Discourse and Pragmatic Processing: Introduction To Natural Language Processing (CSE 5321)

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Introduction to Natural Language Processing (CSE 5321)

Lecture 05: Discourse and Pragmatic Processing

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Adama Science and Technology University

Teshome M. Bekele

2020/21—Sem I
Concepts in Discourse Processing
Discourse Segmentation
Applications of Discourse Processing
Reference Resolution
Issues in Discourse Modeling

Concepts in Discourse Processing

• Discourse deals with the properties of the text as a whole that convey meaning by
making connections between component sentences.

• Much of language interpretation is dependent on the preceding discourse/dialogue.

• Discourse imposes meaning and structure on individual sentences (or utterances) that
go well beyond the compositional meaning of sentences in isolation.

• For example:

 The meaning of a text is entirely different when we reorder the sentences.

 A sentence in isolation is frequently ambiguous, whereas a sentence in a
naturalistic discourse context is rarely ambiguous.
• Important issues that are concerned with discourse processing are context, cohesion,
coherence, and rhetorical structure.

• The most common methods applied for discourse processing are discourse
segmentation and reference resolution.

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Concepts in Discourse Processing
Discourse Segmentation
Applications of Discourse Processing
Reference Resolution
Issues in Discourse Modeling

Applications of Discourse Processing

• Discourse processing is required, among others, for:

 Natural language understanding

 Text summarization
 Machine translation

 Natural language generation

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Concepts in Discourse Processing
Discourse Segmentation
Applications of Discourse Processing
Reference Resolution
Issues in Discourse Modeling

Issues in Discourse Modeling: Context and Cohesion

• Context includes the participants in:

 the acts of communication (speaker, listener, overhearer, reader, writer,
narrator, narratee);

 the communication setting and goals, the pragmatic ground-rules;

 the subject matter knowledge; and

 a host of other components that situate the discourse event.

• Cohesion refers to the linguistic elements or features that signal how to connect
constituents, such as:

 connectives (and, in order to, although, etc.);


 verb tense; and

 syntactic markers.

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Concepts in Discourse Processing
Discourse Segmentation
Applications of Discourse Processing
Reference Resolution
Issues in Discourse Modeling

Issues in Discourse Modeling: Coherence

• Coherence refers to the linguistic conceptual knowledge that inter-relates constituents

in the discourse, such as time, space, causality, goals, and agency.

• Coherence is a property of well-written texts that makes them easier to read and
understand than a sequence of randomly strung sentences.

• Coherence relations

 Result: S0 causes S1
 Abebe was sleepy. He went to the coffee shop.
 Explanation: S1 causes S0.
 Abebe went to the coffee shop. He was sleepy.
 Parallel: S0 and S1 are parallel.
 Abebe drinks coffee. Almaz drinks tea.
 Elaboration: S1 is an elaboration of S0.
 Abebe likes coffee. He drinks it every day.
 Contrast: S1 contrasts S0
 Abebe likes coffee. Almaz hates it.

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Concepts in Discourse Processing
Discourse Segmentation
Applications of Discourse Processing
Reference Resolution
Issues in Discourse Modeling

Issues in Discourse Modeling: Rhetorical Structure

• Rhetorical Structure specifies the global organization of discourse, such as:

 setting + plot + moral;

 problem + solution;
 compare / contrast;

 claim + evidence;

 question + answer; and

 argue + counter-argue.
• Rhetorical Structure aims to describe “building blocks” of text structure.

 Nucleus (central segment of text) vs. satellites (peripheral segments of text)

 Binary relations between discourse units

• Compositionality principle defines how to build a tree from binary relations.

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Concepts in Discourse Processing
Discourse Segmentation
Applications of Discourse Processing
Reference Resolution
Issues in Discourse Modeling

Issues in Discourse Modeling: Rhetorical Structure

[No matter how much one wants to stay a non-smoker, A] [the truth is that the pressure
to smoke in junior high is greater than it will be any other time of one’s life B]. [We know
that 3,000 teens start smoking each day C] [although it is a fact that 90% of them once
thought that smoking was something that they’ll never do. D]

Binary relations Tree built from binary relations






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Discourse Segmentation Discourse Segments
Reference Resolution Building Discourse Structure

Discourse Segments

• Discourse Segmentation refers to the task of determining the positions at which topics
change in a stream of text or speech.

• Utterances form discourse segment, and a discourse is made up of embedded

discourse segments.

• Discourse structure:

 Discourse can be partitioned into segments, which can be connected in a

limited number of ways.
 Speakers use linguistic devices to make this structure explicit (e.g.,
cue phrases, intonation, gesture, etc.).

 Listeners comprehend discourse by recognizing this structure.

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Discourse Segmentation Discourse Segments
Reference Resolution Building Discourse Structure

Building Discourse Structure

• Building discourse structure involves the following tasks.

 Identify discourse segment boundaries.

 What exactly is a discourse segment?

 Any evidence that humans naturally recognize segment

 Do humans agree on segment boundaries?

 How to find the boundaries automatically?
 Determine relations between segments.

 Determine intentions of the segments.

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Anaphora and Coreference Resolutions
Discourse Segmentation
Types of Referential Expressions
Reference Resolution
Syntactic and Semantic Constraints

Anaphora and Coreference Resolutions

• References in a given text can be anaphoric or coreferential noun phrases.

• The task of reference resolution is to determine which noun phrases refer to each real-
world entity mentioned in the text.

