Save A Greek Stray Final Compaign

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Save a Greek Stray: Integrated Marketing Communication Campaign

Executive Summary

This paper aims to study a non-profit organization and create a communication campaign. More

specifically, the non-profit organization that is being examined is Save a Greek Stray, which

aims to provide veterinary coverage, shelter and volunteering for stray animals in Greece. This

paper is divided into three main parts. In the first part of the paper, situational analysis of the

organization under study is performed. Initially, the organizational background and profile are

presented. The Corporate Image, Identity and Reputation are analyzed, while the organizational

goals and the target audience are presented. The first part closes with the PESTEL, SWOT and

Competition analysis. Then the second part of this paper presents the challenges/opportunities

that SGS may need to address and take advantage of. Then follows the third part, where the SGS

communication campaign is presented, in combination with the goals it will seek to meet. For a

comprehensive communication strategy, issues related to market segmentation for the

communication campaign, the central message, the value proposition, the campaign tactics,

duration, budget and monitoring are presented.

Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................2

Part 1. Situational Analysis..............................................................................................................5

1.1 Organizational Background...................................................................................................5

1.2 SGS Profile............................................................................................................................5

1.2.1 Mission...........................................................................................................................5

1.2.2 Vision..............................................................................................................................5

1.2.3 Core Values....................................................................................................................6

1.3 Reputation, Image & Identity................................................................................................7

1.3.1 Reputation.......................................................................................................................7

1.3.2 Image..............................................................................................................................8

1.3.3 Identity............................................................................................................................8

1.4 SGS Objectives & Positioning...............................................................................................9

1.4.1 Positioning......................................................................................................................9

1.5 SGS Target Audience..........................................................................................................10

1.5.1 Stakeholders..................................................................................................................10

1.6 PESTEL Analysis................................................................................................................11

1.7 SWOT Analysis...................................................................................................................12

1.8 Competition Analysis..........................................................................................................13

Part 2. Challenge/Opportunity for SGS.........................................................................................15

2.1 Brief Statement of the Project..............................................................................................16

Part 3. Integrated Strategic Communication Proposition..............................................................18

3.2 Campaign Objectives.......................................................................................................18

3.3 Campaign Audience Segmentation and Targeting..........................................................19

3.4 Main Theme and Message...............................................................................................21

3.5 Value Proposition of the Campaign.................................................................................21

3.6 Campaign Tactics............................................................................................................22

3.7 Duration of Campaign.....................................................................................................23

3.8 Budget of Campaign........................................................................................................24

3.9 Monitoring and Evaluation of Campaign........................................................................24


Internet Sources.........................................................................................................................27


1. Save a Greek Stray History........................................................................................................30

1.1 The Shelter...........................................................................................................................30

1.2 Offers...................................................................................................................................30

1.3 History of Actions................................................................................................................30

1.4 SGS Identity.........................................................................................................................33

1.5 Sponsors...............................................................................................................................36

1.6 Competition.........................................................................................................................41

1.6.1 Dog’s Voice..................................................................................................................41



3. Campaign Tactics......................................................................................................................42

3.1 Organizational Media Tactics..........................................................................................42

3.2 Social Media Strategy......................................................................................................42

3.3 News Media Tactics........................................................................................................44

3.4 Campaign Timeline.........................................................................................................47

3.5 Budget..............................................................................................................................48

Part 1. Situational Analysis

1.1 Organizational Background

Save a Greek Stray (SGS) is an animal-friendly, non-profit urban company founded by Erietta

Kourkoulou - Latsis in 2012 to protect animals. Having a special love for stray animals, she

joined forces with a group of people who have same goals and the same vision for the future in

Greece: pets will not struggle to survive on the streets, but will live happily in their homes with

their families, offering and receiving love. To accomplish this, SGS has set up and operates a

stray animal shelter, where stray animals are cared for and awaiting their new family to adopt

(“Save A Greek Stray”, 2020) (Appendix 1).

1.2 SGS Profile

1.2.1 Mission

SGS’s mission is to protect and care for stray animals. More specifically, its mission is to rescue,

collect, sterilize, vaccinate and general veterinary care for sick or injured animals. The adoption

of animals by friendly families or their reintegration into their collection sites. The establishment

and operation of a stray pet shelter within the veterinary clinic. The supervision and care of

reintroduced stray animals in their natural environment. Promoting caring for animals and

especially cynophilia in Greece and abroad (“Save A Greek Stray”, 2020).

1.2.2 Vision

SGS’s dream and goal are to create a society in which no animal will suffer helplessly on the

streets! There will be one animal for each family and one for each animal (“Save A Greek

Stray”, 2020).

1.2.3 Core Values

SGS does not present its core values in any publication. However, the organization's actions

(appendix 1.) reveal the following core values.

 Sustainability

SGS promotes sustainability for both people and the environment. Through actions to raise

awareness and promote the adoption of strays (appendix 1), SGS maintains a sustainable policy

for the well-being of both humans and animals..

 Courage

SGS promotes sustainability for both people and the environment. Through actions to raise

awareness and promote the adoption of strays (appendix 1), SGS maintains a sustainable policy

for the well-being of both humans and animals.

 Collaboration

The actions of SGS bring the value of working together with other organizations and people

(Appendix 1.3) to achieve common goals by promoting a spirit of collaboration.

 Inclusiveness

The primary purpose of SGS is to integrate stray animals into families in order to find a warm

and cosy home.

