Stereotyoes in Women Stereotypes in Men

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Gender Stereotype

Pre – Chapter Activity

Name: Illaizah T. Edicto

Section: BS NURSING - 2D

Instruction: List 10 stereotypes for each gender. Place the word inside the corresponding boxes. (10pts
for each)


1. Girls should play dolls. 1. Boys should play with trucks

2. Girls should direct to like red and pink 2. Boys should not wear dresses or clothes
3. Girls should be well behaved typically associated with girls clothes
4. Girls Should be thin and beautiful to 3. Boys are expected to act out
make them appealing to men 4. Boys are to expected to use violence and
5. Woman are often expected to be aggression to prove their man less.
accommodating and emotional 5. Man should take care of finances, work
6. Woman should do households, cook, on cars and do home repair
clean the house and take care of children 6. Man should become or expected to be a
7. Woman are expected to become a pilot, doctor, engineer.
teacher or nurse 7. Man should wear pants and has short
8. Woman should wear dress and make up hair
9. Woman are natural nurturers 8. Men are natural leaders
10. Woman should take time to take care 9. Men who are not aggressive and/or
for children and elders. assertive are unmanly and likely gay.
10. Men who spend time with family are less
masculine and poor bread winners.

Instruction: Please answer the following question in a brief and concise manner. (5pts each)

1. What does it mean to be a male or female in our society?

- Being a woman is a human, and being a human should mean you cab be however you
want to or need to be and letting others do the same. Being a woman is not depending
on man. Some woman/females/girls today are being competitive, trying so hard to be
liked by others, especially on social medias. If you do not have a slim, sexy body and
beautiful appearance you will not be appreciated. Dark/light skin, body shape and many
other things to create the perfect female image. Some woman and man are portraying
themselves in a sexual way just to be accepted, it happens in social media that put us on
today. Most people think that what goes on media is our classification as a human, as a
man and a woman. We should learn to love ourselves, appreciate our own uniqueness,
feel comfortable with our own body and enjoy our life without insecurities. Despite of
our flaws we should be contented and not compare our self to others.

2. Are the behavioral preferences of males and females based on biology or culture?
- There is an element of both biology and culture. Gender role is prescribe by society and
is cultural. Gender identity is inherent. Meaning the people just know what gender they
are. Men and woman are different. The two genders will have different experiences.
People can also be put into certain roles and behaviors according to social roles which
are taught to them/us.

3. Do out society’s attitudes and expectation hurt or help our sexual relation? Why?
- yes in our society today has a lot of negativity it can harm people. Judgements will never
vanished. Even there are some who understand and help. There are people who would
chose to harm others.

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