Freedom of Expression For Children

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So, as we can see everyone has freedom of expression even

the children in our society has the right to express
The convention articles that relate to this right is the
Article 12 of the (UNCRC) United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child
States Parties shall assure to the child who is
capable of forming his or her own views the right to express
those views freely in all matters
Article 13
The child shall have the right to freedom of expression;
this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers,
either orally, in writing, or in print, in the form of art, or
through any other media of the child's choice.

Every child has the right to express freely their opinion

on all the questions which concern his/her life.
So, a child should not be the victim of the pressure of an
adult, who would try to force him/her in order to influence
them in their opinion or who would prevent them from
expressing themselves freely.
The freedom of expression for the children also involves
their right to be informed.
It is the right of the children to know what happens and to
access information that interests them. Then children can
comprehend current problems, inquire and build up their
own opinion on topical subjects.
Importance of Freedom of Expression
1. Freedom of expression protects each of us from the
influence of special interests.
When people have power, then they do whatever they can
to retain it for as long as possible. That may include a
change in the government’s constitution. Having the
freedom of speech allows individuals to express criticism of
those who are in power. There is no fear of losing personal
freedom with this right because your opinion contributes to
the overall conversation.
2. Freedom of speech eliminates compelled actions.
When you have the freedom of speech, then the
government cannot compel your actions in such a way that
you are required to speak a specific message. You stay in
control of what you say and how those words are expressed
to the rest of society. Even if the government attempts to
alter your words to their advantage, you will always have
the opportunity to address the situation and correct the
“mistakes” that others create in your work.
3. Freedom of speech promotes the free exchange of
When a society operates in an area where free speech is
given to all, then there is a more significant exchange of
ideas that occurs. It becomes almost impossible for those
who are in power to suppress truths that they may not
want to let out in the open. This process allows for progress
to occur because people can learn from the experiences
and perspectives of one another without worrying about the
dogma of a “Big Brother” element in society, either
corporate or government-based.
(Big Brother is sufficient to keep the people living in a state
of fear)
4. Freedom of speech allows for peaceful changes in
We can use freedom of speech as a way to create the
potential for peaceful change. Providing facts to individuals
while sharing your opinion can persuade them to consider
your perspective, even if they do not agree with it at the
time. When this is your top priority with this right, then
you are less likely as an individual to use violence as a way
to create change.
5. Freedom of speech advances knowledge for society.
When you have a chance to ask questions or share
perspectives, then it creates more learning opportunities in
society. This right makes it easier for all individuals to
make a new discovery, suggest ideas, or exchange
information freely without worrying about potential political
consequences. Even if some of the ideas do not work after
you get to try them, the process of testing contributes to
the advancement of society as well.

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