 Empowerment

SGS seeks to do more than provide a quick solution to the stray animal phenomenon. Through its

actions and partnerships, it seeks to strengthen the bond and bond between humans and stray


 Excellence

The SGS is not just seeking something important, but doing it excellently. It promotes the idea of

adopting stray animals, not just in natural ways. Through the actions, it has set tangible points of

reference and demonstrates that it has the skills and commitment to complete its mission.

 Community

SGS, through its vaccination of stray animals and care (neutering, hosting, etc.) and adoption,

offers the community by reducing stray animals and reducing the diseases that can be caused.

 Good Stewardship

SGS has proven through its actions and its history that it is well managed and that it is using its

resources effectively to achieve its mission and to achieve its vision.

1.3 Reputation, Image & Identity

1.3.1 Reputation

The perception of an organization about its actions, its activities in the past, the indirect or direct

experiences that the public derives from any contact with it and the requirements for its

behaviour shape the corporate reputation of each organization (Brammer & Pavelin, 2016).

According to Burke (2016), corporate reputation is defined as the set of attributes that

characterize a company that derives from its past activities.

Although SGS has not yet won any accreditations and awards, it still maintains a reputation for

protecting stray animals, providing health care, vaccinations, neutering, and adoptions through

voluntary actions. Finally, through its actions (appendix 1.3), it has enabled many people to be

aware of its purpose and the characteristics it represents.

1.3.2 Image

The corporate image is “the overall impression the entity makes on people’s minds” (de Leaniz

& del Bosque Rodríguez, 2016), and “the image associated with the name of the organization”

(Vanhamme, Lindgreen, Reast & Van Popering, 2012). The corporate image is, therefore, the

overall impression created by the brand of the organization, as opposed to its recognition through

advertising, promotion or sponsorship.

Through its actions and its voluntary nature, SGS has managed to build the right image.

Specifically, SGS maintains an image related to stray animals' awareness, protection, care and

health. Besides, its image is distinguished for volunteering and giving love to stray animals.

Finally, raising awareness among schoolchildren increases the company's image and promotes it

as an educational organization for the coexistence of humans and stray animals.

1.3.3 Identity

Corporate identity is the set of characteristics of a business that create its outward image. The

visual effect of these features must be unique and recognizable in order to differentiate the

company from its competitors and create a trusting relationship with its partners, its existing

customers, its future customers and the general public (Abimbola et al., 2012).

The SGS logo reveals the company’s identity. The central image of the logo shows a heart

created on the one side by well-known pets (dog, cat, bird) and on the other by a human hand,

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showing that it is ready to hug the animals. It is a unique Logo, which states the identity of the

organization, even to someone who does not know it. Also, on the right side of the image, under

the human hand is the name of the organization (“Save a Greek Stray”). Besides, in all its

actions, SGS uses pet images, which is the dominant symbol of its identity. Finally, the design

and fonts are simple, easy to understand, with no misunderstanding and with a playful design

(appendix 1.4).

1.4 SGS Objectives & Positioning

SGS’s main goal is summed up in the company’s vision: “a society in which no animal will

suffer helplessly on the streets”. More specifically, the company's goal is to provide a family for

every stray animal where it can find warmth and love. Finally, as the SGS mission statement

makes clear, its purpose is to protect and care for stray animals, to rescue them, and to provide

care (vaccination, neutering).

1.4.1 Positioning

The term positioning is used to indicate how buyers (the public) perceive the product/service to

the competition. Positioning is designed to provide the product/service with the highest possible

advantage. The primary purpose of placement is to answer the “why” the consumer should buy

the product and to have a comparative advantage for the product in the consumer’s mind (Ben-

Zvi & Gordon, 2014).

The positioning of the non-profit organization under study is derived from its brand name, which

refers to Save a Greek Stray and indicates the direction of the organization in rescuing stray

Greek animals. It is a strong position, which indicates the character and mission of SGS.

~ 11 ~
1.5 SGS Target Audience

Publications on the company's website do not accurately represent the target audience. However,

from the analysis above, it is clear that the target audience of SGS is for people who love animals

and want to give them love, care and adopt them. Besides, the actions presented (appendix 1.3)

make it clear that SGS is also targeting children by training them on pets. In conclusion, the

target audience of SGS is people who love and care for animals and strays. Last but not least, the

target audience of SGS is the volunteers who love animals and want to help by reinforcing the

mission of SGS..

1.5.1 Stakeholders

Stakeholders are the environment (direct and indirect), which interacts with the business and is

interested in its activities. Direct stakeholders in a business are shareholders, employees,

creditors (banks). Stakeholders are the state, the local communities in which a business operates,

pressure groups, e.g. activists, protesters, and so forth. Stakeholder theory helps the organization

take into account all stakeholders (both directly and indirectly) in developing a policy that is

supported by them (Sachs & Rühli, 2011).

According to the above, SGS's immediate stakeholders are the organization's founder,

employees, volunteers and sponsors (appendix 1.5), which occasionally provides various actions

to the organization. Indirect stakeholders include the local communities where the organization is

active (appendix 1.3) and society at large.

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1.6 PESTEL Analysis

The following is a PESTEL analysis of the external macro-environment in which SGS operates.

The purpose of the PESTLE analysis was to evaluate political, economic, social, technological,

legal and environmental factors (Rastogi & Trivedi, 2016).

