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Allison Malo

May 6, 2011

English 1102

Introduction Letter

Dear Ms. Coco,

Change, is a process in which we all must be encounter in college. We all have to accept that
change comes with getting older and wiser. Throughout my freshman experience, in college, I feel as I
have become a better writer. My grammar has benefited tremendously throughout this year. We were
given the opportunity to write three papers. For each paper I acquired a new trait to use when writing.

In my first paper I wrote about who was my sponsor of literacy. When writing this paper I
became better with transitions. Considering this was the first paper I wrote, in English 1102 I decided to
use your writing techniques, such as using an outline and revision. When I wrote my first draft it did not
capture the attention of the reader so I went through and revised until it was where I wanted it.

The second paper was an analysis paper. This was my most challenging paper in this class. In
high school I wasn’t ever taught how to properly write an analysis paper so this was a learning
experience for me. The peer groups really helped me become familiar with this paper. My peers gave
me a lot of beneficial information to use when writing this paper. I would use peer groups in further
classes to help benefit them.

My third paper was my pride and joy. I really enjoyed writing on this topic. It was easy for me
to write about the job crisis issue, in America, because it affects me. The information for this paper
flowed out like water. The most challenging aspect of this paper was writing the conclusion. For some
reason I could not come up with an amazing conclusion that satisfied me. If I would have had a peer
review for this paper I would have asked for feedback on the conclusion.

I feel as one of my biggest challenges was the actual class itself. Leaving high school, I was not
as confident in my writing skills. I was afraid of coming to college and getting left behind. My advice to
future 1101 and 1102 students is to just try your best and be open to learning new things. For rising
1102 students, I say you should use the resources that are given to you. Read the Backpack of Writing
and use it to your fullest advantage. I used the outline for when I needed to know how to cite in MLA.
There is a lot of useful information that can come from that book.

Both of my freshmen year English classes taught me a lot of beneficial writing skills. I learned
how to organize papers better and how to properly use grammar and punctuation. These skills are what
I feel were what I accomplished this year. Before college I never fully revised my papers. All I would do
would go through and change a few things here and there but now as I’ve grown as a writer I will go
through and completely reconstruct a paper.
Allison Malo

May 6, 2011

English 1102

Introduction Letter

I have acquired certain techniques that I will use throughout college and life. I now have a voice
in my papers. I do owe my new writing techniques to both of my freshmen English teachers. Without
being taught these things I would not of been where I am today.

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