• Anaphora:

 An expression α1 is in an anaphoric relation with expression α2 if and only if

the interpretation of α1 depends on α2.

 The relation holds within a text.

• Coreference:

 Two expressions α1 and α2 are coreferent if and only if

Referent (α1) = Referent (α2).

 The expressions can be in the same text or different texts, in the same
language or different language.

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Anaphora and Coreference Resolutions
Discourse Segmentation
Types of Referential Expressions
Reference Resolution
Syntactic and Semantic Constraints

Anaphora and Coreference Resolutions

• Some expressions are both coreferential and anaphoric.

A bus had to divert to the local hospital when one of the
passengers had a heart attack. It got to the hospital in time
and the man’s life was saved.

Coreferential: {the local hospital, the hospital} , {bus, it},

{one of the passengers, the man}

Anaphoric: {it}

• Some expressions are coreferential but not anaphoric.

Captain Abebe was a good seaman, worthy of the frigate he

commanded. His vessel and he were one. He was the soul of it.

Coreferential: {the frigate, his vessel, it}

Anaphoric: {his vessel, it, he}

• We can see that coreference resolution is a harder task than anaphora resolution.

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Anaphora and Coreference Resolutions
Discourse Segmentation
Types of Referential Expressions
Reference Resolution
Syntactic and Semantic Constraints

Types of Referential Expressions

• Pronouns
Abebe went to Kebede’s party, and parked next to a Toyota car. He went inside
and talked to Kebede for more than an hour. Kebede told him that he recently got
engaged. He also said that he bought it yesterday.

• Nouns
 Indefinite Noun Phrases:
I saw a Toyota car today. Some Toyota cars were being unloaded. I saw
this awesome Toyota car today.
 Definite Noun Phrases:
I saw a Toyota car today. The car was white and needed to be washed.
• Demonstratives (this, that): capture spatial proximity.
I like this house, better than that.

• “One” Anaphora: evokes a new entity into the discourse whose description is
dependent of this new entity.
I saw no less than 6 Toyota cars today. Now I want one.

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Anaphora and Coreference Resolutions
Discourse Segmentation
Types of Referential Expressions
Reference Resolution
Syntactic and Semantic Constraints

Types of Referential Expressions

Preferences in Pronoun Interpretation

• Recency: Entities introduced in recent utterances are more salient than those
introduced further back.

Abebe has a Toyota car. Kebede has a BMW. Aster likes to drive it.

• Repeated mention: Entities that have been focused on in the prior discourse are more
likely to continue to be focused on in subsequent discourse.

Abebe needed a car to get his new job. He decided that he wanted something
sporty. Kebede went to the Toyota dealership with him. He bought a Corolla.

• Grammatical role: Hierarchy of candidate entities based on their grammatical role.

Abebe went to the Toyota dealership with Kebede. He bought a Corolla.
Kebede went to the Toyota dealership with Abebe. He bought a Hilux.

• Parallelism:

Aster went with Almaz to the Toyota dealership. Abebe went with her to the
Mazda dealership.

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Anaphora and Coreference Resolutions
Discourse Segmentation
Types of Referential Expressions
Reference Resolution
Syntactic and Semantic Constraints

Syntactic and Semantic Constraints

Syntactic Constraints
• Number Agreement
Abebe has a new car. It is red.
Abebe has three new cars. They are red.

• Person and Case Agreement

Abebe and Almaz have cars. We love them.
You and I have cars. We love them.

• Gender Agreement

Abebe has a car. It is attractive.

• Syntactic Agreement
* Abebe bought himself a new car.
Abebe bought him a new car.

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Anaphora and Coreference Resolutions
Discourse Segmentation
Types of Referential Expressions
Reference Resolution
Syntactic and Semantic Constraints

Syntactic and Semantic Constraints

Semantic Constraints
• Selectional restrictions of the verb on its arguments

Abebe parked his car in the garage. He had driven it around for hours.

Abebe parked his car in the garage. It is incredibly messy, with old bike and car
parts lying around everywhere.

I bought a bottle of wine, sat down on a stone, and drank it.

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Discourse Segmentation Pragmatic Processing
Reference Resolution Approaches to Pragmatic Processing

Pragmatic Processing

• Pragmatics is the study of how linguistic properties and contextual factors interact in
the interpretation of utterances, enabling hearers to bridge the gap between sentence
meaning and speaker’s meaning.

• The study of pragmatics comprises interactions between

 entities on different levels of the linguistic structure; and

 the linguistic and the non-linguistic reality.

• Classical works on pragmatics indentify problems as:

 What entities does a given message refer to (discourse referents)?

 What background knowledge is needed to understand a given message?

 How do the beliefs of speaker and hearer interact in the interpretation of a
 What is a relevant answer to a given question?

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Discourse Segmentation Pragmatic Processing
Reference Resolution Approaches to Pragmatic Processing

Approaches to Pragmatic Processing

• Problem solutions focus on:

 General vs. domain-specific resources and algorithms

 User models (beliefs, attitudes, etc.).

 The interplay between prosody, syntax, and semantics.

 For example, identification of discourse referents in spoken language

requires interplay between phonetic/phonological, morphological,
syntactic, and semantic factors as well as the use of extra linguistic

 New means of communication, new types of discourse.

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TOC: Course Syllabus

Previous: Semantic Analysis

Current: Discourse and Pragmatic Processing

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