Table 1. PESTEL Analysis

~ 13 ~
Political stability in Greece is improving (Φλώκας, 2019).
The Member States themselves manages about 80% of European sources of funding for non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) (“Δυνατότητες χρηματοδότησης για μη κυβερνητικές
οργανώσεις”, 2020).
In Greece, the mode of operation of NGO has been characterized as parasitic in recent years.
(Τουχτίδου, 2020).
The issue of stray animals lies with the Ministry of Rural Development.

Poor state funding.
It is based on donations, sponsors and volunteers.
Municipalities absorb about 1.3 million annually from the regions and the Ministry of Rural
Development for vaccination and sterilization programs (Κυριαζής, 2017).

It is estimated that in Greece there are 1.8 million stray dogs and about 2 million stray cats, although
the population of cats is impossible to measure, there is at least a 25% deviation in this figure
(Κυριαζής, 2017).
Report abuse rates increased by 22% in 2016 compared to 2015 (Κυριαζής, 2017).
In Greece, there are about 120 animal welfare organizations, which have legal personality and a bank
account with the beneficiary of their union and not a natural person. Of these, only 35% have active
contracts with the municipality of their area (Κυριαζής, 2017).
There is a great deal of misinformation about animal sterilization with 67% of owners consider it as a
wrong tactic (Κυριαζής, 2017).

Compulsory electronic marking for pets (“Σήμανση και ηλεκτρονική καταγραφή των ζώων
συντροφιάς(microchip)”, 2017).

Electronic labelling is required by law, but no checks are carried out by the competent authorities
(Κυριαζής, 2017).
It is estimated that the illegal breeding of livestock in 2016 reached €360,000 (Κυριαζής, 2017).

SGS's work contributes to environmental, social and community sustainability.

1.7 SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a tool used to examine an organism's strengths, weaknesses, and its internal

environment. SWOT analysis is also used to examine an organization's opportunities and threats,

which relate to its external environment (Gürel & Tat, 2017).

~ 14 ~
Table 2. SWOT Analysis of SGS




response (both
in volunteering
and adoption)
Compelling vision Greater
and mission. awareness of
the community.
Outstanding Lack of funds Support from
organization. to promote sponsors and
Specialized staff. awareness other
campaign for organizations.
Excellent and
the stray Support from
modern facilities.
animals. the media. SGS has been
It has a veterinary charged with
A small The EU obliges
clinic. pet stores to fraud in the
number of
Actions that have volunteers. accept and sell neutering of
made SGS known stray pets from stray animals in
Focuses animal shelters Tripoli (“Τι
for its sensitivity.
mainly on (“Proposal for συνέβη με τη
Multiple dogs - not resolution on δράση
volunteering much on cats. combating the στείρωσης των
options (virtual abandonment αδέσποτων από
There are few τη ΜΚΟ Save a
adoption, shelter of animals and
adoptions incentives in pet Greek Stray
every year stores to στην Τρίπολη;”,
Many (about 100) accommodate 2019)
collaborations with (“The pets abandoned
different brands Shelter”, in order to sell
(Naturea, Kyon, 2020). them”, 2016).
and so forth). Excise tax on
Good reputation. consumers who
buy pets instead
of adopting
(“Tax on those
who buy pets”,

1.8 Competition Analysis

SGS 'main competitors are Dog's Voice, and (Appendix 1.6). However, while

SGS provides shelter, veterinary care and actions such as stray neutering, the above three
~ 15 ~
organizations mainly promote the concept of stray animal adoption. Specifically, only

provides a host of stray animals, while inviting and attracting volunteers to enhance its work.

~ 16 ~
Part 2. Challenge/Opportunity for SGS

As mentioned in Chapter 1.2.1, the primary mission of the SGS is to promote caring for animals

and especially cynophilia in Greece and abroad. From the analysis above, it became apparent that

SGS has implemented several actions to achieve the purpose of its creation.

The analysis has shown that SGS, in addition to collecting and rescuing stray animals, also offers

veterinary care, neutering and vaccination services. If no family is found to adopt a stray, then

SGS leave them free at their collection site (sterile and inoculated). SGS needs to find more

people who want to adopt a stray. Besides, due to the variety of its actions, it needs more

volunteers to assist in its work.

In 2016, the EU issued a Communication obliging Member States to add to the requirements of

pet stores the provision of several cages for the shelter of dogs and cats and the disposal of

animals for sale, while calling for an awareness campaign to be launched in order to avoid pet

abandonment (“Proposal for resolution on combating abandoned animals and incentives in pet

stores to accommodate abandoned pets in order to sell them”, 2016). Besides, according to a

draft law filed by the Ministry of Rural Development, an effort to reduce stray animals requires a

special tax levy on the purchase of any pet (“Tax on those who buy pets”, 2018).

Given the situational analysis and the preceding in this chapter, the main challenge facing SGS is

to find more volunteers to support the shelter and its activities, as well as to find families to

increase annual adoptions. Thus, because of the above, a strategic campaign of public relations is

proposed to raise people's awareness of stray animals and the need to adopt them rather than

purchase them. Besides, the goal is to raise money so that SGS can launch a nationwide ad

~ 17 ~
campaign in the future about its actions and philosophy so that more people are informed about

its existence and prefer it when considering to acquire a pet.

