Module7 (Activity 1) : What I Know Questions: What I Learned What Is Closing Entries?

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Section: BSA 1-COC-A Schedule: W/S 8am-11pm Date:

Activity 1:What I know Chart

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

A closing entries is a What is closing entries? I learned that closing
journal entry made at the entries prepare a company
end of the accounting for the next accounting
period. It involves shifting period by clearing any
data from temporary outstanding balances in
accounts on the income certain accounts that
statement to permanent should not transfer over to
accounts on the balance the next period. Closing, or
sheet. Temporary clearing the balances,
accounts include revenue, means returning the
expenses, and dividends, account to a zero balance.
and these accounts must Having a zero balance in
be closed at the end of the these accounts is
accounting year. important so a company
can compare performance
across periods, particularly
with income. It also helps
the company keep
thorough records of
account balances affecting
retained earnings.
Revenue, expense, and
dividend accounts affect
retained earnings and are
closed so they can
accumulate new balances
in the next period, which is
an application of the time
period assumption.
Performing closing entries How to perform closing I learned that In order to
involves: First, Close all entries? Close all income accounts
income accounts to to Income Summary, we
Income Summary. Second, need to debit revenue
Close all expense account and credit Income
accounts to Income Summary. Another, in
Summary. Third, Close closing all expense
Income Summary to the accounts to Income
appropriate capital Summary, we simply credit
account. Lastly, Close the expense accounts and
withdrawal account to the debit Income Summary.
appropriate capital Next, we can Close
account. Income Summary to the
appropriate capital account
by debiting income
summary and crediting
capital account. Finally, in
order for us to close
withdrawals to the
appropriate capital
account, we just need to
simply credit the drawing
account and debit the
capital account.

Closing entries transfer the When to prepare closing Aside from the fact that
balances from the entries? I’ve gained knowledge
temporary accounts to a about the purpose of
permanent or real account closing entries is to
at the end of the prepare the temporary
accounting year. accounts for the next
Temporary accounts accounting period. In other
include revenue, words, the income and
expenses, and dividends, expense accounts are
and these accounts must "restarted". After preparing
be closed at the end of the the closing entries,
accounting year. They Revenue will be zero. The
zero-out the balances of expense accounts and
temporary accounts during withdrawal account will
the current period to come now also be zero. I also
up with fresh slates for the learned why we need to
transactions in the next close the books at the end
period. As a result, the of each accounting period,
temporary accounts will closing the books at the
begin the following end of accounting period
accounting year with zero allow you to prepare
balances. financial statements that
give you a picture of your
business’s financial status.

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