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Manage up grace: case

Submitted to: Sir Naveed Anwar
Submitted by : Gori lohana
Subject: Conflict resolution

Ans: Grace should understand that she is being aggressive while handling the situation and there
is lack of communication and understanding between grace and landon. While grace is good in
her work but she is being overconfident about herself and she still needs experience to take up
bigger tasks. Grace needs to understand that following the protocol of organization is necessary
rather than emailing bill the VP directly.


Ans: Grace needs to understand that landon has always been helpful for her from the starting of
her job and he have personally solved her problems when she had done mistakes and if landon is
rejecting her ideas there must be a strong reason for that. Grace needs to understand the position
of landon and that he is only doing his job and there is nothing personal in rejecting her idea.


Ans: Grace should not email bill because it can cause issues between her and landon, also it can
affect their relationship negatively. Grace doesn’t know the response of bill so sending email
could be risky for her and can affect her job as well. If the email is sent bill can question the
effectiveness and management of landon and it can result in bad impression of landon on bill.


Ans: Grace should follow the protocol of organization and wait for another meeting with landon
to discuss her career and personal goals rather than making hasty decisions without considering
consequences. Grace needs to act rationally not emotionally and she should stop thinking
negatively about landon not letting her grow. She needs to learn how to react to the situations
and for that she needs to learn more to have experience. Lastly grace can use landon to grow in
the organization by helping him in getting the tasks done more effectively.

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