2.1 Brief Statement of the Project

Based on the objectives outlined above, the SGS public relations campaign is summarized


As has been seen from previous analyzes, SGS has good experience in organizing festivals for its

financial support and awareness-raising activities. Thus, the campaign proposed for SGS

involves the creation of a Festival for Pets and Families, which will be carried out under the

auspices of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Due to the reputation of the Stavros Niarchos

Foundation, a Festival in its area will have a more significant potential for public awareness,

while a large crowd is expected. The main sponsor of the festival will be the Stavros Niarchos


The festival aims to both financially support the organization and attract volunteers for SGS

activities and to raise awareness of the organization. In particular, as currently reported,

approximately 100 stray adoptions are made each year at SGS. The purpose of the festival is to

increase this number from 100 to 200 adoptions per year. It will be done through public outreach

and enhanced visibility through cooperation with the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

The Festival will feature kiosks for the sale of pets - products that SGS already markets in its e-

shop. Besides, there will be a booth to fund the organization through donations, to raise money to

spend on future communication strategies so that SGS can attract more people looking for a pet

and take more action. Finally, there will be a kiosk to attract volunteers of all kinds

(veterinarians, ordinary people) to participate in SGS activities.

~ 18 ~
The festival will be accompanied by entertainment events with famous singers (Eleni Foureira,

Tamta and others) and activities for both children and adults. Besides, there will be a particular

speech by an SGS representative to inform the public about stray animals, the lack of an

organized legal and institutional framework and the need to take personal responsibility for stray

animals rather than buying them from sale stores. Besides, the speech will inform through

scientific sources about the benefits of a pet at home for both adults and children. The speech

will be videotaped and promoted on the SGS and Stavros Niarchos social networks to raise

awareness of more and more people. Finally, the festival will be held during the summer months

of May, so that it can take place outside the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and attract as many

people as possible.

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Part 3. Integrated Strategic Communication Proposition

Integrated Communication Strategies, is a programming process designed to make sure that all

trademark contacts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization

making the brand known to the consumer within a specified time. The main characteristics are

the influence on public behaviour, neutrality in media selection, synergy and relationship

building (Barker, 2013). The integrated communication strategy for SGS is presented below.

3.2 Campaign Objectives

A communication strategy should reflect a set of goals included in an organization's plan

(Lovejoy & Saxton, 2012). This paragraph will outline the objectives that are inextricably linked

to the overall vision of the organization. In addition to referring to specific objectives, this

section will seek to highlight all the communication tools that support the strategy to understand

the key messages that the organization wants to convey.

According to the above analyzes, the goals of the organization are mainly three. More

specifically, through the campaign, the organization seeks to increase people's awareness of stray

animals and the need for adoption, promoting the feeling that a stray dog can become a best

friend. Also, a second goal is the financial support of the organization, in order for SGS to invest

in the notification of the action throughout Greece. The third goal is to attract volunteers for SGS

activities to help more stray dogs.

The targets mentioned in the communication strategy are the marketing goals that a business or

organization is called upon to implement (Macnamara & Zerfass, 2012). Therefore, the goals set

must be realistic in terms of schedules, budgets and resources. It must also be ensured that the

goals are measurable (Macnamara & Zerfass, 2012). With the organization of the festival at the

~ 20 ~
Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the organization will achieve an increase in public awareness, as a

large number of people are expected to attend. With the support of a prestigious institution, there

may be significant donations to provide financial support to invest in the further strengthening of

SGS advertising activities. At the same time, hiring volunteers will increase the dynamic

response of SGS, helping more strays. The goals of the campaign will start in May 2020 and will

be completed by the end of October 2020.

3.3 Campaign Audience Segmentation and Targeting

With the development of a communication strategy, many organizations find that they have a

broad audience with which they can interact (Hine et al., 2014). In the following sections, the

strategy will examine which types of audiences or organizations are interested in SGS activities.

Understanding the common goal will facilitate the priorities of the communication project.

3.3.1 Segmentation

In order to create a compelling communication message, the target audience must be identified.

Market segmentation describes the importance of dividing a market into specific homogeneous

groups (Dann, 2010). Target customers have different needs and preferences. Therefore, they

tend to respond differently to the communication messages they receive through marketing

actions (Najev Čačija, 2013). Segmentation should be done in such a way that the groups formed

are interested in the content offered by an organization. The four main characteristics that divide

segmentation are geographical, demographic, behavioral and psychographic.

According to the above distinction, the SGS market can be better segmented using

psychographics factors in combination with demographic and geographical variables because it

provides a more detailed characterization of the target. Therefore, the interests, needs, and

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desires of the public are associated with people who love animals and want to adopt a dog. Based

on demographic data, solar groups refer to 6-12, 12-18, 18-30, 30-55 and 55-75. Besides, the

geographical division is mainly focused on the entire prefecture of Attica and then throughout

Greece, as mentioned in the objectives of the organization.

3.3.2 Targeting

Once the target segments have been identified, the next step is to select the appropriate targeting

strategy according to the common goal to achieve the goals (Dann, 2010). Targeted marketing

will help integrate the message into the right teams. The type of marketing that is going to follow

is mass marketing or non-differentiated marketing. Mass marketing encompasses the entire

market. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the segmentation of the SGS market is based on

psychographic features; the market can be treated as a homogeneous whole. Therefore, mass

marketing wants to attract the most massive possible audience.

Besides, SGS's marketing message aims to raise awareness and adoption of its actions.

Therefore, mass marketing is the right tool to promote the body to as many people as possible.

The idea behind this choice is that the more people who are informed about SGS, the more they

can help. Everyone in their way. Help can be either adoption, volunteering or financial support.

