, we waste time
scrolling down on different social media platforms. well we do it to entertain
ourselves but we don't know that so much time is wasted because of it. we don't
know the importance of something until we realize that it is important, we better
to know the purpose of something that we don't even need and we know it will
help in the future

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