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I. R H Y T H M GUPTA 1 9 2 4 8 3 / S G G S C 3 6 / 5 (full name of

student with admission/ reg1stration/ enrolment nuinber) S/o, D a M T . / s .

SANJAY GUPTA (Name of the Course) in

B. Com
having been admitled to
of the
SRI GOru G0bind Singh College of Commertelame of Dclhi,
followig Ordinances of the University
College Department). have read and understood the
as available on the website
(wwdti 1e ):
Students of the University);
1. Ordinance XV B (Maintenance of discipline among
Ordinance XV C (Prohibition and Punishment for Ragging);
2 Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition
Ordinance XV D (The Sexual
Grants Commission
Act of Parliament, and the University
and Redressal) Act, 2013, as per
Women Employees in Higher
Redressalof Sexual Harassment of
(Prevention, Prohibition and
dated May 02, 2016.
Educational Institutions) Regulations 2015 thercon
said Ordinances and
the provisions contained in the
Thave carefully read and understood
administrative action that can be
taken against me if I am

T am fully aware of the penal and

Ordinances of the University and
found as per the above
act that
and undertake that I will not indulge in any behaviour or
hereby solemnly aver

above-mentioned Ordinances and Laws.

amounts to violat1on ofany of the
contained in the
affirm that, if found guilty of violation of the provisions
I hereby solemnly
above-mentioned Ordinances and Laws, I am liable for punishment according the Regulations

to any other criminal action

that may be taken against me

of the University, without prejudice

being in force.
under any penal law for the tine
from admission in any institution in
declare that I have not been expelled or debarred
I hereby to
of. abetting or being part of a conspiracy
the country on account of being found guilty
affirm that, in case the declaration is found
sexual harassment;, and further
promote, ragging

that my admisSion is liable to be cancelled.

to be untrue, I am aware

day of | month of 202]year.

Declared this_12

Signature of Student


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