Communication is not considered to be less personal, as evidenced by common marketing

tactics, as with the organization of the Festival, those in charge of the organization can

communicate face to face with the public. Through the Festival, different actions will be

developed that different interest parts of the market (section 2.1). At the same time, the strategy

that will follow through advertising on the radio, but also on social media can yield positive


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3.4 Main Theme and Message

The central theme of the campaign is to inform the organization about the action and to raise

public awareness about the adoption of stray dogs. The development of various advertising

actions that will be mentioned in the following paragraphs as well as in the realization of the

Festival presented in section 2.1 will help to promote the message of SGS. As mentioned in

section 3.1, the message of the campaign is “Open your home to a new best friend. Love a Greek

Stray ». The main message of the campaign will be presented on social media with the

corresponding hashtags, on radio commercials and in leaflets that will be shared during the

Festival. The message of the campaign highlights the love relationship offered through the

adoption of a stray dog and the friendship between man and animal. The campaign’s message

also includes keywords, such as love and home, aimed at creating positive public stimuli.

3.5 Value Proposition of the Campaign

The value proposition is a statement of intent that presents both a company's brand to consumers

and the company's values (Najev Čačija, 2013). The purpose of the value proposition is for the

public to understand the value they will gain by supporting it in SGS. Therefore, the value

proposition of the SGS campaign is as follows:

“Stray dogs are part of society. By supporting the work of SGS, you can help these strays to have

the care they deserve but also to get home. A home with people who love and care for them. By

choosing to adopt a Greek Stray, we save lives in a companion creature. Offering them love and

care, they offer us their company and friendship”.

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3.6 Campaign Tactics

The campaign tactic is used in the communication strategy to put pressure on campaign targets

(Andreasen, 2012). Tactics can be influenced by different factors, such as the influence of

personal individuals or the mobilization of supporters. The following paragraphs analyze some

of the tactics to be used during the SGS campaign..

3.6.1 Personal Communication and Involvement Tactics

According to previous analyzes, it is understood that the campaign of the under-examined

organization seeks to raise public awareness. The energy of the Festival aims at personal

communication with the local community. Also, the development of the campaign on social

media can be categorized as a personal communication as there will be an interaction with the

public that will be informed about the actions of the organization through social networks. It is

also reported that more and more people are spending their free time online (Dann, 2010). There

is more information in Annex 3.1.

3.6.2 Organizational Media Tactics

Organizational tactics are linked to the actions of the organization-controlled campaign (Dann,

2010). Specifically, these actions are related to publications of the organization with the help of

social media, newsletters, e-mail. As the SGS campaign aims to be as environmentally conscious

as possible, the printed material will only be minimized in brochures to be shared during the

Festival. The campaign will focus on social media strategy. Annexe 3.2 includes more


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3.6.3 News Media Tactics

The tactics of the news media refer to the presence of the campaign in traditional media, such as

television, radio and print media (Dann, 2010). One of the goals is financial support. Therefore,

the campaign has a limited budget. The main advertisement on radio stations will be used to

promote the Festival. The corresponding Media Kit will also be shared. There is more

information in Annex 3.3..

3.6.4 Public Advocacy

Public Advocacy is a common tactic often followed by public relations officials in non-profit

organizations (Andreasen, 2012). The most common tool for promoting a purpose is to help with

entertainment. SGS has, in the past, used the help of celebrities to entertain the audience at the

Festivals that organizes. Therefore, it wants to follow the same tactical campaign with celebrities

such as Eleni Foureira, Tamta and others. Among the activities that will take place at the Festival

Families & Pets, the organization will organize a concert with favorite artists.

3.7 Duration of Campaign

The duration of the campaign will be six months. Specifically, it will start from May 1, 2020, to

October 31, 2020. In the first month of the campaign, the Festival that will take place on the last

weekend of May (30 / 05-311 / 05) will be promoted. During the campaign, both her actions and

her message “Open your home to a new best friend" will be promoted. Love a Greek Stray”. The

promotion will take place simultaneously on social media and on the radio where the main

advertising media are. See Appendix 3.4 for details on the schedule.

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3.8 Budget of Campaign

The budget available for this campaign is €25,000. Appendix 3.5 outlines in detail the amounts

to be spent on the SGS campaign. Part of the campaign's aims is to raise as much capital as

possible from donations to help support the organization financially.

3.9 Monitoring and Evaluation of Campaign

In order to complete the communication strategy, evaluation and monitoring of the plan must be

developed, where the tools used will be evaluated. Monitoring is a periodically repeated process

that begins at the planning stage of a project (Andreasen, 2012). More specifically, monitoring

monitors progress concerning the plan. Also, the data obtained through monitoring are used for

evaluation. Evaluation controls, as systematically and objectively as possible, a complete project.

Evaluations control data so that those in charge can inform strategic decisions and then improve

the project in their future actions (Najev Čačija, 2013). Overall, monitoring is an integral part of

the evaluation. Therefore, information from previous monitoring procedures is used to

understand how the project was developed.

The SGS campaign will be monitored quarterly and modified accordingly by the program

coordinator. The moderator will prepare a report that includes the progress of the project.

Throughout the project, adjustments will be made according to the needs that arise. Also, at the

end of the campaign, an evaluation will be carried out in order to examine one of the goals

achieved. In order to assess the increase in the awareness of the organization's activities as well

as to raise public awareness about adoption, a survey will be conducted in early November 2020

on a random sample on main shopping streets in Athens.

