1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Grade: Question 1: (5 Points)

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Philadelphia University Student Name:

Faculty of Engineering Student Number:


Dept. of Computer Engineering

Final Exam, First Semester: 2011/2012

Course Title: Engineering Analysis II Date: 12/1/2012

Course No: (630202) Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Lecturer: Anis Nazer No. of Pages: 7

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total

- Round ALL your calculations to 5 significant digits
- The angle for trigonometric functions is in radian

Question 1: (5 points)
Use Gaussian elimination to solve the system below:

[ ][ ] [ ]
0.2425 0 −0.9701 a 0 247
0 0.2425 −0.9701 a 1 = 248
−0.2357 −0.2357 −0.9428 a 2 239

Question 2: (7 points)
Approximate the root using:
3 2
f  x= x −6 x 11 x−4
a) Two Newton-Raphson iterations with an initial guess of x 0=0.3 (find x 1 and x 2 )
b) Two false position iteration with x l =0.3 and x u =0.6 (find x m0 , x m1 and x m2 )
c) The true value of the root is 0.478620293195432, find the absolute error in the
last iteration of parts (a) and (b), which approximation is better?

Question 3: (5 points)
Based on the following points
x 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000
f(x) 0.331 0.654 ?? 1.234 1.480
a) Use 2nd order Lagrange interpolation to approximate f(3.000)
b) If f(3.000)= 0.95885 find the relative error in your approximation in part (a)

Question 4: (6 points)
The population of a small village is recorded over a period of 20 years.

Time in years: t 0 5 10 15 20
Population: P 100 200 450 950 2000
The population grows exponentially and is given by: P t =C e
a) Use regression with data linearization to find the relation between P and t.
b) Estimate P(25) , (i.e. the population after 5 years )

Question 5: (6 points)
Consider the integral below:

∫ 13.5 dx
Approximate the integral using:
a) Composite Simpson's Rule with h = 0.5 and h = 0.25
b) Use Romberg integration to approximate the integral using a 4th order polynomial
with h = 0.25

Question 6: (6 points)
Use third order Taylor series method with a step size of 0.2 to approximate y(1.4) for
the following differential equation:

y ' =−2 y5 e−t , y 1=1

Question 7: (5 points)
Choose the correct answer in the following questions: (Answer on question sheet)

1) if the true value is 3.5994 and the approximation is 3.6000 then the approximation
is true for ________ significant digits:

a) 0 b) 1
c) 2 d) 3
e) 4

2) If [A]= [ ]
1 2
3 4
−1 =
[A ]

[ ]
1 3
2 4
[ −2 1
1.5 −0.5 ]
[ 1 0.5
0.33333 0.25 ] d)
[ −2 1.5
1 −0.5 ]
3) X 1 is an approximation to X and Y 1 is an approximation to Y . The absolute
error in X 1 is 0.002 and the relative error in Y 1 is 0.002, then

a) X1 is better than Y1
b) Y1 is better than X1
c) X1 is as good as Y1
d) we cannot compare X1 and Y1 from the given information
e) None of the above

4) 1/3 Simpson's method gives the true value of the integral ∫ f  x  dx if f  x  is

a) an exponential function
b) a trigonometric function
c) a polynomial of degree 3 or less
d) a polynomial of degree 3 or more
e) the method always gives an approximate solution

5) Method X has an error of order 2

O h  , you applied the method with h=1, the error
in your result is 0.25. What is the expected error if you apply the method with

a) 4 b) 0.25
c) 0.125 d) 0.0625
e) 0.0156

Best Wishes

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