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Structure of Illustrated Report

Structure your report as follows:

Title page
This should include the name of your Company and the product you are focusing on for the purpose
of the assignment. Include also, your wordcount.

Contents Page
Showing sections, subsections and page numbers. Also lists of any figures, tables or charts that
appear in the main body of the text or appendices.

Introduction and Background to the company and the products

A brief synopsis about your company and the portfolio of products being offered. How that portfolio
of products developed from the first period of trading up unto ‘present day’ along with brand
positioning and the market your products target.

Critical evaluation of marketing strategy

Here you will need to Focus on the company product you have chosen and the rationale behind the
strategic decisions that were made in the development and marketing of that product. Remember,
you don’t necessarily need to choose a successful product. You could equally choose an unsuccessful
product that your company developed and examined the reasons behind its failure. The important
thing is to demonstrate what you have learned, knowledge, understanding and insights that you
have achieved together with the ability to critically reflect on the decisions that you and the rest of
your group made. Where possible you should apply any appropriate advertising, branding or
marketing theory or concepts to support your discussion or analysis.

Summarise your key evaluative insights and observations

Reference List
All sources of information must be properly referenced using the Harvard system.
Not included in the word count: Appendices, References (Harvard style)

Any raw data or diagrams from the simulation that you refer to within your report.

Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria:

Outcome Distinction Merit Pass Compensatable Fail Fail


100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-35 34-0

Current theories and Evidence of outstanding Evidence of excellent Satisfactory evidence of Poor or very limited
Clear evidence of use Limited evidence of use
practices relating to comprehension of use of theories, use of theories, evidence of use of
A1 of theories, methods of theories, methods and
global advertising and theories, methods and methods and methods and theories, methods and
and techniques. techniques.
branding techniques. techniques. techniques. techniques.
Exceptional critical Advanced critical Good critical awareness
The challenges of Competent critical Lack of critical
awareness of new awareness of new of new insights and Partial critical awareness
adapting and managing awareness of new awareness of new
A2 insights and skills at the insights and skills at the skills, some of which of new insights and skills
creative strategy in insights and skills in the insights and skills in the
forefront of the forefront of the are at the forefront of in the discipline.
multidisciplinary teams discipline. discipline.
discipline. discipline. the discipline.
Clear evidence of
Apply critical reflection Evidence of advanced Evidence of consistent Satisfactory evidence of Limited evidence of Little or no evidence of
advanced ability to
and analysis in ability to critically ability to critically ability to critically ability to critically ability to critically
critically evaluate
B1 reviewing contemporary evaluate research and evaluate research and evaluate research and evaluate research and evaluate research and
research and interpret
advertising and interpret methods and interpret methods and interpret methods and interpret methods and interpret methods and
methods and techniques
marketing data techniques of enquiry. techniques of enquiry. techniques of enquiry. techniques of enquiry. techniques of enquiry.
of enquiry.
Excellent self- Good self- Adequate self- Poor or very limited
Exceptional self- Limited self-
Work effectively, management, management, management, self- management,
management, autonomy management, autonomy
C1 individually and in a autonomy and autonomy and autonomy and autonomy and
and interpersonal and interpersonal
team role interpersonal learning interpersonal learning interpersonal learning interpersonal learning
learning skills. learning skills.
skills. skills. skills. skills.
Excellent self- Good self- Adequate self- Poor or very limited
Exceptional self- Limited self-
Manage your time and management, management, management, self- management,
management, autonomy management, autonomy
C2 resources as an autonomy and autonomy and autonomy and autonomy and
and interpersonal and interpersonal
independent learner interpersonal learning interpersonal learning interpersonal learning interpersonal learning
learning skills. learning skills.
skills. skills. skills. skills.

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