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Monitoring and evaluation is the ideal tool for controlling the growth and progress of the body

concerning its goals.

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αδέσποτα στην Ελλάδα;. Retrieved 15 March 2020, from

(Pet tagging and electronic recording (microchip) Σήμανση και ηλεκτρονική καταγραφή των

ζώων συντροφιάς (microchip). (2017). Retrieved 15 March 2020, from

~ 29 ~






(Tax on those who buy pets) Φόρος σε όσους αγοράζουν κατοικίδια. (2018). Retrieved 16 March

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(Tsouhtidou, S.) Τουχτίδου, Σ. (2020). (Greece: Aim to clarify the NGO landscape) Ελλάδα:

Στόχος να ξεκαθαρίσει το τοπίο των ΜΚΟ. Retrieved 15 March 2020, from

(What happened to the NGO sterilization of strays by the Save a Greek Stray NGO in Tripoli) Τι

συνέβη με τη δράση στείρωσης των αδέσποτων από τη ΜΚΟ Save a Greek Stray στην Τρίπολη;.

(2019). Retrieved 15 March 2020, from


2nd Family & Pets Festival from Save a Greek Stray. (2019). Retrieved 14 March 2020, from

Our Actions. (2020). Retrieved 1 March 2020, from

Our Mission - Dogs' Voice. (2020). Retrieved 15 March 2020, from


~ 30 ~
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Save a Greek Stray BAZAAR @ The Mall Athens | Save A Greek Stray. (2017). Retrieved 14

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- (2018). Retrieved 14 March 2020, from


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~ 31 ~

1. Save a Greek Stray History

1.1 The Shelter

In Oropos, in a beautiful location, a new model animal shelter was created with great care and

care to stray house animals. The Shelter has its animal shelter, a fully equipped veterinary clinic,

where they receive first aid and necessary neutering and vaccination. The stray animals will

remain in the Shelter temporarily until the adoptive family is found or, if not, reintegrated into

the natural environment from which they were collected and neutered. SGS aims to develop the

Shelter into a learning centre for respect for animals and the animal world (“The Shelter”, 2020).

1.2 Offers

In total, the SGS shelter is 50 acres and offers veterinary care at its veterinary clinic. Between

2015-2017, a total of 1,004 stray animals and microchips were vaccinated. Besides, in 2017

alone, 446 stray animals were neutered, while training programs were conducted in public and

private schools. More than 100 adoptions take place each year. Finally, the non-profit

organization SGS employs seven staff and 15 volunteers (“The Shelter”, 2020).

1.3 History of Actions

2016 - Save a Greek Stray organized its first Bazaar during the winter of 2016. The team quickly

realized that in addition to the revenue they earned for Save a Greek Stray, these Bazaar’s were

the perfect tool to inform the public on the functioning and vision of the Organization (“Our

Actions”, 2020).

~ 32 ~
2018 – In March 2018, SGS approached the women of Thebes Olive Prisons to demonstrate in

practice the benefits of interacting with people and lives for the community. Two socially

marginalized groups, imprisoned and stray animals, come together, live together, train at the

same time, and seek new opportunities for the future. The program “Saved by a Greek Stray” has

been licensed by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and has been successfully

implemented since March 2018, having trained seven dogs and four prisoners (“Our Actions”,


2018 - The solution has always had only two pillars: Training and sterilization. Moving along

this line, from Monday, October 15, 2018, to Sunday, October 21, 2018, volunteers from SGS

presented the educational program “Following a four-way friend” to 1200 pupils of 11

elementary schools in West Achaia different perception and treatment of animals from the new

generation, which is their only hope for a future without abandonment and abuse, but a

harmonious coexistence of humans and animals (“Our Actions”, 2020).

During the second phase of the program were collected from SGS volunteers, in collaboration

with local animal welfare organization “Greece” 135 dogs from the industrial belt of Western

Achaia and villages of the region, which are neutered, vaccinated and marked by volunteers

Greek veterinarians who worked diligently for two days to complete such a large venture (“Our

Actions”, 2020).

2019 - Save a Greek Stray in collaboration with the Hellenic Cancer Society implements the

Therapeutic Zoo Program. The program aimed to offer smiles and moments of caring and love

for children. With its unique but powerful tool, dogs, it sought to eliminate stereotypes and help

tackle the social exclusion of children with neoplastic disease. For this reason, SGS shelter dogs

who were trained and evaluated by an approved trainer visit the Flame once a week to make

~ 33 ~
patients feel better psychologically. The sessions are interactive and fun. Children cuddle, caress

the dogs and spend a pleasant time with them. Contacting a treatment dog has many benefits. It

relaxes them, helps them cope with stressful situations and is a significant relief during a

stressful day. The ultimate goal of the program was to enhance children's self-esteem and their

daily lives. Dogs provide love and tranquillity to children, and they, in turn, receive us with joy

and eagerness (“Our Actions”, 2020).

