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MUGLA ONiVERSITESi MUGLA UNIVERSITY MUHENDISLIK FAKOLTES FACULTY OF ENGINEERING INSAAT MUHENDISLIGI BOLUMO = DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MUGLA MUGLA PRATIK CALISMA SICIL FiSi / PRACTICAL WORK RECORD rp | L OGRENCININ / STUDENT’S. _ ‘Adi Soyadh / Name Sumame Smafi/ Year Numarasi / Number Staj Kodu / Summer Practise Code FOTOGRAF/ PHOTOGRAPH L ‘Staja Baslama Tarihi | Staring Date algugs Gun / Days Worked Si Be Te Cala Gin aul Haray7 Eons Date Syl Unaended Hola tines) | ISLETME SORUMLUSUNUN DEGERLENDIRMESI/EVALUATION OF THE EMPLOYER - ‘Aldigs Now(1-10 | DUSUNCELER 7 1 Grade (1-10) | OPINIONS OGRENCININ / STUDENT ‘Teorik Bilgisi / Theoretical Knowledge Pratik Bilgisi [Practical Knowledge Verilen isi Zamanmda Yapme / Punctuality Ige ilgisi ve Becerisi / Skill and Interest in Work ‘Alet ve Teshizat Kullanma /Instrument and Equipment Usage _ - ‘Sorumiuluk Alma / Responsibility ge Deva ve Disipline Uyma / Attendance and discipline Ast ve Ustleriyle Igbirligi Yapma, Tutum ve Davranislan / Cooperation with other staff, attitude and behaviour | Girisken ve Mategebbis Olma / Enterprising ‘Cizmis Oldugu Teknik ve Detay Resim / Technical Drawing GENEL NOT TOPLAMI / OVERALL GRADE Tpjeri Sorumlusunun Adi Soyadi / Name of the Employer Basanih/ Satisfactory () Basansiz/Unsatisfactory () nvant-imzasi / Title-Signeture ‘Tarih ve Igyeri Kagesi / Date and Stamp of the Company “iki niisha olerak doldurulacak bu formun bir nishast igyerinde kalacak, ikinci nishas: GIZLI kaydi ve Bonservisi ile Mugla Oniversitesi Muhendistik Fakditesi Dekanligina ginderilecektr. * This form will be prepared in two copies. One copy will be kept in the company, and the second copy will be sent via registered mail to the Dean of Engineering Faculty of Mugla University as SECRET. Bolum Staj Komisyonu Baskam Head of the Department Summer Practise Committee Bolim Sta) Komisyonu Uyesi Bolim Staj Komisyonu Uyesi _—_Bdlim Sta] Komisyons Uyesi Dep. Sum. Prac. Com, Member Dep. Sum. Prac. Com. Member Dep. Sum. Prac. Com. Member

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