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Appraisal System

Name Department
Designation Date of Joining
Date of Regularization of Appointment Appraisal Gradation Scale
A+ - Excellent A - Very Good B - Good
C - Average D - Poor
Apprised Grade by Apprised Grade by Project /
Mentor Department Head

Absorption of Knowledge of Department/Project Work

Ability to Propose New Ideas, Method, Procedure
Ability to Take Up Responsibilty
Regularrity/Punctuality and Discipline
Work Planning & Goal Orientation
Ability to Communicate Effectively
Knowledge and Skill
Assessing Authorities Name Designation Signature


Project Head /
Department Head

Project Coordination
Department Head

Overall Grade by Project Coordinator A+ A B C D

Date…………………. Name and Signature of Branch Head


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Performance Appraisal System

 Confidential Report(CR) is prepared for Railway employees in Group A, B, C at the end of each Financial
 It is written by immediate superior who must take into account performance of concerned railway staff
over the period.
 Senior subordinates and officers to be given targets in advance and work is to be reviewed periodically.
 At the end of year Railway employee gives self-assessment along with resume of work done and
reasons for shortfalls.
 Reporting officer must fill up each column and make overall assessment based on assessment in each
column based on actual performance and matters on record.
 Form covers general qualities, professional abilities, integrity, intelligence, tact, industry, keenness,
attitude to SC/ST, to superiors, equals and subordinates, general conduct and character, sociability,
aptitudes and shortcomings etc.
 Whenever an entry is based on actual incident it should be indicated. Resume given by the employee
should also be considered.
 Reporting officer will submit report to Reviewing officer who may make his own assessment and
record changes if necessary. Report is finally put up to accepting authority.
 Adverse entries in the CR should be communicated to the employee concerned and his representation
if any in this regard shall be considered by the accepting authority who will pass a speaking order if
representation is to be rejected. If accepted adverse remarks shall be expunged.
 CR should be written with utmost circumspection, caution and care.
 CR is in two parts.
 Entries in part II are not communicated.
 Self-appraisal should be filled in by staff in GP 4200 and above who are likely to be considered for
Group B posts.


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General Appraisal System

The appraisal of an employee in a company in general has these basic steps:

 The appraisee sets his/her targets and self-assesses on how his performance is.
 The Appraiser marks the appraisee on certain qualities/factors.
 A reviewer(or two) reviews the gradation and gives an overall feedback.
 The appraisee may ask for a re-assessment if he/she is not happy with the gradation.
 The appraisal is then reviewed again.

As an intern, I hereby suggest a few updates in the appraisal system to keep the employees motivated,
instead of getting into a mundane routine
1. Companies generally keep their appraisal cycle as one year. This results in a tendency that the
employees work very hard only for the last few months to get a good appraisal report. To avoid
this, we may divide the appraisal cycle on monthly basis. This would mean smaller targets, and
faster returns.
For example, if an employee is supposed to get an increment of Rs.6000 in a year, the company
may break the amount into 12 parts (for each month). In this case, the employee will have
short-term goals, and would get Rs.500 for achieving a target in a month.
This would keep the employees motivated and give dedicated employees an edge over others.

2. For product based companies, the appraisal system of a particular department may be
dependent on the review of the customers on the product.
For example, for SERVO, which is a product of IOCL, if a considerable number of customers give
a feedback that they have faced a problem regarding leaking of oil, this should affect the
appraisals of the “Packaging Department”. On the other hand, suppose a group of people
complain/praise about the quality of the grease, that should affect the appraisal of the
department which converts the Crude oil into Grease.
This would be a Customer-Based Appraisal, ensuring an improvement in the quality of the
product that reaches the customers.


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