2019 - On Saturday, October 6, 2019, the 1st SGS Family & Pets Festival was held in the Flisvos

Marina, organized by SGS in collaboration with Panik Records. From 17:00 until 20:00, the

crowd was informed about Save a Greek Stray’s action and listened to Live Music 89.2

broadcast live from the stage at Flisvou Marina. The children worked with PARTIES 2b creating

animal-shaped clay constructions, transformed themselves with face painting, became street

artists by making graffiti and made their ceramic utensils using clay. At the same time, people

had the opportunity to enjoy street food. Furthermore, there was the Save a Greek Stray bazaar,

where people contribute to Save a Greek Stray’s action (“Our Actions, 2020) with every product


2019 - 2nd SGS Family & Pets Festival. On Saturday, October 12, 2019, Marina Flisvou was

inundated with happy rocking tails, baby smiles and a multitude of people having fun. From

18:00 until 20:00, people were informed about the action of Save a Greek Stray Stray (“Our

Actions”, 2020).

2019 - With an endless love for strays - third action. The Municipality of Tripoli was the 3rd

station of the Save A Greek Stray awareness and information program “With an endless love for

strays”, which includes an educational program in elementary schools in the area, neutering,

vaccination and electronic signage of strangers in collaboration with veterinarians, volunteers

~ 34 ~
and the Tripoli Cultural Animal Care Association. With the sole purpose of making a more

beautiful “today” for stray quadrupeds, taking care of them, improving their lives and raising

public awareness about them, 2448 students were informed and trained while 164 quadrupeds

were sterilized. The program aims to take care of stray animals, improve their lifestyles and at

the same time raise public awareness of stray animals by informing them about the problems

they are facing and the solutions that can be found (“Our Actions”, 2020).

2019/2020 - Save a Greek Stray implement the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion-

approved educational program for children aged 6-11 titled “Following a Four-Year Friend: The

Pet World.” The program is aimed at 6-11-year-old students (grades A’-F’), runs every

Wednesday morning, throughout the school year, lasts 45-60 minutes, and the maximum number

of children per group is 25-30. The children participate in a series of group games and activities

conducted in the classroom by specialized representatives of the Save a Greek Stray Stray

Animal Shelter who visit the school unit. During the program, children are entertained and at the

same time informed about pets, communication with them, the right and wrong practices in

coexistence with them, responsible behaviour towards both dominant and stray animals, as well

as their care. Besides, they are aware of the aims and actions of animal welfare and shelter and

understand the concepts of animal welfare, friendship, companionship and respect for animals

(“Our Actions”, 2020).

1.4 SGS Identity

Following are some pictures that show the identity of Save a Greek Stray.

Image 1. SGS logo

~ 35 ~
Source: (“Save A Greek Stray”, 2020)

Image 2. Sterilizati on, vaccinati on and electronic marking program

Source: (“Save a Greek Stray & BP — Yannis Papanastasopoulos”, 2018)

Image 4. Save a Greek Stray bazaar

~ 36 ~
Source: (“Save a Greek Stray BAZAAR @ The Mall Athens | Save A Greek Stray”, 2017)

Image 4. SGS Family and pets festi val

Source: (“Save A Greek Stray σας προσκαλεί στην πρώτη γιορτή “SGS Family and Pets

Festival” Archives -”, 2018)

Image 5. SGS 2 n d family & pets festi val

~ 37 ~
Source: (“2nd Family & Pets Festival from Save a Greek Stray”, 2019)

1.5 Sponsors

This chapter presents the sponsors of SGS, which have occasionally provided various actions to


Panic Records

Image 6. Panic Records

~ 38 ~
Panik Records along with music radio station 89.2 partnered with SGS to launch the 2nd SGS

family & pets festival.

Image 7. Music 89.2

Black and Decker were present at the 2nd SGS family & pets festival, supporting the actions of


Image 8. Black & Decker

Image 9. Digiprint

~ 39 ~
Digiprint, along with IKEA, was the primary official sponsors of the 2nd SGS family & pets

Festival, along with Bayer Animal Health, which provided pet protection advice.

Image 10. IKEA

Image 11. Bayer Animal Health

Image 12. Mediterranean College

~ 40 ~
Mediterranean College along with Candia Strom, Tamarillo, Aroma Selena and Tag Heuer were

significant sponsors of the 1st SGS Family & Pets Festival.

Image 13. Candia Strom

Image 14. Tamarillo

~ 41 ~
Image 15. Aroma Selena

Image 16. Tag Heuer

~ 42 ~
Finally, the sponsors of the 1st SGS Family & Pets Festival were Skai, Mad, Rise TV, Music

89.2, Dromos 89.8, Proto Thema, Huffington Post, Thema 104.6, Mad Radio 106, and Viva


1.6 Competition

1.6.1 Dog’s Voice

Dogs' Voice is a non-profit organization that started operating in June 2015. It aims to highlight

the work of animal organizations active throughout Greece, to attract organized and reliable

volunteers and financial support for their activities and foremost being the digital platform for

the active promotion of stray dogs in responsible adoption (“Our Mission - Dogs' Voice”, 2020).

1.6.2 was founded in 2003 by a group of friends who met online and had a common

denominator in helping stray animals. It consists solely of unpaid volunteers, does not receive

any financial support from the State or other agencies, and is exclusively maintained by

members' contributions and donations from friends of the Association. It is a founding member

of the Panhellenic Association of Animal Husbandry, set up in 2007 and which includes and

cooperates 30 animal organizations from all over the country. It is an NGO that works as a street

activist without having its shelter or veterinary clinic (“Who We Are -”, 2020).


The FAZOO FARM or otherwise the “Stray Animal Farm” is a place where dogs and cats are

housed. Each one has its own pain story. The purpose of is to care for and protect stray

~ 43 ~
animals. Through its website, it suggests a variety of ways for everyone to choose the one who

expresses the most to participate in the stray animal endeavour (“Purpose & Vision”, 2020).

~ 44 ~
3. Campaign Tactics

3.1 Organizational Media Tactics

3.1.1 Newsletter

SGS has already created its newsletter to regularly inform its audience about events and other

news about its activities. During the campaign, it can design a Newsletter, informing the public

about the organization's new activities, such as the Festival, volunteering. The newsletter should

be simple and concise so that it is enjoyable for the reader. Body managers can send the

newsletter to an audience already in their database. This will enable the organization to increase

volunteering, donations and raising public awareness about adoption. The title of the newsletter

may be “Love a Greek Stray”, which is the second part of the campaign message. The newsletter

will then provide necessary information about the body's actions. The corresponding links will

refer the reader to the action that interests him, such as information on adoption, for voluntary


3.2 Social Media Strategy

The message of the campaign will be used in the social media strategy that the organization will

follow. SGS already has an active presence on Facebook and Instagram. Specifically, on

Instagram, it has 20.8 thousand followers and 1239 posts, while on Facebook, it has 41,323

members and has 295 posts. It is understood that the organization has a dynamic presence in the

social media it manages. Thus, the campaign can strengthen the strong presence of the

organization in a broader audience. To achieve this, it can be posted with corresponding

hashtags, such as #loveagreekstray #adoptagreekstray, #openyourhometoastray

~ 45 ~
3.2.1 Sample of SGS Social Media

~ 46 ~
~ 47 ~
During the campaign, the organization will publish a post every day on all its activities related to

the events, adoption, volunteering and work of the organization. Explicitly, SGS will be

programming one post a day on each platform (Facebook, Instagram) to stay active in the

audience but also to attract new audiences. All posts will be short in terms of text and simple in

terms of visual features (not bright colors). The goal is for the text and photos to be reader-


3.3 News Media Tactics

SGS has used communication sponsors in the past to promote activities such as the Festival,

during which it will work with them again (“Save A Greek Stray”, 2020). Two factors contribute

to this decision—first, good cooperation and second, budget constraints.

~ 48 ~
3.3.1. Radio Stations

The list of radio stations includes:

 Music 89.2

 Dromos 89.8

 Thema 104.6

 Mad Radio 106.2

3.3.2 Online News and Websites

 Proto Thema :

 Viva Wallet :

 Huffington Post :

3.3.3 Media Kit

A. Press Release

Press Release will be given to the press and will be posted on the organization's website in the

News field.

Date Line: 01.05.2020

Contact: Communication Manager,

Phone number: 2295035612, e-mail:

SGS Campaign: «Open your home to a new best friend. Love a Greek Stray».

A big celebration for stray friends is organized by Save a Greek Stray in collaboration with the

Stavros Niarchos Foundation. On Saturday 30 May and Sunday 31 May, the Stavros Niarchos
~ 49 ~
Foundation hosts the non-profit organization Save a Greek Stray, in a two-day Festival of

Celebration and Communication. We celebrate our love of pets and our support for the work of

the organization. We are informed about the work of the organization and how we can actively

contribute. At the kiosks that will be built during the Festival, guests can be informed about the

actions and work of Save a Greek Stray and how they can contribute. The Festival is designed to

include activities for young and old. Also, guests can buy handmade products from local

cooperatives as well as products for their favorite animals. A percentage of the revenue

generated by visitors' purchases will contribute to the organization's work. During the Festival,

veterinarians and dog trainers will talk about the importance of vaccinations and sterilizations, as

well as animal training. Also, well-known artists such as Eleni Foureira and Tamta will

participate in the Festival in order to entertain the visitors.

Stray animals are part of society. By supporting the work of Save A Greek Stray, we help the

strays to have the care they deserve. We offer them a house—a home with people who love and

care for them. By choosing to adopt a Greek Stray, we save lives in a companion creature.

Offering him love and care, he offers us his company and friendship.

Help a Greek Stray! Love a Greek Stray!

3.3.4 Brochure

A. Front Page

~ 50 ~
B. Backpage

~ 51 ~
3.4 Campaign Timeline


May June July August September October

Media Kit 1st of May Press Release

Festival 30-31 of May the Festival

Information Information Information Information

Newsletter to inform regarding the Information regarding
Newsletter regarding SGS regarding SGS regarding SGS regarding SGS
Festival (a)2/05 & b) 20/05) SGS actions
actions actions actions actions
1 post every day. 1/05 repost the 1 post every day, 1 post every day, 1 post every day, 1 post every day, 1 post every day,
Social Media
press release & 25/05 remind the information about SGS information about information about information about information about
Festival action SGS action SGS action SGS action SGS action
20 spot to inform audience about
Radio Spots

~ 52 ~
3.5 Budget

SGS Budget Campaign 2020

Expense Sponsorship/
Cost Source Amount Total
Description Discount

Media Kit 5.000 € N/A N/A N/A 5.000 €

Festival 15.000 € Sponsorship Various 5.000 € 10.000 €

Newsletter 2.000 € N/A N/A N/A 2.000 €

Brochures 4.000 € N/A N/A N/A 4.000 €

Social Media
(Facebook,Instagr 2.000 € N/A N/A N/A 2.000 €

Radio Spots 2.000 € N/A N/A N/A 2.000 €

Total Cost 30.000 €

5.000 €
Campaign 25.000 €

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